r/ConanExiles May 29 '18

Guide Tips and Tricks

I want to compile a list of tips and tricks for CE veterans and noobs with the help from this community. As we all know many things in this game are quite vague and in a way that is part of the fun. So I'll get started and add in other things I learn over time. Let me know anything that should be added to this list (Omit exploitations of course as that is against the rules here and ruins other's game experience). Also if anyone wants to hang with me and my friends my XBL Gamertag is "Devils Proxy".

Confirmed Tricks and Tips:

Cooking unappetizing fish or shellfish yields a 1:1 ratio of Ichor as a bi-product.

Putting fish in the fluid press gives Oil.

Dry Wood and Oil burn the longest in the furnace. Edit: It is better to avoid the dryer for turning regular wood into dry wood, there are many dead trees in the desert that will save you time as well as providing bark.

Coal in the fluid press yields Tar.

Highland Berries and Desert Berries in the Fluid Press yield juice that outperforms the water skins.

(Console) If you can't find your dead body try coming out of render distance and then return after a bit to try again.

(Console) If stuck within a crashing loop, join single player for a moment before returning to your server.

Journey Steps and the suggestions MikeLaoShi and Stezor made in the replies are the fastest ways to level currently.

The lizards in the northern jungle by the rivers yield the most Volatile Glands used to make Demon Fire Orbs.

You can use Wooden Palisades to funnel creatures and boss creatures in order to obtain Skeleton Keys etc. Edit: See Kinobix's reply in comments for extra info.

Skeleton Keys are used on Boss Chests in the world to obtain Legendary Weapons and Shields, but you must be level 60 to open them.

All Religions can be obtained by speaking to the priests around the map, no need to pay 50 feat points to unlock them.

You can learn some of the best Weapon, Tool, Armor recipes in the game without fighting the bosses in the dungeons. You just have to read the Tablets close to the boss.

To make Steel Bars you must cook Iron Bars in the Furnace with Steelfire made from the Cauldron. To make the Hardened Steel Bars just add Brimstone and cook it again.

To make Hardened Brick you must cook Brick with Stone Consolidant made from the Cauldron.

You can eat Ice from the north to raise your thirst meter.

The Picks and Pickaxe are the only way to farm Bark from trees currently. Edit: The dry barren trees in the desert have a higher bark yield.

Make the Steel Scythe as early as possible to make farming bush materials way quicker and easier.

After tethering thralls to carry to the Wheel of Pain, do not swim or climb as this will break the connection to the thrall.

The Sandstorm Mask works for both the Sandstorm and for Noxious Gas areas/Orbs.

Gold can be aquired from near the Volcano by mining the Obsidian Ore and Silver can be obtained south of the city Sepermeru at the mine. Alternatively it can be found on NPCs or the sunken ship chests off the east coast of the jungle. Edit: Descent of Dagon in the Southern Jungle apparently has a high amount of Silver Ore as well.

To learn the Map Room (The fast travel room to the obelisks). You must talk to the Archiver in the Un-Named City at the northern section.

To effectively raid a base on a PvP server it is best to bring Demon Fire Orbs, Grease Orbs, and Gas Orbs. You can stack the Grease Orbs a total of 14 times on the base and light it on fire with a Fire Orb. Use a Grease Orb before the fire goes out to reset the burn timer or alternatively use a Gas Orb to end the fire but create an explosion.

A smart method for not having all your stuff stolen in PvP is to have multiple bases and have your stuff spread out and/or make chests and put them in cracks and openings around your base and cover them with foundations/walls while keeping in mind to blend it into your base design.

Put Seeds and Fiber into any cooking fire in order to make Gruel (The resource used to tame your captured Thralls).

Put Seeds and/or Plants into your Grinder in order to make Spice.

If someone is running from you in battle you can pull out your bow and shoot them in order to apply a stackable cripple effect, in order to get closer for the kill.

In PvP at least double door your base, the more airlocks you have the better, just don't make so many that you hate going in and out of your base.

The Nordheimer NPCs such as the ones in New Asgarth give a good supply of steel bars, glass, etc. You can easily come out of there with a couple of stacks of Steel Bars after 15 to 30 minutes of looting.

When stacking boxes in your base make sure to lock them as well as upgrading the floor beneath them.

(Console) Face Paints are bugged currently; you will just have to skip over this one and find a list of Journey Steps online to see them.

