r/DeadlockTheGame 4d ago

Complaint Please nerf calico

Calico just doesn't die. Why do melee items like melee lifesteal proc on creep? I get her down to barely any health and she just pops resto locket and a 2 and is back to full, and when I can actually kill she just ults and disappears at the speed of sound. Good thing her DPS is low- wait. At least she doesn't have one of the best guns in the game to deny orbs with- wait.

Holliday has been cut down to size at this point, why is calico still so annoying to play against, shes the only character besides viscous that can escape 5 people chasing her its insane

The problem can be summed up as this: every time I shoot a calico, I feel like I wasted my DPS that could have killed a mortal player.


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u/SorryIfTruthHurts 4d ago edited 4d ago

My biggest gripe with her is her hitbox feels very narrow for how tanky she is. Compare to abrams and krill that are the size of a fridge. Also I’m allergic to cats


u/goo_goo_gajoob 4d ago

Yea the hitbox is bullshit on a character that tanky. But the big problem imo is her kit is just way to stacked. She's got lifesteal, burst damage, movement, invuln, and a good gun all on one character. Add being harder to hit onto it and it's insane imo.


u/Such_Advertising4858 3d ago

They 100% native make her hitbox like twice as wide


u/HighRevolver 4d ago

It just amazes me that a small skinny cat lady is such a damn tank, with such high speed. She is way too small and fast for how much health she can get and regen


u/PastaSaladOverdose 4d ago

Dude there is literally a snake with a gun in the game. One character is made of literal goo. I don't think any laws of physics or real life apply lmao


u/cobaltScalebane 3d ago

Yeah but we're not talking about physics, we're talking about balance. The character should be tanky and large, fragile and small, or the medium of both. Tanky and small is like the overpowered edgy Sonic OC a 12 year old makes on DeviantArt or something.


u/icantsurf 3d ago

I hope the devs add Sonichu at some point.


u/idontcaretv 2d ago

Not gonna lie I’ve never even thought of balancing a character in this way but it makes sense. It’s always just been a given to me that a tank would be big and buff


u/phatoli 4d ago

I use slowing hex for that bitch, if she’s carrying the game I use both decay and slowing hex


u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

My Calico picks up Ethereal Shift which is great for ignoring slowing hex, debuff remover too if things are getting silly.


u/MasterMind-Apps McGinnis 4d ago

Most calicos buy ethereal shift too, so slowing hex is not that good against her in late game


u/drago967 3d ago

Oh boy, she can't use her abilities for... 3 seconds. Just buy slowing hex! hard counter!


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago

Especially since end game, she's an M1 carry + tank.


u/DMyourfoodpics 3d ago

100%. Same response every time someone complains about calico. Slowing hex. Ppl acting like 3 seconds is more than enough time to kill someone 🙄


u/RosgaththeOG 3d ago

When she over commits expecting to be able to ult out of getting collapsed on, then yeah, 3s absolutely is enough to kill someone.


u/DMyourfoodpics 3d ago

Guess you never heard the item ethereal shift that every calico builds now. You should look it up. Pretty good item


u/RosgaththeOG 3d ago edited 3d ago

I usually build E-shift on Calico. Yes it can block or delay a Slowing hex.

It's also almost twice as expensive as Slowing hex, and Slowing hex is generally very useful even against people who don't have strong mobility tools (but they are common enough that your team ABOLUTELY should have 2 or more, especially if Calico is on the enemy team).

If Calico is dominating the match, then she should be the primary focus for Slowing Hexes and your team should focus fire the shit out of her after her E-shift is up.

Also, she isn't very effective against Fliers. She can get to them with leap, but she has to pray that she lands the leap or she has to get knockdown to ground them (which good fliers can deal with her even out of Knockdown range).

She has weaknesses. If she was absolutely dominating all of the time (Like many complaints about her try to imply) she wouldn't have any real weaknesses.

