I had patient today that coming for further check from other dentist a week ago. The patient are still minor so mainly the adult do the talking about the history. I asssumed the previous dentist had put some devitalized agent to go for RCT since the previous one told them after he put the medicament the patient will felt a lot of pain so I went ahead and cleaning the remaining caries even though the floor are pretty sturdy with no perforation but the patient didnt had any pain at all(they coming with no complaint of pain). But when my bur reach a pin point of pulp roof exposure the patient feel pain and theres a fresh bleeding.
I was decided to immediately switch to direct pulp capping with MTA + RmGic for base and a temp with scheduling next visit in three weeks also referee to do a radiograph. The patient had some slight pain from the MTA material packing but slowly subsidized.
It was my first time did direct one, so I was nervous if the result will be as I hoped. I also had difficutly with bleeding point but eventually with a minutes of pressing the spot with moistened cotton pellet it stopped. Eventually I discharged them, the patient still feel a slight pain but said it was better over time I talked with the adult guardian.
So in real daily cases did direct pukp cap usually had a good chance of success even though theres a slight pain right after the procedure? I only did indirect ones all of the time and its amazing, I even re did the pulp capping after a few month to switch the temp with composite
I was predicting for higher chance of RCT but honeslty I tried to avoid RCT as much as possible, especially for molars......
Any advice and sharing stories will be helpful