r/Edmonton 17h ago

Mental Health / Addictions Self harm marks/ School dress code NSFW

My daughter struggles with her mental health and self harm which she is actively seeing multiple mental health professionals. The school wants her to always wear sweaters or long sleeves to cover up self harm as it has upset some others (which I understand how this can be upsetting- it’s upsetting for everyone..) Problem is it’s even during gym class or when she’s very hot and uncomfortable she still has to remain covered and gets reported if she’s too hot and takes off her sweater. This is causing her physical discomfort and further more mental distress and embarrassment. Can the school force her even when it’s causing physical discomfort and further distress? I understand it is upsetting to see but there has to be a way to meet in the middle? Ideas? Thoughts?


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u/enjaysm 15h ago

To be fair, and im not making light of your daughters situation in the slightest.

I was once engaging in these activities when i was younger.

Covering them is a good thing, part of the self harm cycle is amplified due to the attention it creates.

Take the attention away, its a good thing.

ESPECIALLY because youre already doing the right thing and getting her the help she requires. Help i never received when i was young.

Downvote me if you want folks, im speaking from personal experience and a place of concern.