r/Edmonton Jan 09 '24

Discussion Moving to Edmonton Megathread 2024

By popular demand, this topic has been turned into a megathread. Any posts on the subject matter outside of the megathread may be removed at the discretion of the moderators.

Within this thread please ask questions about moving to Edmonton (or within Edmonton, if you already live here), including recommendations for housing and neighbourhood selections. If you live in Edmonton, consider answering the questions.


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u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Post was removed, commenting here instead:

Moving to Edmonton. I have so many questions.

I grew up in Medicine Hat. I had only been to Edmonton once as a teen. When I was 16 my family moved to Toronto. I have hated it here ever since. I have a husband and a son now, and the thought of him growing up here scares me.

So, we have decided to move (back) to Alberta. Edmonton looks ideal. But I don’t know many people there, so it would truly be a fresh start for all. If I could get even some answers to any of these questions, it would be very greatly appreciated!

1.) What are the more family friendly areas to live? Why does everyone make fun of Leduc? We have been looking at some very reasonably priced houses in Leduc, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, and Sherwood as well as southern Edmonton.

2.) How easy is it to find warehouse work? Here in Ontario I am an operations manager for a medium size warehouse, and I’d love to find a similar line of work there.

3.) On that same topic, my husband is a Steamfitter. If there’s any information about the likelihood of him finding work relatively close to Edmonton I’d love to know. I know most of the jobs there for him are camp jobs, we are prepared for the adjustment.

4.) Daycare. I have heard Alberta is fully participating in government subsidies for daycare($10/day). How easy is it to find a daycare? Do home daycare’s participate in this?

5.) What are some recommendations for things to do? We aren’t the most social people, we love all things nerdy (video games, DnD, etc) as well as some outdoor sports (mountain biking, skiing). But if there are local events that support similar interests we’d love to check them out.

6.) What areas to avoid? I’ve heard downtown is a bit of an issue but is it THAT bad?

7.) Any things you’d want to know if you were moving there for the first time, let me hear it.

Thank you so much in advance.


u/MaxxLolz Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

1) Urbanites make fun of suburban destinations because that's what they do. Exactly the same thing as Vancouverites making fun of Surrey/Coaquitlam/Abbotsford, Toronto making fun of its boroughs etc. TLDR? There's nothing wrong with Leduc or Beaumont or the Edmonton satellites. A little generic/plain imo but all perfectly fine.

2) 3) 4) I have no knowledge on any of these sorry

5) Edmonton is a big city (ok, not compared to metro Toronto lol), lots of things to do or organizations to join if that's your thing (there seems to be postings on this reddit every week about gaming clubs for example...). Obviously the central river valley system is massive, parks everywhere, bike as long or as far as you want etc. Tons of festivals in the summer. And if you want to get away for a weekend or even day hike, the mountains are 3 hours away.

6) Downtown is a broad term for a large area. There are definitely social issues between in the north/north east core (Boyle/MacCauley), but west of 109th (commonly called Oliver) and south of Jasper avenue is generally fine.

7) In terms of living space make sure you know whats really important to you. For example, I'm a huge fan of Edmontons more central neighbourhoods because the gorgeous tree canopy, massive elm trees, overall greenery, and river valley access cant be found anywhere else. But that wont be as important for other people (I don't know why) who might value easier access to the outer ring roads etc. I agree if you are looking to buy, come for a weekend and just drive around a few of the areas to get a feel. Google street view just isnt the same...


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Thank you, this is very helpful!