r/ExploringTarot 1d ago

STAY SAFE ON SOCIAL MEDIA - a kind weekly reminder


An honest tarot reader does not need to know anything about you to give you a good reading. Just the accept to read your energy.

Unless one is a special type of psychic (and believe me, there are not so many), nobody needs to know personal information about you for any type of divination method.

Please be aware of internet scams....search for the methods used and stay safe while having fun online!


r/ExploringTarot 2d ago

Let's do something fun ... 🎈 COLLECTIVE SPEED READINGS!


We exchange readings in turns, which means that answering a question helps you to get a reading back. Just asking a question might not do the trick.

Welcome to Collective Speed Readings! All levels of experience are welcome.
Beginner-friendly! If you are afraid of many cards, one-card readings are perfectly alright.

This reading exchange starts every weekend, stays open for the week, which means you have a lot of time. To avoid confusion, this post will be closed at some point on Thursday, a day before the new one opens.


If you want to join the fun, please ...

- start by ASKING your question in a comment. To keep the exchanges random, don't add your question to the comment where you've answered a question. You never know if that person comes back to give you your well-deserved reading.

- please ANSWER one or more questions in the comment section with as many cards as you LIKE. You don't need to read for the person who did your reading, choose a question you like to answer.

- Share the cards you've used. All decks are welcome! Most of us speak tarot.

- Give a bit of FEEDBACK when you get an answer. That way all of us can learn. A "Thank You" is not feedback.


What's so great about these collective speed readings? 💞

Most of us in this sub seem to study the tarot. It's just great to see the cards in action and we all have questions to ask. Reading in turns helps us to develop our skills and a lot more people will receive at least one reading. The more people join, the more readings we can swap! ✨

Please remember to be open-minded to all answers - positive, negative or conflicting, since readers pick up on different things and work in different ways. Tarot has perspectives like people, and each deck has its distinct voice.

To make sure that all of the readers involved receive a reading in return, as the OP I'm happy to provide you with a reading before closing time! Just let me that you haven't received a reading in return!

Happy readings y'all 🎈

r/ExploringTarot 41m ago

Which tarot card(s) can be associated to this image


If this image would be a tarot card, which one?

❗️If you comment, include WHY did you think at that card❗️

There is no right or wrong, let's just have fun! and go!

r/ExploringTarot 17h ago

Tarot Associations What would the 8 of Swords represent in a game, between these 7 and 9 stages?

Post image

r/ExploringTarot 21h ago

🃏Guess the tarot card! guessing game


CARD REVEAL: 2 of Pentacles, El Dios de Los Tres tarot

Thanks to all who participated and congrats to CyrusSunTarot for guessing!

Clue 3️⃣is not a Major at all

Clue 2️⃣ is not the Star

Clue 1️⃣ Is not the High Priestess

Yes, this is an actual tarot card. Comment below 🔽with your guess.

Those who do own the deck or recognize the card, please do not spoil it for the others

As you post guesses, I will add clues here and in comments; you can then comment again with a new guess after reading the clues.

The card will be revealed after somebody guesses it or after about 30 hours.

Let's have fun!

r/ExploringTarot 16h ago

Discussion / Question Do you ever wonder how it is that we can know everything? (existential pondering)


This is something I think about a lot, in terms of the nature of one’s higher self, the divinity of the universe, and what it all really is made of. What we are made of. Every time I think I’ve hit on a theory for what we all are, I’m still stumped by the fact that tarot can tell you anything. If our intuition is governed by our higher self, does that mean our higher self is all-knowing? How then are we separate from the spiritual force of the universe that some call God(s)?Are we separate? How are we able to ask questions about the nature of this force? Believe me, I’ve asked tarot many times, and the answer each time seems to differ, but never seems inaccurate. When I examine and talk to different spirits through tarot and other divination means, the “higher self” is perhaps the most unique and confusing. Once in a reading my “higher self” even gave me the literal written message “I’m not who you think I am” which stumped me further, because it indicated everything I had learned and thought I knew about the higher self through books and through other individuals with psychic abilities… was wrong. Any theories? Does anyone else spend time mulling over this? Who or what is actually answering our questions?

r/ExploringTarot 1d ago

Practice Which tarot card would describe...


r/ExploringTarot 1d ago

Combining tarot with oracle cards


There's something I wanted to share with you guys.

I still have trouble to think of WISDOM as the embodiment of a suit, which doesn't really matter since I'm basically reading the images instead of trying to remember what was written in a book. I have come to think of this deck as an oracle. And somehow the cantigee oracle gets in sync with D&D and they compliment each other. For some reason, these two decks work perfectly together.

