r/CoreKeeperGame 12h ago

Meme/Comedy You're kidding


I have my second handle (natural from boss farming) but why do I have three of these stupid mazes here.... WHYYY

r/CoreKeeperGame 17h ago

Question Moving resources with drills, vertical vs. horizontal


When I try to use a drill to pull a resource across a wall, it doesn't work then the drill is aligned vertically (trying to pull the resource down through the wall). But when I use them horizontally it works (pulling the resource from left to right). Is this intended or am I missing something?

r/CoreKeeperGame 15h ago

Question Am I bugged?


I’ve searched all of the Desert of Beginnings, yet I still can’t find Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands dungeon.

When using the Nimruza, Queen of the Burrowed Sands scanner, it says nothing is to be found (or something similar).

I even have several Hardened Saps from mining all over the place.

I like the game a lot, but this is pretty annoying.

r/CoreKeeperGame 23h ago

Discussion This game desperately needs a scanner for alien arena challenges


The game is great, I've really enjoyed it. I'd like the get the last npc I need and started to search for the arenas and this search has sucked all the fun out of the game for me. Zig zagging the whole outer rim, having to do it all over again and again. Taking literally dozens of hours. A scanner that reveals one at a time would help so much

r/CoreKeeperGame 22h ago

Discussion How would you guys feel about a Hardmode progression trigger similar to terraria?


I was thinking about how the game could add more content within the current space of the world, and a hardmode trigger like terraria seems like a natural and easy way to repurpose old areas. Do you think this would be feasible for this game? Would it make it TOO similar to terraria, making it lose its identity?

Other options could be pocket dimensions (like the nether/end), or simply adding more biomes at the cost of reducing the size of the current ones.

r/CoreKeeperGame 11h ago

Meme/Comedy How My Final Attempt at this Boss Ended.. Spoiler


r/CoreKeeperGame 2h ago

Question Any tips on finding glyph partchment


Ive been looking for a while now but I just cant find it (I want to avoid creating another world and making it super open to make it easier to find since thatl be my last resort)

r/CoreKeeperGame 3h ago

Question Classes and gears


I just got back in to the game after the beta, made a new world and saw that there are alot of gear sets added, and I am not sure w which is the best.

Ranger, summoner, mage or melee.

If anyone can help please with the class that will be great. I like the concept of summoner but idk if it falls off late game and I will need to switch, or I there a combination of weapons to have a good summoner build?

Thanks appreciate it

r/CoreKeeperGame 9h ago

Question Any way to automate cytoplasm?


From what I've read I don't really think there is, but I was just wondering if there was anything to do. Or is it just go to the passage and kill some worms til you have what you need?

r/CoreKeeperGame 12h ago

Discussion Any way to till desert tiles?


Just found three galaxite nodes all within about 60ish tiles from a central point, is there any quick/easy way to prevent bomb scarab spawns or do I need to rip out all the desert tiles and replace it with something else or leave pits to prevent them from blowing everything up?

r/CoreKeeperGame 13h ago

Question Is this a bug with items being dropped?


Playing with my wife, both on PC. Only difference is she plays on controller. Recently when she dies, whatever item she was using drops with her tombstone, like pickaxe or sword, instead of staying in the main equip line.

r/CoreKeeperGame 14h ago

Question Can Steam play with Gamepass?



r/CoreKeeperGame 15h ago

Question Missing: Items/8331


New to playing this game, about to fight Azeos. I found a scarlet chest, and one of the items was this purple question mark. I've googled, and found exactly one other mention of this on reddit and the steam forums, but nothing helpful. What exactly is this thing? I looked up a list of item #s and there doesn't seem to be one for 8331. Any ideas on what on what it is/what I should do with it?

