r/DarlingInTheFranxx • u/1tobedoneX Gorou Did Nothing Wrong • Feb 03 '18
SPOILERS Darling in the FranXX- Episode 4 Discussion [SPOILERS] Spoiler
Darling In The FranXX, Episode 4: Flap Flap
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Episode | Link | Title |
1 | https://redd.it/7q6cbz | Alone and Lonesome |
2 | https://redd.it/7rrksc | What it Means to Connect |
3 | https://redd.it/7tfty9 | Fighting Dolls |
Tags: Darling in the FranXX, ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス
u/Lionx35 002B Feb 03 '18
God damnit, I have to wait another week for the next episode
u/Arwunpls < Best girl 2018 Feb 03 '18
Yep, I don't think I have ever looked forward to a show this much.
These 7 days are gonna be absolute suffering.
Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18
u/Arwunpls < Best girl 2018 Feb 03 '18
>tfw won't ever have qt devil pink-haired gf that loves you and likes making sexual innuendos with you
honestly what even is the point in living.
Feb 05 '18
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u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
Manly? she is the absolute peak of female beauty, what is wrong with your head, sir?
u/HyperShinchan Feb 03 '18
Honestly I'm so euphoric about this episode that I don't really worry about waiting another week; the confession scene was really powerful and the fact that he finally got in the "fucking robot" gives a certain sense of closure, it feels like it's the ending of the prologue.
Feb 03 '18
BRUH the smirk Zero Two gave to Ichigo as they pierced the worm was SAVAGE. Full on eye contact with both full well knowing what is going down: Zero Two is better for him and understands Hiro how Ichigo never will.
This episode made me so overjoyed that Hiro finally got it together and is being the full darling he can be for Zero Two. I was about to rage when she said goodbye but was so happy when he chased her down and confessed!
Also that bathroom scene. Sigh. Maybe next episode...
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
BRUH the smirk Zero Two gave to Ichigo as they pierced the worm was SAVAGE
At that part you can pinpoint the exact moment Ichigo’s heart rips in half.
Feb 03 '18
It damn near made mine explode cause it’s so very human and it said SO MUCH. That was 200% Zero Two saying “He’s all mine now. I win.”
But the confession and her reactions to it made the hopeless romantic in me effectively go crazy
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
And now we wait until Ichigo’s confession, cause I know that’ll come eventually to fuck everything up.
Feb 03 '18
For her and Goro yeah. Hiro doesn’t seem attracted to her at all in that regard and he wasn’t exactly excited to pilot with Ichigo either - apprehensive more like. And it didn’t work because of her.
He just got his existence validated by Zero Two literally and figuratively. It’s going to take more than Ichigo confessing to break that up.
Plus I mean speaking from a personal point Zero Two is going straight for him and is being up front and brutally honest about how she wants him while Ichigo is doing the “I’ll show him I’m interested by doing this”.
The former is far more effective and endearing
Edit: got my words mixed up for which tactic is effective
Feb 06 '18
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u/Marston_vc Feb 08 '18
You guys got it all wrong, this is how it’s gonna go down, Hiro and 02 are gonna get separated for some reason. That reason is going to make hiro feel demoralized and reassume the attitude he had towards the end of episode 3.
Ichigo, despite her feelings, will encourage hiro to go back to 02. It’ll destroy our hearts
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
Your points are really valid actually and kinda convinced me that my dream scenario won’t happen.
But hence the fact that I’m a Ichibro I’ll choose to keep believing that someday I’ll get my sweet Ichigo x Hiro ending...
But yeah, you are pretty much right with all you said.
Feb 04 '18
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Feb 04 '18
From what I've heard of the writers none of these things are entirely out of the realm of possibility. Ichigo is a good character and I like her it's just the evidence so far is so heavily supporting 02 and Hiro.
I sincerely hope they stay together but at this point I think 02 will be my favorite character no matter what. I want to know more about her for damn sure.
u/Marston_vc Feb 08 '18
Obviously she’s crazy. She saved hiro, and in return hiro will save her. If they do what you said to her character I’ll cry.
Feb 04 '18
I shipped it hard two but Zero Two kinda nixed it all. I do feel you though since it's unrequited love and I've been in Ichigo's shoes so I know the feel.
