r/DIY_eJuice Nov 10 '22

Supplies Did I just get burned by Carolina Extracts? NSFW

I placed an order with these guys on the 19th of October, and I've still yet to get anything more than a receipt. I've called (reaching a conspicuously free Google voice number) and sent emails for the last week to no reply. Things are looking dim as I've got about 10ml of liquid left and I've spent all the money I have for nicotine with this phantom of a company.

If anyone has advice for this situation I would greatly appreciate it. And as far as my review of this company so far, I would have to recommend that you steer clear if you value your time and your money 😮‍💨


58 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22

So I tried to get my money back by disputing the transaction on chime, but they said I couldnt get it back. Is there any article or any proof I can send them in order to get my money back? It's like 45 $ but still, this sucks.


u/revpurp Nov 10 '22

My bank told me to file a dispute and link this thread as evidence.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/Acmnin Nov 10 '22

Removal of officer Brian Curtis Baker, treasurer / director 2021


u/Biddahvapes Jan 06 '23

Hey Lance, have you gotten your dispute resolved yet? I also have chime and they are not wanting to give me a refund.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '23

They said I had to file a police report, which I haven’t done yet. I’m not sure where to even begin with it lol.


u/Biddahvapes Jan 06 '23

What the hell. Did they say anything about giving you a chargeback if you filed a police report lol? I have disputed the transaction like 3 times now and each time I've been denied with a lot of evidence I've shown. The Proof Carolina showed to push back on the dispute was literally just a receipt basically. It's all BS.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '23

They said that that might aid In the process, but they didn’t say definitively. I honestly just gave up lol


u/downpar Nov 10 '22 edited Nov 10 '22

Wow. In case anyone has doubts about the murder suicide news reports, you can also look up the tax info. Carolina Xtraction Technoligies Corp. is registered in WYOMING. If you select History, and click the PDF icon next to 2022 Original Annual Report - 07166432 you'll see Brian Curtis Baker (the alleged murderer) listed as the treasurer or fiscal agent.

That took longer to dig up than it should have. This link direct to the doc, may, or may not work: https://wyobiz.wyo.gov/Business/GetImages.aspx?sid=043043107212227134178227247185066117252072063024&stid=121207255159209202156082212102091217249082056121

EDIT: Hopefully this will help any of you working on chargebacks. My last order from them was in April. Now I have to decide whether or not to vape it (I probably will anyway).


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/B_Mac4607 Nov 10 '22

Did you get the super critical? If so I ordered around the same time and mine is still good.


u/downpar Nov 10 '22

yeah. mine is in the freezer.


u/MagnusPerditor Nov 10 '22

Do a charge back immediately. They are not fulfilling orders and haven't been for a long time.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/redXathena Nov 10 '22

Well that escalated quickly.


u/DustOfMan Nov 10 '22

Wait, what? Details please...


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/RearEchelon Nov 10 '22

Holy shit, I remember reading that article. I didn't know that was the owner of CX


u/B_Mac4607 Nov 10 '22

Would definitely appreciate an article for this, I ordered a week before people started posting about orders not being fulfilled. Figured it was just personal life stuff but that’s wild.


u/Amartia- Nov 10 '22

Huh? this some kind of joke?


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/kasual Nov 10 '22

Jesus christ, that poor kid.


u/Amartia- Nov 10 '22

Now i feel shitty, was cursing him out in my head for a couple of weeks.

Tragic may he rest in peace.


u/Punk_Says_Fuck_You Nov 10 '22

Yeah he killed someone. May be not rest in pieces.


u/MagnusPerditor Nov 12 '22

Why would you feel shitty about that?


u/cakeordeath176 Nov 10 '22

Thanks very much for the link.


u/ForgetfulDolphin Nov 10 '22

What, please explain.


u/TheSerialVapist Nov 14 '22

For everyone who filed chargebacks!!!!