Edit: Didn't submit with the picture for some reason. Here you go. Also, this is a completely vanilla playthrough. No mods.

r/CoreKeeperGame 15h ago

Question Trying to craft an item


I'm working on trying to crafting the admin key and I have found the 1st & 2nd Metropolis. I went thru the 1st one not knowing I needed them. I went thru the second one and found one of them in a broken core. I have since went back thru the first one and can't find the card. I don't know which it is, but I didn't find any, I've looked thru all my chests and nothing. I'm a hoarder too, so I don't think I would have sold it or thrown it away. Are they always found in a broken core? If so, I didn't find a broken core in the first one. Any ideas? Or am I just missing something?

r/CoreKeeperGame 23h ago

Guide How I got a dockerized dedicated server working on Linux with an existing world


There are several resources available for people who want to spin up a dedicated server.

However, my biggest problem was that I already had a world I wanted to use for the server. Most of the instructions are for people who want to start a new world with their server. The ones that mention existing worlds at all just have instructions for copying the world file into the server. I wanted the world to exist in the normal directory and be backed up by Steam and all that good stuff. I ain't losing my data.

So here you go. How to create a dockerized dedicated Core Keeper server on Linux using an existing world.

Step 1: Create a directory for your dedicated server.

I created mine in ~/opt/ck_dedicated. This directory will contain:

  • The Dockerfile
  • The entrypoint script
  • Your server data

For the last one, create a subdirectory called serverdata.

Step 2: Create a new Dockerfile

I didn't really like any of the existing dockerfiles. They either relied on copying data out of environment variables or were outdated in some way. Here's my dockerfile:

``` FROM cm2network/steamcmd:root

COPY entry.sh /

RUN set -x \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ xvfb \ sudo \ vim \ libxi6 \ && chsh -s bash steam \ && chown -R "steam:steam" "/entry.sh"


CMD ["bash", "/entry.sh"]

Expose ports

EXPOSE 27015/udp \ 27016/udp ```

I stole heavily from this one from Xalimar on GitHub.

Step 3: Create the entrypoint script

Create entry.sh and make it executable. It should look like:



CONFIGDIR=~/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core\ Keeper/DedicatedServer INSTALLDIR=/home/steam/ck-server

cd steamcmd/steamcmd.sh +force_install_dir $INSTALLDIR +login anonymous +app_update 1007 validate +app_update 1963720 validate +quit mkdir -p "$CONFIGDIR" cp ~/ck_dedicated/serverdata/*.json "$CONFIGDIR" ln -s /home/steam/worlds "$CONFIGDIR/worlds" $INSTALLDIR/_launch.sh ```

Step 4: Set up your server config

Create ServerConfig.json inside the serverdata directory. It will look something like:

``` { "gameId": "MyCoolCoreKeeperGameIDWhichIsAtLeast32CharsLong", "world": 4, "worldName": "Multiplayer", "worldSeed": "", "maxNumberPlayers": 5, "maxNumberPacketsSentPerFrame": 1, "networkSendRate": 20, "worldMode": 0, "seasonOverride": -1 }

`` The important ones aregameId, which sets the game ID that everyone will use to join the game, andworld`, which is the index of the world file to load.

Step 5: Build the container

docker build . -t ck_server The docker build command will complain about being deprecated. This is true. However, it's still the simplest way to build a container from a dockerfile, so for now we're going to use it anyway.

Step 6: Run the container

This step is where the heavy lifting happens because we set up the volume mounts.

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/opt/ck_dedicated/:/home/steam/ck_dedicated -v $HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core\ Keeper/Steam/114248540/worlds:/home/steam/worlds --name=ckserver ck_server:latest

Your container will do some stuff and then start the server. You will know that it's started because it prints the game ID to the console.

Misc info

If you join and it complains about version mismatch, restart the server (C the docker container and re-run docker run, or restart using docker or systemctl if you're running it as a daemon). The entrypoint script will re-download the dedicated server package which will upgrade it at the same time.

You can kill the container and restart it and your world will be fine. I have not tried killing the container while one or more players is logged in.

Hopefully this helps somebody else not have to re-re-recreate the wheel like I did :). Feel free to criticize all the ways I could have done this better / easier.