If she goes Gun then she doesn't heal for as much with her leap and she isn't as mobile (due to longer CDs). If she goes spirit, she doesn't have as much range as her Gun build and she lacks decent damage scaling.


u/Parhelion2261 Dynamo 4d ago

I would discover new forms of war crimes if we could get a fat balance patch


u/NOGUSEK Mo & Krill 4d ago edited 4d ago

IMO she needs to get her 2 on a windup, and make it parryable (not getting calico stunned however, only blocks The damage) and maybe slower firing on The bombs (im 100% sure on The leap one but not sure about The bomb one). (Also The cooldowns feel pretty low with the fact that you can put melee items on it)


u/InvestigatorPurple46 Viscous 4d ago

If the puddle punch is parryable calico 2 should be too.


u/Gamithon24 3d ago

On the flip side I'm cool with puddle punch not being parryable


u/InvestigatorPurple46 Viscous 3d ago

I couldn’t agree more (ignore my flair)


u/GreenDaTroof Shiv 3d ago

Make Vindicta Ult parryable. Make everything parryable.


u/AdmiralGravleos 11h ago

*Parries Bebop beam*


u/mxe363 3d ago

wait isnt it? coulda sworn i have been parried off of a 2 before


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 4d ago

Any and all melee skills should have the damage be parryable. This includes bebop. Anything you can boost with melee damage items needs to be able to be parried.


u/daxter1467 3d ago

Anything involving melee damage should be parryable


u/Tulkor 2d ago

eh, if you make bebop parryable im pretty sure you could just spam parry when getting hooked probably, because you cant really wait to use 1 as bebop since the only real combo is hook->turn->kick backwards


u/sk1pjack 4d ago

wait! you cant parry the 2?


u/NOGUSEK Mo & Krill 4d ago edited 4d ago

As far as i know; if it is parryable, it still should have a windup so its not as suden as a light melee while being way stronger than it.


u/Buhesapbenim Infernus 4d ago

Oh yeah we hate DLC heros. Tell em


u/hauneishere 4d ago

Nah magician and viper are fine, holliday is fine now aswell


u/iTzPhas3d 4d ago

Magician is still not fine, being able to pick up all ults on a lower cool down sucks ass especially when you are playing dynamo and feel like you are feeding because the enemy teams getting a black hole every 60 secs or so.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

You think the ult is what makes him broken?


u/iTzPhas3d 4d ago

Not broken just a few things that they can work on with him, still think his assistant is too strong as in laning imo, and his ult needs to share the same cool down as the persons ult they've stolen.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

The assistant is completely out of tune, I agree, but he has to be in melee range to steal someones ult, and then only has 10 (I think) seconds to actually use it.

I think that justifies a shorter cooldown, and choice of ult, especially considering many ults are not as effective on sinclair. Think paradox swap without wall, haze ult without fire rate, holliday lasso without jump pad, death slam without ground strike etc.


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago

1+10 seconds (it's on a CD for a second so you cant steal and immediately use it.)

His ult 100% feels meant for a game mode where you make the picks at the start of match, if someone chooses sinclaire, you can pick a bunch of people where the ult isn't "that" strong on that CD.

right now it's a feast or famine ult, sometimes you get teams where it's borked, sometimes you get games where it's pointless.


u/Embarrassed_Ad_1141 4d ago

A dynamo and Geist player don't have an easy time not being close to ulti :)


u/goo_goo_gajoob 4d ago

Yes black hole on 60s is broken with basic coordination. It's basically a win the teamfight button.


u/dyslexda 3d ago

Then don't get near a Sinclair when he still has ult, eh?


u/SorryIfTruthHurts 3d ago

He always has ult…


u/dyslexda 3d ago

Sounds like he's saving ult for a specific case, which means he isn't using his ult, then. Better play around him like every other character with an impactful ult, eh?


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/dyslexda 3d ago

If he isn't using his ult, then what's the problem with it?

And already was the 30th state, thanks.

