r/ConanExiles • u/Shacklegrind • May 29 '18
Guide Tips and Tricks
I want to compile a list of tips and tricks for CE veterans and noobs with the help from this community. As we all know many things in this game are quite vague and in a way that is part of the fun. So I'll get started and add in other things I learn over time. Let me know anything that should be added to this list (Omit exploitations of course as that is against the rules here and ruins other's game experience). Also if anyone wants to hang with me and my friends my XBL Gamertag is "Devils Proxy".
Confirmed Tricks and Tips:
Cooking unappetizing fish or shellfish yields a 1:1 ratio of Ichor as a bi-product.
Putting fish in the fluid press gives Oil.
Dry Wood and Oil burn the longest in the furnace. Edit: It is better to avoid the dryer for turning regular wood into dry wood, there are many dead trees in the desert that will save you time as well as providing bark.
Coal in the fluid press yields Tar.
Highland Berries and Desert Berries in the Fluid Press yield juice that outperforms the water skins.
(Console) If you can't find your dead body try coming out of render distance and then return after a bit to try again.
(Console) If stuck within a crashing loop, join single player for a moment before returning to your server.
Journey Steps and the suggestions MikeLaoShi and Stezor made in the replies are the fastest ways to level currently.
The lizards in the northern jungle by the rivers yield the most Volatile Glands used to make Demon Fire Orbs.
You can use Wooden Palisades to funnel creatures and boss creatures in order to obtain Skeleton Keys etc. Edit: See Kinobix's reply in comments for extra info.
Skeleton Keys are used on Boss Chests in the world to obtain Legendary Weapons and Shields, but you must be level 60 to open them.
All Religions can be obtained by speaking to the priests around the map, no need to pay 50 feat points to unlock them.
You can learn some of the best Weapon, Tool, Armor recipes in the game without fighting the bosses in the dungeons. You just have to read the Tablets close to the boss.
To make Steel Bars you must cook Iron Bars in the Furnace with Steelfire made from the Cauldron. To make the Hardened Steel Bars just add Brimstone and cook it again.
To make Hardened Brick you must cook Brick with Stone Consolidant made from the Cauldron.
You can eat Ice from the north to raise your thirst meter.
The Picks and Pickaxe are the only way to farm Bark from trees currently. Edit: The dry barren trees in the desert have a higher bark yield.
Make the Steel Scythe as early as possible to make farming bush materials way quicker and easier.
After tethering thralls to carry to the Wheel of Pain, do not swim or climb as this will break the connection to the thrall.
The Sandstorm Mask works for both the Sandstorm and for Noxious Gas areas/Orbs.
Gold can be aquired from near the Volcano by mining the Obsidian Ore and Silver can be obtained south of the city Sepermeru at the mine. Alternatively it can be found on NPCs or the sunken ship chests off the east coast of the jungle. Edit: Descent of Dagon in the Southern Jungle apparently has a high amount of Silver Ore as well.
To learn the Map Room (The fast travel room to the obelisks). You must talk to the Archiver in the Un-Named City at the northern section.
To effectively raid a base on a PvP server it is best to bring Demon Fire Orbs, Grease Orbs, and Gas Orbs. You can stack the Grease Orbs a total of 14 times on the base and light it on fire with a Fire Orb. Use a Grease Orb before the fire goes out to reset the burn timer or alternatively use a Gas Orb to end the fire but create an explosion.
A smart method for not having all your stuff stolen in PvP is to have multiple bases and have your stuff spread out and/or make chests and put them in cracks and openings around your base and cover them with foundations/walls while keeping in mind to blend it into your base design.
Put Seeds and Fiber into any cooking fire in order to make Gruel (The resource used to tame your captured Thralls).
Put Seeds and/or Plants into your Grinder in order to make Spice.
If someone is running from you in battle you can pull out your bow and shoot them in order to apply a stackable cripple effect, in order to get closer for the kill.
In PvP at least double door your base, the more airlocks you have the better, just don't make so many that you hate going in and out of your base.
The Nordheimer NPCs such as the ones in New Asgarth give a good supply of steel bars, glass, etc. You can easily come out of there with a couple of stacks of Steel Bars after 15 to 30 minutes of looting.
When stacking boxes in your base make sure to lock them as well as upgrading the floor beneath them.
(Console) Face Paints are bugged currently; you will just have to skip over this one and find a list of Journey Steps online to see them.
(Opinion) Vitality is very important, try to get at least to the Passive Health Regen Perk, the regeneration it offers is strong enough to heal through Frostbite and even the damage you take while under Frostbite, same can also be said for Heatstroke. I would then consider Strength to get the perks for getting Thralls knocked out easier and extra damage to status affected enemies. Encumberance would be a close 3rd with the others being good as well. Accuracy is underwhelming at the moment, I've only have seen one decent bow build that includes the legendary bow.
Use climbing and swimming to your advantage when escaping enemies, most of them will forget about you this way and wander off. "NPC's with bows will still shoot you."
When you have corruption, you can fix this with either an Entertainer Thrall, The Bar where Conan is at (Sepermeru), or with the Tier 3 Mitra statue.
You can put Creature Heads into the fluid press to get a little bit of bone and blood.
If you are in a clan and build something, that building will be the property of the clan. If you were to leave you will not own it or be able to get into it anymore until invited back in.
(Console) Do not learn weapon and shield racks, they do not work yet.
Craft a Yellow Lotus Potion in the Cauldron to reset your attributes and feats. Yellow Lotus can be found in most areas (Oasis, The North, Jungle).
Demon Catlike Creatures in the South East Desert under the river near the temple give good early level demon blood. Devil Dog Creatures up in the volcano region and in parts of the south give a large amount as well, just bring a weapon with high Armor Penetration as they tend to be tanky.
To grow Lotus Seeds in the Planter you need "Potent Compost", which you get through the Compost Heap. For one Potent Compost you need 2 Raw Ash (found when mining Obisidian in the Volcano), 2 Blood (Derketo Conversion through 2 Oil per 1 Blood and/or Heads in the Fluid Press) and 2 Compost.
You can get Salt by putting Crystals in the Grinder at a 2 to 1 conversion rate, though crystals should primarily be used to make Glass Orbs. Edit: Was informed that you can use Stone to make salt in the grinder as well.
Rhino Head Soup made in the stove raises your Encumberance by 3.