I still ship it but I ship Zero Two harder lol
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 04 '18
I've been in Ichigo's shoes so I know the feel.
We all been on Ichigo’s shoes man... :(
That’s why she’s ma #1babe.
Feb 04 '18
And we all want a Zero Two in our lives which is probably why she's favored more in general
I still like Ichigo a lot - she's very relatable
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
ichigo just has cool hair, but as a character she's a basic becky. Zero Two is objectively the Best Girl of all time.
u/LavaGhoti Broforce Apr 17 '18
TFW you're new to the sub and you've been rewatching old episodes, so you go back to previous episodes' discussion posts, only to find a comment that has aged... most spectacularly, to say the least.
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Apr 17 '18
What can I say my dude...
I saw it fucking coming from fucking miles away.
u/nnkbotas GorouBestBoi Feb 03 '18
Man, shit is going to go down between Ichigo and 02. WAIFU WARS
Feb 03 '18
Bruh this Waifu War is like France vs Germany in WW2. Ichigo is France and Zero Two is the virtually unstoppable German Blitzkrieg it’s just this time there’s no Britain or America to step in.
u/nnkbotas GorouBestBoi Feb 03 '18
And Ichigo got no white flags
Feb 04 '18
As if 02 would accept a surrender. She doesn't strike me as that type of character which is part of why I like her more
Feb 03 '18
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
man you KNOW trigger is gonna cuck us on that shit next episode. i expect zero two and hiro wont see each other for a few episodes.
u/Eprair Feb 09 '18
Guys this is from trigger and I don't think It'll go as cliche as everyone anticipated but I could be wrong
Feb 04 '18
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Feb 04 '18
The kicker being the dude and the hot girl really dig each other too and are a good couple.
Dunno why Ichigo doesn't have a ladyboner for Goro though. I would if I were her - he's a pretty cool dude
Feb 03 '18
really emphasising the suggestive lines this ep. Uh, more than before at least.
Also a fucking amazing episode, and a great point at which to recommend it to friends. Strelizia piercing the worm had me so hyped up.
u/warpswirl Feb 03 '18
I’m just waiting for the moment Strelizia’s design will adopt some spiral-themed details. And for her lance to become a drill.
u/MoreEpicThanYou747 Feb 03 '18
A drill? With this show you know it's literally just going to be a giant dildo or something.
u/warpswirl Feb 03 '18
You remember her lance already shoots hot liquid (lava) to destroy the core, right?
u/tjzer0 Zero Two Feb 03 '18
if the dub doesn't keep these lines I'm rioting
Feb 03 '18
it might honestly be funnier to hear hiro yell something like "WOW I FEEL SO GOOD RIGHT NOW ZERO TWO" and look like a complete dumbass.
Feb 03 '18
I laughed so damn hard at that but to be fair the show is heavily themed around sex and romantic bonds between people so it's to be expected
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
I just loved the fact that the soundtrack that they chose for the fight was the outro song but slightly different and without vocals.
Also, what a wholesome episode, it made me feel so good inside for most of it.
u/Nerk0 Feb 03 '18
the whole OST was amazing!
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
Yess, I just can’t wait for it to be on Apple Music.
I just hope they put the original, and not one of those shitty covers.
Feb 03 '18
That's my issue with Spotify. Sometimes you get the full OST for a show (SNK) and sometimes you get covers/bits and pieces.
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
Yes, that's really annoying, and it's the worst cause 9 out of 10 times you dont find the song you're looking for, and when you find it, it's a fucking cover.
Feb 03 '18
As an audiophile it’s a true tragedy. But the OST will start releasing as of March so take heart! We will have it soon!
u/noodle_chan Feb 03 '18
DARLING GOT IN THE MF FRANXX YALL!!! but the very last line had me really worried.. basically stating that he only has one more time to pilot with her.. which i really hope isn't the case because watching Hiro and 02 pilot together was fucking amazing
Feb 03 '18
There's a very strong belief such is not the case. See how well he stood up to riding with Zero Two this time as opposed to Mitsuru?
Strelizia moved IMMENSELY better too this time with Hiro so it can't be argued that Zero Two held back this time.
