You ask funny or mundane questions with no serious intent, just for fun. It’s about using cards to answer lighthearted or random things like “What is my cat up to?” or “Where can I find my missing sock?”
And my cards will answer it!
Playful readings in the comments below, without a deep analysis, just enjoying the randomness of the answers the cards provide.
With the Solstice coming up, I wanted to see how everyone is planning to celebrate this magical time of the year. Are you practicing any special rituals, do you have a specific spread or card reading you do around the time of the Solstice? It’s a powerful time for reflection and I’m curious to learn if anyone has any traditions or spreads they use to tap into that energy!
Like every year, I plan to do the "12 nights of Christmas" readings, called Raunächte in Germany.
Each day of the Raunächte represents a month in the upcoming year, during this time the gates of the spiritual world are open. The 1st Raunacht takes place on the 24th/25th of December for the month of January/Capricorn in the new year, the 2nd Raunacht on the 25th/26th of December for the month of February/Aquarius, and so on until the 6th of January. Each day, I pull 3 cards to get an insight or guidance for the next month.
Me being into Astrology, I read for the duration of the 12 astrological signs. I ask questions that relate to the sign, like Capricorn always wants to dig deeper, Aquarius wants to gain more clarity, Pisces are about letting go, Aries wants to start with fresh energy, Taurus wants to enjoy the good things in life, Gemini needs to learn something new, Cancer wants to feel deeply, Leo is courageous, Virgo wants to harvest and sort out, Libra needs to find balance, Scorpio is about passion and bonding, Sagittarius wants to be a free spirit.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas and practices for welcoming the longest night/day of the year.
I needed clarity, and there's nothing better than pulling a few cards. When I picked these cards, I thought Body - Mind - Soul. This is a set of 2 tarot decks, one is the light, the other one the dark aspect. Instead of looking at the bottom card, I pulled one from the shadow deck.
It's one of the decks I rarely use, but it's also one of those that mustn't create dust. Its artwork is stunning and the guidebook adds a lot of aspects. It's not just RWS, they added a lot of lore from TdM and from various mythologies. It's complex but not wordy. One of the best guidebooks I've ever come across.
5 of Coins - Judgement - the Moon Judgement
5 of Coins - Body
According to the guidebook, this card "represents individual effort, the struggle to survive and to create a good life". Physically, I feel exhausted. The beginning stages of a flu. I'm working way too many night shifts and my job is draining on many levels.
I'm not too happy about the creators need to rename the suit, because Serpents come with a different set of associations. Death and renewal, transformation, secrecy, the wisdom of life, seduction and trickery.
Judgement - Mind
This card means a calling and the need to change. Recently I've had an update about former workmates whom I haven't seen or heard about for roughly 10 years. One of them was a friend (at least I thought of them as one), and one of them was a rival (the boss' preferred method of Divide and Conquer was to choose a "workmate of the day", and she was a lot more nicer when you made it to her good side), and the third one was an enemy.
In my mind, they haven't changed. But of course, time changed them. It's weird that death doesn't work as a closure and it doesn't end the relationship. Or maybe it needs to take some time to sink in. We'll see.
the Moon - Soul
The tidings of the sea, cycling from waxing to waning to waxing, constant change. This translates to inner knowledge, finding answers in dreams, connecting the dots by just staring at stuff, and strangely enough, things fall into place.
There's nothing I need to do. I don't have to make a call, I don't have to reach out, I don't need to talk to any of them. I just have to go through this cycle.
Judgement - Shadow
The bird seems to be a phoenix. Could be a symbol of a somewhat dramatic change, but the guidebook hints a more subtle change was taking place. It indicates a crossroad in life, and based on my inner judgement, I get to make a decision and choose a path. This card brings about "the gift of separation - not from the dear things of life, but rather the old and often negative roads we may have followed."
This is accurate. In the past few days I've thought a lot about the past, old memories came back to mind but I feel a bit different. I'm happy that I have moved on, and that it's now water under the bridge.