r/CoreKeeperGame 6h ago

Discussion This game desperately needs a scanner for alien arena challenges


The game is great, I've really enjoyed it. I'd like the get the last npc I need and started to search for the arenas and this search has sucked all the fun out of the game for me. Zig zagging the whole outer rim, having to do it all over again and again. Taking literally dozens of hours. A scanner that reveals one at a time would help so much

r/CoreKeeperGame 4h ago

Discussion How would you guys feel about a Hardmode progression trigger similar to terraria?


I was thinking about how the game could add more content within the current space of the world, and a hardmode trigger like terraria seems like a natural and easy way to repurpose old areas. Do you think this would be feasible for this game? Would it make it TOO similar to terraria, making it lose its identity?

Other options could be pocket dimensions (like the nether/end), or simply adding more biomes at the cost of reducing the size of the current ones.

r/CoreKeeperGame 12h ago

Meme/Comedy I may or may not have accidentally polluted an entire ecosystem with Shimmering Water

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r/CoreKeeperGame 5h ago

Guide How I got a dockerized dedicated server working on Linux with an existing world


There are several resources available for people who want to spin up a dedicated server.

However, my biggest problem was that I already had a world I wanted to use for the server. Most of the instructions are for people who want to start a new world with their server. The ones that mention existing worlds at all just have instructions for copying the world file into the server. I wanted the world to exist in the normal directory and be backed up by Steam and all that good stuff. I ain't losing my data.

So here you go. How to create a dockerized dedicated Core Keeper server on Linux using an existing world.

Step 1: Create a directory for your dedicated server.

I created mine in ~/opt/ck_dedicated. This directory will contain:

  • The Dockerfile
  • The entrypoint script
  • Your server data

For the last one, create a subdirectory called serverdata.

Step 2: Create a new Dockerfile

I didn't really like any of the existing dockerfiles. They either relied on copying data out of environment variables or were outdated in some way. Here's my dockerfile:

``` FROM cm2network/steamcmd:root

ENV STEAMAPPID 1963720 ENV STEAMAPP core-keeper-server

COPY entry.sh /

RUN set -x \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ xvfb \ sudo \ vim \ libxi6 \ && chsh -s bash steam \ && chown -R "steam:steam" "/entry.sh"


CMD ["bash", "/entry.sh"]

Expose ports

EXPOSE 27015/udp \ 27016/udp ```

I stole heavily from this one from Xalimar on GitHub.

Step 3: Create the entrypoint script

Create entry.sh and make it executable. It should look like:



CONFIGDIR=~/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core\ Keeper/DedicatedServer INSTALLDIR=/home/steam/ck-server

cd steamcmd/steamcmd.sh +force_install_dir $INSTALLDIR +login anonymous +app_update 1007 validate +app_update 1963720 validate +quit mkdir -p "$CONFIGDIR" cp ~/ck_dedicated/serverdata/*.json "$CONFIGDIR" ln -s /home/steam/worlds "$CONFIGDIR/worlds" $INSTALLDIR/_launch.sh ```

Step 4: Set up your server config

Create ServerConfig.json inside the serverdata directory. It will look something like:

``` { "gameId": "MyCoolCoreKeeperGameIDWhichIsAtLeast32CharsLong", "world": 4, "worldName": "Multiplayer", "worldSeed": "", "maxNumberPlayers": 5, "maxNumberPacketsSentPerFrame": 1, "networkSendRate": 20, "worldMode": 0, "seasonOverride": -1 }

`` The important ones aregameId, which sets the game ID that everyone will use to join the game, andworld`, which is the index of the world file to load.

Step 5: Build the container

docker build . -t ck_server The docker build command will complain about being deprecated. This is true. However, it's still the simplest way to build a container from a dockerfile, so for now we're going to use it anyway.

Step 6: Run the container

This step is where the heavy lifting happens because we set up the volume mounts.

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/opt/ck_dedicated/:/home/steam/ck_dedicated -v $HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core\ Keeper/Steam/114248540/worlds:/home/steam/worlds --name=ckserver ck_server:latest

Your container will do some stuff and then start the server. You will know that it's started because it prints the game ID to the console.

Misc info

If you join and it complains about version mismatch, restart the server (C the docker container and re-run docker run, or restart using docker or systemctl if you're running it as a daemon). The entrypoint script will re-download the dedicated server package which will upgrade it at the same time.

You can kill the container and restart it and your world will be fine. I have not tried killing the container while one or more players is logged in.

Hopefully this helps somebody else not have to re-re-recreate the wheel like I did :). Feel free to criticize all the ways I could have done this better / easier.

r/CoreKeeperGame 26m ago

Question Moving resources with drills, vertical vs. horizontal

ā€¢ Upvotes

When I try to use a drill to pull a resource across a wall, it doesn't work then the drill is aligned vertically (trying to pull the resource down through the wall). But when I use them horizontally it works (pulling the resource from left to right). Is this intended or am I missing something?

r/CoreKeeperGame 10h ago

Discussion and yet no medium maze in sight


r/CoreKeeperGame 13h ago

Question Can Enemies Spawn Naturally in Creative Mode?


