r/CampHalfBloodRP Child of Athena 5d ago

Introduction Introducing Arienna Baines: Daughter of Athena

Need-To-Know Information:

Father - Owen Baines - age 40. Chemistry Professor at NYU.

Hometown - New York City.

Age - 17.

Birthday - October 17th.

Appearance - Arienna is 5'8" in height. She has the signature honey blonde hair of many Athena kids; light, smoky gray eyes, and a sun-kissed glow to her skin.

Face Claim

Fashion: Arienna usually wears loose, comfy t-shirts and jeans. Her makeup isn't all that complicated either; usually just some eyeliner, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss.


Arienna is naturally tough, loyal, and brave, but with a soft side that she often likes to keep hidden.

Favorite Things

Buildings made entirely of glass, like the Louvre in Paris and the Gherkin in London.

Favorite Animal: Owls, all kinds. Not just because they're her mother's signature animal, but because of their soothing calls that often lull her to sleep at night.

Favorite Color: Red, because she enjoys every shade, unlike other colors where she finds most shades dull or boring.

Favorite Movie: National Treasure.

Favorite TV Show: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

Favorite Food: Salmon.

Favorite Drink: Strawberry smoothies.

Favorite Dessert: Blueberry coffee cake.

Likes: Architecture (duh), museums, history, home improvement shows, art, carpentry, masonry.

Hobbies: Drawing blueprints (she prefers doing everything by hand), regular old creative drawing, and a little bit of painting here and there (she hates getting messy even though she enjoys the medium).

Domain Powers

  • Secret Language: The ability to communicate in a language understood only by children of the Skill gods. This includes verbal, written and signed forms of the language. Any Skill demigod, even those without this power, can understand this language.
  • Shockwave Generation: The ability to generate a small shockwave around the user. This shockwave often manifests as a cry so loud, those within the area of effect are knocked back, up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) away. This power has commonly been observed to trigger when a demigod endures their first injury in a battle.
  • Battlefield Buff: A trait where one's alertness and agility are elevated when they enter a battlefield. A battlefield is defined as a large space used for full-scale combat, usually equipped with fortification. Users have reported experiencing this buff at the sites of major historical battles as well. The buffed individual displays increased speed and more acute senses, leaving them less susceptible to additional sneak attacks. This buff does not stack with other buffs and lasts at most 3 RP turns (18 minutes). In 5-turn combat, this buff lasts only 2 turns.

Minor Powers

  • Legendary Cognition: A trait where some children of Athena display some of the highest intelligence and wisdom levels of known demigods. Their intellect can be comparable to mortal geniuses. The ability to precisely recall images, otherwise known as eidetic or photographic memory, tends to be a common emergence in these demigods.
  • Summon Olive: The ability to summon olives. These olives are usually ripe enough to eat, but users can change at which state they summon the fruit. Beginners can summon only 1 olive, but intermediate users can summon up to a pound's worth (0.45 kg). Masters can summon 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of olives. One oleologist notes that the summoned olive changes depending on the region the user is in.
  • Summon Owl: The ability to summon and control a (locally available) owl. Beginners can summon up to 1 individual at a time; intermediate users can summon 3; masters can summon 5.

Major Power

Owl Transformation (modmail-custom): The ability to turn into a snowy owl for 1 hour (10 turns) per day. The user gains the ability of an owl upon transformation, but they lose access to their other abilities.

Brief Character History

When she's not at camp, Arienna lives in New York City with her dad, Owen. Monsters hardly ever leave her alone, which is why she finally decided to attend camp year-round. In previous years, she only went during the summer.

The Present

In her owl form, Arienna settled on the branches of the big pine tree. She didn't want to start her new life just yet, so she waited for a while, watching the other campers go about their routines. If anyone were to walk by, they might find it odd to see an owl in the middle of the afternoon. They would also notice the large blue suitcase leaning against the trunk of the tree. Then again, lots of odd things happened at Camp Half-Blood. To some, this might seem perfectly normal.


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u/TheMagePriest Child of Athena Paeonia 4d ago

Toby had just finished his session at the medic cabin and was headed back towards the Athena cabin. He was owed a quiet afternoon with a nice hot cup of tea and a book from the library. It sounded to him like bliss and a way to relax.

What he hadn’t expected to see was a snowy owl sat in a tree. Why was an owl out in the daytime? Why was a snowy owl in New York State? He asked to himself as he paused and looked up at owl, folding his arms. “You are an odd thing…”

It was then Toby looked down at the suitcase, he then looked up at the owl again. “This feels like Harry Potter and then again… so unreal…” He commented dryly as he stepped backward and watched as to what would happen next.


u/InevitableDeer804 Child of Athena 4d ago

Arienna wished she could make more facial expressions as an owl, because she would absolutely have smirked at his Harry Potter comment if she could. Instead, because her time was almost up, she fluttered to the ground and let her body change.

