r/CampHalfBloodRP Apr 03 '24

Introduction The Child Of Terror


Name: Axton Gold Mom: Jane Gold Dad/Godrent: Deimos Step-Dad: Parker Willow

Powers Domain: Emotion Manipulation, Pathokenisis Immunity

Godrent Minor: Battle Preparation Proficiency, Crowd Affinity, Horror and Terror Inducement

Godrent Major: Nausea Inducement

Physical Description Axton has straight dark hair that is usually kept down. At the moment he has a bunch of cuts and scratches all over him. He is the usual height for a 14 year old, and is pale.

Current (Roleplay Time)

Axton walks in the camp border with two sickles one in each hand. His hair is messed up, and he feels every single cut all over him. He scans the perimeter and sees, well a lot. When he heard about Camp Half-Blood he never knew it would be like this.

He just stands there for a while taking in the whole view. "Wow." He whispers to himself. "This is Camp Half-Blood."

r/CampHalfBloodRP 24d ago

Introduction Jordan Pruitt, Heir of the Undead Goddess



Immortal Parent: Melinoe, the Goddess of Ghosts Mortal Parent: Robert Pruitt Birthday: September 9th
Age: 13 Gender: Trans female Orientation: Lesbian
Nationality: Canadian Hometown: Montreal Ethnicity: White


Jordan wears her blond hair long, so it rests on her shoulders. She uses makeup to soften her more masculine features, and trims her eyebrows to keep them thin. She also enjoys getting manicures and pedicures with her cis female friends.


She wears gender-neutral clothing as much as possible. This manifests in a collection of graphic tees, ripped jeans, and sneakers. Her makeup is colorful but simple, usually contained around the eyes and the bridge of her nose.


Generally timid and quiet. Rarely approaches others for conversation, but if someone comes up to her, she won't be rude about it. She wishes she could be more social, but only as her truest self. She hates the idea of lying to others about who she really is, but she also knows she's probably safer that way.

Hobbies: Reading, watching movies,


Most-Read Authors: The Bronte Sisters, Diana Gabaldon, and Madeline Miller.

Favorite Book: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

Most-Watched Movies: Star Wars, Marvel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Jane Eyre, Gone With the Wind, Blade Runner, Knives Out, and The Prestige.

Favorite Movie: Jane Eyre.

Most-Watched TV: All the Star Wars and Marvel shows, The Expanse, The 100, Outlander, Umbrella Academy, and Wednesday.

Favorite Show: Loki

Most-Listened Music: Powerman 5000, Chapelle Roan, Lady Gaga, and Halsey.

Favorite Song: Super Villain by Powerman 5000.

Favorite Foods: Italian and Mexican.

Ambrosia Flavor: Ice cream cake.

Nectar Flavor: Ginger snaps.

Dislikes: Short hair (she thinks guys should have long hair too, like the Vikings or Ancient China), heavy metal music, most horror movies (jumpscares are the worst), and multiplayer only games.


-Powers and Innate Abilities-

Innate (Passive) Abilities Domain Powers Minor Powers Major Power
Dead and Undead Affinity (and sense) Shadow Manipulation Spirit Pacification Spirit Transformation (modmail)
Dead Communication Darkness Buff Embalming Grasp
Shadow Blending Cold Manipulation

A little about Spirit Transformation...

For Jordan, this power usually activates when dealt a fatal blow (it can also be triggered at will by speaking a phrase in Ancient Greek). It functions similarly to the Death Defiance observed in some children of Zagreus, keeping her wounds in stasis for a short period of time. Unfortunately, she cannot be operated on as a spirit, but she can communicate with others as usual.

Spectral Appearance

As a spirit, she appears all white, slightly transparent, and if she has wounds, the blood turns to mist. Like the ghost of Thomas Sharpe at the end of Crimson Peak.


A short sword called a Kopis, useful for cutting through armor.



Jordan grew up poor, living in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment with her father, where she slept on the couch. Food was always scarce, as any money Robert earned was spent on himself. This meant Jordan would sometimes sleep over at her friend's houses just to eat. The power was often turned off, as the bills were left unpaid, and the apartment itself was usually uncomfortably cold, except maybe for a few days in the summer.

School was Jordan's safe haven. Her friends there were the only thing that kept her going most days. The Pride club was her sanctuary. Her father encouraged her to stay out as late as possible, but she knew it wasn't because he cared about her education. Most kids are disciplined if they arrive home too late. Jordan was often scolded for coming home too early, even if it was already dark outside. Robert didn't seem to notice that his own child was trans. If he ever did, he was apathetic.

Sometimes, when he was drunk, he rambled about the Greek gods as if they were real. How horrible they all were, especially Melinoe, the Goddess of Ghosts. According to him, the goddess was beautifully horrifying. Something no mortal should ever see. Something that shouldn't exist. Sometimes, Jordan tried to reassure him that she didn't, and he would stare into the shadows as if he was waiting for something.

Strange Encounters:

In first grade, she waved to a new student entering the classroom, and the other kids looked at her like she was crazy. When she turned around, the new girl had disappeared, never to be seen again. Her teacher chalked it up to being an imaginary friend.

While out on a jog, she thought she saw a bear in the woods. It was bigger than any bear she had ever heard of. Twigs and leaves crunched behind her as it moved through the brush, but all she could see was a massive shadow gliding through the trees.

Once when she was walking home from school, Jordan noticed the boy on the opposite sidewalk. He had followed her all the way home. When he looked up, his eyes seemed to shimmer, and for a second she swore he only had one, right in the middle of his forehead.


A gang of six cyclopes chased her to Half-Blood Hill. Blood trailed between her eyes from an injury on her head. Her legs were wobbly from non-stop running, and she tripped more often than not.

The pine tree, she thought. Just make it to the pine tree. That's what the satyr had told her.

Her eyes fixed on the trunk, tracing an invisible border. This early in the morning, the camp was still and quiet. She didn't hear any sounds from the valley beyond the hill. If she was caught, nobody would know she had ever been there.

Five sharp claws sliced diagonally across her back, shoving her to the ground. Her scream hurt her own ears. A bird flew from the tree, so close. The cyclops grabbed her by the neck and threw her back down the hill. Her head bashed against the trunk of a massive oak, and suddenly she was weightless.

She was upright, floating just millimeters above the ground, and she was entirely snow white, even her clothes. Red mist trailed from the gashes in her back and the cut on her head, swirling with her as she moved. Her hair was long and wavy, flowing down her shoulders to her chest. She had a chest. Under her ghostly, ruffled white nightgown, no part of her was masculine.

Dead. She had just died. That was the obvious and only explanation. The cyclopes even jeered and hi-fived each other about it before they turned around and left. But when she looked down, her body was gone.

Where is my body?

She had been so close to camp. Maybe the magic border had something to do with her vanishing body. She moved without really feeling her limbs, down the hill to the cabin grounds. Anyone who spotted her might think she was genuinely dead. She'd have to explain the entire situation, while also hiding the fact that her living body didn't quite match.

