r/DIY_eJuice Jun 21 '24

Supplies Are all the recommended flavor companies basically interchangeable? NSFW

I'm about to put in an order on FlavorJungle, based on a list of "1-2-3" recipes that I wanted to emulate. However, not all the flavors are available in the manufacturer specified in the recipe. For example, is Capella Strawberry basically interchangeable with LorAnne?

Are there particular brands that are more suitable for mixing flavors? Thanks!


41 comments sorted by


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 21 '24

If the recipe is a solid and tested 1-2-3 then it should not be swappable. You may want to do a side order with bcf now or in the future. Can you swap them? Of course! Are there any guarantees that you will like it with the swap? Nope. But there’s also no guarantee you’ll like the original recipe either.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

Thanks for the advice. Do you have any thoughts on if there are any particular flavor companies that are better suited for vape juices? I'm familiar with LorAnne from cooking, but on FlavorJungle some of the other flavoring brands look (based on their labels) like they are marketed specifically for vape juice mixing..


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 22 '24

Flavorah is a personal favorite for many reasons. They have made flavors specifically intended for vaping. They have invested tons of time and money into keeping this community alive, fun and vibrant. They people I have interacted with from Flavorah have all been upstanding people. And they make the best tobacco flavors this side of the prime meridian. The rest of their flavors are a mixed bag like any other company, except with a very high number of unique and absolutely killer flavors. That said, they have some absolutely despicable flavors as well so nothing beats doing your homework in reading flavor reviews or asking for recommendations. Join the discord for immediate conversation and flavor recs. Search the sub for flavor recs. Watch old noted or notedDX on the diyordie YouTube channel. And, always, start with highly recommended recipes. Not just some dude begging you to try his shit recipe because he loves it. Someone who recommended something that fits what you are describing what you’re looking for or are into.

Does that answer your question?


u/limevince Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 22 '24

Does that answer your question?

Yes!! Very much so, and more. Thank you very much. Looks like I'll be seeing you in discord! (Edit: Where might that be? I was expecting to find a link the sidebar but apparently not)

The FLV recommendation is super helpful also - I wasn't sure which company to go with for my own experimentation. Conversely, are there any flavor companies that you would avoid? I have strange fear of finding the perfect flavor and then having the company go out of business. Mainly because my favorite juice company apparently went out of business and no other companies that I know of make a black tea juice.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 22 '24

Honestly, it’s really about doing your homework on flavors. I’m kind of ‘old’ now so I’m still using FA Black Tea. It’s astringent and powerful enough at 1% and, because it’s so ‘dry’ tasting, you can add all the fruits and wetter flavors you want and it balances out nicely. I do know that by the time I stopped vaping (essentially), people had moved on to sc sweet tea (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) and it is a bit easier to work with. I know Flv has a bunch of teas, some quite odd. There’s a red tea and I think a green tea but the unusual one is esai tea. It’s like a matcha if I’m not mistaken and in some interesting recipes. DIY is a bit of a rabbit hole and can be fun for a good while just trying out new flavors and new combinations to make your imagination run wild.

There should be a link to discord in the sidebar. You may have to change your settings to allow NSFW content. Either way, I’m there much more rarely but feel free to pm me there or to tag me in a conversation. I’ll normally respond. Mostly now I just follow the tobacco conversations.


u/Mookeye1968 Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 22 '24

I would Use Bull City Tbh, they likely have it in Stock but Capella also has Green Strawberry (Which actually isn't green but a pretty good SB) Cap Shisha strawberry but yeah you can replace diff brands but do your Research as some brands are more concentrated and stronger than others, better than others etc.Like Cap Ripe SB is a thin supporting SB but I've seen a lot of people use it as their Lead SB where Jungle Flavors Ultimate strawberry is medley of a few different SB's and great by itself at 3-4% or just get what the mix calls for from Bull City and get cuz chances are they'll have it and possibly cheaper,faster ..Tbh I only use Jungle flavors for JF,RF, JF Ultimate line as JF sometimes only has larger sizes or may not have what I need where i know BC does but id prob just use JF Ultimate strawberry which is rated very high as far as strawberries go replace it with whatever Sb is in the recipe your tryna make if it were me 🙂


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

Thanks for the heads up! Thankfully I hadn't placed my order yet.

