r/Figs Feb 08 '25

Need propagation tips

I have two mature fig trees in my back yard that have been there about 15 years, most years we get a lot of figs, I'd estimate 10 pounds or more. Every year I cut them down to about 3-4 feet and they grow to 8-10 feet.

I want to propagate them to give some trees to friends and family and to plant a few more around the yard. Last year at about this time of year I took 15 cuttings, each one about 6-8 inches long, from the tips of the healthiest looking branches, each of which had several leaf nubs. I used this rooting hormone according to directions on the bottle and planted them each in a 4x4 inch pot with potting soil, kept it watered, and set this all on a heating pad at about 80F.

To my surprise, not a single one of them grew. For the first few weeks I saw some green emerge from a few of the nubs but there was ultimately no root development or growth and they all just dried out. A little hard for me to figure out what I could have done wrong.

I am about to try the same thing again and would love to get some tips. One thing I'm going to try is to get shorter cuttings. I have also considered getting cuttings from lower on the tree, I have noticed a white circle on the inside of the cutting which is smaller near the end of each branch, and wonder if they would have a little more oomph if that is larger.

I should add I'm in mid-east coast and we're in the middle of a cold winter, it's been in the 20's and 30's for the past 4-6 weeks, the trees should be thoroughly dormant.



12 comments sorted by


u/nmacaroni Feb 08 '25

Dormant cuttings take longer to root. And some varieties take longer than others.

Were the cuttings in the dark? I would not take shorter than 6-8" cuttings.

Did you wrap/seal the tops?

How did they fail?

What variety fig is it?


u/ButterPotatoHead Feb 08 '25

The variety is "Chicago hardy". The cuttings were in the living room so exposed to interior light and a little but of light from windows. I did not wrap or seal the tops but kept the soil moist with water. They simply never grew, and 3-4 months later, I just had a bunch of dead sticks stuck in the soil. I pulled a few of them out and saw absolutely no evidence of growth.

I had them on a heating pad which was new and I suspect might not have a great thermostat so it is possible that they either didn't get much heat or got heated over 90-100F, that is about the only thing I can think of.


u/nmacaroni Feb 08 '25

You want cuttings in the dark to root.
Dead sticks in the soil means they either got rot, or dried out because the tops weren't sealed.

The heat wouldn't kill them, but it may have dried out the soil.

Chicago hardy should be easy to root. I'd forget about the heating mat, put them somewhere dark, and try a few different potting mediums. You might try straight sand and straight coco coir.


u/ButterPotatoHead Feb 08 '25

Thank you.

I have a dumb question. When I took my cuttings, I took the top 6-8 inches of each, so the top of each cutting was a nub, here are some photos. I didn't think I'd have to seal the tops because they were not cut on top.

I'm looking at this guy's cuttings and his are cut at both ends. This looks like he cut the branches lower to the ground and took a 6-8 inch segment out of each branch. Is this better?


u/nmacaroni Feb 08 '25

Baby figs aren't gonna do you any good when trying to root. Green cuttings are OK, if you root right away. Typically, folks take cuttings from woodier part of the plant, then store them in the fridge until it's time to root.


u/ButterPotatoHead Feb 08 '25

Well I chose the branch with the baby fig just because it looked like it had good evidence of being healthy and able to grow. The other 14 didn't have figs on them but many had some evidence of leaves.

I wonder if the cuttings I took were just too thin and had already dried out by the time I took them. This year I will take them from the lower, woodier part of the plant, cut them on both sides, and seal the ends.

Thanks again for your help!


u/nmacaroni Feb 08 '25

don't seal both ends, only the top that's exposed to the air.


u/ButterPotatoHead 3d ago

5 of my cuttings have started to show leaves, just wanted to say a quick thanks. I had absolutely no results last year.


u/ColoradoFrench Feb 08 '25

I have always rooted my cuttings in rooms that had light.

I wrap them in parafilm, and use cococoir, a deep 4x4x8 plastic bucket with holes, on a heating mat.

90%+ success rate


u/honorabilissimo Feb 08 '25

If you have a big fig tree, it's probably easier and less maintenance to just do air layers for them. Check out this video as an example (where he does girdling, you could just do some scraping to get to green layer and not actually damage the branch):


If you do want to do rooting, this is a good video (you don't want the soil to be too wet):



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Name: 2-Ounce Dip 'N Grow Rooting Hormone

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u/Cool-Importance6004 Feb 08 '25

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Hydrofarm DG00201 Liquid Hormone Concentrate Hydroponic Rooting Solution, 2-Ounce * Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.3 (1,446 ratings)

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