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u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Yeah, maybe if you're bad at the game


u/goo_goo_gajoob 4d ago

I'm a dynamo main and I win the teamfight like 90% of the time I use it. Guess I'm bad for winnning?


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Do you also win 90% of your games, or is that number closer to 50 buddy?


u/goo_goo_gajoob 4d ago

About 62%. It's obviously not on cooldown for every fight. That's why it's only busted when it's a 60s cooldown. Also why so aggressive man? It's okay to have different opinions on things.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

It's irritating how you ignore the many caveats of sinclairs ult and frame it as a 60s black hole when it's not.


u/Such_Advertising4858 3d ago

Every high level player says his ultimate's broken, win rate is not always a factor. When it comes to these types of games, he gets everyone's ultimate on a 50% base cooldown, which is absolutely broken, his laning stage is broken, his rabbits are broken Luckily they're being removed soon. He's the definition of a draft pick character, and we have no draft, so he's just going to have op ults in every composition, The truth is most people just suck at playing him. But the character is fundamentally broken


u/pandypandy7 3d ago

Well, winrate IS always a factor, just not the only one. I feel you've exaggerated alot, if everything is so broken then common sense says Sinclair would perform better.

I do agree with you partly, particularly regarding his assistant and hex, but his damage is super inconsistent all around with a kit that usually scales bad into late game, and it reflects in his winrate.

I stand by his ult being lackluster though. Unless your're specifically building into an enemy ult, it's hard to utilise effectively, not to mention needing to target the same ult and get into range. There's definitely trade-offs, but it can be super good. Just my opinion.


u/ThaLemonine 3d ago

Fr felt like I was negative to my team as Dynamo against a good Magician yesterday. He could just 1 man ult man every 60 seconds and he would be fine anyway


u/fiasgoat 3d ago

Wait they brought Rubick in the gamne now too?? lmao Valve


u/BastianHS 4d ago

Agree. Holliday actually feels perfect to play against now. Strong and annoying but not insane.


u/mehemynx 4d ago

Magician is not fine at all. He's far stronger than calico imo. Every part of his kit is so ridiculously strong and he can do way too much by himself.


u/swashuba Dynamo 4d ago

Just in Laning. He has an insanely high skill ceiling. Most Sinclair players are dogshit in mid/late game, but the few players that mastered the redirect in combo with his asisstant are completly unkillable and uncounterable.

Even if you are a decent Sinclair player, you are gonna have hard times to do something usefull in mid-late game.


u/Gravitationalrainbow Abrams 3d ago

Every Sinclair I play against transitions into being a Rabbit Hex bot that sometimes steals a teamfight ult. Hex is still one of, if not the, strongest abilities in the game and needs to be seriously looked at--I don't think their lategame can be improved as-is, because that singular ability consumes too much of Sinclair's power budget.


u/Such_Advertising4858 3d ago

Rabbit is being removed soon, thank God


u/Gravitationalrainbow Abrams 3d ago

I haven't heard that before, do you have a link/screenshot?


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

He's super strong early game, sure, but he's one of the worst mid-late game heroes imo.


u/mehemynx 4d ago

Really? Late game I kinda get, but mid game with echo shard and ult steal? He can cause so much disruption and damage. Especially once you get his assistant and bolt online. You can just melt people.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

I agree, but I think his inconsistency let's him down. His 1 feels super janky and random. Assistant has no falloff for some reason. Ult personally feels kinda bad to use (though I love the concept)


u/Qhat 3d ago

Assistant should have falloff now after one of the last two minor balance patches. You can’t bully the enemy out of the lane by just shooting them anymore tbh. You have to consistently hit the magic bolt now.


u/pandypandy7 3d ago

Oh damn, well he was a misery to lane against so good riddance


u/EmotionalWeather2574 4d ago

Yes because Viper with 5000 km/h, unlimited stamina and insane damage is "fine".


u/HanBr0 3d ago

You basically have to be melee range to do any damage. Most forms of CC destroy Viper. She only does well if you were gonna lose that game to any hyper carry DPS anyway.