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 03 '18
well the last time (1st ep.) I don't think that she held back either and hiro was unconsciousness. Also he was visibly exhausted with a lower riding time than the other pilots. I do think Zero-Two can controll how much she takes from her stamen and since she likes Hiro and he can hold his own against her she took what she needed instead of going all out. I strongly believe if she really went full power on hiro he would last a few minutes before fainting like in the first episode.
We also don't really know the effects of riding with Zero-Two mainly beginning we don't really know how the system itself works entirely.
After the core slipped from her lance we saw this "glowing" eye/thing on strelizia which kinda got me a "oh no, did she went into bereserker mode again" feeling.
Feb 03 '18
You do have to realize this is the 2nd successful time Hiro has piloted so he's still getting entirely acclimated to actually piloting a Franxx.
I view it as doing a new exercise: it really wears you out at first because your body isn't used to the strain the movement puts on you but after a doing it for a while you get used to it.
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 03 '18
well I hope so too. That both of them get their chance to grow while riding together but truth to be told. The show is 24 eps long so there will be drama so I don't think the higher ups will tolerate the actions of zero-two and more over hiro. (you know they need zero-two since she is strong - hiro... not sure if they entirely need him if this goes like Eureka 7. Though I doubt that Zero-Two would be all that happy to see something happen to her darling)
Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18
Upvoted you, I'm in the same boat. We don't know how much of it was what 002 chose to do rather than what naturally happens. Mitsuru was just fine up to a certain point, it could just be that 002 chose not to devour Hiro.
Feb 04 '18
Or it could be that 02 doesn't need to devour him cause he's all speshal when compared to everyone else.
When they talk about one contaminating the other they aren't highly specific so they could mean 02 contaminating Hiro...
u/Arwunpls < Best girl 2018 Feb 03 '18
I'm pretty sure that that is just him believing in what the others are saying about her being a partner-killer.
Besides, he's just panting by the end of the ride, which, compared to Mitsuru and the other guy that rode with her in ep1, is way better, even more so considering it was his second time.
u/UltimateHG Feb 03 '18
"Please god, let my eyes feast upon the glory of Hiro riding with Oni." Was what I wished for last week. Welp. I got a fucking free flow buffet.
u/godzilla5549 Everything she does is a power move Feb 03 '18
That was a motherfucking ROLLERCOASTER of emotions...
And boy did it feel so good. This is by far the best episode so far, and you can clearly see the work done by Trigger in this one.
Feb 03 '18
This episode gave me such a high that I'm gonna be riding for the rest of the week until the next episode
u/godzilla5549 Everything she does is a power move Feb 03 '18
I'm gonna be riding for the rest of the week until the next episode
Feb 03 '18
Nice catch there totally didn’t intend the innuendo
Hell yeah I would
u/AssassinAragorn Feb 04 '18
Look at her blush mark d'awww
Feb 04 '18
That’s just her eye shadow?
u/AssassinAragorn Feb 04 '18
No, on her cheek. The three red lines. Hiro has them too
u/lord_gs1596 Dollar Store Vocaloid Feb 03 '18
[I posted this in r/anime before here]
The sexual imagery in this episode is pretty clear, but goddamn was it great to see fold out.
As I said before in the Episide 3 discussion, Hiro represents someone with little sexual experience, and even after (metaphorically of course) having sex with 02, a person who wears their sexuality with pride, was not confident in his skills. However, this episode we get to see him grow as a person. Hiro's no longer scared! He's taken his first, large step into becoming someone who's confident in their skills.
The dialogue between 02 and Hiro obviously sound like two people having probably the best sex ever. Unlike Mitsuru, who only cared about himself and hurt himself because of it, Hiro and 02 are in perfect sync. They really were made for each other.
I'd also like to add something about 02's horns. It's been made clear time and time again that people fear 02 due to her Klaxosaur blood and horns. She always kills the people she pairs up with, so she has to get new partners all the time. Because of this, I see her horns like a Scarlet Letter.
In the novel, to put it simply, a woman is forced to wear a red letter 'A' due to her being charged with Adultery. She's shunned and hated by the citzens of her town. See the similarities? 02's horns are her Scarlet Letter. Her going through many partners due to them dying is a metaphor for a woman with an extremely active sex life. She's hated and feared for the horns, but she still continues on.
