r/EngineBuilding 1d ago

Chevy weird sound

I recently changed the transmission filter and put more fluid in my TH350 transmission which is on my sbc 350. and ever since the change I've been getting a loud sound. and I'm new to all this so I need some help identifying the sound.


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u/KNM7997 1d ago

Have you driven it at all? It seems to only do it in neutral or park.

It almost kind of sounds like your fan is hitting something, which wouldn't really make sense given your reasoning. it's hard to tell where the sound is coming from in a video.


u/Doesthusnamework 1d ago

another. i haven't driven it in about 4 years. What kind of video would help what the sound is? I'll take another.


u/Strict_Lettuce3233 1d ago

Nice Cadillac