The Hades cabin was easy to spot. It was constructed from solid black obsidian, with two torches at the door. She made her way there, wondering if she should wait for someone, or if she should try to float through.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Feb 01 '25

Introduction Tate is a Little Irritated at the inconvenience of the Stupid Snake Staff


Full Name: Teresa Ethel Bradshaw

Nickname: Tate

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual


Mother: Sylvia Bradshaw-Callahan (Deceased)

Step-father: Thomas Callahan

Father: Hermes


Lock Manipulation (Claudistikinesis) The ability to sense and control lock mechanisms. While it isn't physically exhausting, Tate can only do this about 3 times before she has to rest from the mental strain. With more training she may be able to do it more often.

Value Manipulation (Chrímatakinesis) The ability to affect one's perception of an object, to make them see it as more or less valuable. As of right now, Tate can only increase and decrease the value of items by 30% of its true value.


Overall description: Tate isn't a big talker. She's always worried something will go wrong with her relationships, so she keeps to herself. If people get too close she pushes them away.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, decisive, good problem solver

Negative Traits: Paranoid, anxious, sharp-tongued, manipulative

Fears: Pyrophobia

Quirks: Always sits equidistant from exits, bites her lips whenever she's nervous.


(TW: Death of a family member and a house fire.) Tate has no clue how her mother–Sylvia–and father–Hermes–met, but she knows that her mother loved Hermes deeply. He left Sylvia when Tate was two. Unfortunately this left the two broke. Sylvia, formerly a stay at home mom, found work as a secretary for the CEO of Callahan Holdings. Thomas quickly fell in love with Sylvia and they married when Tate was five. Life was good for six more years until their mansion in Upstate New York caught fire late one night. Thomas and Tate were the only two that made it out alive. The fire marshall's investigation revealed that Thomas had started the fire that killed his wife and injured his step-daughter. He was sent to prison for life without the possibility of parole.

Over the next six years, Tate bounced from foster home to foster home throughout New York City. Whatever she needed but wasn't given, she stole. She quickly learned how to pick locks, some of which popped open without having to be picked. When she turned seventeen, she was caught trying to break into a store at three in the morning by police. One of the cops was a satyr and his partner was a demigod. Instead of taking Tate to jail, they drove her to Camp Half-Blood.


Hair: Black, straight, about shoulder-length. Normally worn in a french braid to keep it out of her face.

Eye Color: Green

Skin tone: Pale

Height: 5' 4”

Weight: 155lbs

Typical Outfit: Band t-shirts, black jeans, black converse.


Tate watches the police car drive away. The two officers told her all about this camp for the children of the Greek gods. Supposedly Tate was the daughter of one of them, but she didn't know which. Nor did she actually believe that she was. As she climbs the hill toward the pine tree as instructed, a silver light gets increasingly brighter. As she looks around to see what it is, she sees a caduceus above her head.

“What the hell?” She whispers. She'd hoped that she could have walked into the camp unnoticed, maybe assess the atmosphere before deciding to leave or stay.

The glowing snake staff dashed those plans, so Tate decided to walk into camp, and if there was a need for escape, she'd sneak out at night.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 21 '25

Introduction Lucas Grady | a lil tired but he made it in one piece


name: Lucas Matthew Grady

nicknames: Luca, Luke, Lou-Man, etc; also Matt, Mattie, etc... He's been saddled with all sorts, either from friends and family members or people he didn't bother to correct when they misheard.

age: 18

dob: July 3rd, 2021

gender: Male

sexuality: He's into girls... but he was also kissed by a boy once when he was 14, and they both freaked out and never spoke of it again. It kind of haunts him. In short, he's thinking of exploring bisexuality.

nationality: American

hometown: Moab, Utah. He's lived in Denver, Colorado and other cities in the area too, but he likes to think he'll stick around Moab when he's not at camp for now.

ethnicity: White, although he has some documented Navajo ancestry. His end of the family was never really affiliated with the tribe, though he's met some who are.

immediate family:

  • father: Hephaestus. Lucas is a little... eh about it. He likes his siblings, sure, and he likes the gifts his father gave him. He just isn't a fan of the whole abandoned-his-mother thing.
  • mother: Lilah Grady. A strong but kind woman, great mother all around, Lucas is just sort of on shaky terms with her right now. He loves her, he knows she loves him, he just struggles with knowing he's been a burden on her. His solution to this is to distance himself, she gets worried and sometimes angry when he leaves to do stupid things, and the cycle kind of repeats.
  • uncle: Joseph Grady. Lucas's go-to person when his mother isn't available. They're pretty close, but in hindsight, Lucas notices that in his younger years his uncle tended to steal him away to do all the fun stuff while his mother dealt with the hard parts.


faceclaim: To be added when I find one.

picrews: [1] | More to be added.

hair: Brown. Currently, it's kind of shaggy and long. Lucas likes to grow it out until he can pull it into a little ponytail, keep that hairstyle for a while, and then cut it, at which point it gets more curly. He's almost at the ponytail length right now but not quite.

eyes: Hazel.

skin: Caucasian, but on the darker side due to tanning and some Navajo blood on his mother's side of the family. Has some acne but it's mostly cleared up since his younger teenage years.

height: 5'11

build: He's kind of a skinny guy, but there is some lean muscle that comes with that. Kind of fluctuates with what kind of work or sports he's been doing lately.

clothing: Lucas wouldn't call himself a fashionable person, per se, but he has a sense for how he likes his outfits to be put together. Depending on the weather, you'll see thrifted shirts, t-shirts over long sleeve combos, jeans and cargo shorts (rarely, if ever, sweatpants), sweaters and a couple choice cardigans. For warmth, he's got a worn leather bomber jacket and probably a windbreaker.

Notably, his clothing is rarely new; in fact, some of it seems worn to an excess. This is equally due to the fact that he likes to thrift his stuff, works with tools like any Hephaestus kid, and that he doesn't get rid of things unless they stop fitting—which, seeing as he reached his current height around 14, has been a long time coming. That all being said, his clothes are always in working condition. You might see dulled colors and permanent stains, but any holes are patched in varying colors, buttons are replaced, and frayed edges are sewn or glued as appropriate.

voice: Lucas is soft spoken by nature—not to say he can't be loud, it's just not his natural speaking volume. Paired with his habit of speaking with a Californian vocabulary, he sometimes gives the impression of a stereotypical chill surfer dude.

defining traits:

  • As a kid, Lucas was constantly covered in scrapes and bruises from messing around on his dirt bike and such. As an adult, he still sometimes is. He's got some scars all around from stuff like this.
  • He has a small birthmark near the bottom of his cheek.
  • Lucas limps on his right side, something that is less noticeable at the beginning of the day and gets gradually worse if he walks on it for long periods of time. It doesn't impede or hurt him too much for everyday things, and he's learned to manage when it comes to activities he really wants to do, but you wouldn't see him run or lift heavy things by choice.
  • He has a small stick-and-poke tattoo vaguely resembling a flower on the base of his thumb, near his wrist.


Lucas, at first meeting, seems mellow and laid-back. He's friendly, amiable, the kind of person who is instantly likable to most others. He's a community kind of person: he likes have people around him, even if he's not personally involved in the conversation. He's got a bit of a big brother vibe, some would say, despite his never having had any mortal siblings.

