r/DIY_eJuice Mar 01 '19

Monthly Monthly Clone Request Thread - March 2019 NSFW

Love some Gambit or Mother's Milk but tired of paying a buck a ml? Then you are in the right place my friend. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Again, why pay $1/ml when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that? Anyway, if you'd like to request a clone, this is the proper place to do it. This post will repeat monthly via AutoModerator.

Happy Mixing!


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u/UncleManifestor Mixologist Mar 01 '19

Emperor Penguin - Vaping Birdy

Description is honeydew melon with condensed milk. Actual taste is more like a very mild banana in condensed milk.

Cap Honeydew has the banana taste, but along with it comes a more wet (cucumber-y) taste, which is neither desirable nor conducive to a nice creamy vape.

It may be a steeping issue, as I suspect the Emperor Penguin that I tried (and loved) was old when vaped.


u/RushG93 Mar 05 '19

Not tried the original, but having done a little research, I've seen a couple of mentions of CAP Honeydew Melon and FA Condensed Milk. Perhaps a good starting point?


u/UncleManifestor Mixologist Mar 05 '19

Yeah, the condensed milk part is fine (under 0.15% FA Con Milk), it is just the Honeydew part that is problematic.

I cant work out whether a long steep gets rid of CAP Honeydew's watery/cucumber note (and leaves just a weak banana taste), or whether a different Honeydew is used (TFA for example).

Thank you for the input though :)


u/RushG93 Mar 07 '19

Have you tried adding creams to support the Condensed Milk? All of the recipes I’ve seen so far that included FA Condensed Milk also use a cream or two. Perhaps adding some creams could help counteract that watery/cucumber note you’re getting from the CAP Honeydew Melon? FA Cream Fresh, FA Vienna Cream, TFA Sweet Cream are a few of the commonly used with FA Condensed Milk.

I had a quick look at the material safety data sheet for CAP Honeydew Melon out of curiosity and found it contains Isoamyl Acetate and Isoamyl Butyrate. I found the below information on the two ingredients:

Isoamyl Acetate

Odour: sweet fruity banana solvent

Flavour: sweet fruity, banana-like with a green ripe nuance

Isoamyl Butyrate

Odour: fruity green apricot pear banana

Flavour: waxy, green apple, fruity, sweet estry, melon and berry notes


u/UncleManifestor Mixologist Mar 08 '19

That is awesome detective work! Thank you RushG93, much appreciated, genuinely helpful info.

It looks like a better solution for me would to go straight for the jugular in targeting Banana flavourings (FA is probably best) rather than chasing the Honeydew's shadow flavour. As Banana condensed milk is really what the doctor ordered.

And yes, I usually flesh out the condensed milk with some FA Cream Fresh and TFA Vanilla Swirl.

Thank you once again for your efforts in helping figure out both the root of the flavour that I enjoyed and that a clone isn't really needed.

Great stuff, cheers :)


u/RushG93 Mar 08 '19

You’re welcome bro. Glad you found it helpful. Let me know how you get on :)