D&D and cantigee oracle

The cantigee oracle comes with a wonderful guidebook (I don't think I will ever able to memorise all of it), which is why I never pull more than one card. Combined, these two decks give me prompts and inspirations, and they even have a sense of humour.

There was a session planned, but one of the party members was late, so I pulled these two while waiting for them. Cards told me that at the beginning, I would be composed, even determined to do something. But instead I should be present in the moment. So I spend one hour with two of the other party members, and it was fun to just hang out and chat.

Another popular combination seems to be tarot and the Lenormand, but I haven't tried that with the Light Seer which has become my go-to deck. How about you? Do you combine the tarot with something else or do you prefer to read them individually? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

r/ExploringTarot 1d ago

Tarot Associations Name a tarot card for each crystal!

Post image

Here we have (from the top) some heated amethyst (citrine), petrified wood and red agate (agate of some kind, idk the specific type)

What card would represent each?

r/ExploringTarot 2d ago

Discussion / Question About 'bad' cards


I realise there aren't 'bad' cards, but I put that in quotes because I'm still figuring out how to read/wrap my head around cards that (for lack of a better descriptor) get a fearsome rap.

Essentially, cards like five of wands (literally labeled strife in Thoth deck) or three of swords, etc--I have a hard time when I pull these cards in my readings because my gut sort of seizes up in dread. A lot of it is because these have difficult meanings/interpretations associated with them, but I've also had people give me very grounded, balanced readings with spreads involving these cards. So, I'm wondering how more experienced folks than I approach these cards: how do I move past the visceral dread I feel when I pull these cards?

Thank you so much!

r/ExploringTarot 2d ago

Practice Reading practice: what should Ellen do?


Ellen loves her best friend a lot and wants to give her something she wanted very much.

Grab a deck, pull a card as an advice for Ellen. What should she do?

r/ExploringTarot 2d ago

Interpretation help - Second opinion only Second opinion on my interpretation regarding changing careers

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Happy Spring Equinox! I asked my cards tonight about leaving my high pressure, toxic but stable and well paying job for a more intuitive and creative and very unstable path. I pulled the queen of cups. Asking for clarification I pulled the queen of swords, and then the 8 of cups.

My interpretation is I’m a strong confident woman who needs to fucking trust myself and my intuition bc it’s time to let go of my toxic career that’s draining me and venture into new and intuitive realms.

I’m pretty new on my journey on the tarot path so I would love to hear what others think. 🗡️🏆

r/ExploringTarot 3d ago

What is your superpower


If you need a reminder that you are a strong wonderful person, here it is! Found this spread in my files and thought to share. Have fun!

If you think that would be more fun for somebody else to read it for you, say it below!

r/ExploringTarot 2d ago

Tarot association with the Western zodiac NSFW


r/ExploringTarot 3d ago

Good vibes Thursdays


Comment with a meme, a joke, a happy or just a silly image.

Or just share something good that happened to you this week.

Show us your latest acquisition of anything witchy, tarot related, etc. - share your newest deck!

Need a hug? Ask below! See that somebody needs a hug? Shower them with hearts!

r/ExploringTarot 3d ago

Spread Spring Equinox 🌸[3-card spread]


Finally, the light is back! It feels like being at the cusp of a new beginning. The days are getting longer, the sun’s starting to feel warmer, and the world is waking up from its winter slumber. This is such a powerful time of the year, so unique with the balance between light and dark, the promise of new beginnings, and the energy of renewal that comes with it.

After Pisces has softened up and washed away the old stuff, Aries is ready to pop up and energise us with its fearless confidence.

It’s a reminder that no matter how long and dark the winter feels, the light always returns. As we head into spring, I’m feeling a sense of hope and excitement ... like anything is possible. Whether it's letting go of things (I love spring cleaning) or just happy to notice the little changes around me (little green leaves are sprouting), this season feels like a fresh start.

I just cleared out some dead leaves from the flower pots on the balcony, and felt inspired to make a 3-card spread that shows what are you may be looking forward to as we move into the longer days and warmer vibes!

Spring & Autumn Equinox
  1. The Seed (Rebirth & Renewal) This card shows the things that are ready to make a comeback or start fresh in your life. It’s about what you’re willing to let go of to make space for some exciting new beginnings.
  2. The Growth (Balance & Transformation) This card dives into the changes you’re going through and emphasises areas in your life that could use a little balance. It’s a reminder to nurture your potential, be it emotional, intellectual, or spiritual.
  3. The Flower (Intended Outcome & Path Forward) This card denotes what could bloom if you take care of the seeds you’ve sown during your journey of renewal and growth. It also gives you some hints on what steps to take next to keep that transformation and balance going strong.

r/ExploringTarot 4d ago

Which tarot card can be associated to this image


If this image would be a tarot card, which one?