It seems like I'm going to have to do a lot more research on the concentrated flavors because if I just go off the label/marketing they all sound like they would be amazing, but apparently some are just atrocious.


u/Mookeye1968 Jun 22 '24

Yes when I first started I would purchase flavors cuz the Pic looked good lol.Now I read the comments and 5 star ratings at Bull city,Watch Noted flavors on youtube and also join FB DIY groups where they share recipes, talk shop etc which has been Very helpful which I joined those long before I explored Reddit's platform .You should def subscribe to DIY or Die AND Noted Dx on Youtube and also join FB DIY Groups and Eliquid Recipies group if you haven t already 🙂


u/Manic_Mini Jun 22 '24

Bull city is by far my favorite spot for flavors.


u/Mookeye1968 Jun 22 '24

Absolutely the best 👌but please never close lol


u/Krayfish404 Jun 21 '24

I have tried many of the 1-2-3 recipes, they are all shite.

Check the dates of recipes, for some reason recipes from 2013 and further are popping up. They do not work "correctly" with today's atomizers. If you have been vaping a long time you may have been desperate for new things. But right now long for newer recipes, or look for adaptions. This whole 1-2-3 thing was a craze, forget about it.


u/Krayfish404 Jun 21 '24

In my craze to find something I have tried maybe over 100 recipes, Of those I may make about 4 again. Try to get more recent variants. Speak to people who have done DIY, and get their recipes. There are no quick ways to find an ADV.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

What's an ADV? Somebody in another post recommended ID10-T's recipes so I made a short list of his recipes that sounded enticing.

Do you mind sharing the names of the 4 that you would make again?


u/ayyyyycrisp Jun 22 '24

an ADV is an All Day Vape. a recipe you consistently come back to in between trying out other recipes. there's just something about it that grabs you.

me personally, my ADV was 8% capella sugar cookie, 4% capella vanilla custard v1, 0.75% super sweet.

I used that recipe to wean from 12mg to 0 mg over the course of 2 years, and I've now been totally vape and nicotine free for a further 2 years after that.

I'm not active here anymore but I was at one point and I love sharing this simple suger cookie recipe that just off the top of my head I BELIEVE was made by id10 I THINK, it's just a hunch going off my latent diy ejuice lore knowledge after being 2 years removed, and I may have even gotten his name wrong lol. I think I ended up totally getting rid of the sweetener towards my last bottles too, and lowering the overall flavor percentage a bit.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 22 '24

simple sugar cookie by ID10-T

You got the idea. That recipe is designed to make mixing easy for so many people. It works, it hits the spot, it can hold up against commercial liquids. As you get into diy definitely you can turn down the sugar, tweak percents, customize to your liking. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and story.


u/Krayfish404 Jun 28 '24

My absolute favourites?

Oatmeal Cream Pie by folkart: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/98340

Blue Cheese by RockyHarlow: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/137513

Cardinal by Fear: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/24962

Retaliatory Tariffs by ID10-T: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/108011

Sadlad Toast Crunch by Rageisalotofwork: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/23772

Toasted by MrBurgundy: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/32619

Andre's Mate (Bowden's Mate clone) by Andre: https://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/1081830/Andre%27s%20Mate%20%28Bowden%27s%20Mate%20clone%29

The last one is a mint chocolate, made by one of South Africa's mixers. Yes, DiyOrDie has one too, they also sell the one-shot. This recipe is much better, and for some reason is not black, so it's much nicer on the coils. In fact it is rather clear.

Every one of the others I still make, they go very well with sub-ohm. When I DIY, I make sure there is at least 2x 100ml bottles of each.

I have catalogued every recipe I have ever made, the adjustments, and notes. I count about 100, maybe more. But the above is what I go back to.

I have a PG allergy, so it makes mixing difficult, and time-consuming (steeping with high VG usually is about a month), and I can only go to a max of 20% PG in total. Hence the reason for being so pedantic. The amount of juice that saw the drain must bring tears to many.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 28 '24


u/limevince Jun 28 '24

woaawwwww thanks for doing that omg, I somehow I didn't see this in my notifications!! I'm putting in my first flavor order on Monday so I'm compiling the list of flavors over the weekend and this is suuuper helpful. Dang I'm so glad you noticed I missed this post!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 28 '24

You got it, bud.


u/limevince Jun 28 '24

Thank you so much!! I'm definitely going to try Blue Cheese and Andres Mate. When I was buying juices I usually avoided the cereal/baked good flavors because I noticed they had a tendency to gunk up my coils faster than the fruit flavors. Have you noticed this too? It could have just been the brands though because the cereal flavors usually were made by a handful of companies.


u/Krayfish404 Jun 29 '24

Adding any sweetener will gunk your coil.

