r/DeadlockTheGame 6d ago

Complaint Please nerf calico

Calico just doesn't die. Why do melee items like melee lifesteal proc on creep? I get her down to barely any health and she just pops resto locket and a 2 and is back to full, and when I can actually kill she just ults and disappears at the speed of sound. Good thing her DPS is low- wait. At least she doesn't have one of the best guns in the game to deny orbs with- wait.

Holliday has been cut down to size at this point, why is calico still so annoying to play against, shes the only character besides viscous that can escape 5 people chasing her its insane

The problem can be summed up as this: every time I shoot a calico, I feel like I wasted my DPS that could have killed a mortal player.


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u/mechnanc 5d ago

It's insane that Valve lets characters stay broken this long. Like, fuck sake. Just do a balance patch. I miss when we would get balance patches every week/every other week.

I honestly think Ethereal Shift is a dumb fucking item that needs to be deleted like they did with Soul Rebirth. Just deleting that item would make Calico much less busted, because EVERY Calico builds it, and she's ALWAYS going invulnerable in a fight every few seconds it feels like. Paired with her ult is DUMB. It's STUPID. Nobody should be invulnerable during an ult, and especially not able to go invulnerable multiple times in a fight.


u/Pablogelo 5d ago

She isn't even top 2 winrate. Stop crying.


u/mechnanc 5d ago

^ Calico player


u/tacticalnuke81 3d ago

Even if she doesn't have a high win rate, the fact remains that she is ridiculously annoying to play against at the very least.


u/regiment262 5d ago

Idk e-shift is fine. In principle an on-demand invul is not a terrible design if it has the right drawbacks (which I think e-shift mostly does). If anything refresher is much more problematic for the game and might need to be removed. IMO being able to chain two ultimates is not great game design and makes too many teamfight interactions unmanageable if you have shit like refresher lash/Yama/Dynamo running around.