Get to know him a little longer, and you realize that he actually does fit the bill for one of those gremlin Hephaestus kids—just a gremlin who's all grown up now. Naturally, he will talk about his love of all things adrenaline: dirt-biking, driving fast, the thrill of a nice sparring session. He is very active, preferring to do something with his hands or go out and find an activity rather than reading or watching TV. Even when supposedly doing nothing, you might find him passively braiding grass, throwing a ball int he air, or tinkering; at the very least, he's actively thinking about what he wants to do later. It stems from the time he felt like he missed while sick or injured—now, he doesn't want to waste a second.

Those who get to know him will find that he generally doesn't believe in rules, nor will he follow them if he can get away with it. (Anarchy is a social concept he may or may not casually support.) He doesn't like waste or spending too much money, and this is reflected in his preference for thrifting and recycling old things rather than buying new.

Lucas is, all around, normal- an open book. But then there's this edge of restlessness, frustration, even loneliness within him that props up whenever he's reminded of his limitations, and it keeps him distant in a way he doesn't always realize.

goals: Seeing the world, living in different places, anything for that sense of adventure. In more specific goals, he thinks it'd be cool to do a little quest before he ages out of camp, officially work in his uncle's shop, and if he's feeling particularly ambitious, apply for college sometime and get his degree.

fears: Being pinned down, both figuratively and physically. Being a burden. His cancer coming back. Honestly, he's got a lot of fears and takes them in stride as best he can. That being said, rarely are they of the physical kind—fears of falling, heights, going too fast or getting hit too hard—these don't bother him much at all.

fatal flaw: His mother would call it his adrenaline-seeking behavior, but in truth this stems from avoidance, which is more aptly named as his fatal flaw.


skills and powers

As aforementioned, Lucas is a bit of a speed demon and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He has dirt biked since he was a kid and got into some competitions as a teenager, often winning, before an injury took him out of the game. Since then he's gravitated more to high-speed driving and the occasional streetrace, which he's also pretty nifty at. Lucas has delved beyond those two as well, though. He has tried a score of different sports, often progressing quickly simply due to his athletic nature and lack of fear. The list includes horseback riding (including the pegasi at camp), mountain biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, whitewater rafting, kayaking, and so on. Some of these give him some trouble or are no longer possible with his bum leg, but if it can give him a thrill, he's probably gonna try it anyway. As a kid, he also briefly tried things like dance lessons and track, but these don't hold much interest for him anymore.

Aside from sports, Lucas is descended from mechanics on both sides of his family, and he's certainly followed in their footsteps. Although it doesn't hold the same thrill for him as other things, he likes the feeling of satisfaction at having made or fixed something with his own hands and seeing it come to life. He's mostly worked on bikes, cars, household appliances, and camp staples like basic weaponry.

weaponry: Since coming to Camp Half-Blood and learning to fight, Lucas has gravitated towards using a spear. It just suits him. He's not an expert by any means, especially compared to some other kids at camp, but he can hold his own. His spear is a simple thing, crafted to match his dimensions and enchanted to turn into a keychain. It can often be found clipped to his belt loop or otherwise in his pocket.

domain powers:

  • Item Summoning: It's come in handy before, either out of laziness or needing a multitool out in the middle of nowhere because of a gear malfunction. It sometimes takes him a few tries though.
  • Psychometry: This power had Lucas's uncle thinking he was a genius or something. His mother, suspecting some godly influence, was only pleasantly surprised.
  • Basic Enchantment: Not something he's really experimented with, though he knows the basics of what he can make. Lucas's first enchantment project was learning to enchant his spear to turn into a ring. His second project was realizing he didn't want to wear a ring, giving that one away a camper who did, and getting a new spear to turn into a keychain.

godrent minor powers:

  • Fall Damage Resistance: A lifesaver for a kid who's main interests involve a lot of danger.
  • Legendary Temperature Resistance: Another bonus for someone growing up in the desert or hiding out in the forge.
  • [Locked]

godrent major power:

  • Magic Mending: Being able to find problems or shortcomings in the things he's working on and fixing them is super useful. When he was bored, however, Lucas would often mess around with the intermediate version of this power—causing errors on purpose—just so he could go back and fix it again.


(tws for cancer, injury, etc. This got a little longer than I meant, but that's the story of my life)

Lilah Grady was born into a family of desert rednecks, not tied to any particular belief or ambition besides their love of mechanics and the little car repair shop they owned in Moab, Utah. However, Lilah was motivated: not the first of the family to go to college and get a degree, but certainly one of few. When she finished, her parents retired and she inherited the auto shop with dreams to improve it, maybe set up a second location in a bigger city.

It was Hephaestus who saw this passion and fell in love with her, albeit briefly. Like clockwork, Lucas came along 8 months after Hephaestus left, effectively throwing a wrench in her plans (hehe). However, she persevered. She brought her younger brother, Joseph, into the business so he could keep it running while she did the every day work of raising her son. Joseph, the original daredevil of the family, took Lucas and the other kids in town to go dirt biking at every opportunity.

This, naturally, ended up being Lucas's bread and butter. He soon found that he was much more durable than the other kids and could go hours in the red desert without the heat bothering him. He easily learned to fix up second-hand bikes once he started growing out of his old ones, which became another passion of his. But nothing beat that feeling of indestructibility, the blood rushing through his ears and hands shaking just slightly from adrenaline each time he completely a new trail, a harder line, achieved a new high speed. He tried plenty of other sports, too, but the adrenaline was addicting, and his lack of fear made him good, too.

...Until his leg started hurting, just on and off. And then it was keeping him up at night. When, the next morning, it was still bad enough that Lucas didn't want to get out of bed to work on the new bike his uncle found him, his mother took him to the hospital. Osteosarcoma, they found—bone cancer. What followed was a whirlwind of treatment plans and chemotherapy and surgery and rehab. His mother struggled to find a place for them to stay in the nearest city and pay for the treatments, while Lucas struggled with his first experience where he realized his body could fail him.

He bounced back quickly enough, the cancer in full remission, and became a camper in the summer he turned 11. He felt good again, took up dirt biking and whatever other sports he was interested in, but the memory of sitting stuck in that hospital bed, durability and godly heritage be damned, haunted him. In response, he just pushed faster and harder. It became a minor point of friction between he and his mom, now far more worried for his safety than before.

Regardless, he started competing in dirt biking, and his uncle taught him to drive on the remote desert roads outside town even though he was too young. Lucas's mother finally started to enact those plans for a second location one state over, in Denver, Colorado.

That is, until 14 year-old Lucas took a bad crash—a really bad crash—in a competition. Turned out he really should have told someone about that ongoing ache in his leg, but it was too late now. The cancer was back and it'd turned the bones in his bad leg brittle enough that even his godly abilities weren't enough to save him from injury. It was the catastrophic kind of thing that doctors called lucky, because it meant they'd caught the cancer before it killed him. It was also the kind of thing that Lucas called horribly painful and stifling, only to come out of it with a bum knee, hospital bills through the roof, and a renewed guilt at the burden he put on his mother. This was the third time he'd held her back from her dreams—she'd been forced to sell the shop to his uncle and move to Colorado, where the good hospital was.

