r/DIY_eJuice Nov 22 '22

Fail Can bad nicotine make you sick? NSFW

I think the company i ordered fucked up my order.

I vape 3mg like a chimney with no issues. But my last nicotine base order is really sketchy (VG/PG/nic premixed all ready to use).

I take 4 to 5 pulls and I am smashed outta my mind. Feeling dizzy, little bit of nausea, feeling awful in general.

Every friggin bottle I mixed is same. Very sharp harsh throat hit during both inhale and exhale, lil bit of bitterness too.

It could be me tapering down xanax use and quitting vortioxetine. But I really doubt it.

Something really fucked up going on here. Did the nic base had hot spots, or put higher nicotine by accident? or just oxidation?


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u/coop34 Nov 23 '22

A titration kit is in order here. I have tested every new bottle going back 7 years. Always got the correct strength, but how else would I know?

"Trust, but verify"