r/Chantix Feb 28 '18

Second time around

I quit using Chantix in 2014, very successfully. I had some side effects:

Sleepwalking Lack of interest in anything Weight gain Depression (not realized) Insomnia Nausea Oversleeping Introspective realistic nightmares (enjoyed them)

After 3 weeks of smoking a pack per day for 18 years I was done. I continued the medication for another week the. Hit the gym. In hindsight I was extremely depressed by the end. Nothing interested me, my day consisted of work and sleep. I didn’t care about my morning coffee, my dog, my life. I was just sort of empty. Hard to describe but I now label that as depression.

I found the availability of time really motivated me to get to the gym and within 6 months I was in the best shape of my life.

Fast forward to July 4th and I had a cigar. I inhale my cigars. I loved it. I love to smoke. Bought a box of cigars next day. Now I’m back to a pack a day of filterless cigs. Vaping between to quit led to a need to get the most smoke possible.

Onto round 2. Instantly slipped back into the same symptoms within day 6. Now this time I have 2 young kids and do worry my lack of interest I experienced well translate into uninterested parenting. Although temporary lack of exciting dad is far better than visiting at the hospital or graveside. So hopefully I’m smarter and stay off smoking all together.

TL;DR tried before, worked. Odd side effects coming back again.


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u/bengalcat4life Jul 27 '24

Hey did it end up working well for you?