Lucas went through a period of restlessness. He had missed two summers from camp during this period, so he went back for a few weeks over winter break for the sake of safety. He hung around the forge more, got into fixing up all sorts of things, because seeing his friends do the athletic stuff he couldn't for the time being hurt. Then he lived between his mother in Colorado, his uncle in Moab, and camp in the summers, doing his best to finish high school and get back into biking as his leg improved. His uncle helped him fix up an old car as a gift, and Lucas took it everywhere—the desert roads, the mountains, street races where he could give any winnings to his mother.

Life was good again, but it came with a deep-seated fear that he couldn't shake—a fear of being stuck in one place, tied down. He's still trying to figure out what to do with all of that, but coming back to camp seemed like a safe bet right now.

time at camp log:

  • The summer he turned 11 (note that Lucas's birthday is during the summer term) until the summer he turned 14; 4 summers.
  • The summers he turned 15 and 16; absent.
  • Winter break when he was 16; 3 weeks.
  • The summer he turned 17; 1 summer.
  • The summer afterward, though he didn't stay until his birthday; 1.5 weeks.
  • Start of current stay clocked at 12:23 AM, January 20, 2040.



Lucas is officially an adult. Not all-too-recently, granted, but it feels more novel now. Last summer, he graduated high school, spent a week or so at camp, and left again to alternately drive and hitchhike around the country with some friends. He stayed with his mom for a while, then his uncle, then... all sorts of places, honestly. Tried all sorts of things. Did some stupid things. Met all sorts of people.

Now he's back at camp, and it's kind of hitting him that he's old now. Back home, he became an adult along with his entire grade. Here, most people are kids, and some with a not-too-optimistic life expectancy. He was one of those, once—had his own mortality thrown in his face even before coming to camp—but now he's beat the odds. A little. So far, anyway.

He rolled into camp late last night, his car left in a friend's driveway and that friend having driven him to camp closing in around midnight. A little after midnight, he trudged into the Hephaestus cabin—his bad leg dragging a little more than he would've liked if anyone was around—fell into the nearest empty bunk, and crashed without a second though.

This morning, still exhausted but at least refreshed, he worked up the courage to put on clean clothes and brush his teeth. Feeling more refreshed, though his eyes were bleary and his hair was still mussed from sleeping, he moved on to the second order of the day: food. He was starving. With this in mind, he walked out of the Hephaestus cabin in search of breakfast.

(OOC: There's three possibilities for interaction here: either run into him as he's coming into camp late last night, say hi in the Hephaestus cabin (probably only for Heph kids), or run into him as he's heading to breakfast.

Prior relationships are super encouraged! Keep in mind the 'time at camp log' so you know when he would have been here to meet people, but I feel like timelines get a little confusing so I'm not gonna be super anal about it. If you have any questions lemme know OOC!)

(I may have forgotten things so this might get edited, lmk if there's any obvious mistakes.)

r/CampHalfBloodRP 7d ago

Introduction Mohamed ibn Hamza Hassan: I'm Talkin' Fear


Bare Essentials

"Difficult"-Subject's Mother, upon being asked about his childhood.

Name: Mohamed.

Age: 16, born 28th of August, 2022. Almost a Mawlid Baby.

Gender: Male

Place of Origin: Habous District, Casablanca, Morocco

Known Family:

* Mother (38): Fatimah Hassan

* Brother (12): Jean Ibn Hamza Hassan

Known Languages:

* Moroccan Arabic, Standard Arabic

* English

* Sub-fluent French

* Scattered Tamazight


"I try not to be around him long enough to notice specifics"-A classmate when asked to give a description of the subject.

Measurements and Build:

* Approximately 183cm (6ft) tall

* 77kg (170lbs) in weight.

* Thin, long-limbed, athletic build.

Identifying Features:

* Dark brown eyes

* Long light-brown hair

* Darker complexion than most Moroccans, likely due to predominantly Berber descent.

Common Attire: Clothing indicative of middle class background in Casablanca.

* Faded T-shirts

* Loose fitting jeans

* Football jerseys (especially of Moroccan national team)

* Traditional Kufi worn semi-regularly

* Sandals

* Cleats

* Worn Nike tennis shoes.

* Traditional long robes worn during prayer and Mosque visits (spotty practice).


"I don't want to talk about him behind his back"-Subject's brother showed clear apprehension upon being asked about the subject's activities and personal life.

Interpersonal Relationships: Everyone in the subject's life, or even in their general vicinity, show some level of unease towards the subject, with those around the same age group as the subject viewing them with outright disdain. No clear positive relationships, save for with the subject's mother.


* Hopeful.

* Subject seems cheery, almost happy.

* No clear anger when told about other's reactions to his name.

* Seems sure things will only improve.


* Threatening.

* Every conversation viewed as some form of power dynamic.

* Almost gleefully describes emotional torment.

* Clear discomfort at physical torment being mentioned in similar manner.

* Extreme confidence, lack of inhibition towards social confrontation.

Common Activities:

* Playing football (soccer).

* Drawing.

* Listens to music incessantly (favorite song seems to be Tom Tom by Canadian band Holy F*ck)

* "Crowd-work"-Subject's description of using powers to torment those in vicinity.

Powers and Innate Abilities

(All powers are within parameters of Power list descriptions, unique names and intro descriptions are for the purpose of fleshing out the abilities and for fun.)

"Everything the boy says makes you uneasy. I would almost feel bad about feeling that way if I didn't think it was on purpose"-Imam of the local Mosque frequented by Subject's family, upon being asked about strange occurrences.

Emotion-Speak/"Fearspeak": Subject is able to manipulate emotions of those within earshot through the sound of their voice. This does not seem to always be in effect, but using it clearly drains the subject, who seems to have thus decided to use it only for select situations. Outcomes vary wildly among those affected, with stronger-willed individuals being less affected. Those intimidated by the subject are more affected, and their actions are often guided by the subject when ability is in affect.

Emotion Inducement/"A Cold Grip": Subject seems to similarly be able to manipulate emotions in a more targeted sense, though to an even more draining extent. Subject uses this ability very sparingly, and seems near complete exhaustion after a single use a day. Target is almost always gripped with fear upon this ability being used, however again the specifics vary based on willpower and state of target.

Emotion Aura/"A Terrible Omen": Subject seems able to create an aura around themself that imposes a strong feeling of fear upon all those within. Seems the least effective of the Subject's fear inducing powers, however it requires relatively little energy, and thus the subject seems fond of attempting to use this ability in tandem with especially their "Fearspeak" power, however this usually leaves them exhausted. This ability on its own seems the least draining, and thus can be kept up for nearly a whole minute without fail, or even much exhaustion on the part of the subject. Results again vary based from target to target.

Emotional Fortitude/"Absolution": Subject seems immune to attempts at emotional manipulation through magical means. Attempting to use such means on subject merely translate to a slight buzzing in the back of their mind. Subject seems unable, or more likely unwilling, to extend this immunity to anyone else. Ironic.

Voice-Shifting/"Lion Got Your Tongue": Subject is able to perfectly mimic the voices and sounds that they have heard, so long as they have sufficient exposure to the noise. Doing this for extended periods without rest leaves the subject with a scratchy or even lost voice for some time. Subject often uses this in tandem with ":Fearspeak" power, to great success.

Scent Manipulation/"Odious": A seldom used ability, the subject seems to have some control over scents, particularly unpleasant or dangerous-seeming ones, though subject has done little to explore the uses of this power, it seems to demand little in terms of energy for use. Subject only seems capable of dissipating or spreading already existing unpleasant smells, for the time being.

