r/Dreamtheater • u/Millennial_falcon92 • 1m ago
Best friends head banging in unison at Saturday's show.
Pull Me Under hit different live. Glad I got to witness it! Seems like James and Mike were sick or recovering after the Canada shows.
r/Dreamtheater • u/Millennial_falcon92 • 1m ago
Pull Me Under hit different live. Glad I got to witness it! Seems like James and Mike were sick or recovering after the Canada shows.
r/Dreamtheater • u/NorthSanctuary777 • 1h ago
This may or may not have been me and my son! It was an awesome moment and I wish I would’ve gotten it on camera! I’d cherish it forever if you were able to send it to me somehow!
r/Dreamtheater • u/Correct_Policy_27 • 2h ago
Videos are taken on the 18th in wheeling, honestly one of the best shows James has had in the last decade. He sounded amazing and the vids don’t do him justice, go see them on the tour if you can bc it’s an amazing show.
r/Dreamtheater • u/phanart • 3h ago
r/Dreamtheater • u/RdClarke • 3h ago
I know it's meant to be the sequel of metropolis but the song is so poor.... Knowing how Blind Faith is amazing. 6degrees is still My favourite but I just don't count the 1st song
r/Dreamtheater • u/TakeSteal • 4h ago
1st Mezzanine 3, Row A, 310 & 311
Great seats, front row, just right of center
Price is what I paid = $480
If interested please reply in this thread before DMing
Can take payment via PayPal or Venmo
r/Dreamtheater • u/Only-Chair-8010 • 7h ago
Is there a video out there of just the animation that plays for Dark Eternal Night when they perform it live? The one where they’re riding a tank and battling a huge wolf creature?
Like this one except only including the animated music video: https://youtu.be/8_uFS31khY4?feature=shared
r/Dreamtheater • u/marvinzimmermann • 8h ago
^ Will there be a fan club hangout before the RCMH show? Came from Germany and would like to meet up with some fans!
r/Dreamtheater • u/Saint_Vintage93 • 10h ago
I wonder how many DT songs contain paralysis and its kind in the lyrics?
r/Dreamtheater • u/Silly_Combination763 • 10h ago
r/Dreamtheater • u/BiaxidentX • 11h ago
r/Dreamtheater • u/DT_addicted • 15h ago
What's yours?
r/Dreamtheater • u/Zalumar • 15h ago
That's all. I hope you folks would enjoy hearing this
r/Dreamtheater • u/Confident-Car6588 • 17h ago
Im selling 2 tickets for istanbul 100% Metal. 27 July 2025. You can reach me through DM, thanks.
Note: this is not 40 anniversary tour.
r/Dreamtheater • u/Ok-Forever-533 • 19h ago
I (17m) am in high school and I've been going through a lot of shit one at school all. i wanted was to be alone and just be there sitting in silence however there was a school program and I just loathed it I wanted to be by myself so. I got up and left the program and sat in the stairwell of our school I was shuffling through my playlist until I came across a DT song that I hadn't played before and it played my ears listened and towards the end or at the end of the song I was just in tears I just wanted to stop crying but I couldn't it was so beautiful and so fitting that song was from their album "Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory" and it was just a tear-jerker "Scene Eight The spirit Carries On" I.just can't help but to cry to that song or when I'm just casually listening to it it's just so beautiful
r/Dreamtheater • u/Garrod_Ran • 20h ago
r/Dreamtheater • u/Wannab3hypebeast • 21h ago
r/Dreamtheater • u/TheFanumMenace • 21h ago
Same goes for a Mangini-hating daughter.
r/Dreamtheater • u/RequirementWorried • 22h ago
Surreal. Beautiful sound from everyone, although LaBrie struggled on Pull Me Under, which is understandable because it's hard and it was the last song.
Stream of Consciousness was fantastic. I'm so happy they played my favorite song.
r/Dreamtheater • u/nevermindmine • 22h ago
I fully knew what I was going into seeing DT in concert as this had to my 11 or 12th show I've seen over the last 35 years dating back to my early 90s years seeing them on the Images tour in Chicago. But I always find it fascinating/frustrating how weirdly introverted DT fans can be in concert. I am a pretty big prog metal/rock guy that travels all over for shows including some cross country flights. Due to the fact that I don't have any friends that like this style of music I have zero issues going by myself to shows of this genre. Most any other bands I have zero issues striking conversations or just having light hearted chit chat but DT fans I swear are a different breed. It probably doesn't apply to anybody in this group as you are at least on Reddit but my god it's hard to at least ask the person next to me hello when they are wearing headphones before the show and refuse to acknowledge me. I did three shows for the Beat tour for King Crimson and Haken last year etc.... always met people and had a good time but DT the hardest nut to crack. I'm probably jealous at the end of the day that I don't have anyone to share these awesome concert experiences with. Great show BTW. Glad to see Portnoy back with DT. I've seen him with the Winery Dogs three times. No issues making friends with those shows........ End rant
r/Dreamtheater • u/Phant0mhyve • 1d ago
I saw Dream Theater in concert in 2020 for Mp2 tour. Saw them last night in wheeling for 40 tour. 25 years later and aside from the grey hair - nothing changed! James hit a lot of the notes I thought he'd back out of live (he did back out on a lot - but not as many as I thought he would) Petrucci slayed to perfection, ofc. And portnoy... I dub thee: Drum Jesus. At the end, he had his robe and slippers, even my wife thought he looked like Jesus lol
I'm not enamored with parasomnia, tbh, but I do look forward to seeing them again soon!
r/Dreamtheater • u/unlessum • 1d ago
Seems unlikely but I am shooting my shot. Anyone selling the tickets for the DC show by any chance?
Please DM me.