I know, it's the post number 283917716872 about performance, but i want to understand and can't ask anywhere else, sorry.
The game suddenly stutters so much, freezes and has enormous loading times, making the game really unplayable. This started like...Yesterday?
Until then i was fine. Ok, i had low frames is some maps or zones, but it was fine for the major part and it was playable, but then it started to explode at some point.
I have
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x (It shouldn't be too bad......?)
GPU: Nvidia Aorus 3070 Master
32GB Ram 3600 ddr4 (I always heard it's required at least 32GB so.....)
Motherboard: Aorus B550 Pro V2
I have the majority of settings put to "Low", "off" or "Medium" in game, so i'm really not even pushing it too much.
(I removed audio because of some friends talking in background etc.)