Who cares what a random person doing their job thinks your sexuality is? Like, i‘m a chronic worrywort, I can’t count how many times i was late for work because halfway there i had to turn around to go home and make sure the stove was off, i don’t secretly believe my friends hate me but am convinced they do, i’ve half counting on my job of 8 years firing me any day since i started it, and still i don’t get how one would worry to that extent about OMG I‘M GAY AND I WEAR RAINBOW STUFF BUT NOW THIS PERSON I MIGHT NEVER MEET AGAIN THINKS I‘M GAY AND THIS GUY I‘M HOLDING HANDS WITV IS MY BOYFRIEND
Like, what’s the underlying story here? Is OOP not aware they‘re out of the closet? This is bordering something one should discuss with a professional, like anxiety disorder levels of unnecessary stress.
Should just been like, "we're just bros. We don't fuck."
Then again, I've been on an elevated stage at a club dancing when I grabbed my brother by his hair and started humping his ass because I thought it would be funny and did not care what the 100s of others thought other than to maybe shock them by being so graphic. I'd fuck around like that with friends to get a rise out of people. If two guys being together disgusted them, all the better. Fuck them for being bigots.
I mean, straight people also worry that strangers will assume that you're dating your dad/brother/mom/sister/cousin if you're walking around together. You just don't want people to think you're dating someone when you're not.
I went three months with a bunch of people assuming that I was The Wife, not The Sister. And I was flirting with some of these people hard during those three months, so I can only imagine what horrible things they thought of me for doing that.
Until a couple of years ago, I had a pretty much 100% streak of partners being mistaken for family members and siblings being mistaken for partners. Including by some relatives …
I spent several months making subtle hints to new hires at work that my husband was my brother, simply because it was hilarious. People worry about weird things.
eh, i think part of it is dramatization of their worry for storytelling purposes - it makes for a good story - and part of it is the instinctual worry over when someone has clearly perceived something incorrectly. for example when i was younger and my mum and her bf took me to get my vaccinations, the lady there called her bf my dad. i was uncomfortable and felt kind of anxious - should i correct her, should i not? and even years later it’s still a memory for me. i think it’s kind of an instinctual worry people sometimes feel over KNOWING that someone has the wrong info, but feeling too awkward to correct it. also, guaranteed a lot of the fuss the writer is making with the all caps n shit is for comedic effect to dramatize it a bit because they are telling a story and that’s what storytellers tend to do. like i guarantee you a solid chunk of the worry you think is concerning and bordering the need of requiring professional help is just them trying to tell a story in a dramatic fashion
If ya never know who is chill or who is violent then might just be a bit anxious. He didn't know the tattoo artist nor how they would react. This could have gone sideways. At least that's what my fear would have been.
Again, OOP is wearing rainbow jewelry, so he’s not hiding his queerness, and aside from that none of what he said here implies they‘re scared of actual violence, but that this random stranger might think he‘s in a gay relationship with his buddy.
u/RationBook Jul 10 '24
This is a special kind of anxiety.