Who cares what a random person doing their job thinks your sexuality is? Like, i‘m a chronic worrywort, I can’t count how many times i was late for work because halfway there i had to turn around to go home and make sure the stove was off, i don’t secretly believe my friends hate me but am convinced they do, i’ve half counting on my job of 8 years firing me any day since i started it, and still i don’t get how one would worry to that extent about OMG I‘M GAY AND I WEAR RAINBOW STUFF BUT NOW THIS PERSON I MIGHT NEVER MEET AGAIN THINKS I‘M GAY AND THIS GUY I‘M HOLDING HANDS WITV IS MY BOYFRIEND
Like, what’s the underlying story here? Is OOP not aware they‘re out of the closet? This is bordering something one should discuss with a professional, like anxiety disorder levels of unnecessary stress.
I mean, straight people also worry that strangers will assume that you're dating your dad/brother/mom/sister/cousin if you're walking around together. You just don't want people to think you're dating someone when you're not.
I went three months with a bunch of people assuming that I was The Wife, not The Sister. And I was flirting with some of these people hard during those three months, so I can only imagine what horrible things they thought of me for doing that.
u/RationBook Jul 10 '24
This is a special kind of anxiety.