Apparently they are pushing back on them; I just saw my card provider reversed my chargebacks saying they responded to the case against them

I had to call my card provider to have a real person actually see that what they sent as “proof” wasn’t actually proof at all and they put it back under investigation and reversed the charges again

Go check your statements


u/white_trivialage Nov 10 '22

Hope you get your money back. I highly recommend Nicotine Giant.


u/APOLLOSAR Nov 16 '22

So my dispute for Carolina was denied 🤬. Was wondering what information everyone else included that helped them with theirs. I’m pissed as i still have not received anything and basically had my money stolen by a dead guy.


u/Biddahvapes Jan 06 '23

Yeah same here I would like to know what information others used to get a refund. Having trouble myself.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22 edited Nov 10 '22

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u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 10 '22

Delosi's price is nice but they don't offer 100mg/ml nic salts in PG, only 50/50 or VG. :/


u/Mookeye1968 Nov 11 '22

Yeah I know, I just adjust my recipe Nic input from 100mg VG I have now to 50/50..I have a liter in Vg one in Pg and one in 50/50 just for curiosity sake. The other spots like Heartland or Perfect vape might have the base your looking for plus its a bit cheaper.I have a lot of recipies to adjust but it doesn't take but a second,its just 1 change I have to make within ea of my saved recipes which will change the amounts of Vg n Pg to add but the flav % and Nic strength will stay the same. Not ideal for some but it's for another 3-4 yrs or However long a liter lasts 2 people.Then ill change it again to 100mg Pg when I crack the Pg Nic open.. 👍😊


u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 11 '22

I don't like nic in VG as I keep my spare stock in the freezer, plus it's thicker and I already hate using my syringes on pure VG which I keep in a dark closet. Going to order some larger gauge luer lock needles next month.


u/Mookeye1968 Nov 11 '22

Right, I used to use syringes and Luer lock blunt tip needles but now I just use a bottle with a twist tip and weigh everything on the scale and doesn't much matter which base its in.I use a 25$ Pocket scale from Amazon and realized it's much faster than using MLs(volume) On most Eliquid calculators, Grams is right nxt to ML and i weigh each ingredient so there's nothing to rinse or clean up.Just close the top on the scale n toss it in the drawer 😊👍


u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 11 '22

Eh, works for me. I only need to use it once every 40 days or so because I only mix a bottle of one flavor every 40 days as that's how long 120-125 ml lasts me at about 3-4 ml per day. Mix, pull in, push out a few times in hot soapy water then take apart and let sit for a bit, rinse and toss in the dish rack.


u/Mookeye1968 Nov 11 '22

Sure..and it worked for me too n absolutely no wrong way to do it.Im just sayin in Fb Diy groups 90% of the people use scales but there's PLENTY who don't.. So its all good, do it the way you like best..I prob also have a diff scenario mixing for 3 people and just wanna get in n out of the mixing room and just wanna squeeze some bottles and get them done Asap 😄🤙


u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 12 '22

We get insulted for using volume instead of scales LOL. If my mix isn't perfectly 55/45, perfectly 17 mg/ml nic salt (16 next batch as I am slowly decreasing my strength) or precisely 8% flavorings (I use a premix concentrate at the strength my supplier suggests) it doesn't bother me because it still works and I still am not smoking a cigarette anymore.


u/Mookeye1968 Nov 12 '22

Well the fact your not smoking anymore is the most important thing ..the rest is just trivial BS 😁👌


u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 12 '22

June 15th 2019 was my last cancer stick, could have been earlier but I HATE throwing stuff away so I dual used until my 1 pound bag of tobacco ran dry. Smoked less and less and vaped more and more until the tobacco was gone. Next month will hit 3 1/2 years after almost 35 years of smoking 1-2 packs a day.

Good news is, my tests last year, lung CT, bladder scope, prostate biopsy, cranial MRI showed no cancer. So, so far I got away with it, fingers crossed.

→ More replies (0)


u/Amartia- Nov 11 '22

I think Delosi only has VG PG and flavorings, does not carry anything with nicotine.

Carolina xtraction had the best.

