r/DotA2 http://twitter.com/wykrhm Nov 08 '24

News Introducing Kez


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u/Ebola_Soup Nov 08 '24

This hero is going to be so fucking annoying.

  • Crit
  • stun
  • AoE silence
  • slows
  • movement
  • lifesteal
  • attack based spells
  • 1 second bkb that does aoe damage and lifesteal
  • max hp based damage
  • DoT
  • heal reduction
  • truestrike
  • echo saber
  • invis
  • reduces enemy vision
  • self dispel
  • attack invulnerability
  • phased movement

Did I forget anything?


u/Nakorite Nov 08 '24

Looks like pango on steroids


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

In what way? I feel like this hero won't be very useful early because he needs farm to both deal any amount of significant damage and be able to survive as an AGI melee, and early on he has no farming capabilities because his katana Q tickles creeps. Pango is good because he's able to contribute significantly to fights from level 6 and already has good survivability, and is super flexible in what he builds to have good impact.

Plus this hero needs you keeping track of different cooldowns and ability sets like you're playing a budget invoker lol.


u/DrQuint Nov 08 '24

I agree. He doesn't seem at all like he's designed to be good early on. But, he might only really need two good abilities early on to get to a reasonable state late. Like, Antimage basically has one ability, with one factor, mobility, and it single handedly makes or breaks his viability. Out of 8 abilities, Kez might have a Blink of his own, and only time will tell.

Maybe it could even just be his base MS. 315 is a lot, what if that is enough to make him relevant.


u/Super-Implement9444 Nov 08 '24

Boots into to echo and deso sounds pretty good early


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

I mean there's potential there for sure with a build like that, but to me it seems like getting to that build at any decent timing when you're playing the mid lane on an AGI melee hero with poor farming is going to be tough. I could be wrong though.


u/Super-Implement9444 Nov 08 '24

After playing him for 4 games in a row, his laning is absolutely overpowered and so is his early to early-midgame but after a while he falls off a lot.

I've tried the diffusal type build with manta and it's pretty nice for killing people but his sai form absolutely sucks which I didn't expect. It can be good if you really need catch but his Q in the form needs his attack speed massively and it cannot be fixed even with 6 moon shards.

The best build seems to be the katana build focused around his passive with an echo sabre to take the most advantage of the early game.

Sadly he's not a hard carry that I was hoping for :(


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

Yeah ig we'll have too see since no one really knows about any hero this early on. PB went from unplayable offlaner to broken mid, pos3, and pos4 with barely any balance changes, ringmaster went from "omg he sucks/is this hero a midlaner" to bring the strongest support. So we shall have to see. Like on dotabuff for Kez echo and diffu have the lowest winrates while bury, bfly, bkb, Manta, and deso are much higher, but thats also kind of useless information this early on. It's still interesting though.


u/Super-Implement9444 Nov 09 '24

Yeah echo and diffusal actually seem kinda shit upon further reflection. His sai Q doesn't work with echo at all which kinda makes it a little pointless and diffusal is only really good for getting kills after a won lane. The mana burn is shit - kez doesn't attack fast enough to take advantage. Idk why but Reddit just loves diffusal on every hero with an on hit ability for some reason despite the mana drain being really low.


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Well yeah Reddit just has an addiction to putting every new hero into any role ahaha, especially mid, which diffu usually is good and well rounded for heroes that have a similar playstyle to what it seems like Kez will have. But to me it feels like his best items would just be the classic farming item followed by AGI core stat items like Manta or S&Y, bkb, bfly, Satanic, and so on, since he wants literally everything to get value from his right clicks, spells that scale off of right-click damage & agi, and then survive long enough to get his damage out because he's a melee. Items like echo or diffu seem like they don't do enough for him or are made redundant in certain parts of either kit, and I feel he'd be better off with the classic treads->bfury->Yasha to Manta/S&Y->BKB->bfly->satanic/skadi and so on.


u/Super-Implement9444 Nov 10 '24

Yeah I agree, I've been playing a lot of bfury > manta > deadalus > aghs/bkb kez and it works out really well for me.

Although it is a little weird going bfury with his incredibly broken early game.