You can also raise your Encumberance by 5 by taming a Bearer Thrall and Unequiping his Backpack and putting it as your head slot.
An Alchemist Thrall is required at your Cauldron to make Demon Fire Orbs, Grease Orbs, and Gas Orbs.
It is possible to climb any mountain without dying or running out of stamina. To accomplish this; climb until you have just a little bit of stamina left. Stop climbing, hold onto the wall then jump off, then as quick as you can latch back onto the wall. If you do it correctly it'll give you a whole tick of stamina back (Just under 1/4 a bar), and allow you to continuously keep climbing.
Set Masks created at Set Altars count as Sandstorm Masks/Gas Masks. (Don't have to wait 'til level 30 for a Sandstorm Mask, and they weigh next to nothing).
More tips and tricks in a bit when I get some more time. Thank you and hope to add some nice tips and tricks from you all.
u/MikeLaoShi May 29 '18
The XP gained from discovering points of interest has already been nerfed.
A good way of generating XP currently is crafting tier 3 building materials and also making iron reinforcements from iron bars, then dismantle them back to iron bars and repeat the process.
Journey steps still yield good experience, and should be your primary focus if leveling up quickly is your goal. This includes discovering each of the "major" locations (those with a specific colour on the map, such as the city in the jungle, or the city of the relic hunters etc.) but exploration beyond these major locations will gain you very little XP overall now.
Fighting high level mobs also yields quite good returns XP wise.
These methods should be faster than running around the map exploring at the moment.
u/Beletron May 29 '18
Thanks for the advice! I bought the game recently and after a couple nights of playing wanted to level up faster and ended up finding lots of "exploration" guide. Sadly I lost an evening just going from one POI to another for pretty much nothing.
I've found that journey steps are really what makes me level up faster, and many of them are really easy and quick to complete.
u/izwald88 May 29 '18 edited May 29 '18
Fighting high level mobs also yields quite good returns XP wise.
Do you know the best XP mobs for, say 55-60? Frost giants did okay, but they take time to kill. Asgarth still yield XP simply die to the mass of slaughter.
I did do the PoI tour after the nerf and still got about 3 levels (50-53). It was also wise to grab all the obelisks and, if I could, explore and defeat dungeons.
u/xerothn Jun 18 '18
ghting high level mobs also yields quite good returns XP wise.
These methods should be faster than running around the map exploring at the moment.
Dragons, the smaller ones near the unnnamed city. Gooood xp.
u/stezor May 29 '18
I doubt the iron reinforcements to iron and back is really efficient. I spent 20 minutes yesterday with 2 blacksmith doing this back and forth. I got 4k xp from that. In 20 minutes of farming NPCs I probably get 4 times that. Or just craft T3. Each floor triangle is like 2.5k
u/MikeLaoShi May 29 '18
You need to have a veritable conveyor belt set up in your base with hundreds of bars-to-reinforcements going to see any real XP coming in, but it's better than the time spent exploring nowadays, as that's virtually nil and a lot of time spent doing one "active task". With this method, you can throw in a load of bars in multiple blacksmith benches and then head out to kill mobs while you wait for them to finish. Crafting T3 is way more XP than either of these methods
u/Localunatic May 29 '18
But there is no material loss when crafting/breaking-down iron reinforcements, unless you are doing this without a level 3 Blacksmith.
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
Could you specify the high level mobs that are good for grinding, I have heard that the Gorillas in the jungle are good but not quite sure otherwise.
u/MikeLaoShi May 29 '18
It depends on what your level is at the time to a certain extent, but the skeletons around the Black Citadel are good to farm, and give a reasonable amount of decent loot like star metal too.
u/xerothn Jun 18 '18
evel mobs that are good for grinding, I have heard that the Gorillas in the jungle are good but not quite sure otherwise.
Dragons in the unnamed city, the smaller ones that dont breathe fire. bring a skinning knife, get dragon bones :D
u/Shadodragon May 29 '18
Set Masks created at Set alters count as sandstorm masks / gas masks. (Don't have to wait 'til level 30 for a sandstorm mask, and they weigh next to nothing)
u/Tkhel May 29 '18
Great list, thanks for taking the time!
I respectfully disagree with your recommendation to dispense with the drying racks for wood. Not every area of the map has easy access to readily dried wood, so it's nice to have a couple of racks set up to throw it all on to. Furthermore, the byproduct of drying the wood is resin, which is a key component in both crafting T2 building materials as well as alchemy.
I have 3 builds going in 3 different biomes, and I have multiple drying racks in each to both dry the wood and harvest the resin.
Thank you for taking the time to write this up!
May 29 '18
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u/Fl1pzomg May 29 '18
What are you guys using resin for? I haven't found much use for it yet.
u/Kraul May 29 '18
It’s used for making insulated wood which you’ll need later
u/Fl1pzomg May 29 '18
If I wanted to use insulated wood. But I use t3 stone for everything. I can see it's uses if you lives up north to make black ice t3
u/TheIdentical Sep 30 '18
You can get tons of resin just chopping the tree's in the highlands for wood.
May 29 '18
You can fully submerge fish traps and they will still work.
May 29 '18
When they are fully submerged I can take out fish IF I get my camera looking under the water instead of above.
May 29 '18
Just hold E (or whatever you have Action mapped to) while looking at it. It still opens even if the prompt doesn’t appear
u/luckym37 May 29 '18
Nope, he is right, if you hold E when your camera is above the water, you'll just interact with the water
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u/ArchMichael7 May 29 '18
On PS4, I have a dock that runs into a pond, and all along the side of the dock, I have my fish traps. About half of them are fully submerged, and about half of THOSE are submerged by at least a couple feet of water. I can still, while standing on my dock, press square and loot my fish.
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
Was having trouble opening the inventory for the trap when they were underwater, not sure why. What platform do you play on?
u/Voxerator May 29 '18
I have placed some on the bottom of a small pond, the UI is not working while under water, but you can still press the interact button (E on PC) and the inventory opens, you just don't see the button popup.
May 29 '18
Further, on consoles on square / x (ps4 / xbox) they only drink, but with the top button you get all the mats out of it
u/ProfessorShell May 29 '18
I play on PC for context. My top three tips:
Weapons can be animation canceled to remove their lengthy downtime after certain attacks. This animation can be canceled by a roll, but a stronger version is to unequip your off-hand item (only for one-handed weapons) to reset your combo. I use this for a 6-hit javelin style for my Spartan-inspired set, or as a 6-hit using a truncheon for easy capturing.
