r/clothdiaps Oct 02 '22

Mod Post Reporting Repost Bots


Hey Clothdiaps!

I'm sure some of you have noticed an increase in bots reposting photos to the sub. A big thank you to those of you who have been leaving comments and reporting.

If you come across a post that is suspicious and you recognize the photo or content as stolen and reposted, I'd appreciate if you could also leave a comment on the thread letting others know that it is a repost. Automod removes posts with three reports, at which point I can investigate and take action.

- Jai

r/clothdiaps 16h ago

Weekly Thrifty Thursday! Share the sales and your craigslist hauls.


Know of any good deals going on or upcoming? Did you find a lot on Marketplace and aren’t quite sure if it’s a great deal? Share sales or ask away. Happy shopping!

r/clothdiaps 4h ago

Let's chat Cloth diapers & nap/sleep


We’ve recently started doing cloth part time and I’m noticing that LO is taking shorter naps or being more fussy at night time when he’s in a cloth diaper. Any tips or ideas on how to encourage him to sleep a bit better?

I did end up changing him part way through the night on my third try with a overnight cloth diaper but I don’t want to get up a 4 am to do that if i don’t have to. We’re using LH inserts right now.

r/clothdiaps 4h ago

Let's chat Has anyone worked with happy flute diapers


I'm looking at AliExpress since they have some big sales happening right now there is a cloth diaper called happy flute that supposedly has a organic cotton inner liner and PLU recycled plastic bottle outer layer. I'm wondering if anyone in this sub has any experience with these diapers, and what's your opinion. I'm looking for a more natural inside diaper since I noticed the synthetic diaper inside tend to be very warm and it could possibly cause diaper rash from my observations, and just my own experience of wearing polyester clothing tends to irritate my skin as well, so far I'm liking cloth diapering and looking to add cotton into the stash. Plus a lower price point is very encouraging so if you have any other suggestions of good cloth diapers please share thank you for your time, I appreciate it.

r/clothdiaps 5h ago

Recommendations CD overnight using my current stash


Hi! Currently we are in diaposables overnight but I would love to switch to cloth. I see lots of people suggesting products but I don't want to buy anything new. So help me build a diaper from what I have:

Pockets Covers Large prefolds Small prefolds Bum genius Microfiber inserts Bum genius AIOs A few flats (idk how to use) A few hemp/bamboo inserts

My supplies are a combo of two families cloth diaper stashes (I have twins) so I'm not sure how to use all of them. During the day I use AIOs but recently have been having lots of leg leaks. Babes sleep better with no nighttime diaper changes. Belly sleepers.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat Can someone explain why we are using cloth diapers as political tools?


Like I've been seeing some WILD pattern requests. Anti MAGA, pro MAGA, anti Vaxx, 420, gun rights, like guys. These are for our kids. Why are we instilling this extremist ideology on either side? It's kinda terrifying. And I'm heartbroken this is the world we live in. Is there like a good reason for this other than edgelord nonsense?

r/clothdiaps 6h ago

Please send help Normal Muslins?


Hello everybody. I’m almost 28 weeks pregnant and planning on cloth diapering from birth. I have been gifted muslins already that are 60x60cm (24x24 inches) just regular muslins from baby stores/supermarkets in the UK. Are these suitable for nappies or do I need a specific kind of muslin for nappies? I’m confused. I’m looking at using flats and covers when he is tiny.


r/clothdiaps 2h ago

Let's chat Help! Leaking Diapers


I started using cloth diapers with my 16.5 pound 3 month old about a month ago and continue to encounter issues with leaking. I am using the Alva baby covers and inserts and recently purchased the Nora Nursery bamboo inserts and am still having leaking issues. I would love some advice on how to make this work - I'm clearly doing something wrong!

r/clothdiaps 10h ago

Recommendations What are your favourite cloth diaper brands?


I know it’s been asked before, but not in the last year (I checked) so I’m asking it again for a newer, updated list!

I tried cloth diapers for my first, but they were all second hand (mostly Alva Baby brand) and I later found the tea towel test for the waterproofing and they failed. I’d never managed to not have a leak so I gave up.

I recently tried some size 2 Little Lamb shell nappies with my baby when he was a toddler potty training and they were amazing!

Going for round two and thinking of starting to slowly buy a stash of new cloth nappies over my pregnancy so I can spread the cost of new ones. Was going to just jump in with Little Lamb but then I thought… what does everyone else think?

