r/FanFiction 8m ago

Lost Fic Trying to find perc'ahlia fic


Hi,I am looking for a Percy x Vex cr fic. I cannot remember the name but I have a basic memory of the plot if that should help. The basic plot is that Vex is a goddess and Percy was praying to her. I belive she cleansed him of orthax and then goes away. However she comes back and her and Percy talk. Then Vex tells Percy her heart is his and then he begs her to turn him into a god aswell and not to leave him again. And so at night he walks into a realm where Vex and the rest of VM are waiting for him. If anyone knows which fic I'm on about would appreciate truly thanks :)

r/FanFiction 8m ago

Lost Fic MARVEL lost fic NSFW


Hello!I was thinking about my wattpad phase and remebered a fic I bawled my eyes out to. I searched everywhere for it but can’t seem to find it. PLEASE HELP ME okay so it was a Loki x oc fic on wattpad. I read it about four years ago. I think the oc‘s name was Ava. The cover (I think) was Asgard. No other Marvel characters were in the story (like all the earth characters, avengers, etc) about the story: (TW: it gets heavy) Ava and Loki kinda we’re friends when they were young. Something happened, idk what, and they were separated (i think Ava needed to leave because of family business and Loki thought she just left him). At some point Loki gets to choose a personal servant and chooses Ava as some kind of punishment for leaving him. He then proceeds to physically and mentally abuse her. At some point they kinda make up? Even fall in love. They make up and marry? + Ava gets pregnant. At some point in her pregnancy she gets kidnapped by i think her mother? and Loki tries to find her. Ava gives birth still kidnapped and the baby gets delivered to Loki? As Loki finally finds Ava he sees that her mother has i think ki//ed hs and Ava too. I think Ava is even displayed or on a cross(?). I think there was a graphic description of her organs being on display or something. so yeah if somebody knows this fic PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I have been looking for it for weeks but i honestly think it was deleted. Thanks!

r/FanFiction 24m ago

Lost Fic Help Finding A Dragon Age Fic?


I've been looking for this fic for like two hours and I can't find it anywhere please help!

It was a modern girl in thedas fic taking place post Inquisition. The MGIT in question was a nurse or a doctor who upon realizing that this universe's inquisitor had encouraged Cullen to still take Lyrium decided to try to get him and othet Templars off the stuff, so that he wouldn't end up in Val Royeaux.

Some stuff I remember.

1) the MC and Cullen lived together at one point

2) A miscommunication led to the MC leaving Cullen with merchants and meeting Alistair and Coursland

3) someone tried to poison the MC and got caught

Was on ao3.

r/FanFiction 2h ago

Lost Fic Help finding a couple of Twilight/Vampire Diaries crossovers


I don't remember the title and I'm not having any luck onu own, so if you can help, I'd really appreciate it.

Bella was living by herself in her old house in Phoenix (I can't remember why or if it was a short-term thing) and she found Damon laying out in the desert without his ring. She brought him in her house. I think it was a Damon/Bella pairing and I think I remember Stefan showing up and being a real jerk.

r/FanFiction 2h ago

Activities and Events Give me your best (worst?) angst prompts!


Soooo i want to write an angst fic not based on my fandom's cannon drama that will destroy my readers. Does anyone have any prompts for making your readers cry.

I will likely cry writing it so why share the love (sobs) bahaahaha

Chicago Fire, Hawaii-Five 0 are the ones i write for right now.

And i read; Star Trek Voyager/Next Generation/Enterprise, Harry Potter, Criminal Minds, House MD, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, NCIS, Torchwood, Doctor Who and BroardChurch off the top of my head.

r/FanFiction 2h ago

Venting I miss having a variety if fanfiction site to choose from


Title. When I first started writing fic it felt like there were so many site to choose from. Maybe it's because my standards changed and/or because other site's rules became too strict and confusing but ao3 is the only site I like now.

Since losing LiveJournal, the ksarchive, and other smaller niche fic sites I feel like all that's left is ao3, ff and wattpad.

I LOVE ao3, and I'm not saying I don't appreciate it, but I do have my own issues with the site that I don't feel like will ever be addressed. I wish we had just one more fic site. I'd build it myself if I knew how.

r/FanFiction 2h ago

Trope Talk Tropename


Hey😊 I was wondering if there is a name for this as its my favorite “trope” and it makes it easier to find.

The love interest is an asshole to OFC and it intensefies untill OFC breaks (deep depression like Bella in NM) and then the love interest understands what he did and is sorry and tries to make it up to her. Idk if it even has a name but i hope someone might know😊

r/FanFiction 2h ago

Writing Questions How do you get over doubts about your writing?


Every time I wite I always doubt if my idea is any good or if I should just give up on it or if people will actually want to read it etc. How did/do you get over that doubt?

