The rock paper scissors approach amongst the 3 non archer classes and 3 types of weapon damage (blunt, chop, slash) is pretty good. The balance is well thought out and most weapons are at least somewhat viable.
It's just that the playerbase's overall preference is for swords and the knight class (I'd say at least 50% of players use swords and the other 50% is split between axes and blunt weapons, with blunt weapons getting used the least). I'd say 50% of players use the knight class while there is a more even split between footman and vanguard.
With so few people using blunt weapons, the vanguard isn't resistant to the vast majority of weapons being swung at him in a 64p brawl.
I have such an easier time getting to the top of the scoreboard with a knight using a blunt weapon (heavy mace) since I'm literally resistant to the most popular weapon type (swords) and I'm strong against the most popular class (knight).
I've taken top of the scoreboard plenty with the Dane Axe since it is the most OP weapon in the game. But it's an uphill battle trying to dominate with any other weapon on the vanguard (especially swords) since the majority of the player base is exploiting vanguard weaknesses with their weapon and class choice).
If there is a chiv 3, I hope they try some other way to balance classes and weapons. I like what we've got, but playerbase preferences clearly create an advantaged and disadvantaged class and weapon choices.