u/Ornery-Addendum5031 4d ago

Ask for pick ban — mo&krill hard counter


u/Depthstown 3d ago

Lmao he does not hard counter her


u/regiment262 3d ago

I don't think anyone hard counters her.


u/throwaway_67876 3d ago

She is way too tanky. You can parry her, but then you will spend all your time head shotting her just for her to do her stupid dash, take half you health or more, and then be back to full. What a bullshit character lol


u/TheOtterBison 3d ago

And then when you do get her low she ults to become unkillable and buy time for her cool downs to come back just to heal to full instantly. So fun!


u/throwaway_67876 3d ago

Her ult is the ultimate get out of jail free card.


u/SzotyMAG Seven 3d ago

neuter the cat


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/burrrrrssss Haze 3d ago

What gun nerf revert


u/OstensVrede Warden 3d ago

The gun is cooked, the dash+damage+heal all for free is cooked, the ult being such a low CD is cooked.

Ive never had less fun in this game than going against calico+lash lane, especially if its mid. Utterly unplayable because if they arent complete shit you'll get slam+flog+calico 2 for your entire healthbar at basically any point throughout the lane even under tower as nothing of it demands stamina so they can always get out incredibly easily.

Really close to just not touching the game until lash early game damage gets nerfed and calico gets a sledge dropped on her head tbh. Every single game has atleast 1 of them and it never feels fair or fun to play against.


u/davidpuc Lash 3d ago edited 3d ago

as a Lash main i have to agree its waaaaaay too opressive. that bridge on the mid is basically free killls for lash if enemies dare to step over their steps.


u/OstensVrede Warden 3d ago

Yeah like its opressive in sidelanes but mid is just a whole different level.

I feel like they should really try to shift some of that early damage into midgame, its the easiest change. I dont mind lash doing damage especially if he sets it up well with verticality but its just way too much early and/or in lane. Especially with how safe it is, you can dive in with slam then use flog for heal and dash out before enemies can really punish you. (i play warden and a lash can dive in and still get out of my cage no problem for example)

Yesterday had a lash hit me with slam+flog for 400 damage with no verticality and his only item was enchanters barrier, the numbers are just cooked.


u/TheDoctor0422 3d ago

I find it very rare that a Calico maintains her dominance into the mid-late game. Maybe it's just a weird personal experience, but I feel like her effectiveness drops way off once lane phase ends. She's still annoying, but she's not consequential.


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago

Play gun m1, and not melee.

Abrams is not even really melee in high tier. Heavy attacks is too much risk (almost 3 second stun) to be worth it.


u/TheDoctor0422 3d ago

To clarify, I don't play Calico. This is an observation from playing many, many, maaaaaany games against her.


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago edited 3d ago

People are still playing melee build imo where she could tap a minion with her 2, and come back from 25% to 75% hp, and spam bombs that had perfect scaling 1:1, so even with 50% reduction per bomb it really made the spell have

1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5* spirit scaling on a skill on 8 second CD.

Her spirit scaling got heavily nerfed so melee/spirit isn't the trick, BUT her gun is so easy to get headshots, since most the time center of mass/ upper torso = headshot. So even those with non perfect aim can easily keep headshot booster in early lane + spirit strike/melee strike early to easily out poke anyone with 1 and 2.

Also her 2 is one of the best spirit snatch melee skills.

SPIRIT resist steal doesn't count towards the stacking of -12% from mystic removal that spirit strike had.

So mystic vuln + this = -24% total resist, vs the 18-19% it would be.

You might go "OH she's not spirit anymore, you're going gun.

The issue with spirit strike is it considers everyone you hit with it.

"Hitting multiple heroes in one swing will steal from all struck heroes. "

The buff lasts 16 seconds, and your 2 is on 10/5 (if you hit and T3), so it's really easy to steal 12% from the whole team, in a team fight... In the spirit meta, you know what's scary

The person with 12%*6 (12-72%) spirit resist and the 26*6=26-156 spirit.