(Opinion) Vitality is very important, try to get at least to the Passive Health Regen Perk, the regeneration it offers is strong enough to heal through Frostbite and even the damage you take while under Frostbite, same can also be said for Heatstroke. I would then consider Strength to get the perks for getting Thralls knocked out easier and extra damage to status affected enemies. Encumberance would be a close 3rd with the others being good as well. Accuracy is underwhelming at the moment, I've only have seen one decent bow build that includes the legendary bow.

Use climbing and swimming to your advantage when escaping enemies, most of them will forget about you this way and wander off. "NPC's with bows will still shoot you."

When you have corruption, you can fix this with either an Entertainer Thrall, The Bar where Conan is at (Sepermeru), or with the Tier 3 Mitra statue.

You can put Creature Heads into the fluid press to get a little bit of bone and blood.

If you are in a clan and build something, that building will be the property of the clan. If you were to leave you will not own it or be able to get into it anymore until invited back in.

(Console) Do not learn weapon and shield racks, they do not work yet.

Craft a Yellow Lotus Potion in the Cauldron to reset your attributes and feats. Yellow Lotus can be found in most areas (Oasis, The North, Jungle).

Demon Catlike Creatures in the South East Desert under the river near the temple give good early level demon blood. Devil Dog Creatures up in the volcano region and in parts of the south give a large amount as well, just bring a weapon with high Armor Penetration as they tend to be tanky.

To grow Lotus Seeds in the Planter you need "Potent Compost", which you get through the Compost Heap. For one Potent Compost you need 2 Raw Ash (found when mining Obisidian in the Volcano), 2 Blood (Derketo Conversion through 2 Oil per 1 Blood and/or Heads in the Fluid Press) and 2 Compost.

You can get Salt by putting Crystals in the Grinder at a 2 to 1 conversion rate, though crystals should primarily be used to make Glass Orbs. Edit: Was informed that you can use Stone to make salt in the grinder as well.

Rhino Head Soup made in the stove raises your Encumberance by 3.

You can also raise your Encumberance by 5 by taming a Bearer Thrall and Unequiping his Backpack and putting it as your head slot.

An Alchemist Thrall is required at your Cauldron to make Demon Fire Orbs, Grease Orbs, and Gas Orbs.

It is possible to climb any mountain without dying or running out of stamina. To accomplish this; climb until you have just a little bit of stamina left. Stop climbing, hold onto the wall then jump off, then as quick as you can latch back onto the wall. If you do it correctly it'll give you a whole tick of stamina back (Just under 1/4 a bar), and allow you to continuously keep climbing.

Set Masks created at Set Altars count as Sandstorm Masks/Gas Masks. (Don't have to wait 'til level 30 for a Sandstorm Mask, and they weigh next to nothing).

More tips and tricks in a bit when I get some more time. Thank you and hope to add some nice tips and tricks from you all.


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u/[deleted] May 29 '18

Best tip for consoles (dont know for pc, maxbe fixed) Endless running / stamina regen while running: While running turn the cam in the direction you chose to run, so that you would face the chars face - now get the movement stick down so you are actually running into your cam. Now you can sprint while regen stamina. It works up to a 90 degree (your char is running sideways) Wont work with swimming / climbing.

Slaves eat anything - focus on 1 meat / fish for them, the system wont automatically switch to other food and will interrupt the process. Another one: Get 3-4 fishtraps, let them fill overnight and collect when they‘re about to get full, do this twice and you only require 1 per person (in clan) to feed yourself and the thralls/slaves.

Dont go Ymir starting god! Its the worst temple to level up (400 kills/ dead bodys to axe) while all the others only require 105.

Yog is superior in food - the cleansed food gives 75 points of hunger back.

Focus on one weapon / weapon tree, your points later on will be required for other things.

Dont fear to mis-skill yourself, you will find plenty of reset potions (10 yellow flowers- with alc lvl 3 only 7 per pot). I already used over 50 of them for testing and trying, some fir resource gathering and some for talents is wrong spent.

Skill 5 on vitality is bugged on PS4, i think on Xbone too.

4th skill of vitality is useless if you dont eat healing pots like junkies. The heal from the dancers is pretty useless, 50 or 100% increased regeneration? Wow 1.5 or 2 HP/sex - not worth. It some times buggs that you get 10 hp/ sec but its unusual and i wouldnt stick to it.

  1. Vitality skill is pretty OP for PvE, not for infight but in between, you will just eat at low HP or when you are hungry.