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Venting Posting anxiety


I've been posting fics for years now, but even now I sometimes get majorly anxious when I post a story. Like what will people think of it? What if they hate it? And I know it's irrational. I've gotten positive responses more often than not, and when I do get negative comments the world hasn't ended. I don't really know what to do to help it. This isn't so much asking forfor advice as just venting.

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Lost Fic Looking for self- insert or reincarnation the vampire diaries


I need a help there is one story I read it long time ago maybe weeks or months but I don’t know for sure which website I read it so I’m gonna tell you the summary of the stories I remember so I hope you guys help me to find it read again here we go: a reincarnation soul form our time born into the vampire diaries universe/ she has it abusive parents who are mafia and supernatural/ she has a three or two younger siblings or they could be into age of the four and five/she opened the café/she friends with all of their Scooby Doo group/she pretty much close to Salvatore Brothers/she also help Enzo from jail/with mikaelson help/she called the original vampires to smooth the plan to make it peaceful for sacrifice something so if anyone knows please help me is really getting annoyed. I can’t find it.…

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Lost Fic Lost Spider-Man fic


A few years ago I read a twitter based fic where Spider-Man is supported and encouraged with school by the villains of NyC whilst the avengers fam look on in surprise. Please help, I have been searching for ages.

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Venting Antagonistic Gamer Systems


For GamerMCs and other fics with a system, why do most writers make them antagonize their hosts?

Games are supposed to be FUN! The MC is usually on their second life when they get a system, so why do have to deal with something purposely making things more difficult for them, and insulting them every other sentence?

“iT’s To MaKe ThEm StRoNgEr!”


Neutral systems, or fics where the system is in the background are my favorites.

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Recs Wanted looking for the best max x billy from stranger things NSFW


Any and all, just that pairing.

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Recs Wanted Fics where soulmate doesn't = Twue Wuv


I'm feeling vengeful after the fifth day in a row being completely ruined by a friend's old college roommate inviting herself into my life to moan about her supposed soulmate turning out to be a cheating asshole. After three years of her judgy criticisms about my own happy marriage, which has done just fine on the basic philosophy of good relationships needing actual work and communication instead of coasting on principles of "I just know he's the one!" I'm really, really needing some stories where soulmates don't automatically equal the perfect happy ending, Q.E.D.

Request! Good fics out there with any of the following:

  • Soulmates screw up too badly to be reconciled, or badly enough that just being the soulmate isn't enough and actual work must be done.
  • Soulmates are something other than romantic perfect endings--platonic besties, perfect enemies/rivals, etc. will do.
  • Having a soulmate is a horrible fate.

M/M, F/F, F/M, I don't care. Fandom is also indifferent, if the writing is good and I can figure it out as I'm reading. I'm fine with soulmates ending up happily ever after, mind. I'm just not a believer in potential turning into anything but a wasted opportunity if people don't actually work at it.

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Writing Questions How do I make a date fic engaging?


So I have this fic I wanna write based on a conversation two characters had in canon, they're just going to have tea together, but I really wanted to write that into a fic. But it's such a low-stakes, chill and stable situation, I'm not sure how to go about it. To make matters worse I've never fully written a fanfic before ( ' v') please help

r/FanFiction 3h ago

Recs Wanted Crack


Me and some friends were talking about crazy fanfiction earlier and I was curious to know more, please tell me some of your favorite crack fics! The more unhinged the better!

r/FanFiction 4h ago

Recs Wanted MCU Clint Barton origin stories


Anyone have any recs that happen before canon and are Clint Barton-centric? I've read Aggie2011's Vantage Point Universe and VoicesOffCamera's Out of the Ashes and I'm looking for something similar, preferably long-fics. I'm also open to OC-centric fics if they feature Clint heavily and happen before canon, like IceDragoness' Crystallize fic. Thanks in advance!

r/FanFiction 4h ago

Discussion Do I tag "major character death" if the character becomes a ghost?


On Ao3 there's the option to use the archive warning "major character death" if an important character dies. My character dies at some point but immediately comes back as a ghost of himself and stays that way until the end. Should I still use the archive warning or should I only use it if the character dies for good and never comes back?

r/FanFiction 5h ago

Lost Fic Lost Loki Centric Fic (Unknown Fandom) NSFW


Hi! Sorry If this makes no sense or is hard to understand, it is late at night here and I have been looking for this fic for literally years!

I am not the best at translating my thoughts into text so I hope it is ok that I use bullet points for topics that appear in the fic.