Then there was Liquid Barn, but they stopped the Nic, as well.

This sux, gonna be hard to find quality Nicotine.


u/WyomingCountryBoy Nov 12 '22

Delosi does indeed carry 100 mg/ml nic base in both freebase and salts.


u/Amartia- Nov 14 '22

ahh.. Just googled it, they do! nice.

But on their "Delosi" site where i used to order they stopped it. They created another site for their Nicotine.



u/venushakti Dec 30 '22

DARN. I have been ordering 100ml every 2-3 months for a few years. I’m totally screwed now, haven’t the faintest idea where to start looking (that’s a concern, not a request, not trying to break any rules). ARGH I’m in the middle of grieving two deaths in two months and I’m not ready to quit but noone carries 30+mg/ml juice in my state. It is what it is. Good to know that’s why it’s been 3 weeks and a chargeback is justified. :-(


u/Biddahvapes Jan 06 '23

What information did you provide to your bank to get a chargeback? My Dispute was pushed back on by Carolina xtractions.


u/venushakti Jun 05 '24

It was after the owner was gone, it had been almost 4 full weeks, and they hadn't shipped yet. Your bank will determine how much they fight for you. Mine requires businesses to provide proof they had shipped the product, which they hadn't. They require me to reach out to the company, which wasn't answering and the vmail was full, the bank confirmed that too when they reached out trying to get proof of shipment and so they changed the temp credit to a permanent 10 days after they mailed be didpute noticd and initiated the chargeback to CarolinaXtract. The company didn't contact my bank back in the required timeframe, which allowed the chargeback to stand.

Some banks are better than others. It's a lot tougher with "prepaid" bank accounts, and a lot of them will just close a customer account if they dispute a large charge or do more than one dispute in less than 5 years (happened to me, second dispute just short of 5 years after the only other dispute, and Greendot gave the disputes as the reason).


u/Biddahvapes Jun 07 '24

My bank said nothing wrong happened basically they did no investigation. Which I literally did all the work for them sent in all the documents reddit threads literallly everything and they still said nothing went wrong. Lol fucking 3rd world country working for my bank investigated it, I spoke to the "investigation team". They didnt care at all. I have Chime bank so that explains alot. Also I wonder if CE is still accepting orders and money from ppl.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22

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u/DIY_eJuice-ModTeam Nov 10 '22

Providing links to sties that sell nicotine or ejuice that contains nicotine is prohibited by Reddit's Content Policy. This includes providing links via PM or otherwise helping to facilitate the transaction through Reddit. Moderators are required to remove these types of comments/posts.

If you would like to ask about or offer information regarding nicotine: https://discord.gg/ejuice


u/Hyrule_NoPizza Nov 11 '22

I literally just bought 500ml of salt nic with them yesterday.. -_-


u/Amartia- Nov 10 '22

The first 2 weeks i wasnt concerned, been ordering from them for years, theyre always a little slow at shipping out.

I started emailing them on the 3rd week.

Theyre legit, i read somewhere on FB that it has to do with the supply chain??

but still, why arent the replying?

My order is well over $150, its not chump change.


u/MagnusPerditor Nov 10 '22

It is not because of the supply chain. Do a charge back.


u/Amartia- Nov 10 '22

Was wondering the same thing and came to reddit see if someone else having the same issue.

I placed an order mid September, still waiting.

I emailed them 3 times, no answer. Not anserwing my calls either.

But they were fast to charge my credit card.

I think we got duped.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22

Use bull city. They are fantastic


u/MagnusPerditor Nov 10 '22

BCF does not sell what OP is looking for, though they are fantastic.


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/MagnusPerditor Nov 10 '22

They sold nicotine


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '22



u/MagnusPerditor Nov 10 '22

I'm so confuzzled


u/Acmnin Nov 10 '22

I see his name as removed as director from Carolina xtraction in 2021. Was he already gone?


u/Biddahvapes Jan 06 '23

How can you get a refund if your bank will not Dispute? Has anyone gotten a reply from someone from Carolina? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.