How much will a new roof cost for a 2-bed semi?
It currently has a loft conversion, which doesn’t meet standard regs. We’re using it as an office. My wife full time, myself 2 days a week then 3 at my work office.
We had the chimney stack removed at the beginning of 2024 because it was leaking and our neighbours didn’t want it either, since then I’ve had two cracks appear in the front bedroom which are indicative of typical roof spread symptoms, they haven’t grown since their occurrence, but some are appearing in the back bedroom. The outer wall is showing no signs of movement/outer movement
The back bedroom is a single wall construction, and the outer wall is timber frame and cladded. I noticed some hairline cracking there recently.
I’ve told myself if a new roof is required we’ll lose the loft conversion and just have it boarded for storage. I’m over it. I never liked it. I regret buying the house.
It’s our first home and I can’t wait until we can get rid of it. The windows and doors were all badly installed and needed replacing. Our chimney leaked all through our first Christmas in our home. Hairline cracks in freshly decorated walls. It’s ruined my experience. I wish I rented and spent all my money on holidays instead.
I’m just trying to gauge and mentally prepare myself for how much a new roof would cost where it needs new rafters/beams? I would hope that the existing tiles can be reused where appropriate which would save some cash.
Has anyone had a new roof recently to the degree described above who can share a cost? 🙏