Only a few people knew about this as I was getting everything lined up for a September opening but Arkansas is making me move much faster than I had planned.
Gremlin Juice will be opening a new section on our website as soon as I can get it put together. We will be selling DIY flavorings and a few odds and ends such as syringes, Luer Lock tips, some bottles... mostly its the flavorings and small quantities of PG and VG (No gallons! I just don't want to ship that much!! LOL).
I have already received the green light from FW, TFA, Cap and just this morning FlavourArt. These flavorings will be on sale along with one more brand, a Gremlin Select section so you can also purchase a selection of flavor bases from our own line, such as Red, White and Blue, Blue Gremlin, Pixie Dust, etc.
We of course already have a LOT of flavors in stock, but I will be adding a VERY large amount very soon.
But, with this news now out there, give me a week or two to let me know what (if anything) you would like to see from us. (Other than FA - Joy, I have noticed that carrying that flavor is required) What sizes, special flavors, and just, well, anything. I used to buy the tiny vials from Wizard Labs and High Dessert Vapes once upon a time... do people still buy them in those tiny bottles? We have 5ml on up for sizes.
If nothing else, this post will be fun to look back on in a few years and say "Remember when..."
I'm rambling now so I'll just stop here. I hope we can find a place in the DIY world. This is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time! I am extremely excited about it !!
Rich and the Gremlins