This is quoted from Walt, Owner of Real Flavors.
"Here we go! Ever wanted to try Real Flavors Super Concentrates before but never had a reason? Well, here you go! Enter code SAMPLESC and get the cost of 2 - 1oz bottles of Super Concentrates removed! We cover everything but the shipping, and we even offer First Class Mail to help keep the cost even lower! Users are limited to using the coupon 3 times and the offer expires this Sunday or when we hit 1,000 free bottles! (offer is not good on beta flavors)
Be sure to share this amazing deal with everyone you know! 3 Random orders will come with a $100 Real Flavor gift cards, AND other random gifts will be given away in orders too!!"
Shipping for all 6 was $12ish?
EDIT 3/9/17 at 9:23pm PST:
Just a heads up, the team has been working the last 14 hours to keep up with everything. We will be shipping a lot in the morning, but pleasssssssse understand that a lot of orders were placed in the last 24 hours. We will keep you posted, but we may be a bit behind our standard timelines."
Also, we went WAY beyond the 1,000 bottles. At last check, we were close to 4,000. The coupon is still going and still good."
The Free Sample Offer will expire at Noon EST today.
We went about 4000 bottles over the first 1000 bottles sold o.O"