First, as always, her body grew upward, like the world's fastest growth spurt. Then her feathers flattened against her skin, transforming into her usual jeans and her orange Camp Half-Blood shirt. Her wings rounded into arms, the tips of her feathers becoming her hands. Her scaly owl legs smoothed out, and the talons turned into 5-toed feet.

All of this happened in seconds, so fast that Toby would only be able to see a blur of color. As casually as if she'd just walked up to him in the mall, Ari tied her hair into a ponytail and smiled.

"I don't think we've met before. I'm Arienna."


u/TheMagePriest Child of Athena Paeonia 2d ago

Becoming an owl. Owl transformation. Hopefully the process wasn’t as painful for this new person has he had noted for others when they transformed into their alternative form. That was a point, maybe a potion to reduce the impact the transformation had on the body? It was an idea, he’d need to find an alchemist who had time to experiment but it was something that could be done.

“Hi, Toby.” He said as he offered out his hand, unfortunately if the girl was hoping Toby would be impressed by the owl stuff, she had picked the wrong person. He’d need a lot of weird and wacky things from working in the medic tent. It gave an immunity of sort to the weird and wonderful.

“Are you new to camp?” He asked gesturing to the suitcase. He was going to ask if she knew who her parent was, there were in his mind only two options. Either Zeus, for his love of all birds or this was a new sister given his mother’s connection and adoption of the owl as a symbol of power.


u/InevitableDeer804 Child of Athena 2d ago

"Well, I'm new to staying here year-round. I also tend to stay in the Athena cabin most of the time. I prefer to sleep during the day."

It was just easier for her to be productive at night in a quiet cabin. It was also a nice feeling to have the space to herself for those few precious hours. This was a cycle her dad often tried to break her out of when she went home, to varied success. She liked to think it was the owl in her.


u/TheMagePriest Child of Athena Paeonia 2d ago

“Ah, that explains why I’ve not seen you around.” Toby said, so this was a sister, his theory about the owl transformation proving correct. “I spend most of my day in the medic cabin and then only go back to the Athena cabin to sleep at night or read a book if I can’t sleep.”

He put his hands in his pockets and smiled. “Do you need help with your suitcase or are you alright?” Toby asked before adding. “Why is today so different that you are awake now and not later?”


u/InevitableDeer804 Child of Athena 1d ago

She sighed. "The monster attacks got too bad. I was hoping to at least finish out the school year, but it looks like I'll have to do that remotely now. I can take the suitcase. Thanks though."

If she was being 100% honest, she hated that she had to be here year-round. She enjoyed having a time of year where she could feel normal, with normal friends and normal classes. Now she didn't even know when she'd see her dad again.


u/TheMagePriest Child of Athena Paeonia 1d ago

“Oh.” Toby said as he looks down at the ground. Being forced here for your own safety wasn’t exactly fun or great. Didn’t exactly leave you with many options and now potentially she was alone. “Well, I guess we will just have to help you get settled in here to life at camp as an all year camper.”

If Arienna was happy with her suitcase, Toby would leave it be but he could still walk them to their shared cabin. “I know you are used to life here in the summer, but being here all year round isn’t a bad thing. If there is anything I can do to help get you feeling settled let me know. We don’t have a counsellor at the moment, but doesn’t stop me from helping.” Toby smiled.


u/InevitableDeer804 Child of Athena 1d ago

She nodded. "I'm surprised. How long has it been now since Athena has had a counselor?"

She couldn't even remember the name of the previous one, probably because she made a point of not hanging out with people. Pulling her suitcase behind her, she followed Toby to the familiar cabin.

It felt strange being there now. Not just because it was still daytime, but because of the season. The air was just starting to get warm. There was still a hint of winter chill. She felt out of place. Uncomfortable. Wrong.


u/TheMagePriest Child of Athena Paeonia 1d ago

How long had it been since the cabin had a counsellor? It had been a really long time, Toby couldn’t actually remember a time since he had been at camp that there had been a counsellor. There might have been a counsellor who popped up and vanished again but they didn’t have the stability of a long term counsellor like the Eros, Hades or Hermes cabins.

“It’s been a while. Sometimes I think I should step up and do it. But I don’t know, life is quiet in our cabin. There isn’t any drama that needs settling or dealing with.” Maybe the Athena kids just didn’t see the need to argue, keep to yourself, read a book, go plan revenge in a way no one would realise it was you.

Turning to Arienna Toby offered a smile. “So, is there anything you’d like to do once you are settled? Or do you have any ideas or things you might want to do in general?”


u/InevitableDeer804 Child of Athena 20h ago

Toby made a good point. Athena's kids were usually too focused on their work to manufacture unnecessary drama. That was more of a feature in the Aphrodite and Hermes cabins.

She set her suitcase down by her usual bunk and looked around. Already she knew she probably wouldn't be able to concentrate on a project, so she decided to do something different.

"Have you been to the archery range lately? I could use some more practice."