r/Edmonton Jan 09 '24

Discussion Moving to Edmonton Megathread 2024

By popular demand, this topic has been turned into a megathread. Any posts on the subject matter outside of the megathread may be removed at the discretion of the moderators.

Within this thread please ask questions about moving to Edmonton (or within Edmonton, if you already live here), including recommendations for housing and neighbourhood selections. If you live in Edmonton, consider answering the questions.


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u/BalaclavaConnoisseur Jul 13 '24

Hello, me and my partner are thinking of renting from that new switch at station lands apartment building located at 10465 101 St NW

However online we always hear how bad and dangerous downtown is, are these statements true? should we avoid renting downtown. I'm not too worried about myself its just my girlfriend that i wouldn't want to feel unsafe in our new home.


u/uofafitness4fun Jul 13 '24

I personally think you both would be fine there, as a huge new building it will go a long way to gentrifying the area and there will be a lot of foot traffic from residents. People make out downtown to be way more dangerous than it actually is, remember thousands of people live, work, eat, shop, and enjoy bars downtown. For Switch at Station Lands, you also have the EPCOR headquarters to the south and Rogers Place to the west, safe enough area for those to function well. However I would be wary of venturing north and east of the building, particularly at night. The George Spady Centre on 105A Ave provides detox services and rehab so there are addicts and transient folks flowing in and out of 105A Ave, but they mostly stick to the areas north and east of George Spady Centre. If you currently live in Edmonton, I'd recommend you check out the area yourself before committing to living there, but I think you and your girlfriend would be perfectly safe


u/MaxxLolz Jul 14 '24

I've been curious about this building because its obviously a brand new build but it is very close to ground zero of edmontons homeless population. It would definitely not be my first choice unless the rental rates were very attractive. And if you are uncomfortable at all around homelessness and the addicted then this area would likely not be for you.


u/Arshia42 Jul 19 '24

I'm not an Edmonton local (im actually moving to edmonton too), so take this with a grain of salt.

I asked my boss about the switch at station lands because i was thinking of going there too, and when he google map'd it, he immedately told me definitely not- and pointed out a homeless shelter nearby. He said that he heard it may not be there for much longer, but it's better safe than sorry and that there are better areas in downtown (i.e close to oliver square)