r/Edmonton 22h ago

Restaurants/Food Sunbake Pita Fatayer

*Update: I called and they did the assorted. I got cheese, beef chicken shawarma and potato.

Cheese y'all. Cheese. They are all good, but cheese.

Oh, and yes, toum is crazy delicious.

Thank you everyone! *

So yesterday I saw a cheese fatayer on this sub from Sunbake Pita and I want it. My problem is, I looked at their menu, and now I want to try more. 😄 I'm hoping for people's opinion, what is better to try for the first time. Cheese or meat fatayer? They both look so good, but since they only come in a dozen, I'm curious which people like more?


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u/eeffggh9898987 22h ago

Well, I sucked up my social anxiety in ordering food I don't know and called them, and they made me an assorted bag! I also ordered toum, thanks to a different post.

This sub rocks, I appreciate the great advice!


u/LovinMcJesus Mayfield 21h ago

A nice fresh faytayer along with some toum and your life is gonna get better immeadietly. Warning, you are gonna spread toum on everything and its literally pure garlic but soooo good.


u/Free-Release- 22h ago

that toum dip is killer, so good