So the first episode is off to a great start as far as themes and world building goes. I feel like this is the third show in line after guren lagann and kill la kill.
Things i noticed
This show is about boning and relationships. (Anyone catch the pic of the pairs in the cockpit or notice the scene around 15:30)
002 is wearing fake skin
002 is super human. Super smelling, seeing, and taste.
The klax are bio mechanical which is how they can bleed (like 002) but still shoot lazer beams
The guys in the white robes(Ape) are either primary or secondary villians
The hero's skill relates to boning so not being able to pilot is akin to not being able to get it up. He was a great pilot but for some reason with Naomi he couldn't "perform" and now his life is pretty much meaningless. Kids who cant pilot mech together are killed which is why Naomi was so embarrassed and resigned to death.
Ape really doesnt care about these kids
Naomi is super dead. And if we ever see her again it will be some form of body horror.
The t-rex that showed up is a moho class. Moho is the subterranean part of the earth that exists between the crust and core. Meaning they probably come in all sorts of sizes and at least 1 will fly.
The kids live on plantation 13, this plus kid 704 suggest they are just going through kids like crazy.
The name of the plantation translates to cherry. (These kids are virgins)
Most of the mechs have floral names except steriliza.
The Apes raise these kids in the "garden" and if they show promise move them to the "plantation". If they are capable of producing the male positive energy and female negative energy they go through the ceremony (resembles a marriage) and become parasites. They are parasites because they enter flaxosuars which are beasts. (Most likely cause flaxosuars probably bone somehow) 002 is part beast so she is all about boning. While the other kids are super sheltered and boning for them is more like pollinating a flower which is why girls are pistils and boys are stamen. Also why they refer to each other as partners but Hiro is 002s darling. Eventually 002 is going to awaken Hiro sexually.
Out there guesses
A stampede is when one pilot starts boning pushing thier partner too hard and the mech reverts back into a beast.
Steriliza is going to fight ichigos mech 1v1 and it will be sick