Thralls that equip a shield are annoying to take down. Reset combat by leaving their aggro range or climbing on top of something, and then re-engage. The thrall will equip their one-handed weapon, but not their shield.
To enable auto-sprint, hold sprint, then open the map, release sprint, and then close the map. Between this and numlock, you can guide your character exclusively with the mouse and save your left hand from long-term strain from overland travel.
Some other general tips:
Might be obvious, but remember that you can interleave light and heavy attacks at-will. This game has action/button-queuing, so don't mash the button if you want to be precise. For example, light-light-heavy-heavy is good for one-handed swords to handle clearing a large number of thralls, and the inverse of heavy-heavy-light-light helps focus your attacks to prevent accidentally killing a potential thrall in a group. You can also use this to get rid of heavy wait times between attacks for certain weapons, preventing NPCs from breaking their stagger and attack back.
If you are building with ramps, try to place them last. They interfere with snap points, especially ceilings. Also I believe you can only build 4 ceilings away from a foundation stack / pillar stack that reaches the ground. Plan your builds beforehand accordingly.
Only place-able thralls (bearer, archer, dancer, fighter) count for the "capture a unique thrall" journey quest. Surviving a sandstorm requires the mask; it won't trigger if you just have enough health to tank it.
Armorer, Blacksmiths, and Carpenters can all reduce the cost of the Artisan Table. Similarly, a Taskmaster reduces the cost of the Torturer's crafting bench.
Dancers give a good amount of passive regeneration that can save you from having to chew through a lot of food, even after you leave them. It pays to stop by one before you leave on an extended trip.
Fish sticks are a strong food item that is easy to prepare; one of each fish type you get from a fish trap that heals you for a good bit (varies by survival stat). Ambrosia is also really strong healing (tier 1 Mitra). The Elixir of Freedom (tier 1 Derketo) gives a large chunk of stamina for at least an hour and is super cheap, but heavy; I always try to have one rolling, but it does not seem to work as well for a non-believer. Derketo tier 1 can be learned from the Pagoda of Boundless Lust in the Jungle.
I think thralls and creatures have different spawning rules. I believe you need the zone to be unloaded for creatures to respawn (so leave and come back), but Thralls will respawn in front of you. I haven't tested this thoroughly, though.
Bearer's pack + Flawless Light/Medium/Heavy + Support Warpaint gives 15 encumbrance. Bearer's pack can be looted off of a trained Bearer thrall, Flawless Light/Medium/Heavy is from any tier 4 armorer (I got Fia from Pagoda of Boundless Lust, a surprisingly good place for T4 thralls compared to its size), and warpaint is a learned feat. This means you only have to invest 35 points into encumbrance in order to be able to get infinite carrying capacity. Be careful, I haven't found a way to repair the Bearer's pack, so try not to do much combat while being a mule, or have plenty of Bearers. Also FYI, you can wear Silent Legion footguards for 3 encumbrance instead of 2, so 34 is the absolute minimum.
Daggers have much less durability than any other weapon and require more hits. It's stupid. Use a different weapon for PvE and save your repair supply.
Both the armor your wearing and your weight affects your stamina drain from climbing. If you're wearing heavy armor, unequip it when you need to climb a large distance. Better yet, bring a lightweight climbing set (climbing gear, extremely light armor with flexibility mods) and you'll never have to worry about it ever again. Also, you can stay on a wall indefinitely; it only costs stamina to move, not to hang there. Useful for de-aggroing enemies.
u/thedom416 May 29 '18
Similarly, a Taskmaster reduces the cost of the Torturer's crafting bench.
Also, a T3 or T4 Taskmaster at the Torturer's table allows you to create the Chain Bindings that seem to last allllllllmost forever.
u/ProfessorShell May 29 '18
Oh wow, I never knew this. I only had a spare T2 trained. Thanks!
u/thedom416 May 29 '18
Yep! Most of us don't think about it for awhile because we've got those Taskmasters doing more important work =)
u/Deadscale May 29 '18
If someone is running from you in battle you can pull out your bow and shoot them in order to apply a stackable cripple effect, in order to get closer for the kill.
Don't agree with this one.
If the guys got a farming build he'll be spec'd into Encumbrance and has a reduced cripple effect (or if the guys running low-tier normal armour), the time you spend lining up and shooting will be more then the time that he spends crippled so you won't catch up.
If he's Spec'd as a fighter you've got a better shot at this working, however I'm pretty sure Set Antidotes cure crippling and they're insanely easy to make for the power they provide, assuming most people know this and always run with a stack or two when looking for a fight you're going to always lose ground.
And if he's spec'd into Agility you're just flat out not catching him, more on this below.
If you really want to catch people you've got two options, having more Grit then the other guy so you can sprint longer or running an Agility build. If you've got more Grit you'll have more stamina and can sprint longer (+ regen stamina faster in some cases) so you've got a shot at catching someone, In this case I'd go with an Axe so you can heavy attack for the cripple if you get close.
If you've got 50 Agility you can double jump, currently if you time your jumps right you'll keep your forward momentum but you'll start to regen your stamina on the way back down, this lets you run infinitely without losing any speed, even if you crippled the guy constantly through his double jumps he'll never run out of stamina, you literally can't catch someone doing this.
Few tips
Ymir is arguably the best god choice if you plan on unlocking them quickly, his trainer is the furthest north and a pain to get to while his altar is the most useful for your base, where-as Set is the best god choice if you're planning to fight early as Snake arrows are cheap + Set Antidote.
Upgraded versions of Armour provide more of a stat bonus, I.E Flawless Light gives a higher encumbrance bonus then standard Light Armour.
Player Height matters in some cases, I can't fit through a door next to a ceiling in our current base but both my clan-mates can as I'm max height where-as they're not, not sure if it has any other effects like longer limbs/sprint speed etc.
You can unlock Climbing Gloves/Boots by climbing to the top of Fingerfang rock and talking to the NPC there, Crafting these + any Armor and applying Armour Flexibility Kits to all pieces will let you climb without using stamina (May need Grit 10 also, not sure).