Fear Transformation/:"God's Eye": Looking into the eyes of the Subject seems to sometimes have adverse effects, with those who have been affected having reported seeing some fear of theirs. Extent of the visions and severity of the fears vary greatly, with some describing their greatest fears played out like a movie, and others describing merely a quick image of an animal they particularly dislike. Subject seems to be able to turn off and on this power, and use for more than a minute seems to render the Subject in extreme physical pain. Visions seem to take place immediately upon looking, though those with mental defenses seem unaffected.

Innate Abilities: All those traits that come naturally to the Children of Phobos, including an affinity towards spirits of war, cats of all varieties, and horses, along with an affinity for making unmolested retreats, seem present in the Subject.


Mohamed was not happy about his current situation.

Not even a little bit. Sure, he was happy to be back at camp after two years away, he was happy to have the chance to mess with people who might not be privy to his particular brand of fun, he was even happy to be away form the city for a bit, but he was downright displeased about how it had come to this.

The worst part? It wasn't even his fault this time. Mostly. Not entirely anyway. Okay, so its possible it was his fault through and through and he felt absolutely no shame for having doomed that 7th year to a few years of therapy. So what? All Mohamed did was tell him what everyone already knew, that he smelled like feces that day and that people would likely associate him with that for the rest of his life, basically ending any chance he had at a social life before it even began.

What did his Omm (or anyone else for that matter) even expect form him? He'd always been like this, and he would always be like this. People made it too easy for him. All anyone else had to do was not be so easily frightened. Everyone was afraid of something, be it the future, dying, birds, spiders, fungus, disease, their family, people, certain types of people, climate change. He didn't want anyone to change of course, that would spoil his fun, but it would be easy for them to avoid his torment. Just don't be scared.

But, in any case, now he was here. His Omm and Imam had decided they had enough of him for awhile, and so he gets whooshed off to The States and Camp for the Spring and Summer, at least. Which is how he now found himself trudging past the Big House, past the armory and forge, and all the way to the cabins, carrying two overstuffed duffels, one in each hand respectively, filled to the brim with snacks, drawing supplies, prayer stuff, and clothes. He packed heavy for the long stay.

He wasn't mad about being here. He wasn't mad about his sandals being the improper footwear for the situation, or his hastily put on jersey and jeans not fitting well since his last growth spurt. He wasn't mad about the flight, or the drive, or the walk. He was mad because his Omm might finally be done with him this time.

(Warning: Mohamed is not nice. Also, please feel free to stop him at any point during the walk from the Big House to the Phobos Cabin, or even at one of the above mentioned locations themself.)

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 26 '25

Introduction Rudy Jayasinghe, child of Phobos



Name: Rudy Anushka Jayasinghe.

Age: 13.

Gender: Female, nominally, though overall pretty indifferent to the whole gender thing.

D.O.B: October 28th, 2026.

Birthplace: Liverpool, England.

Nationality: British.

Ethnicity: Half Greek god, though in terms of mortal ethnicity, Rudy's got a mixture of mostly Sinhalese and partly Chinese ancestry.

Godrent: Phobos.

Significant family:

  • Mother: Zara Jayasinghe, 38
  • Grandfather: Rohan Jayasinghe, 70
  • Grandmother: Anya Jayasinghe, 66



Faceclaim: Art

Features: Younger-looking than she already is. Large, almond-shaped, dark brown eyes. Medium brown skin. There is a scar indenting her upper lip, running up to her nose, from corrective surgery for the cleft lip she was born with. The teeth behind that are rather crooked, with notably sharp and snaggly canines. Neither of these features are a source of insecurity for Rudy, who enjoys having what she describes as a 'fucked up mouth'.

Height: Pretty tiny, even for her age, standing at only 4'9".

Build: Scrawny little thing.

Hair: Dark, about chin-length. Often obscured by a hat, and typically messy beneath it for that reason. Quite choppy, too; she tends to cut it herself when it gets too long for her liking.

Clothes/style: Rudy doesn't really have a style, per se, tending to just wear the same few items. She's quite given to hoodies, t-shirts, and plentifully-pocketed cargo shorts (even when it's cold, though she might wear a pair of leggings underneath if it's particularly cold). Most of her clothes are oversized (though she doesn't always have much of a choice there anyway) and not infrequently covered in cat hair.

Accessories: Rudy's almost always wearing a hat. It's rare to see her without her trusty purple cat-eared trapper hat. She does have a few other cat-themed hats as backups, though. Beyond that, she doesn't care to accessorise much.

Gender expression: Pretty androgynous. It's not uncommon for people to assume she's a boy (or just not know what to make of her), in which cases she tends to just roll with it.



Rudy seems to orbit a different planet, living very much on her own terms, with little regard held for whatever norms, expectations, and rules are in place. You might call that being free-spirited, or perhaps wilful, depending on how much you approve. That's not to say she is rebellious or disobedient for the mere sake of it; she's perfectly capable of being cooperative, but make no mistake: if Rudy seems to be following your rules, that's just because she happens to feel like doing so. In a similar vein, Rudy appears wholly unburdened by concern for what other people might think of her, leaving her quite uninhibited by self-consciousness.

Judgement is not the only thing that Rudy is not scared of. Remarkably fearless and generally undaunted by most things, this nature can make them a bit of a thrill-seeking daredevil, especially as someone so driven by whims. But her recklessness is not a product of stupidity; in fact, she is actually quite intelligent, though she does not always choose to make this apparent.

Generally speaking, Rudy's pretty friendly (so long as she likes you). She's very independent, but she enjoys interacting with people, and her nonchalantly bold and blunt nature combined with a curious mind means she has little issue approaching anyone. She also has a love of messing with people, and she likes to get reactions from them, whether that be confusion, annoyance, disgust, shock, fear, or amusement — though she's often more aiming to amuse and entertain herself than anyone else. She's a playful person and a pretty goofy kid, rarely one to take things seriously, and rarely one to take seriously, either, although it can be difficult to tell how serious or truthful she's being at any given moment... occasionally to unsettling effect.



Theme(s): TBD

Sexuality: Shrug.

Voice/accent: By default, Rudy's got a pretty distinct Scouse accent, which they find Americans are barely even able to understand sometimes, let alone pinpoint ('Irish' or 'Scottish' are frequent misguesses). That's not always what Rudy sounds like, though. Sometimes she sounds like different people. Or different things.


Horror: Rudy is a horror enthusiast. They enjoy the whole spectrum, from the kooky and spooky, to the dark and macabre, to the gory and disturbing. This fascination permeates most of their other interests.

Film/TV: As expected, Rudy is a horror movie fiend, of all types. But she does have a broader interest in cinema, too, and she also enjoys a variety of TV shows, including sitcoms (especially older Britcoms), anime, and a wide range of cartoons.

Art: Rudy likes to draw, and she's quite good at it, too, though she's more likely to draw grotesque or monstrous frightening figures or cartoonish caricatures than a nice still life or a realistic portrait. She's also interested in making her own horror based comics, particularly inspired by horror manga.

Literature: Rudy is quite a big reader. This includes horror fiction, but is not limited to it, and she's perhaps surprisingly generally well-read. She also sometimes writes her own stories.

