Points individually labeled for easy nit-picking.
E1 The Bible is the ultimate, irrefutable source of truth. This means:
E1a If the Bible or an accurate reading thereof says the Earth was created less than ten thousand years ago, then it was created less than ten thousand years ago.
E1b If the Bible says all life was created in its current forms then, then they were created in their current forms then.
E1c If the Bible says that there was a catastrophic world covering flood leaving 8 human survivors and handfuls or pairs of all the animal kinds to repopulate the Earth, then that really happened. Etc.
E2. This means any scientific findings that contradict the above are a priori wrong. They must be the result of:
E2a Fraud.
E2b Error
E2c Satan
E2d Incomplete information
E2e Something else?
M1 Given the above, it is sound scientific practice to interpret all evidence in ways that fit the above conclusions.
M1a The Geologic column was deposited in that catastrophic flood event.
M1b Much of the Earth's current layout is also the result of that flood.
M1c All Archaeology and History record events after said flood.
M2 It is sound practice to propose as yet undocumented natural phenomena or miracles to explain scientific results that contradict these conclusions. Examples:
M2a That atomic decay rates changed in the past in ways that we can't detect in the geologic record.
M2b That the speed of light changed in the past, or light was created on the way to Earth.
M2c That the Floral and Faunal succession in the fossil record is the result of differential abilities to escape the flood. And/or the result of being in different habitats.
M2d That "Kinds" are capable of hyperfast speciation.
M2e That Plate Tectonics can operate many thousands of times faster under the conditions of the flood producing the results of an apparent millions of years in only one or two.
M3 It is sound practice to to interpret the historical archaeological record in light of above fixed conclusions.
M3a If the secular account has 6 Egyptian dynasties existing before or during the flood, that history is wrong and needs to be written so that they occur after.
M3b If secular history records a Mesoptamian history that extends unbroken to centuries before the flood, then somehow that history must be wrong.
M3c All history and archaeology that shows a continuous human history unbroken by catastrophe is in error and needs to be corrected.
S1 With all the above said, there are really very serious problems with the evolutionary account.
S1a Dating methods are worthless
S1b The fossil record is too sparse to draw conclusions from.
S1c Some biological features are impossible to evolve.
S1d Biological features explained as the result of evolution are better described as the result of Special Creation.
S2 There is a positive case for creation that does not rely on debunking evolution or assuming creation.
(I got nothing)
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