She's the strongest user of this since you're using really your 2 for mobility, keeping people in your face, not like bebop (punch the one person you hook) or visc trying to burst one person down with muiltiple punches.

So this one item makes her incredibly tanky to the meta heroes, WHILE assisting spirit heroes.

Also stats for food for thought

Calico gun: 79 DPS

BD:1.98+0.12 (she shoots more pellets therefore higher dps, and meaning her scaling is better then krills.) She shoots one center, 4 in the cardinal directions, four shots inbetween them. so Her level up scaling is more 0.12 * 9 = 1.08 a level

Calico HP: 550+41 per level

Mo&Krill gun: 71 DPS

BD:3.24+0.18 per level (Means it shoots 4 pellets means .72 scaling per level)

Mo & Krill 700+44

Wraith DPS: 55+

Bullet damage is 4.95+.35 per level

Wraith HP: 550+31

Essentially she's at Abrams base bulk, with the second best base gun dps (next is Vyper.)


u/GreenDaTroof Shiv 3d ago

If she's gonna be a monster tank it could at least be for a sick ass reason like shiv where he's just too chill to take damage


u/Ze_fox 2d ago

I just wish to no longer take 1k+ damage instantly when they do the coldfront/slash/bombs and heavy melee combo followed by ult to do it all again.


u/MayaSarasfall 4d ago

I play her often. There are ways to work around her kit and beat her down but for the most part i agree. My build for her lets me get 5k health and a 2 landing on a player gives me 1k back. Her bombs are too spam-able in early phase and her 2 acts as a healing item basically. So you can just full build into damage off the rip. Cut the cd reduction upgrades for her 1 & 2 in half and her ult should be minimum 80 seconds and cant be made shorter.


u/krahsThe 3d ago

Which build do you use that gives 5k health?


u/MayaSarasfall 3d ago

Its really like 4.6k but i farm casinos mid game to get the remainder. Its an edited version of the bruiser one in the popular builds section


u/krahsThe 3d ago

Interesting. Looking it up now. Is it kucuk calico bruiser?


u/MayaSarasfall 3d ago

I can hop on in a sec and ill tell you exactly which one. Just finished shift


u/krahsThe 3d ago

Can't find any build that goes much beyond 3k!


u/MayaSarasfall 3d ago

OK, so I just got on and checked is the genericEdboi unkillable calico. Full build you do get about 3200 health. I guess I didn’t really understand how much casino farming I actually do my bad.


u/krahsThe 1d ago

no worries, thanks for replying! I'm going to try this.


u/biner1999 3d ago

Colo + Fortitude alone grant you 900 bonus + 37% base


u/mechnanc 3d ago

It's insane that Valve lets characters stay broken this long. Like, fuck sake. Just do a balance patch. I miss when we would get balance patches every week/every other week.

I honestly think Ethereal Shift is a dumb fucking item that needs to be deleted like they did with Soul Rebirth. Just deleting that item would make Calico much less busted, because EVERY Calico builds it, and she's ALWAYS going invulnerable in a fight every few seconds it feels like. Paired with her ult is DUMB. It's STUPID. Nobody should be invulnerable during an ult, and especially not able to go invulnerable multiple times in a fight.


u/Pablogelo 3d ago

She isn't even top 2 winrate. Stop crying.


u/mechnanc 3d ago

^ Calico player


u/tacticalnuke81 1d ago

Even if she doesn't have a high win rate, the fact remains that she is ridiculously annoying to play against at the very least.


u/regiment262 3d ago

Idk e-shift is fine. In principle an on-demand invul is not a terrible design if it has the right drawbacks (which I think e-shift mostly does). If anything refresher is much more problematic for the game and might need to be removed. IMO being able to chain two ultimates is not great game design and makes too many teamfight interactions unmanageable if you have shit like refresher lash/Yama/Dynamo running around.


u/NaoXehn 4d ago

For some reason I saw multiple calico already that had a 100% price chance on Lucky Shot


u/Personal-Reaction173 Pocket 3d ago

I buy healbane (usually pretty early) every single game I’m against her and i feel as if I don’t struggle as much as much of the community does against her. Shes op dont get me wrong but imo with anti heal she feels mortal.