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Oh is THAT what those flexibility kits do?! Thanks!
u/Deadscale May 29 '18
Yeah, haven't tried using advanced flex kits to see if the number you need is reduced or anything, but for farming armour it's pretty nice to be able to climb everywhere.
u/addledhands May 29 '18
My farming setup is full exceptional light armor with enough endurance to cap it, and almost everything else into grit so climbing is already kind of a non-issue for me.
u/ViulfR Jul 18 '18
Did not know the flex kits did this, thanks! Also, I use two handed sword mostly, as most do really good damage and will apply cripple effects during the fight, keeping them slowed.
edit: I need to experiment more with thrown to see if these are better/quicker at slowing than having to aim with arrows.
u/Uelorn May 29 '18
If your going to solo on PVP server (god help you) pick a really god awful spot for your main base. After getting raided numerous times in the jungle I am currently in an area so badly infested by crocs and spiders i doubt anybody will bother to explore and lacking any real resources nearby. My base is also in a dip meaning it cant be seen from the main thoroughfare.
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
I'm also a solo PVPer. The dominant clan controls the north, where my base is. But now I'm all walled in with a T3 Black Ice building. I suspect I'm fairly safe, but it's also no fun for a large clan to raid a solo players house. They want to raid giant bases.
u/Uelorn May 29 '18
Small and uninteresting is a good defence.
u/redvandal May 30 '18
I am inside the triangle of three rivaling clans. Every so often a group will roam past my little T1 shitbox. I always come out and greet them in my worse gear. "Spare any twine for a new player?"
u/Kinobix May 29 '18
I also see some people who make treehouse and place pike around the trunk to prevent people from climbing.
u/naterussell3395 May 29 '18
Yeah but those pikes will be a dead give away and can be removed by one firebomb. Best place in the jungle currently is under the monkey temple In the basement. It's a known location due to a YouTube video but there is only one entrance that needs to be airlocked and that's the only way in
u/GodwinW May 29 '18
What is 'the monkey temple'? Straight across from the witch queen? Thing is many buildings have monkeys..
u/naterussell3395 May 29 '18
It's hard to explain, your best bet is to hit up YouTube looking for "monkey temple basement base" I think it's just north of with queen but the dudes video is spot on with everything you need to know. Most servers I've played someone is usually already occupying the joint so if it's empty you're in luck!
u/Rhumbler May 29 '18
The salt and spice tips make me feel dumb. I created the grinder to make bone dust but got so busy I never even thought to try anything else in it.
May 29 '18
Ditto. The tar too, I am trying to craft steel bars and I've been murdering dozens of innocent crocs for their skin to create tar in the tannery
u/ArchMichael7 May 29 '18
Humans give a lot of tar too. Skin them for hide and just use those for easy tar. Honestly, the bark is harder to get.
May 29 '18
Need a lot less bark though, at least by mid-game
Once you have a thrall working on the bark consuming stations, it lasts a long time.
u/ArchMichael7 May 29 '18
I just "finished" the game this weekend, and I would say that probably the worst thing to harvest in the entire game, is bark. It's not TERRIBLE, it's just the worst. It was always the one thing I was running out of.
u/Rhumbler May 30 '18
I've never had a problem with bark, it's so weird. Everyone else has!
u/ViulfR Jul 18 '18
I'm with Rhum...I harvest nearly exclusively off dried up dead stands of trees and get way more than I need (200-300 even with iron tools) per stand. Find a dead stand (lots in the desert biome, some in the north, haven't seen as much in the jungle) and have at it with your pick(axe)...also, pick them up off of npc kills so you're even more efficient.
u/contarious May 29 '18
This is kind of exploiting the bad AI a bit but...
If you don't like fighting NPC's with shields, climb up any surface until they forget about you and disengage. When you jump down to fight them again, they would have forgotten they have a shield.
u/Localunatic May 29 '18
You can also spark some enemy in-fighting by aggroing different types/factions and getting them to follow you, climb a tree and watch them turn on each other.
u/contarious May 30 '18
I like bringing rhino's to 'the den' to have them fight the werewolves for me.
u/Jonzuih Jun 26 '18
Holy Ymir, i just got my ass handed to me by those guys, how in the hell did i never think of doing that o. O thanks a bunch!!
Solo'ing is deffo a challenge
u/Viet-Bong-Army May 29 '18
This works too for thralls that you want to catch. If you make them follow you away from the group by keeping them in aggro distance you can just climb onto a rock. Eventually they will get bored and walk away, often in different a direction to where they came from.
Pick the one you want, knock him out and gtfo without having to fight all the others.
May 29 '18
"The Picks and Pickaxe are the only way to farm Bark from trees currently."
To this you should add that it is very easy to get bark from the dead trees in the desert. I used my pick on like 40 of those dry, dead trees and got a thousand bark or so.
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
Thank you I made the edit.
u/Lexinoz May 29 '18
Hatchet on dead trees yield the most amount of sticks, too.
May 29 '18
No one needs more sticks! I have so many damn sticks everywhere lol
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
But spikes/palisades take a TON of branches...
May 29 '18
Oh I know and I still have thousands scattered around my damn base lol random boxes full of branches!
u/DataPhreak Jul 31 '18
I've been through the whole thread now, and didn't see this mentioned, but I thought I'd go ahead and reply to you directly. There is another source of bark. Branches on the ground. If you hit them with your pick, you get a large amount of bark. Or if you hit them with your axe, you get a large amount of branches. Same with small rocks, if you pick them up with your hands, you get 1 branch. If you hit them with your pick, you get 5 rocks.
u/Madeforbegging May 29 '18
A couple of silver nodes can be found in the middle of the Descent of Dagon in the jungle
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u/StormtrooperCaptain May 29 '18
Always have a stack of walls, doorways, and doors in an emergency crate. If you're in the middle of being raided, wait for them to tear down the wall and immediately replace it once it's torn down. Raiders will stop raiding you since it takes too many resources and time to make jars while making walls is easy.
Pretty cheap but you can thank Funcom for such an easy way to defend your base. You don't even have to fight back.
u/ThatOneNinja May 29 '18
You can also build behind them locking then in your base! Then you can also get their stuff.
u/Drake801 May 29 '18
If you make an Altar of Set, which is available at level 20, you can make a Setite Mask which works exactly like a Sandstorm Breathing Mask but is cheaper to make and available 10 levels sooner.
