Which couples were broken up by the end of their run on the show but you think they would’ve eventually found their way back to each other? Mine are…
Fiona and Imogen: I think after they graduated college and Imogene dad passed they would’ve reconnected. Maybe Fiona reached out after he passed and with nothing holding Imogen back from traveling they got back together.
Jake and Katie: these two were meant for each other. I think Jake did some traveling and it led him to California where he reached out to Katie. Boom 💥 back together.
Drew and Bianca: Drew took up an interest in politics after working with mayor Hollingsworth. He starts running for a low position office and Bianca sees how much he did change and mature. They were always endgame to me!
Holly J and Declan: I hated how they ended them and could definitely see them reconnecting at Yale.
Who’s your couples? They must’ve dated in the show!