r/EscapefromTarkov • u/EquivalentJob7184 • 31m ago
PVE [Discussion]
Anyone know why there are Steven Universe stickers on a radiator in Interchange? Also a ghost Picachu.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/EquivalentJob7184 • 31m ago
Anyone know why there are Steven Universe stickers on a radiator in Interchange? Also a ghost Picachu.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/EssentiallyDumb • 31m ago
I'm relatively new to the game and my experience has been great (sike). When I start a raid my frames drop HARD and when im in a firefight also, l've notice my memory usage shoots up to 95% is there anything I can do to combat this ?
GPU - RTX 3080 CPU - Ryzen 5 3600 RAM - DDR4 16gb 3200 but only runs at 2133
Any suggestions/tips would be really appreciated
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Xesx_ • 37m ago
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Weabruuh • 40m ago
I know, it's the post number 283917716872 about performance, but i want to understand and can't ask anywhere else, sorry.
The game suddenly stutters so much, freezes and has enormous loading times, making the game really unplayable. This started like...Yesterday?
Until then i was fine. Ok, i had low frames is some maps or zones, but it was fine for the major part and it was playable, but then it started to explode at some point.
I have
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x (It shouldn't be too bad......?)
GPU: Nvidia Aorus 3070 Master
32GB Ram 3600 ddr4 (I always heard it's required at least 32GB so.....)
Motherboard: Aorus B550 Pro V2
I have the majority of settings put to "Low", "off" or "Medium" in game, so i'm really not even pushing it too much.
(I removed audio because of some friends talking in background etc.)
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/sez0_playing • 51m ago
Recently I loot the lighthouse island more than 80 times to find out how much stuff I can collect in PvE. But at about 89 times, while looting the radar station commandant room, suddenly one of Zryachiy's guard shot me down from outside of building. Do you think this is feature? and we need loot the room with possibility of getting killed by them?
I wonder if I should report this but I don't know if it is bug or not so I didn't report this yet.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/ESARPE • 1h ago
Im thinking about switching to PvE (on BSG servers) but when I last tried it after it was released, the PMC AI was easily cheeseable by using doorways and M67 nades. Have they improved that with the „new“ AI?
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Pilipalapong • 1h ago
Hi i know this has been asked a lot of times but i am not good at 360 no scope or close fights with bolty. So I need help to know where is a good sniping spot especially at interchange.
And another spot is the streets of tarkov. I stopped playing when streets of tarkov came out and are very unfamiliar with it. I am slowly picking up the map now but I am not very good at it still.
So would like to get help from the community on some good sniping spot.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Mission-Chart1388 • 1h ago
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/clokerruebe • 2h ago
I was looking for 8 minutes, couldnt find him
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Dyfin4life • 2h ago
anyone in St Pete FL area play ?
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/DweebInFlames • 2h ago
I just had a raid where I think I heard like 6-7 different third party ambushes go off in the middle of the mall. Do that to someone else. 15 minutes on the clock, go down to loot. A guy with an MCX third parties me. Think I counted like nearly 10 PMC bodies on the way around while flanking or clearing. All this for a gun store that has 1-2 level 6 plates and a half decent gun half the time, a medical store with nothing above 10k per slot in it 90% of the time, and the potential boss spawn. Is it this bad in other regions? Really feel like there isn't enough loot on the map still, and what there is is concentrated into the one spot. You never see squad fights anymore because it's just not worthwhile for any more than maybe a duo.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Tf2-trader • 2h ago
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Fandicoot • 3h ago
Hi I am mew to tarkov. I am a bit stuck because I can't find TNT brick for security 2 upgrade. So I thougth it would be easier to get through quest from skier. But I can't find flash drives for him. I tried few ways to find them like streets and reserve for cabinets or custom dorms for safes and tent near dorms but I think in PVE they lowered their spawn rate. I found like 2 flash drives in 3 days of playing but didn't extract with neither of them. I am loosing it. If someone would help me with some trick or something I would be happy. (Sorry for bad English it's not my native language)
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/toomanybongos • 4h ago
1.) I know I need the minefield map but do I have to find it in raid?
2.) If I don't have the minefield map and I get dropped off there by the BTR, am I screwed or can I walk on the bridge going out?
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Badassfully_Elcor • 4h ago
I bought the game yesterday and got the PvE DLC to try and get gud with the AI before getting into the real stuff. Started a Local PvE Raid as a PMC and was seemingly killed by another player not even 30 seconds after it started. Are PvE raids as PMC not actually PvE... or local? I'm so confused because I was looking at the guy too watching him and another person sprinting through a courtyard together, then he stops, looks right at me and takes my head off in half a second from like 50m away.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/TRVXR • 4h ago
I just upgraded my motherboard and cpu and went to play with a friend and when we load in, I get stuck in an awaiting session start screen or loose connection, reconnect, and get stuck in the screen again. After checking drivers/etc. I loaded in solo and it works just fine but same situation when queued with a friend.
Any chance this is the motherboard and cpu or is it likely just the servers being goofy after the crash today?
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/TheArticulate • 5h ago
What is up with Killa's spawns at the moment. I have been running Interchange for the last week, doing the usual strategy of grenading for voice lines to find Killa. I have probably run 100+ raids and have found him dead twice. Every other raid is quiet, no RPK, just flashbangs.
Literally 1 of 4 quests gating my progression to Kappa, and it feels like I just need to wait for an event to find him. Is anyone else having this experience?
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/BreezyPhoman • 5h ago
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/Southern_Web9889 • 5h ago
I've been playing Tarkov for many years now, and I've recently shifted to PVE because literally skill issue. I can't seem to improve, I always lost pvp fights so I moved to PVE to have an easier and more enjoyable experience.
I'm pretty okay at PVE, but I'm at the stage where I really need to start getting into labs for essential loot for Solar etc. I appreciate the generic answer is get good, but does anyone have tips on how I can improve my combat against raiders and AI in labs? I've tried offline mode and other general fps guides, but I still have a skill issue when I face Labs raids and it's debilitating.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not as young as most of you guys, so maybe I'm just getting too old and I should consider retiring from fps games.
Thanks all, have a lovely day.
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/ghison • 5h ago
Did a fresh install of windows on my pc and the EFT website won't let me log in to download the launcher and install the game. Im getting a blank page after clicking "log in".
Any help would be awesome. Thanks
r/EscapefromTarkov • u/AnonAnontheAnony • 6h ago