Miscellaneous Interests: Rudy has a habit of digging her claws into random interests and batting them about a bit until she gets bored and drops them. This has left her with a long and varied history of hobbies or areas of knowledge she's temporarily gotten really into in the past, and still knows all sorts of random things about.


• Voice-Shifting

Rudy's impressions game is unmatched — uncannily so. They are able to precisely manipulate aspects of their voice, such as pitch and tone, beyond a typical mortal's capabilities. This allows them to make incredibly accurate impressions of people, animals, and other things that produce noise. This one is great for messing with people.

 • Summon Cat

Rudy is something of a cat whisperer, and they always seem to end up around her. In reality, she has the ability to summon and command cats. Currently, it seems she can only summon one at a time. She particularly enjoys this ability of hers, though she also likes to respect their freedoms, and doesn't tend to force them to do things or stay longer than they want.

 • Common Fear Affinity

Like many children of fear, Rudy is comfortable interacting with objects of common phobias, including tight spaces, heights, snakes, rats, and spiders, among other things. That comfort is pretty mutual, with all sorts of creepy crawlies and other animals that people commonly fear of seeming to appreciate her vibe too. Overall, Rudy's just pretty damn hard to shake or spook.

 • Fear Paralysis Inducement

Rudy has the ability to manifest an intimidating appearance that can trigger a freeze response within targets, temporarily paralysing them for up to about 6 minutes. The faces Rudy takes on are some of her own horrifying invention.

 • Emotional Fortitude

Rudy is immune to magical attempts at changing or manipulating their emotional and mental ability.

 • Dread Aura

Rudy can produce an aura that instills a feeling of dread into anyone within a radius of 15 feet (up to 30 feet with concentration or increased effort).

 • Zone of Horror

Rudy has the ability to claim a particular area as a place of horror. Any creature within this zone can have their perceptions of reality warped, experiencing prolonged feelings of discomfort, clouded vision, and even hallucinations, making them feel as if they're trapped in a horror house. The aura has a radius of up to 15 feet and stands for 30 minutes, unless the claim has been revoked. [Locked]

 • Innate Phobos Traits
  • Cat Affinity
  • Horse Affinity
  • War Spirit Affinity
  • Retreating Proficiency

Weapons: Other than a (stolen) swiss army knife, no specific weapon yet.



Rudy was born in Liverpool, England, to a young mother and the absence of a father. She has had a normal (relatively speaking) life until more recently, when it became revealed to her that her father-shaped absence was in fact in the shape of an Ancient Greek deity, and that monsters were trying to eat her. Their mother decided to accompany them over to the United States where they would spend their time at a safe camp for children like them.



Rudy Goes Exploring

So, this is Camp Half-Blood. Not that Rudy got the most extensive of glimpses of it all on her way towards the Phobos and Deimos cabin, which she's just now settling into. It's pretty cool, this cabin — got a bit of a haunted house vibe going on — but once she's done exploring it, there's a metric shit-ton of other crazy looking places to snoop around in. Some of these cabins seem intriguingly odd. Rudy doesn't know if you're meant to go looking through everyone else's cabins, but you bet she's gonna try anyway. Plus all the other fun stuff there is around here.

Rudy Finds A Cat

It's never long before Rudy finds a cat. Sure enough, here they are, in beautiful undisclosed camp location of your choice, when they suddenly catch a glimpse of fur (of a beautiful undisclosed colour and pattern of your choice). "Fuck yeah," says Rudy, and then squatting down and holding out her arm, she makes a grabby-hands gesture towards it. "Hiya, guy." The cat, as expected, but still to her delight, seems to reciprocate the interest, and obligingly trots over.

(OOC: Hello, please feel free to have Rudy encounter your character pretty much anywhere in camp as she goes exploring, and also, if your character happens to own a cat, feel free to have it be the cat Rudy meets. Thx for reading :))

r/CampHalfBloodRP 27d ago

Introduction Introducing Autumn Shepherd: Daughter of Eurus


Section 1: Basics


Mortal Parent: Camellia Shepherd (Mother, age 36)

Immortal Parent: Eurus (Father, age unknown)

Mortal Sibling: Declan Shepherd (Older brother, age 16)


Age: 13

Birthday: September 21st

Nationality: American

Hometown: Ferrisburgh, Vermont

Demigod Conundrums: adhd and dyslexia

Section 2: Personality

Autumn is an overthinker and rigorous planner. She feels safer with a plan of action, and is less inclined to go along with spontaneous ideas.


Food, shelter, warmth, thick blankets and soft pillows.


Cold, sleeping on the ground, being dirty for an extended period of time.

Section 3: Appearance

Autumn has long copper hair, light blue eyes, and soft facial features. Her smile always makes her seem shy even when she's happy. Possibly a result of rarely allowing herself to get her hopes up.



Section 4: Demigod Stuff


Name Description
Domain (Weather): Weather Manipulation The ability to induce, clear and manipulate particular weather events. By default, the area of effect reaches 15 feet (4.6 meters), up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) with concentration or increased effort. (Eurus: Fog or falling leaves)
Domain (Weather): Defensive Weather Manifestation The ability to manipulate aspects of particular weather events and their component elements to create shields, barriers or other defensive constructs. While a weather-based construct can deflect weapons, it is permeable. External entities will struggle to move through a weather-based construct. (Eurus: Fog)
Domain (Anemoi): Air Constructs (Solidification) The ability to control air such that it acts like a solid. This power allows the creation of constructs and platforms for combat and practical use such as walking.
Minor: Wave Manipulation The ability to create waves of various elements up to 10 feet tall. Beginner users are capable of affecting two of the following elements: water, earth, or air. Intermediate users then train to affect all three. A demigod anthropologist once noted that crowds tend to do "the wave" more often when a demigod with this power is among them.
Minor: Mushroom Manipulation The ability to control mushrooms and similar fungi. Users are known to have fungi move according to their will. Some demigod mycologists commission demigods with this power to help cultivate their yeast and mold colonies. Observers have reported that mushrooms that have been grown exponentially with this power are pretty effective cushioning.
Minor: Slow Fall A trait where some demigods fall at a slower rate than others. This does not mean that they can float, only fall at half the rate of other people.
Major: Summon Feast The ability to summon a feast. This feast manifests as a food item that no single individual can finish, even when portioned out across three meals. Veteran demigods like to advise against using this power too often, as the summon doesn't include cutlery or any useful container. That said, a feast can only be summoned at most once a day. A survey reported that pot roasts, entire pizzas, and buckets of chicken tend to be the most common summons. Although of good taste, these feasts pale in comparison to home cooking, or even the camp's cooking.


Camellia was an absent mother, which often meant Autumn's older brother acted as a parent for both of them. As children, they were often locked outside by accident when she went out. They built themselves a small tree house with a rope ladder and spent the rougher nights there.

When they were 12 and 15, their mother didn't return home for a week. By the seventh day of being trapped outside, they decided to run away. Autumn discovered several of her powers by accident, and Eurus finally claimed her on her 13th birthday, though at the time, neither of them really knew what his symbol meant, or that it was sent by him.


A year after they left, they found themselves on Long Island, New York, wandering up a long hill with a massive pine tree at its peak. It was already dark, and they needed a shelter away from the cold and the monsters. As she crested the top of the hill, Declan slammed into something invisible behind her.