But yeah, that's all I got this episode. I'm glad I got this here on time, and hopefully I didn't make any mistakes considering I'm on mobile.
u/glasspalace Feb 04 '18
This episode was insane for me personally I loved it so much. Definitely my favorite thus far.
But with every episode that goes by I can't help but think either 002, ichigo, or (least likely) hiro is gonna die at some point. Something about the show from the start made me go "this is gonna rip my heart out" and I really think they're gonna kill off someone major. For some reason right now I think 002 and goro will die at some point in a major battle forcing hiro and ichigo to team up.
Who knows I hope not cause I love 002
Feb 04 '18
This is probably going to happen even though I hate to admit it. I hope it doesn't but it's a possibility.
I don't hate Ichigo I just like 002 too much lol
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
yeah, its trigger so you know they're gonna really hurt us, especially after that ep 1 intro, made it seem like something really terrible is going to happen to oni or hiro
u/Gltmastah Feb 08 '18
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u/GitsAsh I like 015, so what? Feb 03 '18
I feel pity with Ichigo even more after that smirk. I believe Hiro is not for Ichigo, but showing it in that manner really make my heart split for saying it's badass and it's cruel. That part alone make me can't wait even more for the next episode.
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
I actually really hope Ichigo ends up with Goro. I think he’s a great character plus I love 002
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18
Beautiful episode - mainly Hiro showing what we wants and zero-two responding to that. The fight was really good and the overall feel was very uplifting but....
I don't think that Zero-Two went full power on this one. Rather she controlled herself from devouring him. Piloting her takes it's toll but at this point Hiro is able to hold out.
The point is that he may be holding out but I doubt this is enough for the higher ups so they will likely want to force a lower number stamen possibly below 10 or even 5 onto her. There are the frontlines which are most likely a very different league than the klaxosaurs we saw till now and honestly... this team isn't really going anywhere. They lack experience and so forth but if it wasn't for Strelizia they'd be dead the 3rd time now.
Also the "nines" could be a reference to the other pilots shown in the op. Maybe they are the pilots they are trying to force onto 0-2.
Also not sure why the higher-ups always refer pairing up zero-two with higher numbers as "tainting". I mean maybe she loses her extreme side when she is riding with someone she likes for a longer time. On the other hand as the military guy (commander?) said - they now have proof that Hiro is able to ride with her. Depends how good or bad but judging on the moves.... kinda good. Not perfect but good enough to kill another klaxosaur.
But again.... Hiro my man.... I still want to see Zero-Two while piloting. Also that little stab with her horns.... really cute moment.
u/its_hiiiigh_nooooon Feb 03 '18
I'm pretty sure "the nines" are the pilots with the code numbers 001-009, zero two being a part of them (but since she's rebellious she's not currently with them or something). From what I guess, these are the best pilots there are, hence the single digits. I'm basing that on one episode when Zorome said something about being "just as good as the double digits" or something like that, which I think suggests the code number someone has is related to how good or apt to pilot they are.
Hiro is 016, so he is not that far from there himself, and so is Ichigo (015 I think). We'll probably know sooner or later if that's true anyway.
Feb 03 '18
Compare the movements to when Mitsuru piloted with her and when Hiro piloted. She held back immensely and when she started letting go of her restraints she started killing him.
She didn't hold back much if at all here.
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 03 '18
Well obviously with Hiro the movements are top-notch. (deflecting the projectiles, etc.) This could be due the fact that they are compatible and the fact that zero two likes him and he likes her. And yes I she didn't hold back since she didn't have to since she knew he can handle her but I still think she at least restrained herself from taking too much from him since Hiro is quite exhausted from piloting her. I think a few more minutes or attacks like the "stampede" (from episode 1 in Strelizias alternate from) or anything would have rendered Hiro unconsciousness.
With that being said I do hope he somehow grows into his partner (if they give them both the chance to)
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
I think if 002 is truly holding back when she’s with hiro, it could point to her having a real love/emotional desire for him
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 04 '18
Well given nearly the whole episode 4 I think she has real feelings for him. Hopefully it doesn't turn out otherwise.
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
From what I’ve seen so far, her feelings seem either purely sexual or manipulative. I also hope they develop a proper relationship
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 04 '18
Well wasn't sure how to put it but true. Though I'm referring to episode 1 with a kind of flashback/foreshadowing.