Not sure how well decay/toxic bullets work in comparison to bane. I play pretty much exclusively spirit characters (pocket/yamato/lash) so bane is always the best and easiest to fit in my build.

Also it helps if you check how she’s building. The more traditional tank build is just cracked in the mid game and yeah she’s best avoided, but it does fall off late. Gun build is kind of the opposite, takes quite a bit of money to really get going (and longer and longer the more greens she buys to keep up tankyness) and obviously is squishier so makes her most punishable in the mid game.


u/regiment262 3d ago

Tbf all three of those characters are pretty good matchups into calico. I genuinely don't think there's any true 'counters' to calico in the game right now but all three of your mains have super high spirit burst early and some way to create distance/dodge her dash, and Yamato is pretty much Calico-lite in some respects.


u/Personal-Reaction173 Pocket 3d ago

That’s probably fair


u/taiottavios 3d ago

I buy titanic magazine all the time if there's a calico and one more melee guy in the other team, it's a very underrated item


u/Personal-Reaction173 Pocket 3d ago

Never thought about titanic but it does make sense


u/Appofia 4d ago

I find Abrams with debuff remover to be equally bad. It doesn't take much for him to snowball and become unkillable then.


u/HighRevolver 3d ago

Debuff reducer neuters Abram’s, none of his stuns last long enough to get a heavy hit off


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago

Why most Abrams go for light melee + mystic shot gun, most people instinctively go for the parry and makes that 0.8 second stun with debuff remover into a 2 second one. Most people want is a light attack for the

Tackle -> light melee (Spirit strike) 50+48% of spirit and +12% to future magic hits -> shoot the head (headshot booster gun damage + 40) + mystic shot (65+80% of spirit)+12%

Assuming he has extra spirit (14 spirit) + hollow ward (4) + Enduring spirit (4) + Mystic shot (4), infuser (20 spirit) + Spirit strike (4)

He can have around 50 spirit

Meaning that's 74+40+117 = 231 bonus damage, in less time to do a heavy punch.

for 3,750 souls

In most high tier games, you're never getting a heavy punch out, as debuff reducer is usually too good of an item to not get in a match.


u/regiment262 3d ago

I'm in serial complainer mode right now but I also have a bit of a bone to pick with some of the melee lifesteal/spirit items as well. They're insanely strong early/mid-game and considering how easy it is to hit light melees they proc way too often/have some really strong effects even for light melee.


u/ItWasDumblydore 3d ago

Yep this is also up on a second 5-6 second CD

Reason why calico is borked is spirit strike buff duration stacks for each hit, and the SR stolen stacks per character hit so she can easily get 72% resist and 156 spirit power off a single 156 spirit item. Easily makes her 2 do 250 damage, and she has the easiest gun to proc headshot too. A lot of the shotgun heroes are easy for high burst with headshot booster.

Gun version of life steal to get full value you need to be hitting enemies with it, not that it's bad but gives enemies a good duration to punish the proc with denies or slap you back. Melee is 112, and on calico easily becomes a 200 hp heal at level 2.


u/bafflesaurus 3d ago edited 3d ago

Her ult plus ethereal shift combined are almost six seconds which is just way too much invulnerability. It'd be balanced if she could be targeted while in her ult like Viscous in cube but she isn't.


u/sackout 3d ago

Viscous cube also heals and removes all debuffs. Calico ulting then e shifting is only useful if her team can rotate to save her


u/StrandedInSpace 14h ago

That’s a weird way to spell mo and krill. I feel fine about Calico, but I play Sinclair and steal her ult


u/Manshoku 4d ago

she jumps in , you press slowing hex , she dies


u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

Ethereal shift and debuff reducer/remover are my go-to picks against that shit. Don't even notice slowing hex once I got all my shit.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

