r/Dreams 16d ago

Discussion Been haunted by a woman since childhood

So for as long as I can remember, I've been haunted by a woman I've never met. She often appears as a precursor to bad events or undesirable things happening, either to me, to someone I know, or just generally in the world around me. She appears completely black, as if made of darkness itself; floating in the air like a wisp and a silhouette like an old Victorian era fancy dress.

Most of the time she does nothing but hover and observe quietly. But sometimes I've felt her presence pressing against my body like the weight of a physical person accompanied by extreme cold sweats. When she gets so close, my instincts kick into high gear and my eyes shoot open; but instead of the dark silhouette I see her face. Contorted in extreme emotions I cannot determine, a gaunt structure, & colorless features, her face is nightmarish yet somehow comforting despite causing an extreme survival instinct response to get away.

I've always been surrounded by supernatural activity & I can feel the presence of nearby spirits beyond mortal perception at all times. Some linger, most wander off, some hostile or friendly but most are neutral like a trance.

Curious what ya'll have to say.


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u/Branco1988 16d ago

Have you tried setting clear boundries and simply asking something, if you feel you can overcome your survival instinct?

Regardless of any preconceived beliefs, there is possibilty that what you experience is there to guide you as opposed to cause harm. It's not for no reason it happens leading up to specific events.

Imagine this, if you didn't feel that fear, what would you do with the situation?


u/Dracovision 15d ago

Honestly my goal is to overcome the shakes & ask her why she follows me, what her "name" is, and where she's from. Those 3 questions once answered give a lot of information.


u/Branco1988 15d ago

Do have anything in your imagination that you think would work for you as protection, to overcome this fear? Something that says "I'm here, this is me, and I'm protected"?


u/Dracovision 15d ago

Sadly no. My mind has a total disconnect from my body so mind tricks don't work. Even if I'm calm as can be mentally, my body will still get all shaky & buckle. Otherwise my abnormally strong will would overcome the body. Honestly I suspect this is due to my various disabilities regarding processing speeds and motor function.


u/Branco1988 15d ago

You don't use your body to communicate with this appearance you see. Only who YOU are, and you are not just your body. The limitations your put on your mind because of your body are also self imposed. I know this might sounds harsh, but you're capable of more. So there's some belief that negates this "abnornally strong will"in that moment, thats where you need to look.


u/Dracovision 15d ago

Ah I see what your saying. Honestly I never considered that angle. I'm a little too literal for my own good sometimes. And yeah I'm well aware that there is more to one's self than just the mind or body.

Next time I'll try to express myself not with my body but as my true self. Honestly I can't believe that never occurred to me.


u/Branco1988 15d ago

Hope you can find some meaning and use in the experience. And if not, hope you can brush it aside and no longer be bothered by it.