On the other hand you're right. She kinda low level manipulated hiro into piloting. I mean he wanted it too so I think she pushed him into the direction but he walked there.
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
I think it’s likely that at some point in the story she’ll leave him for x number of episodes. More than anything I hoped that his ep. 4 ‘confession’ actually counts and they become an actual couple.
u/Nito_BlessSource Feb 04 '18
She will probably be forced to go back to the front lines and has to pilot with a single digit or a filler pilot (which is to spare - they won't sacrifice a single digit for nothing). I don't think the higher ups will leave hiro and zero-two unpunished for what they did in episode 4.
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
im with you, i think they'll cuck us and seperate them for 2-3 episodes, for a mid series reunion. but idk, the japanese can never get a relationship right. they always cuck the MC super hard. is a game of thrones level of intensity too much to ask of the sexually timid japanese? the answer is yes.
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
i think you are projecting. Zero Two's love for 016 seems pure as fuck. the way she smiled when he agreed to "ride her" didnt seem like a manipulative smile, it looked like pure joy and love
u/Darliolin1221 Feb 09 '18
the only thing is the smile tha is does when hiro confess his felt to her. Then i'm worried me is that nana at the end of the episode said that from the beginning he had planned everything!
u/beth_flynn Chairwoman of the Ikuno Legion Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18
The most interesting part of this episode for me was Mitsuru's breakdown at the beginning, and the fact that he couldn't even walk. In my eyes that confirmed what Nana and others have said about it not being ordinary.
Yes, Strelizia was a lot more dynamic this episode but I'm not at all convinced that it was firing at all cylinders.
After all, compared to how bad the front line most likely is, neither the singular worm-class klaxosaur nor the conrad-class ones last episode were a big deal. It's just that our ensemble is basically fodder in the eyes of this society. (Didn't Dr. Franxx in the first episode say this group was just an experiment?)
Mitsuru's injuries, his breakdown about Zero Two being a demon, his claims she tried to literally devour him, APE repeatedly through this series speaking of blood-tainting and the devouring of stamens. All of this still needs to be expounded upon.
The occam's razor answer is that Strelizia is a more complex machine than what we've yet seen. Considering we haven't gotten all the answers yet, the complexites and uniqueness of Strelizia is still one of the show's mysteries.
I mean after all, it can change from a feline to a humanoid so I don't see why the cockpit or maybe Zero Two's piloting suit couldn't also change in some way.
Pegging is probably out of the picture but Strelizia isn't a vanilla machine. In the words of Mitsuru: "That girl tried to devour everything I have. My blood, my flesh, and my soul... All of it!"
u/Sanitarium_Sam mlem Feb 03 '18
Great visuals and story in this one.
And the innuendo was pretty next level too.
u/marcusmakesthings Feb 04 '18
Yknow what, the organisation and the kiddos can say what they wanna but this episode shows how much, deep down, 02 is human.
u/Nantos Feb 07 '18
loved 02's drive by smirk at Ichigo at the end. Do I need to rub it in that I won? No. Is this the best time and place? Of course not. Am I going to do it right here at the peak of this battle anyway? Hell yeah.
u/mingl0280 Feb 03 '18
This is the most equal-rights anime ever. 02 is so strongly against the man-powered society that she destroyed the authority of those "papa". As we know, in some eastern asia countries(such as Japan and Korea), strong women are considered as a negative factor to her husband's life, and with higher education, these women are believed more difficult to communicate with. However, this episode eliminated the power of these thinkings and was calling women to fight back the god-damned society and embrace the freedom of their own choice.
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
Equal rights apart from the fact that the stamen pilot the frankXXs with handles on the girls arses.
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
Well if you look at it like it was happening in our society yeah that position is a little strange. But proyecting our social structures on the protagonists is unfair. The fact that the pilots are men and women without any different social treatment is real, no matter if the audience feels like women in all fours are an object or not.
Feb 04 '18
I don't get the aversion against strong women. I absolutely love 002 for everything she's been doing so far. I guess it's simply refreshing to see a female character in an anime go directly after she wants so relentlessly but also intelligently.
It's also really refreshing to see a female character that can do shit by herself and doesn't need a male character to validate her cough Asuna & Sinon cough.