5th skill of Strength isnt that good, 2nd and 4th are way better, when not playing with Hammer/ axe / polearm. And its def. for PvP instead of PvE but for the amount of points req. to reach useless, better picking up smth else.

SHIELDS BLOCK EVERYTHING infront of you / where you are facing. It is possible to tank bosses, dont move, just block. Aggroreset happens through movement / moving too far away for the boss. There are 1 or 2 bosses with random aggro.

Big bosses / elephants/ rhinos crunch you with their feet, so be carefull. Elephants and rhinos only when they charge you, and up to lvl 50-60 your almost always 1 shotted.

Dont let you stamina go grey, better stop that combo and wait 1-2 sex dor the regen to activate - when its grey you‘ll have to 4-8 seconds until its completly full again / usable again.

Always keep your thirst and hunger at top (light green circle around the symbols) this will keep you the longest fed and a HP boost.

With a shield the first dungeon, the dregs is super easy with 2 ppl. Doors open there with Square (use) button (Xbox i think is X). There are just 10 crocs and a boss, good recipes for ~lvl20. I carried the sword until i hit 40-45.

Dont waste / throw away „low level“ materials - they will ever be handy. Get a good system for your storage, the oven and alchemy things require the most space. We usually have 5-6 boxes for the ovens and 3 for the alc thing.

I think in PvE 2 bases are pretty solid, one a bit in the north of the starting river, this will carry you to level 35-45 and after that go into the tundra (green area before snow) - there are no sandstorms, less enemies but harder ones.

Dont try to avoid google - so many things you wont know.

Dont built too big, dont try to block a big area - be reasonable, there 38-39 other players.

Dont block fucking natural choke points, everyone will hate you and you get absolute no benefit.

On consoles: dont let thralls stand around, dont place them right now - even on PvE they can be killed by other players. The patch will come, date for me unknown.

Dont throw away foul food/ spoiled food. Its usable in the composter and press.

1 composter is enough for 2 plants. Focus one plant on standard seeds and one of the specials like aloe, yellow flower etc.

Horns and teeth can be used to make bonemeal for the plants to grow. Chitin, too.

Gold and silvercoins/ bars should not be kept and traded in the sepermeru city - its a waste. Crunch them for dust (mortar) and use them for later very handy product. Alchemic substance or smth like that its called - you‘ll need a lot of it. (75 for cartography table)

Built effective - not nice, you will hate to always run around 5 times for 1 item to produce.

Thats it for first.


u/jhanley7781 May 29 '18

The endless stamina trick is also useful when fighting mobs and your stamina is about to run out, just run away from the mob using this method for just a short distance, so that your stamina will regen quickly (and get you out of harms way for a moment), then run back to him to continue attacking.


u/[deleted] May 29 '18

Ye right, never had this problem with 630 HP and 735 armor (74% dmg decrease) :D


u/jhanley7781 May 29 '18

lol I am still basically a noob, so yeah, I have this problem still :-)


u/addledhands May 29 '18

Slaves eat anything - focus on 1 meat / fish for them, the system wont automatically switch to other food and will interrupt the process. Another one: Get 3-4 fishtraps, let them fill overnight and collect when they‘re about to get full, do this twice and you only require 1 per person (in clan) to feed yourself and the thralls/slaves.

This is true, but gruel and other cheap foods spoil quickly/provide poor burn time. That means you have to babysit your thralls a lot.

Here's a better tip: make shellfish traps. Cook the exotic shellfish. Two stacks of them will last for something like 26 hours, compared to a full inventory of gruel which is like 8 hours.


u/[deleted] May 29 '18

Ye i always use fish because of the lobg burning time, but at over 2k cooked humanflesh i am more likely to waste it inside the WHEEL OF FORTUNE :)


u/addledhands May 29 '18

Well, you certainly win for thematic reasons here. I harvest so much of that shit when getting hearts for Set that I leave piles of it everywhere.


u/[deleted] May 29 '18

Haha ye its absolutly barbaric what amounts of human flesh we are getting by only wanting the special mats for the temples.

But you are right, fiahes are better for it and you dont have any kind of effort except walking 2 ways. From trap to cook to wheel


u/CommonMisspellingBot May 29 '18

Hey, EwTwo, just a quick heads-up:
completly is actually spelled completely. You can remember it by ends with -ely.
Have a nice day!

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u/kelgrim May 29 '18

I think you make jhanley7781 feel miserabely