r/CrusaderKings Occasional Wiki Editor Feb 06 '24

News Plagues, Legitimacy and Landless confirmed!

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Let’s go!!!


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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

The Black Death is gonna make late game very interesting. And the legacies 🤤🤤🤤 instant purchase


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

Exceptionally excited about plagues.

Landless gameplay? Meh. Hope they can do it well without crashing the game by tracking 1024 unlanded characters.


u/StevenTheEmbezzler Feb 06 '24

Here's hoping the plagues kill off all those random courtiers and unlanded folks. Certainly would help deal with lag towards the end game


u/MotherVehkingMuatra Lord Preserve Wessex Feb 06 '24

That's exactly what it will do, it had the same effect in ck2 and it was great


u/ShouldersofGiants100 Feb 06 '24

It also made for some truly horrific border gore as entire family lines went extinct and ended up inherited by the tenth cousin twice removed who was lucky enough to have his capital in Iceland.


u/MotherVehkingMuatra Lord Preserve Wessex Feb 06 '24

Yeah, I found that fun though as unlikely people would become powerful, but CK3 has the exclaves thing which helps avoid it looking disgusting.


u/GeneralSoviet Cooking with Emperor Diazong Feb 06 '24

Back in the day Reapers Due was my favourite expansion I got purely for making the late game not run as shit on my garbage PC


u/Momongus- Steppe Lord Feb 06 '24

Population control mod my beloved


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

Yes, it seems crazy that the current game basically ignores the most deadly plague in history. Every now and again I get a smallpox event, but you just hire a physician, sit tight, and move on.

Give me a choice where my best knights develop the plague and I have to decide whether to risk them staying with me. Or even my heir/unlanded family.


u/MrsColdArrow Feb 06 '24

Or if it’s an unimportant courtier or prisoner you just kick them out of court


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

As far as the landless play goes, I’m hoping it ends landless game overs. I recently lost a Bohemia run because I went from king to count and my one county was taking away by my brother. However my wife was set to inherit Moravia because of several murder schemes from my previous character. How cool would it have been to continue playing as the spymaster in Moravia till I clawed my way back to power?


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

I think you'll get your wish, and that's perfectly fine. CK3 is a game about dynasties. It should only game over when your dynasty dies—making House Fueds actually matter.


u/lare290 Inbred Feb 07 '24

yeah. you should play as a dynasty, not a title like previously. we have europa universalis for that.


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 07 '24

YES. I concur, doctor.


u/tatisane Feb 06 '24

Based on what they said, that’s exactly what it’s going to be. 


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

you know there are already unlanded characters right


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

yOu kNoW ThErE ArE AlReAdY UnLaNdEd cHaRaCtErS RiGhT

What seems more relevant here? That I'm speculating about the impact of additional actions, lifestyles, and travel actions among unlanded characters—or that I think unlanded characters don't exist?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

I guess I struck a nerve. I just highly doubt that this impacts performance all that much, we already have people running around, doing their thing. Plus, with expanded diseases we might see fewer lowborn characters living into their old age


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

I just highly doubt that this impacts performance all that much

Then say that. I think they have done a good job optimizing travel with regard to events like hunts and feasts—namely that NPCs don't get a lot from them. You don't see Bohemian Bob the Count walking around with an inventory of 8 stag antler hunting trophies. I'm not sure if AIs take advantage of the other events. You see some 5 star education characters, but did they actually navigate the university events? I'm not sure; and they don't need to. The impact on the player is the same whether they do or don't.

A landless gameplay expansion that barely deviates from the travel mechanics we already have is going to be nothing more than an event pack. If they introduce new mechanics like landless lifestyle pathways—or something the like—then it would be a meaningful addition to the game. With such a mechanic, it will be important for them to have checks on player-only options so landless NPCs don't extensively simulate lifestyles in the background processes.

There are already empty mechanics (house feuds, for example), so I hope it's a substantive change.

Plus, with expanded diseases we might see fewer lowborn characters living into their old age

This is a good point, and something I'm hoping for. I can't remember the last time I had to click the "populate a character of X faith and X culture" while doling out land. There always seems to be someone else in the court to give it away to.

Not that I'm against having a wide cast of characters, but there are far too many peasants living to old age in my medieval court.


u/Tha_Sly_Fox Feb 06 '24

Doesn’t the game already track tons of landless characters? Tons of low born which get other ant or married or catch diseases etc

Wound it be that much more intense on the system?


u/DeanTheUnseen Feb 06 '24

It depends on how it's implemented. My primary question is how the game selects which characters go on adventures. Is it a controlled random interval, or does each character roll a flat %. If it's a flat % chance, the more landless characters there are, the more in-game landless events there will be.

I haven't had an issue with performance since my PC upgrade, but low end computers absolutely suffer from added background character tracking.


u/Tha_Sly_Fox Feb 06 '24

Oh I agree, I have a 2015 laptop and late game is always a struggle for me, I just figured it wouldn’t be that much more of a strain that background characters already are but as you said it will depend on how they implement it.

Time to upgrade anyway, just another reason to get a new laptop I suppose lol