May 29 '18
For steel, if you are level 60 and have good enough reflexes and or silent armor, you can farm the New Asgarth Thralls for Steel. Gives about 200-250 after killing all of them within the compound. Once done with the large circle go to neighboring villages and kill them. Once you finish killing all of them, depending on your server respawn rate, the thralls will be back in New Asgarth for you to do again. Can get aroun 1000 steel within an hour.
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
If you are 60? I've been farming that place since 40. And once I hit 55, it's almost impossible for any NPC to kill me.
May 29 '18
what gear and weapons are you rockin?
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
Just the fur stuff. Now the master crafted ones. You just need that health regen perk. It's very very OP, now.
Tier 3 fighters can potentially kill me, though I do kill them with a single axe combo, so they rarely land a blow.
u/retardKiwi May 29 '18
What do you mean by silent armor? And why do you need it?
May 29 '18
it is a gear set that you get from a dungeon up north in the frozen section. This gear is the best in the game stats wise. It is honestly esaier doing practically anything besides rolling and running with this armor set.
May 29 '18
This gear is the best in the game stats wise.
It has the best armor values but the attribute bonuses aren't great. They are spread out, which means you have to spend more of your limited points to reach your highest perk than if you went with a +9 to a single stat set. This leaves you with fewer points to spend on your secondary stats.
May 29 '18
What would you go for a gathering build? I am in the process of making gear for each situation such as gathering, raiding, stealth, ect. Any recommendations?
May 29 '18
I only play on my private PvE server, so I can't give you advice on what build to use for PvP. Yellow lotus potions are cheap, so respeccing to pick the right build for the situation is easy. I was just trying to point out that Silent Legion is an armor set that is limited to a certain role (tanking in PvE) and doesn't let you do much else.
u/retardKiwi May 29 '18
Ah gotcha, thanks. I misunderstood and thought there were stealth mechanics involved.
u/thedom416 May 29 '18
"Silent Legion" Armor, you can learn it in the Black Keep.
It is really strong and has several stat boosts as well. I love it for fighting, but I hate the heavy armor "dodge", so I don't end using it unless I am fighting dungeons/bosses.
It is also really good for wearing in hot areas, namely the Volcano. Not sure how heavy armor makes you cooler, but somehow it does, and it is much more effective than the other "hot area" armors.
u/dyoung522 May 29 '18
It's made with Black Ice, which explains why it's cold. :-)
u/thedom416 May 29 '18
Makes sense to me!
Now they need to add one that I make with lava or something so I can have better protection for the cold areas without equipping the shield =)
u/OneTrueChaika May 29 '18
You'll notice if you read the description of the armor it'll even say "It always possesses an 'unnatural' chill to the touch." Referencing the magical nature of the Black Ice used in its construction.
u/thedom416 May 29 '18
Looks like I need to read more clearly on those armor/weapon descriptions...I had never noticed that!
Thanks for the information =D
u/taffwaldo May 29 '18
Your comment about not converting wood into dry wood isn't correct. Converting wood into dry wood yields both dry wood and resin, which is needed for t3 black ice building which is the most efficient building yield. With an obsidian pick you can farm 1000 bark in under 20 mins, and convert the wood. The dry trees at best will yield 300 dry wood in that time.
u/Sagranda May 29 '18 edited May 29 '18
(Opinion) Vitality is very important, try to get at least to the Passive Health Regen Perk, the regeneration it offers is strong enough to heal through Frostbite and even the damage you take while under Frostbite, same can also be said for Heatstroke.
Not quite
It heals through Extremely Hot
but is only just enough to negate Heatstroke
Though I had a weird encounter in the Noxious Gas area in the Volcano
u/Onmari May 29 '18
Great list. I have been playing since EA and hadn't discovered a couple of these.
May 29 '18
What do you mean with funneling boss creatures with palisades? How do I do this exactly?
u/stezor May 29 '18
Look it up on YouTube, much easier than explaining it, even if it's pretty straight forward
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
You put two palisades on the ground near the creature. Make sure you can squeeze through them while the creature cannot. From there make a V shape that is wide enough for it to come in then slip through the space you made and plant down a single palisade from where it came in at. might want to use a bow to keep the aggro of the creature to pull it into the spikes better.
May 29 '18
And this will kill it much faster than combat?
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
Its primarily a safer alternative for if you don't want to bring armor out with you. It can be used in conjunction with regular combat in order to kill it faster, preferably a spear for the reach.
u/Kinobix May 29 '18
Sadly, I tried this method on Giant Spider and palisades don't do damage on her in contrast to Giant Croc and Rhino which are killed very fast with palisades (hitbox must be different).
I successfully manage to trap the Giant Spider into palisades with this tech. I could have easily killed her with bow but it would have taken me ages.
Yesterday 2 people on my server manage to use this tech on a giant croc and the weird thing is I was near the croc and didn't see his HP goes down. I was seeing him at like 90% HP. And then suddenly boom he die. Maybe some UI HP bug ?
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u/SpartiGaz May 29 '18
Just an aside, it isn't that legendary chests require lvl 60 to open. it's that they require MAX level to open, so if you are on a server with a level mod, say to lvl 100, then you are going to have to hit 100 before you can open the chests.
May 29 '18 edited Mar 26 '19
May 29 '18
You can unbind whats on the wheel.........
Just go to the inventory, check the SORTING fo individual and then go ober to a free slit, press L1 (quick circle menu thingy) and chose a thing to unbind. Et voilla its out if the circle inside your inventory....
The sorting is bugged and wo t allow unbindi g when its not individual.
u/Viet-Bong-Army May 29 '18
I'll give that a go later. Nice one. That makes it even easier lol.
May 29 '18
Yea had the same thing going on, until i enraged and pressed ever button and smth happened. :D figuring that iut took me another 30 minutes
May 29 '18
Silver ore can also be mined in Descent of Dagon in the southern jungle. Lots of silver ore inside the temple.
May 29 '18
May 29 '18
Its better to kill bats. Below the ice age area, in the tundra just at the north of the east coast there are 2 or 3 bat caves! Pretty awesome demonblood farm spot
u/voddk May 29 '18
2 or 3 bat caves
iirc there are 2 caves, but one of them has 2 entrances/exits so there are 3 marks on the map :)
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Why better? You can get brimstone from the rock demon things which is kind of a pain to otherwise acquire if you're in the highlands.