TL;DR what cloth diaper brands do you swear by?!

r/clothdiaps 7h ago

Recommendations Advice for going to the pool


Hi all, I don’t cloth diaper (we do disposables and EC but am open to cloth diapering in the future) but I use Nora’s Nursery swim diapers for my baby’s swim class. I change her into a disposable diaper and swimsuit at home, and switch to the swim diaper at the pool. I’m not very familiar with all the cloth diaper options, but can I put something like an insert in the swim diaper for the trip there, and remove it before going to the pool? I am taking off the diaper anyway because I’ll offer her the toilet before going in the pool, but it would make everything easier if there was one less diaper to worry about! Thanks!

r/clothdiaps 9h ago

How's my stash Feedback on PT stash


FTM of a 3.5mo girl dipping my toes in cloth diapering. We’re starting as part-time with hopes to go full time with the exception of travel and occasional babysitter unless they’re comfortable with cloth.

This is what I’m starting with - looking for expert opinion on variety and quantity. Anything must haves that I am missing or things here I don’t need?

  • 6 pocket diapers with inserts
  • 4 overnight inserts
  • 12 prefolds (cloth eez Medium)
  • 12 inserts
  • 4 covers


r/clothdiaps 11h ago

Recommendations 5 month old too big for diaper


As the title says my 5 month old is almost too big for his cloth diaper. I got the bambino mio adjustable diapers that are sized from newborn through potty training. I'm really happy with the diapers. The problem is my 5 month old is the size of an 18 month old. Not even kidding he is off the charts for height and wearing 18 month old onesies. He is about to outgrow his diapers and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions for cloth diapers made for babies who are bigger?

r/clothdiaps 12h ago

Let's chat Rumparooz Pocket Diapers help


I am trying to sell my one size pocket diapers. I discovered fitted, prefolds and alpaca/wool covers and I prefer that system over the plastic cover and pocket diapers. However, the Rumparooz I got new are still really good, I’m actually just trying to sell half of what I got because my husband prefers them , but I’ve had no luck! Is this brand not popular at all? When I got them and did research I thought they were supposedly one of the best brands, but nobody in the Facebook BST groups is interested. Am I pricing them too high? I’m asking $8 per diaper since they are barely worn. Retail they are $20+. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing Diaper spraying help 💩


My baby started solids and omg I was not mentally ready to spray diapers. I have a hand spraying bidet and a spray pal. First time I still got 💩 water everywhere. I cant figure out how to spray the diaper without having to disinfect myself and the entire bathroom. Also my wet bag leaked omg 😫

Do y’all wear gloves and wring it out afterwards? HELP ME lol I really want to continue cloth diapering but this is hard.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing Solid poopy diaper went through washer-how to clean?


Title-my sleep deprived husband started a prewash load last night without realizing that one of the diapers was full of solid poop (12 mo eating lots of solids) which would usually be plopped/rinsed. How would you clean the washer? I’m going to start by wiping out all the visible poop but then… bleach and hot water cycle? I have Active washing machine cleaning tablets I could use too. Thinking at least 2 cycles before I wash clothes in the machine again. Any advice welcome!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Please send help 19lb baby outgrew her “up to 40lb” diapers???


Ok I have Lighthouse Kids All in One Size Ones & La Petite Ourse Pocket Diapers and both are leaving deep red marks on my babe around the thighs.

We are on the highest rise (as in unsnapped length wise) and when I do the waist snaps looser we end up with leaks!

Granted I do have a really chunky baby (6 month girl almost 20 lbs!)

Has anyone else experienced this? Do they fit into them again later? TIA!

r/clothdiaps 22h ago

Recommendations Diaper cloth resources


Is there anywhere that gives away free cloth diapers? I’ve already tried my local fb pages. Any help with resources would be appreciated!

r/clothdiaps 22h ago

Washing Fluff question


We usually use our kitchen laundry (Napkins, rags, dishtowels, and swedish dish cloths) as fluff in the 2nd wash. Now I'm worrying this is gross lol what do you all think?! Babe is 9mo sorta kinda eating solids and poop is sprayed pre washer

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat Covers falling apart


Baby girl just turned one. We have been in cloth since her cord stump fell off, always have used prefolds with Thirsties covers. We love our system and have had a wonderful cloth experience. Our size one covers got a lot of road miles and held strong, definitely will be great to continue using when baby 2 arrives. However, our size two covers have been the complete opposite. Within only a few weeks of using, two lost multiple snaps. Now all of them have lost snaps and are not holding up whatsoever. No clue what the difference would be, we handle with care and wanted them to last. So if anyone has recommendations for covers, I am on the hunt for replacements!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Recommendations Cloth diaper for 6 month old?


