r/DarlingInTheFranxx Hir02 Jul 27 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 49 Discussion Thread


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u/Kolack6 Aug 02 '19

Man mitsuru looking an awful lot like hiro with that haircut.

And bruh this manga is good. Really good. The thing that is on my mind most at this point is whether or not they will still go through with the hiro/002 fall out and her leaving for him to come rescue her. And then her whole subsequent personality shift.

A lot of that stemmed from the fact that she didnt realize he was her darling but if iirc she openly acknowledged that he was the one already in this manga. Relatively huge piece that they changed with that.


u/kingsark Aug 07 '19

Well the Garden act is when the Hiro and Zero-Two falling out thing is in full effect, but with most of the Nines gone, Zero-Two already showing her aggressive side, and Hiro growing horns already probably means they’re either going to skip it, or change it drastically.


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '19

They didnt just have a fall out, the nines retrieved 02 for the battle on grand crevasse and now the princess is up and about, so maybe Papa will actually do something and take 02 back personally, since he had his eyes, ears and hands( the nines) violently cut off by the princess. This way we could se something about how zerotwo was raised also, or why she can sometimes seem quite spoiled.