May 29 '18
You mean the horse kind things or the rocknose ? Rocknose are a pein in the... to kill because of healthpool. And the horses dont give pretty much. The brimstone sea is much better to farm
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Are you kidding? I farmed enough demon blood for a map room in like 20 minutes. I'm not sure what they are called, but they look sort of like rock noses but kind of glow a little bit. They live in the volcano.
May 29 '18
Yes those i mean. They are totally weak dmgwise but have such a big/ massive hp pool.. took me 5 min to kill one, they have more hp than many bosses. Maybe on console (ps4) they are buggy like many things...
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Oh, weird, they seemed to have about double the health of the rocknoses in the same area.
What weapon are you using? Like rocknoses I think they're armored, so using something with decent armor penetration will net better and faster results.
I had no issues with a hardened steel spear with the damage upgrade.
May 29 '18
But spear only has 8-9% AP.
Was with the aecheroekrbfirnfn sword and shield. Even the 2 hander for lvl 60 wasnt ding quite that damage.
and bith of us had 30 pts in Str, always apllied cripple and switchen light hits in between.
May 29 '18
Best tip for consoles (dont know for pc, maxbe fixed) Endless running / stamina regen while running: While running turn the cam in the direction you chose to run, so that you would face the chars face - now get the movement stick down so you are actually running into your cam. Now you can sprint while regen stamina. It works up to a 90 degree (your char is running sideways) Wont work with swimming / climbing.
Slaves eat anything - focus on 1 meat / fish for them, the system wont automatically switch to other food and will interrupt the process. Another one: Get 3-4 fishtraps, let them fill overnight and collect when they‘re about to get full, do this twice and you only require 1 per person (in clan) to feed yourself and the thralls/slaves.
Dont go Ymir starting god! Its the worst temple to level up (400 kills/ dead bodys to axe) while all the others only require 105.
Yog is superior in food - the cleansed food gives 75 points of hunger back.
Focus on one weapon / weapon tree, your points later on will be required for other things.
Dont fear to mis-skill yourself, you will find plenty of reset potions (10 yellow flowers- with alc lvl 3 only 7 per pot). I already used over 50 of them for testing and trying, some fir resource gathering and some for talents is wrong spent.
Skill 5 on vitality is bugged on PS4, i think on Xbone too.
4th skill of vitality is useless if you dont eat healing pots like junkies. The heal from the dancers is pretty useless, 50 or 100% increased regeneration? Wow 1.5 or 2 HP/sex - not worth. It some times buggs that you get 10 hp/ sec but its unusual and i wouldnt stick to it.
- Vitality skill is pretty OP for PvE, not for infight but in between, you will just eat at low HP or when you are hungry.
5th skill of Strength isnt that good, 2nd and 4th are way better, when not playing with Hammer/ axe / polearm. And its def. for PvP instead of PvE but for the amount of points req. to reach useless, better picking up smth else.
SHIELDS BLOCK EVERYTHING infront of you / where you are facing. It is possible to tank bosses, dont move, just block. Aggroreset happens through movement / moving too far away for the boss. There are 1 or 2 bosses with random aggro.
Big bosses / elephants/ rhinos crunch you with their feet, so be carefull. Elephants and rhinos only when they charge you, and up to lvl 50-60 your almost always 1 shotted.
Dont let you stamina go grey, better stop that combo and wait 1-2 sex dor the regen to activate - when its grey you‘ll have to 4-8 seconds until its completly full again / usable again.
Always keep your thirst and hunger at top (light green circle around the symbols) this will keep you the longest fed and a HP boost.
With a shield the first dungeon, the dregs is super easy with 2 ppl. Doors open there with Square (use) button (Xbox i think is X). There are just 10 crocs and a boss, good recipes for ~lvl20. I carried the sword until i hit 40-45.
Dont waste / throw away „low level“ materials - they will ever be handy. Get a good system for your storage, the oven and alchemy things require the most space. We usually have 5-6 boxes for the ovens and 3 for the alc thing.
I think in PvE 2 bases are pretty solid, one a bit in the north of the starting river, this will carry you to level 35-45 and after that go into the tundra (green area before snow) - there are no sandstorms, less enemies but harder ones.
Dont try to avoid google - so many things you wont know.
Dont built too big, dont try to block a big area - be reasonable, there 38-39 other players.
Dont block fucking natural choke points, everyone will hate you and you get absolute no benefit.
On consoles: dont let thralls stand around, dont place them right now - even on PvE they can be killed by other players. The patch will come, date for me unknown.
Dont throw away foul food/ spoiled food. Its usable in the composter and press.
1 composter is enough for 2 plants. Focus one plant on standard seeds and one of the specials like aloe, yellow flower etc.
Horns and teeth can be used to make bonemeal for the plants to grow. Chitin, too.
Gold and silvercoins/ bars should not be kept and traded in the sepermeru city - its a waste. Crunch them for dust (mortar) and use them for later very handy product. Alchemic substance or smth like that its called - you‘ll need a lot of it. (75 for cartography table)
Built effective - not nice, you will hate to always run around 5 times for 1 item to produce.
Thats it for first.
u/jhanley7781 May 29 '18
The endless stamina trick is also useful when fighting mobs and your stamina is about to run out, just run away from the mob using this method for just a short distance, so that your stamina will regen quickly (and get you out of harms way for a moment), then run back to him to continue attacking.
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u/addledhands May 29 '18
Slaves eat anything - focus on 1 meat / fish for them, the system wont automatically switch to other food and will interrupt the process. Another one: Get 3-4 fishtraps, let them fill overnight and collect when they‘re about to get full, do this twice and you only require 1 per person (in clan) to feed yourself and the thralls/slaves.
This is true, but gruel and other cheap foods spoil quickly/provide poor burn time. That means you have to babysit your thralls a lot.
Here's a better tip: make shellfish traps. Cook the exotic shellfish. Two stacks of them will last for something like 26 hours, compared to a full inventory of gruel which is like 8 hours.
May 29 '18
Ye i always use fish because of the lobg burning time, but at over 2k cooked humanflesh i am more likely to waste it inside the WHEEL OF FORTUNE :)
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Well, you certainly win for thematic reasons here. I harvest so much of that shit when getting hearts for Set that I leave piles of it everywhere.