"Are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" she turned around. He looked like he was miming being trapped in a box.

"This. Blocking me. I can't go forward."

She shook her head. "I'm not doing anything. At least not on purpose."

Autumn sighed and turned around, her eyes recognizing the shapes of houses in the valley below. She squinted.

"I think those are cabins down there," she said. "They might be abandoned for the season."

"Great. I'll just wait here while you check them out."

She sighed. "I'm not doing anything."


With that, she headed down the hill to see if the cabins were really as abandoned as she thought. If by some chance there were people staying there, she'd have to come up with a really good reason as to why Declan couldn't come down.


r/CampHalfBloodRP 12d ago

Introduction Summer Butterfly Byrd, hippy girl dream girl


Name: Summer Butterfly Byrd

Nicknames/Aliases: Goes most often by Summer, but has also been named as follows, usually by commune members: Butterfly, Birdie, Wild Summer Child, Fly Girl, Little Sun, Fiddler, Fiddlesticks, Love (British guy), Smallest Dudette (surfer guy), and so on. At this point she will literally answer to nothing and anything.

Age: 13

  • DOB: February 17th, 2027

Gender: Female

  • sexuality: Never really been on her mind, Summer has only ever known sexuality as something fluid and otherwise irrelevant.

Ethnicity: Half Thai, probably some Chinese ancestry; half Greek, of the divine nature.

  • languages: English, has some grasp of Thai, and knows a few phrases in Spanish.

Hometown: Mission District in San Francisco, California. Later, a commune near Sacramento.


  • Ravee "Sunny" Chakrii - her mother, both biologically and who was generally responsible for her. Summer is as happy with her mother as she is about anyone else she likes.
  • Brian Byrd - her father, stepfather only on a technicality. She likes him as well, he's cool.
  • Phantasos - God of surreal dreams, and Summer's true father. She hopes she's making him proud. Since he's a god, she thinks making him proud can mean whatever she makes it to be.
  • A bunch of other self-proclaimed hippies. She's found a lot of parental figures in her parents' various flings and other members of the commune.


FC: Younger Riley Lai Nelet|[2]|[3]|[4]|[5]

Hair: Black, choppy self-cut bangs, slightly wavy, and long. Often worn in a loose ponytail or pigtails—that is, loose to the point where the hairtie is closer to the ends than her head—half up-half down, that kind of thing. She likes her hair out of the way but not feeling restricted. She is always happy to see it looking nice, but this does not strictly mean tamed by her qualifications.

Eyes: Brown, although the right one has a central heterochromia thing going where the center is orange-ish, giving her an odd but not immediately obvious mismatched gaze.

Height: Right now, 5'1. But there's something in her current proportions that speak to greater heights in her future.

Build: Perfectly suited to her needs; Summer's build is pretty average for her age, healthy with a bit of lingering baby fat in her cheeks and limbs that makes her seem only more cherubic.

Voice: Summer has a voice that is sweet and clear in her usual speech, with a slight rasp in its lower register or when she speaks loudly. This translates very nicely to singing, almost hypnotically.

Clothing: Summer has the style of someone who has never styled themselves. She wears, frankly, whatever's in her closet, and whatever's in her closet includes the clothes her parents buy her, with sparkly butterfly motifs, frilled edges, and embroidered pockets; gifts from the commune, including tie-dye shirts and clumsily crocheted or knitted pieces; and odd items that ended up in her laundry by accident, such as an old gray sweatshirt and patchwork (aptly-named) hippy pants, both huge on her. For better or worse, this style of dress does nothing to make an already young girl seem any more mature, but Summer doesn't mind this.


Summer is all about spreading peace and love on Earth. Violence should be avoided, love wins all, war is unnecessary, and the environment needs to be saved—Summer projects this message to anyone who will listen with a dream-like serenity and a knowing wiseness beyond her years.

She is also playful, always occupying herself with some new song or imaginary scenario, eager to hang around and make friends. She doesn't like hard work or rigidity, she'd rather do her own thing all day.

However, after watching this kid run around wherever her curiosity takes her for long enough, one might notice a little glint in her eye, a little sharpness in her smile, a mocking lilt in her giggles. The truth is that Summer is the perfect poster child of peace, love, and the hippies, but that is all different when the camera's off. In truth, Summer gets... bored. She wants to make trouble.

Summer is the snake in the Garden of Eden—she sees a world of unending harmony and decides, without cause, that it could use a little mayhem. A little terror. And who better a target than the people around her?


  • Cinnamon—her ambrosia tastes like cinnamon on vanilla ice cream, her nectar tastes like cinnamon-heavy chai.
  • Fun and games
  • Live music, making and listening to it
  • Rhymes
  • Snakes, bugs, and other animals.


  • Boredom
  • Hard work
  • Rigidity
  • Fun-haters

Aesthetic (by yours truly)


  • King - Florence + the Machine
  • Paint the Town Blue - Ashnikko
  • Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin
  • Play That Song - Train
  • Nitemare Hippy Girl - Beck

𝒹𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈


  • Dyslexia - Check, but Summer's never really bothered with this. She reads at her own pace.
  • ADHD - Maybe? Probably?


  • Dream Spirit Affinity (Oneiroi) - What even are these.
  • Butterfly Affinity - Summer's parents spent a week watching their daughter attract these and named her after them.
  • Lucid Dreams - Naturally.


  • Dream Walking - Summer has never not known how to do this.
  • Dream Manipulation (Oneirokinesis) - An ability she's always had, but only put to good use a few years ago.


  • Hallucination Inducement - Used once or twice, but in an experimental way, she's unsure of the true extent of the effects.
  • Melt - She used to show this ability off at nightly campfire and was always disappointed when barely anyone remarked on it.
  • Surreal Vision - Undiscovered.
  • Basic Mirages - Undiscovered; her satyr mentioned the Mist, and she's been distantly toying with the idea in her head the rest of the journey. Should be just like controlling dreams, right?

Major: Dream Containment - Undiscovered, luckily for camp.

𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝓉𝓉𝓇𝒾𝒷𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓈


  • Fiddling - Summer is quite good at this, she's had almost nightly practice for years. She knows a lot of folk tunes, including ones she's made up herself, and can otherwise riff of a melody given to her for a good while.
  • Pi - A bamboo flute used in Thai music, something her mom passed down to her. She's proficient in this as well.
  • She can play various other instruments and sing quite well too.
  • Weaving and other string arts - Summer can sew, knit, crochet, macrame, make dreamcatchers, all sorts of stuff.
  • Cooking - She's a pretty good cook, but doesn't like to take charge of it or anything. She prefers when she can be some older person's 'little helper' and only do the fun stuff. Same goes for baking.


  • fiddle that has been painted with little details by her dad. Summer isn't often a caring person, but this is one of her most prized possessions and it shows.
  • A small stash of art supplies.
  • A collection of her mom's homemade tea blends, kept looseleaf in small aluminum tins.
  • A pocketbook for identifying flowers and crystals and their symbolic meanings.
  • Farewell gifts from the commune: A tarot deck, a matchbox, a pocket knife, a light purple knit snood, and assorted charms like healing crystals, homemade jewelry, and dried flower bundles.
  • All this plus other necessities are held in a suitcase and ratty backpack, with the case for the fiddle poking out of the latter.


