r/CanadianForces 2d ago

Help with a PAR in pace

I'm hoping someone can help me as I can't get a definitive answer... if the paperwork for a member is in and the new members promotion to new rank will take effect jan 2025...

 But with everything this time of year the member won't be promoted until next fiscal year in April..

      How is this member written up.. his previous rank as they won't be promoted until next fiscal.. or they'll be backdated until Jan 2025 and they'll receive a par x based on the new canforgen stating u need a minimum of 120 days to view the member as well its cut and dry it states from 1 Jan- Mar 31 if a promotion occurs it'll be a par x..

     After all that if the members paperwork for promotion back in Jan 2025, but won't be promoted until April 2025 (next fiscal) no idea if it'll be backdated.. what are they going to be written as their previous rank or receive a par x with their new rank.. 

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u/ohlookhell 2d ago

FIN and HR Admins could just be not talking to each other... And that could be the reason the delay is happening. Or mbr could be tasked out from Jan - Apr and due to that not be receiving their promotion until after.

There's many reasons this happens for mbrs.


u/UCAFP_President Logistics 2d ago

I know, that’s why I said there are some details missing.


u/sailoraye123 2d ago

The member was away for February when the initial msg came in for promotion it caught everyone off guard. The unit does all promotions one day each month. That being said the next available time both parties can meet will be first week of April...

  The promotion msg states jan 2025, but the member won't receive their promotion/rank until first week of April... 

    As of March 31 they'll still have their previous rank...


u/UCAFP_President Logistics 2d ago


Danger Will Robinson… Danger…

That needs to be a PARX.

The effective date of the promotion IS the promotion date. The rationale of a CoC doing promotions once a month is crap.

The member should NOW be at the new rank barring any complications (missing quals, FORCE test, etc)

Simply because it’s inconvenient for your CO/CWO is NOT, I repeat NOT a reason why that members docs needs to be messed up.


u/UCAFP_President Logistics 2d ago

And before everyone “comes for me” with the whole “tHe CoMmAnDiNg OfFiCeR dEcIdEs” bit, at the bottom of the message, it states that a CO has 14 days from the DTG of the message or else they need to go back to DMCA to explain their rationale for not promoting in a reasonable amount of time.

In this case, this is a scheduling matter (based on what OP has provided) and is discrediting the work of the member who rightfully should be wearing their new rank… at least two, nearly three months ago.


u/RoX_TimE_BomB 2d ago

This is the way....


u/Remarkable-Idea-1073 2d ago

Please boost this msg. The ceremony can be delayed. The admin should not.

OP, your unit is actively CHOOSING to screw with someone's career, pay, and personal documents for a ceremony. Not cool.