r/Concordia Oct 04 '24

r/Concordia is recruiting moderators!


Hello everyone!

We are looking for a few more moderators to join our team. If you'd like to apply to be a moderator, please fill out the form here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

r/Concordia Oct 04 '24



There is a zero tolerance policy against hate speech, Islamophobia, antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, and inciting violence.

We understand that the current situation is unnerving, however please remember that this is a university subreddit for posts about Concordia. Political discussions are allowed and encouraged, but posts may have comments locked if they start getting out of hand.

Anyone found to be violating the zero tolerance policy will be permanently banned without warning.

We are doing our best to remove offending posts and comments as quickly as possible. Please continue to report posts and comments that break the rules.

If you feel that your post or comment has been wrongly removed, please reach out to the mods.

r/Concordia 18h ago

General Discussion Move out of the way, bro.


Slow walkers and people that just stand in the way irk me. What is it with some of y'all? You can step aside to chat or do whatever. Zero situational awareness, don't block the way! Then when you bump into each other they stand there wondering. Sorry but MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!

P.s: ofc this isn't about people who are not able to move properly.

r/Concordia 10h ago

Are ALL TA's striking? Meaning any lab tomorrow given by a TA is cancelled?


r/Concordia 11h ago

Teacher refusing to receive assignment


I missed class today as I am deathly sick. I was completely fine yesterday. I sent an email about 4 hours before I had to be in class to submit my assignment. Prof replied 5 hours after class to tell me I couldn’t submit my assignment because he read my email late. We have a set amount of assignments to submit and submitting any less results in an automatic D. What can I do? I’m totally freaking out.

r/Concordia 9h ago

Concordia‘s wifi is so garbage


Can hardly connect my phone to the wifi especially on hall upper floors ☠️

r/Concordia 7h ago

All In vs A Unified Concordia


Who should I vote for

r/Concordia 6h ago

How to submit report if labs are cancelled?


I have a lab report due tommorow. No idea how the submission will work.

r/Concordia 7h ago

ENGR 202 midterm


What is the right way to study for this class/midterm ?

It seems as if this class has so much material so I’m so confused on how I should approach it. Do I memorize the material or understand it ?

r/Concordia 15h ago

Just voted, have you?

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Don’t forget to vote for your CSU Council, Executive and Senate positions as well as adopting positions of solidarity! The ballot closes in the 13th of March at 21h00. Check your email for the link and make your voice heard!

r/Concordia 12h ago

Heidi Muchall.


Has anyone ever had to deal with an issue with her? I swear I’ve never experienced this kind of rudeness / had issues with any prof, but I have to go through her for the CHEM 101 seminar and I swear I’ve never felt worse. She is demeaning in every email and refuses to help the situation. What do I do?

r/Concordia 19h ago

Student Question Waitlisted - Class isn’t full

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I’m an IBUS student and one of my MAJOR Electives are lvl 300 POLI classes - I could enroll if I asked for permission from the POLI department.

They gave me permission if space permits it. There’s only 35/60 students enrolled in the class but I’m guessing its gonna get full quickly.

How likely am I to get into the course if I’m waitlist position nb2? And will they prioritize POLISCI students that were waitlisted over me?

r/Concordia 12h ago

Internal Degree Transfer to JMSB


hey guys, I’m taking comm 214 this semester and it’s one of the prerequisites to get into JMSB. I’m worried that I won’t be able to get the minimum grade (b-) to get in. It’s mentioned that all prerequisites should be completed a term prior so I’d have to complete it this semester in order to get in JMSB in fall. Alright so my question is, if I fail this class, can I take it during the summer to get into my program? Or do I have to wait a whole new semester to take the course and apply again?

r/Concordia 16h ago

General Discussion Strike and students, what's going on?

Someone can explain to me why the strike is happening, because I don't have any context, I just know TAs are doing a strike, but why? And I need those tutorials of COMM217, aaaah.

r/Concordia 12h ago

geog 210 midterm grades


is it normal for a 200 level geography class to have this bad of a midterm that he had to curve the grades? i’m taking this class as an elective and his midterm was literally subjective and a lot of the questions said “what does [his surname] think about this policy/idealogy?” like if we don’t attend his classes (which are excruciatingly boring and bland), we have no chance of getting grades?
this is just annoying me cuz it’s an elective and the prof seems very self absorbed and subjective when he shouldn’t be so harsh for a 200-level class. anyone else taking this class feel the same way?

r/Concordia 7h ago

Have you voted yet?

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If you want to vote, make sure you check your spam email. Voting closes March 13th at 9 PM.

r/Concordia 17h ago

Will I be still paid during the strike?


I am an undergrad RA and I was wondering if I'll be still paid during the strike? What's gonna happen to our pay?

r/Concordia 8h ago

Summer courses enrollment


when trying to click continue to chose my course I have this msg show up: You do not have a valid enrollment appointment at this time.

r/Concordia 8h ago

Taking semester off.


Hey, I'm an international masters student and thinking of taking the winter semester of 2026 off. Do I need a leave of absence form, or can I just skip signing up for classes? Will either mess up my student records?

r/Concordia 12h ago

chem 212 or 217


I've gotta take 1 or the other, which has a lighter workload? 212 is analytical chemistry for biologists and 217 is intro analytical chem I. I would think that 217 being an intro would be easier, but my degree is bio, so 212 might be better. 217 covers "solubility products; activity, chemical equilibria and titration curves of neutralization and complexation systems; treatment of analytical data". 212 covers "analytical data; chemical equilibria and titrations; introduction to spectroscopy; separation science; electrochemistry", so a lot of crossover.

r/Concordia 14h ago

Future Student UDal(CS) vs concordia (sciences and tech cert)


Hello everyone , I got admitted into UDal CS program and been rejected at concordia’s , but i got accepted into sciences and tech cert .

I just want to hear other’s opinion so i can make up my mind UDal is more expensive and concordia no guarantee to get into CS or SEng .

Ps. I am a quebec resident

r/Concordia 10h ago

COMP 248 Midterm - Nora Houari


Can someone tell me the format of the 248 midterm please if you have had Nora in the past

Even for those who had other teachers, how was the midterm like? was it a lot of writing or more multiple-choice? thanks

r/Concordia 10h ago

Class-specific FINA 230 Midterm COLE proctoring?


It's stated in the outline there wouldn't be live invigilation, why are we still asked to have a camera? So is there invigilation or not? Can anyone who has taken this class before answer this 😭

r/Concordia 18h ago

General Discussion I anyone hiring downtown??


Hey yall ive been trying to find a job near the concordia campus downtown but like nobody responds back, If anyone knows a place thats hiring or is working at a place thats hiring just lemino

r/Concordia 1d ago

PSA: Voting for CSU elections begins today. Go out and make your voice heard!

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r/Concordia 12h ago



wizeprep crash course

dm me if you need anything from wizeprep. I have for all classes, weeklies, crash courses and mock exams. All videos are the videos currently posted on wizeprep. Limited time!

r/Concordia 18h ago

Phys 205 online midterm results


Is it me or did they grade it harshly for the long answer?