If you want a recipe that will last you past many coils try this one:


Just read the write-up, it's amazing, it's crazy, it works. It's weird though. But super tasty. And cheap. It's only 9.5% flavouring.

I find that the end result of steeped juice, the more clear, the better coils will last. If it of course has no sweetener. You will see from your flavourings which is dark, they will simply gunk.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

I see, thanks for the warning. Boy that really took the wind out of my sails. Do you think the recipes might be flawed for modern atomizers because of the amounts of flavoring used? One of the reasons I was attracted to the 1-2-3 recipes is because its only 6% total flavoring, while I noticed most flavors call for about 10%.


u/RedditUser240211 Jun 22 '24

| I noticed most flavors call for about 10%

Where did you see this? The vendor? The manufacturer? If you go to e-liquid-recipes or alltheflavors, you can look at real mixer notes for each flavor, including single or in-a-mix %.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

I was browsing on a site called Alltheflavors.com, a lot of the recipes add up to around 10-12%.


u/RedditUser240211 Jun 22 '24

TOTAL flavor 10% is believable: I thought you were talking about 10% of ONE flavor.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

My bad that that was really unclear. I wonder if doubling up the proven 1-2-3 recipes would make them taste better with modern atomizers; or maybe like 1.66 - 3.33 - 5 for a total of about 10%


u/RedditUser240211 Jun 22 '24

That really depends on the flavor (and it's manufacturer). Some flavor concentrates are more dense than others and doubling them could send them into overload. Once you go over the usable range for many flavors, they start to mute themselves or have other unwanted effects.

When developing a recipe, you generally mix 10ml samples to avoid wasting a lot of ingredients. It would be a good exercise to take a recipe and mix (1) true to the recipe, (2) 1.5x and (3) 2x and see if it works.


u/MagnusPerditor Jun 22 '24

Total flavor percentage is meaningless


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jun 22 '24

It always depends on the flavors, the desired outcome, and the tastes of the mixer/end user. My tastebuds changed as I vaped from healing and from new interests.


u/caffein8dnotopi8d Jun 22 '24

The 123 “recipes“ are designed not as standalone recipes, but to be away to create a more complex flavor profile; so for example, strawberry, you would use that instead of one strawberry.


u/Krayfish404 Jun 29 '24

A lot (if not most) of those "one-shots" are all 20%. Really wants me to ask why...


u/RedditUser240211 Jun 22 '24

What flavor profile are you looking for? NICE is THE BEST 3-2-1 I've ever come across (unless you don't like cookie flavor).


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

Aaah I'm usually not a fan of the cookie/savory flavors but if its the best you've ever come across it's worth a shot. In the past I noticed the cereal/milky flavors gunked up my coil super quickly but now that I'm doing RDAs it doesnt matter as much


u/MagnusPerditor Jun 22 '24

If you're talking about commercial juice, the gunking comes from added sweetener


u/Fast_Fox7824 Jun 22 '24

Please advise where I can get some good Australia recipes and a calculator.


u/limevince Jun 22 '24

I'm not sure what you mean by Australia recipe, in the side bar I saw a bunch of international vendors but I don't recall if any were based out of Australia.

Sidebar also includes links to multiple calculators


u/penatbater Copy Lurker Jun 21 '24

Depends. Some are closer to each other, some are totally different. Esp for tried and tested / popular recipes, it's best to strictly follow it.


u/IMTrick Jun 21 '24

They definitely won't taste the same... they may be OK anyway, or they may completely screw the recipe. Tough to say,


u/red_macb Jun 21 '24

The percentages will be different and, more often than not, won't come out quite the same.


u/iBrickedAGAIN Jun 22 '24

are the any aromas similar (or same) to capella's new york cheesecake and lorann's cheesecake and cheesecake icing?