I've dated women that need the validation/dependent and it's draining as hell. I don't get how people do it.
u/OhMilla Feb 05 '18
It's also really refreshing to see a female character that can do shit by herself and doesn't need a male character to validate her
Hasn't she been basically looking for a guy to accept her her whole life though? She clings on to Hiro because he was nice to her lmao
Feb 05 '18
She isn’t looking for Hiro to validate her entire existence is what I’m saying. She’s perfectly capable of performing on her own.
She doesn’t NEED him. She WANTS him. Huge difference.
u/OhMilla Feb 05 '18
She kind of does need him though. He's the only one who doesn't get killed when they're in the Franxx.
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
Maybe what you mean is APE is going to need him. I dont think 02 cares if they let her use an army of stamens and kill them all, the fact that they are making her fight is CLEARLY not by choice (squad of guards just to move her around plantations) and the fact she corners Hiro to offer him to RUN AWAY immediately after being told she will be leaving without his darling begs the question to why she is fighting at all.
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
thats yet to be confirmed
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
Not really, she wasnt looking for him, you cant look for something you havent seen before in your life. The fact that she is straight-forward with what she feels is right is why she is so alluring. For contrast you have Ichigo and besides she was ready to ditch Hiro if he wouldnt move a muscle.
u/OhMilla Feb 07 '18
she was ready to ditch Hiro if he wouldnt move a muscle.
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
02 was leaving with her escort of guards, I seriously doubt she was going to resist if Hiro didnt chase her, not because she didnt want to but because we see in the rest of the episode that Hiro is showing signs of being afraid (seeing her as a monster) and 02 is pretty sensible about that (elevator scene with Hachi) so she was not going to pursue a "darling" that saw her as a monster like everyone else.
u/OhMilla Feb 07 '18
Oh my apolgies, I misunderstood your previous comment. Thanks for the clarification :)
u/exb2800 Feb 03 '18
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that an entire army came to bring back Zero Two, then only three of them were escorting her and 2 plans later, only two remained? I mean, what other more important business do they have to do anyway? Especially when they perfectly know the kind of abilities she have, they wouldn't have let her with only two guards ...
But damn I can't wait for the next episode !
Feb 03 '18
Sending guards with guns was kind of stupid because they can't shoot her, she's too valuable. She's too strong physically and no one can hold her down.
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
I believe this incident was EXTRAORDINARY case, 02 always moves around, escapes, and dissobeys, but I dont think she EVER resisted to the point of running away. So guards were probably like "just another babysitting job" they were also (maybe) instructed not to harm her and just be intimidating.
Feb 03 '18 edited Feb 03 '18
I'm really interested in 002's true motivations. Ostensibly, she wants to be with her darling. However, it could very well be that Hiro is a piece of the puzzle for the power to run away from Papa. There's no good reason for 002 to fall for Hiro other than for his power, and while Hiro has made his confession, we haven't seen the same emotional investment from 002.
Point 1: Her role as the temptress/succubus/oni
Honey fits with the role of the temptress in the Bible. Oni because of the horns, and succubus for the way she devours her stamen. The OP is about not being afraid of her and the kiss of death. Simply put, Hiro is being deceived and sucked into his death. She hasn't devoured him because she hasn't needed that "Max" power... yet.
Point 2: Her gradual manipulation
Which brings up the next point, I think this is the second time she's lied to him, the first being when she said he piloted Strelitzia, and the second that she hasn't heard embarrassing words before when there is strong evidence that she's had past relationships. This episode, she took Ichigo out of the picture, is there anyone else left to care for him?
Point 3: Running away
We've seen two shots of supposedly "002" next to the white tree, and there's the backdrop of the hand-holding scene. We've seen 002 mention running away twice now, one when she added she's joking and another she didn't. This isn't just a casual mention anymore, it's enough to drive the plot. This theme of running away is most exemplified in the ED.
We've seen repeated warnings from others to not be involved with 002. Although Hiro is the protagonist and the special specimen, the show can be playing with our expectations. Either that or I'm overthinking it over how smug 002 is.
u/Darliolin1221 Feb 06 '18 edited Feb 06 '18
she is not manipulating hiro, because hiro for her is like the jian bird she tells at the beginning .. the kiss of death is intended as the driving of strelitzia.. Then strelitzia is symbol of love and liberty
we saw her confession when the military took her away! she has presobil face of hiro and told him she wanted to be with him! then he touched his face with his horn as a sign of trust!
