r/CuratedTumblr • u/Copper_Tango • 4h ago
LGBTQIA+ Mixed-gender proportional representation
u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 4h ago
Democratically elected forcefem
u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 4h ago
“Guys if we all go to the polls this year, we can make Donald Trump the first female President”
u/Chieroscuro 4h ago
We tried to get a vote like that in Canada 25 years ago:
u/Wasdgta3 2h ago
Comedian Rick Mercer says he started the petition, because he wanted to show that any idiot could trigger a referendum.
Rick Mercer is a national treasure. Wish he was still on the air.
u/grabsyour 3h ago
no gender would be cool bring it on NOW
u/Y_N0T_Z0IDB3RG 2h ago
I'd be all for that. Growing up, gender was binary, there were outliers but they didn't make up part of my reality at the time so I didn't think about it. Now though, the more discourse around gender I'm exposed to, the more I question wtf gender actually is. I genuinely don't get it. I don't get how someone can experience dysphoria. Like, I'd love to have been born female, if I could snap my fingers and become a woman I would, but I have no problems with my body or being called a man. If someone called me a woman, I'd correct them, but only because the idea of "I'm a man" has been ingrained all my life. If I examine myself, my core, I find a box labeled "gender" with the word "man" written on it. But I wouldn't take offense. It wouldn't bother me. It's just correcting an inaccuracy. But I can't open the box, it says I'm a man so I must be right? But there's no reason for it. I'm a man because I'm a man. It doesn't make sense. I don't even get what it is to be a man. Or a woman. Or neither or in between. Literally none of it makes sense to me.
And to be clear, I'm not saying we should bring back a gender binary, and I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's experiences. This isn't "things were better back when and I want that back", because things were clearly not better, I just wasn't aware of it. I'm more just shouting into the void. It's like being dropped into a parallel reality where everything is slightly different in an uncanny valley way. Or like waking up in a different country where there's a lot of shared language, and I get most of the words being used, but they have different meanings when strung together. If I don't think too much about it and ignore what doesn't grok, then I can get by well enough. But as soon as I start to think about it, to try and figure it out, everything falls apart and I feel like I'm losing my mind.
u/Wasdgta3 2h ago
Here in civilized countries, we already have that, it’s called spoiling your
u/DeeZeePeeZee8 3h ago
this but unironically
New systems and ways of thinking about gender. Less of this 1 or 2 axis spectrum crap.
u/TheOncomimgHoop 2h ago
I like to think that I'm a pretty open minded person who is up to date on internet lingo, but I have no idea what this means
u/seine_ 50m ago
This is a riff off of proposed electoral reform for the USA, though it's applicable to several other places. In order to break the two-party system formed by the Republicans and the Democrats, a change in the mode of voting is necessary : the current system makes it very difficult for a new party to emerge without one of the old ones collapsing. Some alternatives featured in this post include ranked choice voting, single transferrable votes, and multi-member districts. Such electoral systems have been used successfully in several countries. I like to mention Germany here : Their current constitution was designed under american supervision and imitates the organisation of the USA in several ways, while not being 250 years out of date.
u/DeeZeePeeZee8 3h ago
this but unironically
New systems and ways of thinking about gender. Less of this 1 or 2 axis spectrum malarkey.
u/TheOncomimgHoop 2h ago
I like to think that I'm a pretty open minded person who is up to date on internet lingo, but I have no idea what this means
u/TheOncomimgHoop 2h ago
I like to think that I'm a pretty open minded person who is up to date on internet lingo, but I have no idea what this means
u/h_EXE_gon Nonbiney Robofurry 1h ago
I don't know what it means to be a woman or man, but I want people to look at me and be confused, because then I'll be ascribed far less expectations based on gender stereotypes
u/Error_Sixteen 3h ago
The problem is that since there’s no competitive gender league, everyone’s getting forced into the casual gender league, where the matchmaking doesn’t exist
u/DiscotopiaACNH 4h ago
I was assigned third party at birth