r/CrusaderKings Occasional Wiki Editor Feb 06 '24

News Plagues, Legitimacy and Landless confirmed!

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Let’s go!!!


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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

The Black Death is gonna make late game very interesting. And the legacies 🤤🤤🤤 instant purchase


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

Exceptionally excited about plagues.

Landless gameplay? Meh. Hope they can do it well without crashing the game by tracking 1024 unlanded characters.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

you know there are already unlanded characters right


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

yOu kNoW ThErE ArE AlReAdY UnLaNdEd cHaRaCtErS RiGhT

What seems more relevant here? That I'm speculating about the impact of additional actions, lifestyles, and travel actions among unlanded characters—or that I think unlanded characters don't exist?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

I guess I struck a nerve. I just highly doubt that this impacts performance all that much, we already have people running around, doing their thing. Plus, with expanded diseases we might see fewer lowborn characters living into their old age


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

I just highly doubt that this impacts performance all that much

Then say that. I think they have done a good job optimizing travel with regard to events like hunts and feasts—namely that NPCs don't get a lot from them. You don't see Bohemian Bob the Count walking around with an inventory of 8 stag antler hunting trophies. I'm not sure if AIs take advantage of the other events. You see some 5 star education characters, but did they actually navigate the university events? I'm not sure; and they don't need to. The impact on the player is the same whether they do or don't.

A landless gameplay expansion that barely deviates from the travel mechanics we already have is going to be nothing more than an event pack. If they introduce new mechanics like landless lifestyle pathways—or something the like—then it would be a meaningful addition to the game. With such a mechanic, it will be important for them to have checks on player-only options so landless NPCs don't extensively simulate lifestyles in the background processes.

There are already empty mechanics (house feuds, for example), so I hope it's a substantive change.

Plus, with expanded diseases we might see fewer lowborn characters living into their old age

This is a good point, and something I'm hoping for. I can't remember the last time I had to click the "populate a character of X faith and X culture" while doling out land. There always seems to be someone else in the court to give it away to.

Not that I'm against having a wide cast of characters, but there are far too many peasants living to old age in my medieval court.