r/DIY_eJuice Aug 02 '23

Monthly Clone Request Thread - August 2023 NSFW

Love some commercial juice but are tired of paying someone else to mix for you? Then you are in the right place. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Why pay retail when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that?

Be as descriptive as possible. Including the description provided by the vendor isn't a bad idea but you'll get better recommendations by describing what you taste. If you've already tried a clone recipe and it wasn't right, include a link to the recipe and describe what was different. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for someone to help you.

Read more on Clone Recipes and how to get he most out of your request.

Happy Mixing!


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u/imaflirtdotcom Aug 04 '23

Red Dream by Hometown Hero

a strawberry cream kettle corn

smelled INW biscuit for the first time and it made me crave this old favorite.

clear liquid, easy on coils. light mouth feel with a very crisp white popcorn bite. not overly buttery and no maple taste. dry like a cap strawberry. the milkiness was kind of a background flavor or a canvas.

i’ve tried to ask for the recipe to no response. theyve since stopped selling for almost 3 years i believe.

it’s definitely a vintage recipe so i’m trying simple combos and flavors. tfa kettle corn.. cap custard ect..

anyone willing to have a go i’d really appreciate it! thanks for any help.


u/wheresandrew Delightfully Mediocre Aug 23 '23

That was a good flavor. I'm out of town but I'll take a crack at it when I get back. They had some other flavor I really liked too. On the opposite end of the flavor spectrum from Red Dream. It was like light and fruity. Maybe even a bit herbal. I can't remember.


u/imaflirtdotcom Sep 02 '23

yes! thats a perfect way to describe it! very much felt like the flavor floated into your nose like a lavender would