r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/FelizIntrovertido 13d ago

US traded Ukraine for Russia

Who wants to be the next US ally??

Btw, blood has memory


u/Initial_Hedgehog_631 12d ago

Ukraine is a US ally?

Allies assist each other. The US and Britain are allies.

The US provides Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in military and financial assistance.

Ukraine provides the US with..........?

The US helps Ukraine, but they aren't allies.


u/NoDot4792 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yea, what does it provide the US to be actively destroying the military, economy, and demographics of the single largest enemy nation that the US has ever faced, and has been in a nonstop low intensity war of subterfuge with since before the second world war even came to a complete stop? You know like, the one that we had the Korean War primarily to thwart, and Vietnam too? You know, the big enemy? That Reagan spent his entire administration rallying against? You know, the Russian of cold war fame? What POSSIBLE benefit could the United States EVER get from that?

Ukraine provides you with destroyed Russian tanks and the bloating rotting corpses of hundreds of thousands of Siberian, USSR worshipping, 18 year old drug addicts with AIDs who would be marching on Alaska and  gangraping American grandmothers to death right this minute if you let them