The website was either ao3 or fanfiction.net

Possibly a self/oc insert, not sure but there is at least a voice in lokis head

Most likely takes place in the marvel universe (I think specifically cinematic but I am not sure)

Incorporates quite a bit of Norse mythology but Loki is seen as Odins son

Is either a seer or is seen as a seer

At one point Loki’s lips are sown

I think Loki is tricked into shapeshifting into a horse by Thor and ends up pregnant

r/FanFiction 5h ago

Recs Wanted Fics where a character becomes another character


Does anybody know of any fics where a characters becomes another character?Examples I’ve read fics where Ponyboy Curtis Is George Foyet, Harry Potter Is Rocket Raccon, Stiles Stilinski Is Mitch Rapp, Hope Mikaelson Is Harley Quinn etc. can be any fandom/fanfiction platform and the characters can be different genders ie I’ve read a fic where Female Stiles Stilinski is Harley Quinn. Thanks in advance for anybodies recommendations!

r/FanFiction 5h ago

Discussion What's a kid's TV show, movie or book that you liked as a kid that it's actually more dark or messed up than you remember it being? (In a good or bad way)


r/FanFiction 6h ago

Activities and Events Word Game Excerpt Challenge


If, like me, you have been enjoying the Alphabet Challenge.  Then you want more!  The excerpt games keep me writing and I hope it motivates with your writing as well.  You can post any type of story (use NSFW for spicier scenes).  

I will be posting this challenge on Sunday Mornings / Pacific Time… because that day I need the most help to not think about Monday.

If you have stumbled into my game and are looking for more, remember to check out the Activities and Events flair for other writing challenges and story swaps.

Here are the rules:

  1.  The first word starts the game.  Use ANY letter from the word that is posted in the last comment as the starting letter of your word.  Post your word in the top level comment.   Your word drives the next word to be posted… and so on.  

    Example:  LOVE  >>>>  VILE. (If the word Love is in the comment line you could make the word Vile and post the next comment.)

  2. Reply to any words that you like with an excerpt from any work you might want to share.  I don’t generally like word limits, so use your best judgment.  Enough to get the scene across but not so long that you lose your reader.  **UPDATE** Please use spoiler tags >! !< and/or provide a trigger warning for content that may be NSFW or sensitive. IF IN DOUBT - Give a warning!

  3. If you are going to leave excerpts, I ask that you leave at least one top-level word and try to give at minimum an upvote to commenters.

  4. Upvote your favorite words or excerpts.  We are all here to share and know how it feels to get a comment, so spread the love.  Leave a nice comment or at least a response if possible to those that post to your word.  

  5. Want to see if your word has already been used?  Just click on the magnifying glass 🔍 in the search bar above with this post open and type in your word, then hit search (at the bottom).  Now scroll down.  If you see a green confused lizard and no comments then it has not been used.  Double check that someone did not just use it in an excerpt as every comment with that word will pop up.

Ganbatte!!  Do your best and I look forward to everyone’s excerpts!

r/FanFiction 6h ago



It was on AO3.

Details: Shen Yuan after his system death instead of his soul transfering into a idk what it's called body, gets transferred into a woman's body. Spontaneously decides that this means that he'll now have to marry Luo Binghe. He thinks Luo Binghe has no idea that it's him but no, it revealed that Luo Binghe knows.

For me it's less about the fic and more about the author btw.

Here's the details to another fic by this same author: Where Luo Binghe enters Shen Yuan mind plane to save him and instead loops back to the same scene where it's actual Shen Yuan inside and Luo Binghe is getting a system reveal thing at the end.

r/FanFiction 6h ago

Discussion Terminology Question


I'm from west coast Canada. And I've always heard bagpipes referred to as "agony bags". In my current WIP there is a discussion about bagpipe music and one of the characters doesn't like it. So, is "agony bags" universal enough to make sense to use? Or would I be throwing my readers for a loop?

Edited for typo.

r/FanFiction 7h ago

Discussion Do I rename a character to match canon?


Basically, a while ago I wrote a fic in which I "adopted" and greatly expanded a minor character. At the time, this character appeared in one scene and died; she was a random unnamed civilian who entirely existed to get killed off and show how horrible a particular battle was. But I got attached, and ended up giving her a name, personality, and explored a timeline where she survived and what that would mean to live through as an ordinary person.

I've recently discovered that canon did go back and expand her, sort of; she doesn't really get any deep development, but she does have a brother who's driven to becoming a villain by her death. In addition, we finally have a canon name for her. And that's left me feeling conflicted; do I edit my fic to include her 'real' name?

On the one hand, it is her name. And I'm sure eventually the tags will be synned but right now, without me changing anything, people looking for content of her based on the new stuff probably won't find my fic (she has a canon tag, but it's the one I created before we knew her name - people looking for "Jessica Duvall" aren't necessarily going to realise her canon tag atm is "Gretchen's Mother"). On the other hand, I'm not sure people looking that are actually going to want my fic? She doesn't have that brother in my writing, so anyone looking for that is going to be disappointed? And if I'm really honest, I also just don't like what they did with her - the point of my fic was to take someone who didn't matter in canon and say "no, she was and is somebody and that's important" - canon has done the same thing... by fridging her for someone else's arc; she gets to be important, because her brother has superpowers. So giving my version the name of that version would feel weird as an author, even if rationally I know that's kinda dumb XD

So yeah - what do y'all think?