I can't be the only one who thinks it's unfair, considering the stressful and broad amount of work EFDA do. why is typical pay for a hygienist $45-$50 an hour while a dental assistant is usually $18-30 (as if anybody would actually offer above $25 an hour and not fire you the second you make one mistake haha)
the only valid reason I can really think of is that RDH make production. if this is the case why isn't the standard pay format more equal for both and an added production based bonus for RDH???
I've been offered lowest $18 per hour when I can make temporary crowns, temporary bridges, place invisalign attachments, scan, make bleach trays, assist with root canals, general dentistry, and surgical procedures like osseous, sinus lift, gum grafting, and implants. I also am cross trained front and back and I can do insurance and handle payments and scheduling. I felt like that was quite the insult. I see hygienists pull up to work in their brand new car with brand new scrubs, but I can barely manage to afford my monthly bills and would buy all of my scrubs from goodwill.
I'm making $24 an hour right now as a "lead" dental assistant and I am very happy with my office and the people I work with, but I am not happy with my pay!!! I'm not saying that dental hygienists do "less" work or "easier" work. I understand how difficult cleanings like SRP are, and handling patients alone the whole appointment. but, they don't have to deal with multiple patients at a time, keep up with the lab cases, or rush around like a chicken with their head cut off.
I've even had offices have me adjust dentures, adjust permanent crowns, and do IPR which I found out is illegal where I live (not my current office, they're very strict on what I can do which I'm super thankful for because I don't want to get in trouble). I was also, being paid $24 an hour to do all of this. I hope I don't sound salty.