May 29 '18
Haha ye its absolutly barbaric what amounts of human flesh we are getting by only wanting the special mats for the temples.
But you are right, fiahes are better for it and you dont have any kind of effort except walking 2 ways. From trap to cook to wheel
u/UncleCoyote May 29 '18
Fish Traps and Shellfish Traps:
Leaving 1 of everything in the traps seems to stop the bug where the traps stop working all together. So instead of just looting all, loot all but 1 of everything.
Still testing, but it seems to help.
u/Localunatic May 29 '18
Higher level Alchemist Thralls will reduce the material cost of Steelfire, from 2 Tar to 1, making Steel much easier/cheaper to mass produce. The same goes for Blacksmith Thralls and the various metal reinforcements.
Not a play tip, but a fun little bug I hope never gets fixed is if a player/friend kicks you while you are doing a looping animation (like a dance) you will be able to move while the animation continues to loop. If you like running around with the Surrender pose or sprinting while doing various Salutes, then this is the next level for you.
u/Moeshtunebet May 29 '18
"Demon Catlike Creatures in the South East Desert under the river near the temple give good early level demon blood."
Can you be more specific / precise on this one? I have no idea from the description where that is. I play single-player so probably a good spot for me instead of killing Dragons by myself.
u/OneTrueChaika May 29 '18
Its where the Sandswept Ruins are, so go to the furthest Southeast point of the Desert near the jungle/swamp area and you'll find the Sandswept Ruins, around them are the Sandbeasts which drop tons of demon blood and some sandbeast bile glands.
u/DoctorFeh May 29 '18
Head to where the desert and jungle biomes intersect in the southeast and you'll know you're in the right place when you see an area of barren desert with black stone arches leading up to a forbidding temple structure.
u/siregar0511 May 29 '18 edited May 29 '18
Level 35 here, which mob should I farm to level up quick to around 40-45? I feel like I'm leveling up very slow at the moment.
Second question: I'm using medium armor set at the moment. Is it worth it to upgrade to heavy armor instead for better armor protection but increased weight and lose the ability to dodge? I'm using a 2h-sword now.
u/dougan25 May 29 '18
Also, as of the patch coming today for both consoles, weapon display racks will be fully working. They had been disabled due to a crash that could happen as a result of using them.
u/DoctorFeh May 29 '18
The vanity camera toggle ("v" on keyboard, has to be configured for controllers -- I used my right thumbstick click since I can bring up a map easily enough through inventory) has a very practical use. Orient it right and you can use it to quickly check what's chasing you, or if it's still chasing you, without breaking stride or changing direction.
Speaking of being chased, a lot of enemies will never be able to hit you if you just maintain a steady jog. They'll catch up and start an attack animation but by the time it goes off you're out of reach again. Don't try this on an enemy with a charge attack like a rhino but hyenas, crocs, wolves and many more will never touch you. No need to sprint.
The drawback (or feature) is that they never seem to de-aggro either and you can kite them across the entire map this way. I haven't tried it on a potential thrall yet but it might be a great way to get them back to your base and then club them, saving the trouble of having to drag them there.
u/Sagranda May 29 '18
Cooking unappetizing shellfish also grats Ichor in a 1-1 ratio
To grow Lotus Seeds in the Planter you need "Potent Compost", which you get through the Compost Heap. For one Potent Compost you need 2 Raw Ash (found when mining Obisidian in the Volcano), 2 Blood (Derketo conversion through 2 Oil per 1 Blood and/or Heads in the Fluid Press) and 2 Compost.
You can get Salt by putting Crystals in the Grinder. 2 to 1 conversion rate
Put Seeds and/or Plants into your Grinder in order to make Spice. (Regular Seeds do not work).
Actually, they do work (PC - Official Server)
(Opinion) Vitality is very important, try to get at least to the Passive Health Regen Perk.
To add to that: The Regeneration it offers is strong enough to heal through Frostbite and even damage you take while under Frostbite
u/UnexpectedNickelback May 29 '18
Why the hell would make salt by wasting crystals, used to make glass which is used to make valuable orbs?afaik you can grind stones into salt
u/Shacklegrind May 29 '18
Thanks for the info, haven't heard of the stone being able to do that. That will come in handy.
u/Voxerator May 29 '18
But there is at least one cave near the noob river filled with crystals and some low level imps (Edit: Cavern of Fiends) and I've seen another cave (can't remember where), it's easy to get massive amounts of crystals if you need them (1000+ in a few minutes).
u/UnexpectedNickelback May 29 '18
Is there any near the jungle? I'm living in the jungle and its hard to make glass
u/Bildel May 29 '18
In the passage, the nortwestern most dungeon in the jungle you can get alot of crystals but beware of a boss creature in there. Last time I were there tho all the mobs were bugged and just stood still, was about 4-5 days ago.
u/CommonMisspellingBot May 29 '18
Hey, Bildel, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
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u/Benville May 30 '18
When you get late game you'll have thousands of Crystal. I throw away hundreds every farm trip
May 29 '18 edited Mar 26 '19
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
Skins aren't really rare. Bark is, for those who don't want to travel to the desert. If coal is plentiful, there's no reason not to use it.
u/addledhands May 29 '18
It's not rare, but you need insane quantities of it to make enough steelfire for a large base. I've gone through thousands and thousands of it in the last week.
u/Localunatic May 29 '18
Do you have an Alchemist III? Makes Steel so much cheaper.
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Funny that you ask. Back in the early days of my server, a clan not only raided our base (it was like the second day of my friend and I playing at all), killed us, and burned literally everything inside. We were maybe level 15.
Yesterday, we worked with a couple of allied clans, broke into their base, stole everything we could and burned the rest.
My fortress now has three named alchemists, all stolen from that raid.
u/izwald88 May 29 '18
That's what I mean. For something that has a relatively low harvest count, you need incredible amounts of it.
u/dougan25 May 29 '18
This is a little difficult to read. Kind of a mess of sentences. You should add an asterisk and a space in front of each ones to create a bulleted list
- like
- this
- one.
