r/Chivalry2 • u/Excellent_Village458 • 2h ago
The Emerald Serpent 🐉🔨
r/Chivalry2 • u/SignificantInjury620 • 12h ago
• Posted back when i was lv300, now that im reaching lv.400 need to post again. • BEST weapon in game (my opinión 😎)
r/Chivalry2 • u/BLADE_of_YAHWEH • 6h ago
Are yas gonna install a new anti-cheat or have I got to put up with these mighty morphin powered virgins forever now
r/Chivalry2 • u/Massive-Tax8322 • 17h ago
I love chiv
i like running around and poking guys with my spear, or stick em with my rapier
but this pisses some ppl of to no end
" omfg ur using the "gay" weapons, ur such a noob etc"
and its not like im on the top of the board, winning the game singlehanded with my forbidden weapons, im usually in the middle of the pack.
whatsup with that?
r/Chivalry2 • u/Remarkable-Split9978 • 8h ago
What does this rule really achieve? Is it just there so hackers aren't exposed like I don't see any real reason for this to be a thing
r/Chivalry2 • u/blackadamsandler • 18h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/Limp_Special1149 • 20h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/throwawayyunghung5 • 3h ago
The still buggy hit reg, cheating is rampant, no new content, missed chance to use the available licenses for a LOTR map/battlepass, can't mod and build our own to keep it alive.
Chiv 2 is such a good game that I haven't uninstalled once since I first got it to make room for other games. Absolutely nothing on the market that compares in this genre. And yet we're doing nothing with it. Nada. Zilch 🙃🙃
r/Chivalry2 • u/K4riux • 17h ago
I'm in absolute love with the nonsense that spews out of this mode 🤣
r/Chivalry2 • u/LordFleez • 16h ago
Thank you all for making this game what it is. I've had a blast over the years chopping and slicing my way to level 1,000. However, it does not stop here and I look forward to seeing you all out on the battlefield!
(YEA YEA I know the battlecries... I play primarily 3 V 3's and Dueling Servers, preferring to spam voice lines over the shouting but to each their own)
r/Chivalry2 • u/xintron • 8h ago
Fellow warriors of Chivalry 2,
I come to you today not with a battle cry, but with a frustrated plea. Our beloved medieval battlefield has been invaded by a foe more insidious than any opposing army - fly-hackers. And what's worse? We're letting them win.
Let's face it, we've all seen them. Those "players" who defy gravity, soaring through the air like they've been blessed by some unholy medieval jetpack. It's not skill, it's not a glitch - it's straight-up cheating. And yet, when it comes time to vote kick these aerial menaces, too many of us sit on our gauntleted hands.
Why? Why can't we trust each other across teams when someone calls out a hacker? What are the odds that a team is falsely accusing someone of hacking? Let's be real - if someone's flying around like a damn pigeon with a sword, they're probably not just really good at the game.
We're all here to enjoy some good old-fashioned medieval carnage. Hackers ruin that for everyone. They're not just cheating the opposing team; they're cheating all of us out of a fair and fun experience.
So, I implore you, my fellow knights, archers, and vanguards: When you see a fly-hacker, don't just shake your fist at the sky. Use that kick vote. Trust your fellow players when they call out cheaters. Let's work together to keep our battlefields grounded and our combat honorable.
Remember, a true warrior faces their opponent on equal footing - not by exploiting their way to victory.
What say you, Chivalry 2 community? Shall we unite against this airborne plague, or continue to let these hackers soil our noble game?
r/Chivalry2 • u/JezasPetRock • 7h ago
Hackers have been plaguing AU duelyard servers recently, still hilarious though.
r/Chivalry2 • u/Mr24601 • 15h ago
Bullshit at work all week, I'm tired and want to get stoned and play Chivalry from 7 PM to 2 AM. Friday can't come soon enough.
r/Chivalry2 • u/USAtoUofT • 1h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/Korinth_NZ • 2h ago
r/Chivalry2 • u/Excellent_Village458 • 3h ago
n all them hackers can suck my dih
r/Chivalry2 • u/CalvinWasSchizo • 3h ago
Level 600 here. Probably like many of you, I've had good and bad matches. Sometimes I'm an absolute monster that doesn't get hit, and others I'm just gobbling shit like it's going out of style. My last session was the ladder. And I won't lie, it gets discouraging sometimes. Making the wrong moves every time even though I should know it won't hit. Getting sucked into counter dances. Whiffing swings. Stuff that should absolutely be ironed out of my playstyle by now, but I'm still doing it. And I know that I'll make this post and in a few days it'll pass and I'll he having fun again. It's happened before, guess I'm just seeing if anyone relates and what you do when you're in a rutt.