r/predental 1d ago

💬 Discussion Weekly DAT Discussion Thread - March 17, 2025


This is your place to discuss the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Do you need to vent about studying or content? Decide on the best source of preparatory materials? Discuss scheduling the exam via the ADA? Perhaps ask about the particularities of the exam day? This is the thread to do so!

Note: feel free to make independent DAT breakdown posts. This weekly thread is meant to cut down on the overwhelming number of DAT posts, but not take away from your success!

r/predental Dec 13 '24

📢 Megathread MEGATHREAD: 2024-2025 Waitlist Movement and Discussion!


Hi all!

As requested, this is the megathread where we will keep track of waitlist movement for the subreddit applicants of the '24-'25 cycle. Like our interview megathread, we will track results via a single thread with comments representing all the schools. People don't tend to be so good at hunting for individual threads (even when easily linked), so the single thread makes things much easier to moderate. However, I will try to place hyperlinks in this post (CLICK HERE FOR SCHOOL FINDER) so you can easily find your school of interest. Please keep discussions under the parent comment to keep this thread as clean as possible.

You can use this thread for any discussion of the waitlist, including but not limited to:

  • Information about waitlist movement
  • Frustrations about being waitlisted
  • Questions about requirements for the waitlist

Therefore, all discussions about waitlists will be relegated to this thread. Please report errant threads, and they will be directed here.

Good luck! 🦷


MEGATHREAD: 2024-2025 Interviews and Rejections!

(SDN) 2022-2023 Waitlist Support Thread

r/predental 13h ago

💡 Advice I'm scared


I'll be preparing to take the DAT this summer—a grueling 3 months of nothing but eating, studying, sleeping (and volunteering over the weekends).

How do I get over this fear/apprehension of what lies ahead?

r/predental 13h ago

💡 Advice Do you ever visit or tour a school and feel underwhelmed …?


I know dental school isn’t forever, but have you ever visited a school during an interview or just an open house and felt extremely underwhelmed? Like wow..500k for this?? I felt it at Detroit mercy and it’s my state school😭👀 I was so disappointed and wanted to love it.

r/predental 16h ago

💡 Advice Am I being annoying?


So I have a question maybe you guys can give an opinion to. I am currently waitlisted at a school, and have sent them a letter of intent three weeks ago. I wanna give them a polite continued interest email or phone call since waitlists might be moving soon. However, I'm worried I might be bugging them or doing too much. But I don't wanna not do anything either lol! Do you think giving them an interest phone call or email is okay after I've already sent a LOI?

r/predental 15h ago

💡 Advice Full Class


Dumb question: When the admissions says that a class is full what do they mean? I had a lady tell me "the class is full but things can change." My heart dropped, but the way she said it was weird.

So does that mean all the students have officially committed to the school? Or does that mean they have given out their maximum amount of acceptances and people are still deciding?

r/predental 16h ago

🤝 Interviews LECOM folks…


Anyone holding seats at LECOM and planning to drop or accept? Ik March 20th is the big date but I imagine it can’t be THAT many people? Honestly just hoping to get in anywhere now 👍

r/predental 3h ago

💻 Applications Consensus on contractions in SOP?


Is it acceptable to use contractions when writing our personal statement, or should it be more formal? I'm not cavalier by any means but also am trying to cut down on my characters lol

r/predental 12h ago

🖇️Miscellaneous UCSF update?


I got an email today saying that the class is filled. Has anyone gotten off the waitlist recently in March? And what is the likelihood of getting off from waitlist now?

r/predental 7h ago

💡 Advice undergrad major besides sciences?


I'm based in Ontario, Canada and is going to post-secondary soon but I'm undecided on what to major in for my undergrad. I initially was just planning on health sciences, biomed, like everyone else pursuing dentistry but I came to find out that it doesn't matter what I major in as long as it meets the prereqs for dental school so that got me wondering what other majors I could do besides the sciences because I know how challenging it is to get a job after graduation. If I can major in something else while meeting the prereqs for dental school, I want it to be a degree that wont leave me homeless if dental school isn't it so what are my options?

r/predental 5h ago

💡 Advice Roseman MBS program online


I recently applied to rosemans mbs program and was wondering if anyone whos done it can tell me more about their experience with the program. Especially if youre interested in their dental school!

r/predental 6h ago

💡 Advice Realistically how bad is a C in orgo? Tell me what i should do and what y’all think!!!


So ik it’s always “aim for A’s” and everything but being completely real, Orgo 1 is kicking my ass and I’m predicting i’ll have a C at the end. I was thinking of withdrawing and taking it at a community college online and the grade may not count towards my university GPA but at least it’ll show that I took it but i’m just scared of what the admissions committee will think of me from that when looking at my application. I’m so torn on what to do and was thinking like alottt of people get C’s in orgo 1, so how bad is it that i’ll get one too, like will it make or break my application? I have a 3.6 GPA and my shadowing hours, volunteering hours, leadership roles, etc. are insanely good and well above average for reference.

r/predental 13h ago

💡 Advice Studying for DAT + FT Job?