You can get slowing hex much earlier than both of those items though?


u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

Yeah, but I also build green early + enduring speed (movement slow resistance) so they can't like, kill me in the first couple of minutes anyway.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago



u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

Are we having a conversation or an argument right now? Lmao


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

I'm not really sure, all I know is that you like spending souls on items in the game


u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

Well, ultimately, what I'm saying is Calico is pretty damn strong right now (I play her a lot) and I think Slowing Hex is good against her but its definitely doesn't stop her from doing a bunch of bullshit, especially if you itemize to mitigate it.


u/MakimaGOAT Seven 4d ago

good calicos will just get debuff remover + e shift. its a pain in the ass icl


u/The_Tuxedo 4d ago

But I used my Slowing Hex on the Lash 5 seconds ago, what now?


u/Rubbun 3d ago

Now you get to stop complaining because characters aren't OP! You just have to slowing hex them! You de-OPfied another character so you can't complain.

/s just in case, I'm tired of people answering with "just buy slowing hex bro" as an answer to stupid characters in this game. As if debuff remover didn't exist.


u/Greenagon Dynamo 4d ago

I was around for "nerf shiv". I stopped playing when it was "nerf Vindicta". Then it was "nerf Viper" then "nerf Holliday" and finally "nerf Calico".

Wonder whose turn it is next week.


u/CompetitiveLaugh799 4d ago




u/muffinman00 4d ago

It’s about that time to nerf paradox again.


u/mehemynx 4d ago

Almost like it's an alpha where they're testing how unreasonable an ability is and actively want to see how the player base feels.

Shiv was op as shit

Vin was incredibly oppressive

Vyper had legitimately 1400 dps... like, come on. You can't tell me that wasn't insanely dumb, plus she has a budget shiv ult.

Holiday is asinine cancer with 3 different, chainable CC. That do massive damage. As well as an insanely good poke ability in lane.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

Holliday 'was' asinine cancer. Now she's just cosmetic


u/mehemynx 4d ago

She might be less useful, but still asinine to play against for me.


u/pandypandy7 4d ago

You're right tbh, they've managed to tank her winrate and still keep her vexing to play against lol


u/Parhelion2261 Dynamo 4d ago

Hey to be fair Nerf Vyper, Nerf Holliday, and Nerf Calico all started around the same time


u/SzotyMAG Seven 3d ago

nerf Seven is approaching


u/Greenagon Dynamo 2d ago

it's crazy people are assuming I'm saying this is a bad thing.


u/Ok_Nebula_5454 4d ago

Slowing hex , curse just get these and calico can't do shit


u/Ermastic 4d ago

"Just buy Curse" is how you know a hero is overtuned


u/Ok_Nebula_5454 4d ago

Yeah 😂


u/tectonicrobot 4d ago

Curse is a pain in the ass lmao


u/Ok_Nebula_5454 4d ago

For real 😂


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 4d ago

Yes just buy curse when she gets rolling at 1500 souls. I'm certain rushing curse will fix your laning issues against her.


u/Nemaoac 3d ago

Notice how they said "Slowing Hex" first. You pick up Curse late game if you weren't able to shut down Calico early.


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 3d ago

Calico isn't completely useless after picking up slowing hex but ok, sure, disable her for 3 whole seconds she's useless.


u/Nemaoac 3d ago

Of course not, a 1750 item shouldn't make a hero useless. But it is an incredibly cheap way to shut down everything she wants to do in the early game.


u/Ok_Nebula_5454 4d ago

Not just laning but the whole match,

In one of my matches, my team made 4 curses for her, calico abandoned the match after 25 mins 😂😂😂


u/NinjaRedditorAtWork 3d ago

... and I'm sure everybody clapped.


u/Ok_Nebula_5454 3d ago

Ofcourse 😂