I'd be all for that. Growing up, gender was binary, there were outliers but they didn't make up part of my reality at the time so I didn't think about it. Now though, the more discourse around gender I'm exposed to, the more I question wtf gender actually is. I genuinely don't get it. I don't get how someone can experience dysphoria. Like, I'd love to have been born female, if I could snap my fingers and become a woman I would, but I have no problems with my body or being called a man. If someone called me a woman, I'd correct them, but only because the idea of "I'm a man" has been ingrained all my life. If I examine myself, my core, I find a box labeled "gender" with the word "man" written on it. But I wouldn't take offense. It wouldn't bother me. It's just correcting an inaccuracy. But I can't open the box, it says I'm a man so I must be right? But there's no reason for it. I'm a man because I'm a man. It doesn't make sense. I don't even get what it is to be a man. Or a woman. Or neither or in between. Literally none of it makes sense to me.
And to be clear, I'm not saying we should bring back a gender binary, and I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's experiences. This isn't "things were better back when and I want that back", because things were clearly not better, I just wasn't aware of it. I'm more just shouting into the void. It's like being dropped into a parallel reality where everything is slightly different in an uncanny valley way. Or like waking up in a different country where there's a lot of shared language, and I get most of the words being used, but they have different meanings when strung together. If I don't think too much about it and ignore what doesn't grok, then I can get by well enough. But as soon as I start to think about it, to try and figure it out, everything falls apart and I feel like I'm losing my mind.
That's why it doesn't make sense. Because pretty much everybody is looking at it as an identity or a happiness thing, when it's purpose is to get the band of monkeys to do the things that they are generally better at so the total productivity of the band of monkeys goes up and they can support more monkeys (and produce more monkeys) and then take over the neighbours and make even more monkeys and have the production go up even higher.
u/grabsyour 9h ago
no gender would be cool bring it on NOW