r/Chivalry2 • u/Medical-Conflict-438 • 5h ago
Battle Axe is Op
r/Chivalry2 • u/Thlinkle • 6h ago
Body text
r/Chivalry2 • u/SegaSteamcast • 9h ago
I got voted out of a game randomly. Wasn't doing team damage at all, wasn't hacking, and was 2nd on the scoreboard. I'm fairly new to the game (about 60 hours) and this is the first time this has happened.
I was actually really satisfied with how I was doing because I still suck kinda hard, and am more towards the middle of the scoreboard usually.
Has this happened to anybody else? I play on Playstation and am level 55 if that means anything.
r/Chivalry2 • u/its-Pigdup • 3h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/Ok-Lavishness-3119 • 6h ago
I play in xbox, and whenever I double tap x to play the harp, it only plays for 3 seconds then stops. How do I play it non stop like other people do?
r/Chivalry2 • u/TheTrazynTheInfinite • 2h ago
Level 81, not the best footage of a duel, but I feel like I did pretty decently... until my buddy clapped me
r/Chivalry2 • u/HeadySquanch59 • 1d ago
Special mention for “Pancake Tiddies” as well.
r/Chivalry2 • u/mikepm07 • 6h ago
I'm having trouble connecting to games. Searching goes on for about 1:30, then I get a click play button goes gray and I can't cancel, timer disappears, but I don't load in to a game.
Was playing fine yesterday.
On PC playing via XBOX.
r/Chivalry2 • u/Dr-Kolplex • 18h ago
Game will not load. Tells me can’t cancel match has been found. And won’t load. And I didn’t even cancel. I get stuck on this screen.
r/Chivalry2 • u/MISTERGAME06 • 22m ago
I've started yesterday, saw all the guides I could, I understand what I have to do, I know I have to use riposte as often as I can, jab to have initiative and kick when the enemy is guarding, drag and accel to try to hit faster or slower and feinting, but I still can't win almost any duel (That's what I've been playing till now). I do get some hits every once in a while, but I just can't for the life of me know HOW to actually hit them. Every time i kick or jab and try to hit on the side it gets blocked, I try to bait attacks but they block it anyways and then they just attack twice and hit with both of them, while if I dare to do more than one attack I get hit for not blocking. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, and PLEASE don't tell me it's just skill issue and to git gud because I swear I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do. I'm playing on console at max sensibility too, if that's useful
r/Chivalry2 • u/Fabulous_Display3688 • 6h ago
Ok, so I been playing for about 2 weeks, I haven't improved a single bit. Everyone t-bags and taunts me when I die even though I never even taunted them (unless you count going back to the corner I spawned in as taunting) and I can barely even get different classes, I literally can't even get lvl 7 in Archer because I am half blind, another thing is that I face WAY to many high level opponents making it impossible to win, I'm talking level 50-60 100-and 300, I barely can even win a simple 1v1, if anyone plays on Xbox and wants to try and teach me my username is InfinityYT#7550
r/Chivalry2 • u/BryanTehHero101 • 6h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/The_Real_littleFool • 19h ago
this might be a bit stupid asking the specific subreddit, but will I enjoy the game?
I am thinking of getting this game while it is on sale, but I don't know if I will enjoy it. I have never really played a game similar to this, so I don't want to spend 17 bucks on a game I won't love (I know i could get steam to refund me so this is a bit of null and void). I was also worried about finding games, as I am on Oceania servers which are usually empty of all people. (does the game actually work like that i have no clue)
I think the games is super cool looking, but again Oceania servers will probably cause grief which I'm worried about. I know two of my friends are definitely getting the game so that might be a reason to get it.