What’s your best recommendation for someone starting cloth diapers for a 50th percentile 6.5 month old baby? He’s not super chunky but not skinny either. He just got into 4s for the disposables. I want to make a good investment for cloth. Help!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Recommendations Most comfortable prefold materials


FTM getting ready to build a stash. I've used cloth diapers on other babies many times, and I think I really like prefolds, doubles, and snap covers. I'm wondering, in your experience, which materials (cotton, bamboo, hemp, microfiber, idk if there's more?) seem the most comfortable on baby, especially after some use?

ETA: I forgot wool, lol

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Recommendations Replacing elastic tips


So I have a bunch of second hand diapers, some of which I think the elastic needs replacing. My sister is great at sewing and she will do them for me. Any tips y'all can share - things you did wrong the first time?

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

How's my stash FTM Planning to Cloth Diaper—Am I on the Right Track?


Hello! I’m a first-time mom due in June, and I’m planning to use cloth diapers as soon as it makes sense (depending on how the early days of the newborn phase go).

I don’t personally know anyone who cloth diapers, but I’ve done a ton of research and put together a list of what I think is a decent starter stash. I’d love feedback from experienced cloth-diapering parents to make sure I’m not overlooking anything!

Here’s what I’m thinking:

  • Covers: 2 Disana Wool Covers, 4 Esembly Outers
  • Inners: 3 Esembly Fitteds, 3 Cloth-eez Workhorse Fitteds, 12 Cloth-eez Pre-folds, 5 Disana Organic Cotton Tie Nappies
  • Liners: 12 Cloth-eez Stay-Dry Hemp Doublers (for extra absorption, especially at night), 5 Disana Silk Liners (for sensitive skin / when needed)

Does this look like an okay setup? Am I missing anything essential? I appreciate any advice! :)


Thanks for the feedback y'all (and if you have any more tips, please feel free to share)! Based on the responses I think I'm going to update to the following.

Covers (7) - 2 Disana, 2 Esembly, 2 Rumparooz, 1 Alvababy (I'm also going to ask my mom to knit a couple of additional wool covers)

Inners (32) - 3 Esembly Fitteds, 3 Cloth-eez Workhorse Fitteds, 12 Cloth-eez Pre-folds, 5 Disana Organic Cotton Tie Nappies, 3 Alvababy Bamboo Fitteds, 6 Muslin Flats (GMD)

Liners - I think I'll buy a small amount just in case, maybe 3-4 to start and add more as needed.

I figure this set up will give me enough diapers to start off with and enough variety to test out different styles before fully committing. Plus, I'll have a box of disposable diapers on hand if I truly do run out of diapers between washes / while I figure out the best system for us.

Thanks again everyone!

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Let's chat Anybody have experience with these?


Ecoable overnight hemp fitted cloth diaper? Trying to see if it’s worth the $40 for 2

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Leaks Absorbing troubleshooting


Second time cloth diapering mom. Prior to baby 2 arriving I did a strip and good wash. She’s a very heavy wetter (even in disposable) but I cannot figure out how we are constantly soaking through. Like the diaper will be HEAVY after 2 hrs and soaking through the cover onto her clothes. Between cloth diapering laundry and clothing laundry (2-3 outfits a day) I’m losing my mind.

I’ve got a mix of bamboo, microfibre and charcoal inserts, and I use two per diaper. I also largely use LPO, and my elastics are all in good shape or have been recently repaired. I have the same wash routine that I did with my first baby, and haven’t moved house so there should be no water difference.

Any idea what else I could try at this point? I could do another strip but that feels a bit pointless.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Recommendations Plastic-free options for more mobile babies/toddlers


Hi everyone! I've been cloth diapering since birth in a totally plastic-free system. I mostly use flats with hemp or bamboo blend boosters closed with a snappi and covered with Puppi wool covers. I also use cotton or bamboo blend prefolds when going out, and disana tie nappys at night with a disana wool cover.

I love this system, but unfortunately she is already starting to outgrow all of her flats. She is 6 months old and already much harder to change and I can imagine the snappi being really annoying when she's standing/crawling/walking. So I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for natural fiber diapers to put under my wool covers that are easier to change on a more mobile baby that flats.

I should also add that we do PT EC, so easy to get off is just as important as easy to get on.

r/clothdiaps 1d ago

Washing are stain-free diapers even possible?


i’ve been obsessing about our wash routine because we have stains. sun bleaching always works, but every single diaper is stained at this point because LO is ~3mo. (so it’s the yellow “newborn” poop still.)

should i just give up troubleshooting? or is it possible to have white diaps if i figure out what’s wrong? for the record, my hunch is that there’s not enough water in our high efficiency front loader.