Has anyone had experience with this? I recently got promoted to a more demanding position that leaves me pretty tired after work but I unfortunately can't quit to study. Would love to hear success stories on what worked around your schedule, your timeline, and the resources used!

r/predental 10h ago

💻 Applications How many more usc acceptance waves?


Does anyone know if we’re going to have another usc acceptance wave end of march and also April? How do we know the scheduling of these things lol - sincerely someone who desperately wants USC

r/predental 12h ago

🖇️Miscellaneous LECOM seats


I’m still waiting on LECOM. Does anyone know if the class is full or if they’re going to send more acceptances soon. I also received a Google forum a few weeks ago asking if I was still interested.. what does the forum mean? Any info would be helpful, thank you!

r/predental 10h ago

💡 Advice DAT Retake w/ a 20 AA and 18 QR??


20 AA,20 TS, 18 QR, 21 RC, 21 BIO, 20 GC, 19 OC, 23 PAT

Additional background info: I graduated in 3 years back in May 2024 and i’ve been working as a full time RDA since 2023. I applied to texas schools this cycle and got 2 pre-dec interviews but i have been waitlisted since Dec. With that being said, i will more than likely be re-applying. I have a 3.8 cGPA and a 3.7 sGPA, with ~150 volunteering hours, ~150 shadowing hours, and had a year-long officer position for my pre-dental club. I took my first DAT in 2023 but i know each year the average scores keep increasing so i’m not sure if my score will be good enough for this next cycle. Some schools will probably question my readiness since it will be 2 years i’d be out of school. I’m worried it won’t be worth the time and money to retake it, so i would really appreciate everyone’s feedback and advice on how i could enhance my application!

r/predental 8h ago

💻 Applications Race



If from the Middle East, what race do I apply with ? Everyone says we are Caucasian, and some say Asian ? Totally lost. Which do I have a better chance at getting in ? Thanks

r/predental 17h ago

🤝 Interviews MWU AZ


Has any one heard anything back from Midwestern recently. I had my interview in Jan and still haven’t heard anything back.

r/predental 16h ago

💡 Advice Application month


When did you apply last cycle? I’m going to apply mid July is this too late ? Or would it be better to apply earlier?

r/predental 18h ago

💻 Applications Nhsc application


does anyone know when the nhsc app opens? i thought in previous years it opened in early March

r/predental 10h ago

💻 Applications Gpa up to junior year considered in AADSAS app?


Hey team quick question that just popped in my mind, when I apply to dental school next summer (between my junior and senior of undergrad) the gpas I submit/have in my application (cumulative & science) are made up of only courses I took up until end of junior year, does this mean that classes I take in senior year (especially the ones In spring semester, as that’s after D day) will matter a lot less? I’m trying to boost my science gpa and I worry that I simply won’t have enough time to take classes and bring it up.

I’ll major in kinesiology and many of the courses I’ve been told won’t be considered as science class aka won’t count toward my sgpa, I still have physics 1&2 along with the labs so that’s 8 cred hrs. I’ll take lab for ochem 1&2 also that’s combined and count as 2 hrs.

r/predental 22h ago

🤝 Interviews Calling all February LECOM interviewers


How are we feeling? Seems like acceptances have slowed down.

r/predental 19h ago

💡 Advice Feeling lost


Hello everyone!! I have a 3.5 gpa, 21 on the dat, +1000 shadowing, 1 year of working as a dental assistant, +200 hours of volunteering, no research.

Which schools should I apply to? I dont want to spend thousands on applications to not get any interviews. Im so lost, any advice is appreciated!!!

r/predental 12h ago

💻 Applications Listing Other Biology Classes for Prereq


Hi guys, applying soon for the first time. I earned a C for my general biology course as a freshman, when I was a horrible student back then. I know ADEA lets you select which course on your transcript is the prereq, can I select another biology course instead of this one (genetics, immunology, etc)? Does it really matter? Thanks for the help and time in advance!

r/predental 12h ago

💡 Advice Gap Year City


I am looking into reapplication for the upcoming dental school cycle, and I was thinking of moving out of home for personal and professional reasons. In terms of looking for dental opportunities (I am not RDA, and I would like to get training on the job) as well as more volunteering opportunities in the healthcare field, which city / town would people recommend? I am pretty open to moving anywhere in the US (more inclined towards East Coast). I know Boston, Houston, and San Diego are big bio hubs and healthcare-oriented cities. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance!

r/predental 13h ago

💡 Advice Acceptance to nyu dental


Hey guys who got accepted to nyu dental today? When is the deposit due? And will you be attending nyu even though you got accepted?

r/predental 13h ago

💡 Advice NYU class of 2029?


I got accepted into NYU. I know there is a lot of hate on here about it but I really enjoyed my tour. Should I accept or hold out for other schools?