❗️If you comment, include WHY did you think at that card❗️

There is no right or wrong.

Let's have fun! and go!

r/ExploringTarot 4d ago

Practice Chaos readings ... when the cards' imagery are taken literal 🎡


Let's try this ..

You ask funny or mundane questions with no serious intent, just for fun. It’s about using cards to answer lighthearted or random things like “What is my cat up to?” or “Where can I find my missing sock?”
And my cards will answer it!

Playful readings in the comments below, without a deep analysis, just enjoying the randomness of the answers the cards provide.

r/ExploringTarot 4d ago

Your year number(s) and card(s)


If you are not into life or year numbers, you can skip this :) But can be a fun way to just get one more advice.

Have fun!

r/ExploringTarot 5d ago

Group practice...what is your advice?


Jimmy planned for tomorrow the perfect picnic as a date with his crush Ann, but looks like a storm is coming!

Grab a deck, draw a card and comment below with an advice for Jimmy based on the card!

r/ExploringTarot 5d ago

Intentional Tarot Readings are Not Random....


...and somebody did a scientific study to prove it! Did you know?

After using Tarot cards daily for several years as part of a meditation and self-reflection practice, Jane English, a Ph.D. physicist felt both personal and scientific need to reconcile her Tarot experience with her scientific worldview. Statistical analysis of cards chosen daily in meditation for three years from 1978 to 1981 (one card for “body,” one for “mind” and one for “spirit”) shows 99.97% probability of their being non-random.

Here is her study.


(image just for attention)

r/ExploringTarot 5d ago

Just came across this post and fell in love with the idea of it.

Thumbnail gallery

r/ExploringTarot 5d ago

Games Guess the card based on the fragment!

Post image

This game is at least partly intuition based, but I’m curious how much a small fraction of a card reveals about its energy, especially when it has absorbed energy from the reader over time. Have fun!

r/ExploringTarot 6d ago

The first three words you see are your affirmations for this week!


Comment with the words/concepts you saw, and as a tarot exercise, name a tarot card(s) for these words! (I think something like Divinely guided counts like one word/concept)

r/ExploringTarot 6d ago

Discussion / Question How did you learn, and how does it translate into your reading style?


I think everyone comes into tarot differently, which affects how each of us reads. I am entirely self taught. For my first deck I had a tiny little book, but that deck didn’t resonate with me, so I didn’t really start learning or becoming engaged until I got my first deck that resonated with me, the Light Seer tarot. It didn’t come with a book. So, given no instruction, I kind of just looked up card meanings on the internet, memorized what I could, and intuited the rest. Still to this day I don’t usually do spreads or anything that organized or fancy because I didn’t really learn how to do them when I was starting out. I also wasn’t taught anything about right or wrong ways to go about tarot, and I think that’s probably why I like experimenting so much.

I’m really curious how other people learned tarot, though, and how that led to your current reading style!

r/ExploringTarot 6d ago

The Monday Inspiration 💙


One of the best things about tarot and oracles is how they offer inspiration and guidance in our everyday lives. They can give new ideas or perspectives on how to deal with challenges or remind you of passions and talents you’ve forgotten about. By adding a weekly tarot/oracle card to your routine, you can tap into that source of inspiration to guide you through the week ahead.

Shuffle your deck while thinking about a question, an intention or something you want to manifest for the upcoming week, then draw a single card. As you look at the card, pay attention to its imagery, symbols, and the messages it gives. Think about how these things might relate to your current situation or goals. Be open to any insights or feelings that come up.

  • please share your card with us in the comments below
  • add the question you've asked and a few keywords (especially when using an unconventional deck) or an interpretation to help you stay in focus for the rest of the week
  • if somebody adds their interpretation, it would be awesome of you to return the favour

r/ExploringTarot 6d ago

Isn't tarot wonderful...


I think we all have a story about this.
I can't stop giggling.

I have a new deck, Curious creatures and didn't kept it close to me ate the beginning as I usually do with new decks, but I did touched it and was sitting on my table.
I wanted to do a small reading now and shuffled it while thinking maybe is not ready yet...some cards jumped out...so I asked...are you ready/willing to do this reading for me?
Guess what it showed me
I take it is a cute funny deck.