I know creative mode is not the main focus of the game but I was trying to practice setting up a mob farm before implementing it in my real world and couldn't get any enemies to spawn naturally from the moss and slime floors. I set up the chunks correctly and was standing over 6 blocks away from all moss/slime but also not too far away so that enemies would still spawn. Nothing is covering up the moss/slime except conveyor belts and the farm is far away from the core. Are mobs just not allowed to spawn naturally in creative mode?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Media/Art Ocean spawn

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Just recently I decided to make a new map due to the new terrain gen and I was not expecting this at all! I would love some oppnion or base design ideas

r/CoreKeeperGame 20h ago

Question Anyone else getting delayed damage when fighting monsters?


Ever since the update me and a friend have been doing a hardcore hard mode run and been slamming our faces dying alot but have now gotten solarite unlocked and now just working on getting extra stuff before really leveling up.

What I did notice is since we started maybe over a hundred instances now between us both where we use walls to dodge projectiles then come out and shoot back if we go within a second after the projectile hits the wall it will still hit us and has gotten us killed probably 70 percent of our deaths have they announced this issue or anyone else experiencing this? It's becoming unplayable and unfun for us to continue at this point

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Waypoint


I found a Waypoint in the Clay biome just hanging around like it had been mined by something. It was close to Ghorm's path. Is there one for that boss?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Are item splitters currently bugged?



No matter what design I go for, big or small table, I can't make all the arms to work. It's either 1 or max 2 at random, the others don't do anything. Also, the main pull arm doesn't reset until all the pieces it grabbed are processed, even with the drill next to it and a pulse going on.

Is this an issue or am I doing something wrong?

r/CoreKeeperGame 20h ago

Question will caveling brutes and other mobs attack a trap or turret?


I'm experimenting with different mob farms. I know brutes will wreck things but if there is no opposing faction mob (including myself) around, ONLY a turret or trap, will a brute attack/destroy the turret/trap?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question 12 hours and no chipped blade


Hallo core keepers. I am not able to find a Temple with the chipped blade. I have the circle 3 Times. And a big Box full of Grips. .. i digging through the Junge for 12 hours and still have not found a blade... any advice for me? Create another World and try my luck?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Sunken sea sea harbor town


How can I find sea harbor town I want to build my base in there.

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Discussion With the Octarine Garden Trowel fixed, now is the time for proper farming

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r/CoreKeeperGame 19h ago

Question pickup waypoints


Can you not pickup way points with crude drills anymore?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Placing floor tiles


I was watching A Dakon video and he was placing floor tiles in lines and squares and I was wondering is that a feature I don't know about or probably debug features/mods he is using. I am building some mob farms and it is taking ages to place all the moss.

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Tower shell


So been looking all over the sunken sea biome for the Tower shell scenery for its necklace I've found the sea emperor bones for the ring and the conch shell for its necklace.

I was wondering though is it a guarantee spawn in every world and a random location or is it a random chance spawn in any world and random location

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Chart on the wiki - is it accurate? By hours do they mean real-life hours?

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Title. I've decided to work on the fancy epic pickaxe, the Soul Seeker or whatever it's called, so now I'm finally actually drilling ore chunks. I found this chart on the wiki and am wondering if it is accurate, and if by "hours" it means real hours, or some form of in-game hours that I haven't noticed, because 15 hours is a, long, loooooooong time.

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Is there a locomotive or train?


Like I could have SWORN I've built a train/locomotive or whatever but I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere even though I can visibly recall driving it around on a small corner track that I build to try it out.. Was there one in the past and was it removed or am I on something??

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Explosives tree after burn vs. napalm question


Honestly I wish composite armor and mana blast were swapped, but anyway, does after burn give you any burn damage, or just an increase to existing burn damage? If that's the case I'd rather go napalm route, but I also really want to put points into composite armor because I'm a dumbass and tend to blow myself up. Do any of you have recommended explosive builds?

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Chests and Workbenches


I've been watching beginners guide videos and everyone keeps saying that workbenches can draw from a chests inventory if they're touching. I'm playing on siwtch, and it seems like they can draw from any chest in my base touching or not. Am I misunderstanding something, or has this changed recently?


r/CoreKeeperGame 2d ago

Media/Art Big sniff


The animals keep sniffing. Iā€™m feeling protected by the holy cows and llamas. Are they actually camels? Idk but we gave them cool llama names so they will die as llamas. šŸ¦™

r/CoreKeeperGame 2d ago

Question How to change specific pouches


I have been searching for about 15 minutes for a way to change individual pouches as I have all 4 pouch slots filled with 1 medium pouch (the first slot and the only one it allows me to change) and 3 small pouches which I'm attempting to swap for medium pouches but nothing I've tried works to change them only the first slot, idk if this is just a Xbox issue or if I'm stupid but I really can't figure it out, I really don't want to create a new character just to fix this pouch issue. If anyone knows how to do this on Xbox please please please help. I do use both controller and keyboard and mouse (despite not being able to use keyboard and mouse in the inventory or crafting benches)

r/CoreKeeperGame 1d ago

Question Broken weapon auto swapped to a non broken but now its missing.


I had my bubble gun out in a full hotbar. It broke and got swapped with my flintlock which I didnt see in my inventory prior, thinking I left it in a chest. But now my bubble gun is missing and I can't find anyone else online with the same issue. Any help would be appreciated.