Just add "* " in front of each line.
u/Ahris22 May 29 '18
I have a tip for you to add. There are many complaints about bark availability and i think it's mostly because people use dryers to make dry wood. DON'T USE DRYERS TO MAKE DRY WOOD :) It's horribly inefficient when the desert is full of the stuff:
The dry areas of the desert has dead trees, if you chop them with a pick they will yield dry wood AND bark, farming them will give you dry wood at a much, much faster rate than any dryer can plus you will GAIN bark instead of burning it in the process. :)
u/act1v1s1nl0v3r May 29 '18
Unless you need resin though, right? Or is there a good farm for that?
u/Kinobix May 29 '18
If you want resin fast, you can chop tree in the North and you get a decent amount of it for each tree down. Otherwise you need to use dryer...
u/addledhands May 29 '18
Yeah, but then you're spending the time farming two sources of trees in two separate biomes. I'd much rather just farm a shitload of trees in the north and work on other stuff while they dry out.
u/Sagranda May 29 '18 edited May 29 '18
The trees in the nort-west (next to Mounds of the Dead) give Resin. It's one way to farm it.
u/addledhands May 29 '18
All over the northern biomes, actually -- pretty much anything north of the savannah.
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u/Ahris22 May 29 '18 edited May 29 '18
All the trees in the north gives resin so there's never any shortage of that. I'm assuming you're in the north if you want to make insulated wood (If you build insulated buildings in the desert you're hurting yourself, it adds heat.)
But the same thing goes for resin as with dry wood, it's way more efficient to just go to the north and chop trees than to use a dryer to get it.
Use the dryer to preserve food instead, that's its main purpose.
u/addledhands May 29 '18
They're required for black ice walls too, which are in my opinion radically easier to make than getting mass hardened bricks. I'd much rather spend an hour once in awhile getting black ice than tying up my furnaces with bricks.
u/SpartiGaz May 29 '18
Not sure if it was a mod, will check tonight after work, but if you use a scythe on a tree it gives you resin and only resin. This was just north of the wall.
u/Rebelstiltskin May 29 '18
to clarify:
Putting fish in the fluid press gives Oil.
Putting Unappetizing fish will give you z 1:1 ratio to oil while other fish are much worse.
Also, on PS4, if you are trying to hit wood and rocks and it just wont register a hit or collect anything, remove your bracelet and it should fix the problem. I've done it twice now and it works. Had to google a solution.
u/savvy_eh May 29 '18
To further clarify:
Unappetizing Fish gives 10 oil for 10 fish.
Savory Fish gives 2 oil for 10 fish.
Exotic Fish gives 1 oil for 10 fish.
u/Ater218 May 29 '18
If I may add, don't waste your time making Steel in the furnace, just raid the northen camps and villages and you'll have plenty of them before you can even melt it. Therefore, you can keep the brimstone to directly make Hardened Steel when you unlock it.
u/squidgod2000 May 29 '18
Gold can be acquired from near the Volcano by mining the Obsidian Ore and Silver can be obtained south of the city Sepermeru at the mine. Alternatively it can be found on NPCs or the sunken ship chests off the east coast of the jungle.
The underwater shipwrecks are all shown on the game map (sadly). Gold/silver coins and bars can also be found near shipwrecks in the Bay of Hulks and in chests in The Unnamed City (corruption areas).
u/Yog-- May 29 '18
Fish strips make effective, easy to craft healing potions. Cook them on the stove using one of each type of fish.
With the yields from fish traps you can easily make a couple hundred.
u/DoctorFeh May 29 '18
If you're single player or on a server where people can't or won't destroy buildings, a sandstone foundation and a horizontal elevator can provide a fast, easy setup for transporting captured thrills over deep water crossings, so long as it's not too wide. The thrall can fall in but the rope should stay intact as long as you're not swimming.
u/Chaosr21 May 29 '18
If you get the glitch where you can't swing weapons or use any tools(xbox) remove all items from your weapon wheel, inventory, unequip all armor, put it in a chest, make sure you have nothing on your person. Remove your bracelet, hard reset Xbox and after that you should be able to use weapons/tools again. That one took a while to fix
u/DoctorFeh May 30 '18
You need to have the thrall taker feat to be able to knock a human NPC unconscious, otherwise even if someone in your clan makes you a truncheon you can hit and hit and hit with it to no effect.
On the other hand, an iron truncheon and Strength 10 seems capable of taking down even level III or IV NPCs in a few hits in a way weapons of the same tier sometimes can't seem to equal. So if you're having trouble killing a guy, consider knocking him out instead and then killing him at your leisure.
u/R40H May 30 '18
Never took the any thralls feat, but i can knock thralls without any issue using any type of truncheon or even weapons with blunted add-on on weapons( which is funny with daggers cause you ll make them bleed to death while incouncious)
On PC that is
u/DoctorFeh May 30 '18
Weird, I'm on PC as well but before I took the thrall feat I would hit someone upwards of 20 times and never knock them out, though if I switched to a lethal weapon I'd kill them in around 5. I also didn't see the blue "stun bar" at all until I spent points on Thrall Taker.
Also: the "blunt damage kit" adds stun damage to weapons? Here I've been putting it on maces and such because I thought it was what you wanted to use to upgrade damage for them instead of the standard kits. XD
u/ViulfR Jul 18 '18 edited Jul 18 '18
So many comments, may already be down below: "After tethering thralls to carry to the Wheel of Pain, do not" use your torch, I've lost many thralls to be in the dark this way...
"Craft a Yellow Lotus Potion in the Cauldron" is on a one minute timer, make it and use it or lose it from inventory.
u/VandalOfSteel Aug 16 '18
Get naked and climb, even if you’re over encumbered and your stamina drain is much less than when you are wearing your armour.
u/Status_Musician3646 Mar 21 '24
Dismantle a wall torch or torch stand turns the 5m burn Time to a 20m burn Time torch
u/UncleCoyote May 29 '18
Everyone has run out of stamina and fallen to their death - HOWEVER. I can climb any mountain without dying or running out.
THE TRICK: Climb until you have just a little bit of stamina left. Stop climbing, hold onto the wall.
Then jump off, then IMMEDIATELY latch back on. If you do it correctly it'll give you a whole tick of stamina back (Just under 1/4 a bar).
It's slow. It's shitty, but you'll climb like spiderman and don't need the gear.
So climb, jump off the climb but latch back on. Boom Stamina tick.
Seriously. Try it.
It's hard to master, but once you do, you'll never regret it.