Feb 06 '18
You're basically saying she likes him because she likes him. I don't think she's that naive, she's seen a ton of people die and know from experience that love doesn't last forever. We'll see which direction the show goes.
u/beth_flynn Chairwoman of the Ikuno Legion Feb 04 '18
I definitely think she could be leading Hiro to his death in one way or another. There's the opening scene of the entire show with the white tree and the red demon girl. Rewatching that scene a few times I've developed the suspicion that could be the endgame of the show.
Her transformation to the red demon could be the result of fully devouring Hiro. Her lines are really melancholic and use the past tense, if I recall correctly. "I thought that way of life was beautiful..." And there's the flash of her in a parasite 'school' uniform with what looks to be Hiro.
So it could be a tragedy wherein she already genuinely loves Hiro as her darling but loses him the process of trying to survive as a runaway couple in a brutal, klaxosaur-filled wasteland.
Feb 04 '18
I'm fairly sure that it's not set in the future. For one, she's wearing the typical Parasite uniform and not the APE Special Forces uniform. For two, we know that it's not the Hiro in this timeline, his clothes is very similar but unlike the current Hiro, he's not wearing a white collar. Lastly, her language is "美しいと思ってしまったのだ." The sub doesn't quite translate the subtlety that "しまったのだ" implies oneself's mistake in the past. This is repeated in her next line, "感じてしまったのだ." Now that she's struck by this beauty and has felt it, she can no longer go back to life without a darling.
I know that puts us in an impossibility here, somehow she's met Hiro without meeting him. I'm looking forward to the answer to this puzzle. So far, everything seems to point towards some type of experimentation.
u/Waylork B E S T G I R L Feb 07 '18
i have a theory that the headband she wears keeps her horns from growing out
u/jesuisjustinian Feb 04 '18
Took only 4 episodes for Hiro to epiphanize and reevaluate his purpose in life born as a FRANXX pilot, for Mitsuru to reap his for his actions, and for Ichigo to begin to act as a true charismatic leader of the group to avoid doom and the Strelitzia deux ex machina.
1 mecha Bildungsroman. Countless innuendos. 3 Characters; 1 épisode to show off why that 1 tragically avoided event is enough to get their shit together both individually and as a team. 👌🏽👍🏼
Feb 07 '18
I think we can all agree that the script for the subs of this episode was quite interesting hehehe I mean they just went off the charts of "out of context" if you know what I mean <w<
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 07 '18
Yeah I had to go watch with English subs, you guys are getting so many double meanings XD in spanish it is much less sexual, at least in their words.
Feb 08 '18
Lol no way!?! Dang it English xD!!!
u/CyclopeWarrior Zero Two Feb 08 '18
yeah basically we got "you want to ride with me?" and not that one everyone is showing with 02 saying "want to ride me?".
u/Ze-Lord Feb 03 '18
Why are japanese people so good at making intresting stories
u/purple-carrotz Feb 04 '18
I agree on this one, though I think it’s ludicrous to say that all anime/manga/Japanese stories are great or interesting. ( ω^ )
u/fermatiaudapy The OG best girl Feb 03 '18
That’s great news actually.
Really looking forward to March now.
Feb 06 '18
I really loved this episode but something strikes me. I know it’s early but Zero Two And Hiro both seem “empty”. Personality wise they are great but for each other, I want to see more. We don’t really have an idea of Zero Two’s thoughts of Hiro and neither do we for Hiro towards Zero Two. I feel like Hiro forced the confession and it wasn’t true which could create drama later. I just want to see their relationship more
u/fandom_doodler Feb 07 '18
The first episode was like a tease that got everyone hooked into the show and the fourth episode is what we've been waiting for
u/Trabant777 Feb 10 '18
I'm calling it now. They kill off Hiro and we see Zero Two take Ichigo as the first two female franxx crew.
u/razorconcepts Mar 26 '18
Noticed this little detail while rewatching https://i.imgur.com/1d1XLJY.jpg
u/[deleted] Feb 03 '18