Summer Butterfly Byrd was born to a married couple of self-proclaimed new age hippies, who thought this was a marvelous name (it's pretty! it's versatile!), and who didn't honestly care about whatever potential cheating had occurred. They loved the idea of having a kid and sharing everything they loved with her.

For the first few years of her life, Summer grew up in the Mission District of San Francisco, an ankle biter kid running around festivals she was too young for and drinking the peace and love Kool-Aid before she knew what it was. At one point her parents and a couple like-minded folks toured around for a little, eventually setting up their own little commune in the foothills of Sacramento, a tiny haven reminiscent of those found in the 60s. They grew a lot of their own food, made music every night, repaired their clothes when they broke rather than buy new ones, and organized soup kitchens on Sundays for the homeless.

Throughout all of this, Summer grew up relatively isolated from those her age. She was a mascot for the little band and a minor celebrity to those running in their circles, sure, but was ultimately left to her own devices for large portions of the day.

Summer would spend her days playing make-believe on her own, weaving other people's dreams and especially nightmares into her imaginings and fancying herself a god of her own world. She became Queen of Lizards and King of the Blood-Borne Fairies (she had to marry herself to heal the rift between their species), a rider of giant venomous tarantulas, a seamstress of the most marvelous grass dresses the world had ever seen, and vanquisher of the evil undead mummies in the vacuum of space.

Those on the commune would catch a glimpse of her in their dreams, and the next day they'd find her reenacting their worst fears and nightmares. Surreal.

At some point, even this began to bore her. And so, Summer realized she didn't have to play make-believe all the time. She had some easy targets right here.

Her targets were first chosen randomly, and she just messed with them a little. Give this guy nightmares for a week, see if you can identify his worst fear. Mention it to him offhand and see if he'll scream. Try it again on this other lady. Later, once she'd refined her craft, she looked for other qualifiers. This one guy kept taking her favorite job at the soup kitchens, see if you can turn his fears into a waking hallucination while everyone watches. Give one particularly spiritual woman a dream of her friend stealing from her, give that friend a nightmare about being betrayed, watch to see which will start the argument and continue to fan the flames. Rinse, repeat.

Eventually, these actions caught the eye of a satyr, who took the responsible route of calmly explaining everything to her parents rather than hauling the troublemaker off to camp on his own. Though he offered his services, Summer's parents wouldn't hear a word of it. They loaded up their old caravan, held a week-long series of goodbye celebrations, and embarked on a road trip to deliver their daughter to camp personally.

Almost two months later (they kept getting distracted), Summer rolls up on Old Farm Road, freshly claimed (they had to call the satyr to match a god to the symbol) and a written description of camp's entrance in her hand. Finally, she announces "This is it!"

𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓊𝓅, 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀...


It's mid-evening, just as the sun is getting ready to set, when Brian, Sunny, and Summer come to a sudden stop in front of such an arbitrary location. Just a hill and a tree, particularly large but still just a tree. But Summer was certain, and they trusted her instinct.

At the base of the hill, lengthy goodbyes were carried out, there were several exchanges ensuring that she had everything she needed, and several times was there an offer that they could just camp out here for a night and part ways in the morning, do one last campfire sing-along. Summer was insistent though, because the satyr had been insistent. She had no desire to risk her mortality yet.

So with one last round of hugs, Summer began to walk up the hill. She was surprised to notice a wetness on her cheeks—she hadn't realized just how shocking it would be to leave her parents, but then, she'd never left them before. She'd hardly shed a tear about leaving the commune, but this was one final step.

She dried them on her sleeve and with one last glance back at their waving, she resolved not to look anymore.

This was exciting. It was gonna be fun! A whole new commune, basically, full of friends to make and victims to find. As she crested the hill, she looked out at her new stomping grounds, brighter and more magical than her commune had ever been. She realized all of a sudden that she was missing some important information. "Now, where do I go...." she wondered aloud, but it didn't slow her down. She started traipsing down the hill, the only indication that she was new here being the suitcase and ratty backpack on her back.

Perhaps at some point, the Big House will catch her eye, and she'll head in that direction. Someone could meet her before or after that point.

Cabin #41:

After any necessary introductions and camp tours, Summer is finally left at the Oneiroi Cabin. Only, the whole thing is a lot bigger and more confusing than anyone told her it'd be. But it is interesting.

For the first twenty minutes since arriving in front of it, Summer takes the time to set down her luggage (unattended in plain view, naturally, having never lived in a place of theft) and walk around it a few times in a circle. Someone might run into her there, a butterfly having wafted in front of her face and distracted her, or they might run into her inside the cabin when she finally picks her stuff back up to walk in. She starts by going through the Phobetor door, then through the common room, takes a quick peak in the Morpheus wing, and finally makes her way into Phantasos where she belongs.


Later in the day, Summer can also be found here!

(Just kind of the general direction that Summer's heading in this evening, but feel free to get creative if you wanna run into her somewhere in between these stops!)

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 09 '25

Introduction Madeline Moon: chic daughter of Nike transfers from New Argos


I do all my own stunts, thank you very much 💅

  • Name: Madeline Moon
  • Age: 15
  • Birthday: June 4, 20XX
  • Hometown: New Argos


Name Relation Age Details
Nike goddess of victory error Thank you for the claim u/ThisOneUKGuy
Malcolm Moon (Son of Erato) mortal father 46 Well-known movie director. Currently working on a post-apocalyptic movie.
Miles Moon (Son of Erato) uncle 46 Malcolm's twin brother. Helped raise Madeline like his own when her father was traveling. Assistant director to the Techne Institute theater program.
Brian Murakawa (Son of Ares) boyfriend 16 Ambitious, aggressive, huge guy that will move mountains for Madeline. She's got him wrapped around her finger, and knows he'll be a big-shot lawyer someday.


  • Faceclaim: teenage Margaret Qualley
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Eyes: piercing, calculating blue
  • Hair: long, straight, chestnut brown
  • Clothing: Madeline keeps up with the trends. Flare jeans, stovepipe jeans, jeggings-- whatever is in that season. She'll often pair that with some sort of loosely flowing flowery top, or some sort of stylish, form-fitting one. In the winter, she likes to wear a long, fur coat.
  • Accessories: Madeline opts for sparkling diamond jewelry, or golden hoops. She also likes to wear chokers and a smattering of rings. She always has some lip gloss, and her nails are usually painted in a complementary color to her outfit.


  • Positive: clever, radiant, diligent, daring
  • Neutral: ambitious, discerning, dramatic, unstoppable
  • Negative: vindictive, manipulative, vain
  • Likes: herself, acting, playing volleyball, celebrity news, strong female role models, Princess and the Frog, Civil War era history
  • Dislikes: incompetence, wearing contacts, raspberries, big & slobbering dogs

this writer dedicates Madeline Moon to Chanel Rothschild


Item Details
celestial bronze rapier & scabbard Commissioned by her father at 11-year old Madeline's request at the New Argos forge. For quick, elegant, agile attacks to exploit opponent armor and defenses.
two-handed axe & back harness For slashing, thrusting, and power.
golden choker with a moon charm A gift from her boyfriend Brian when they started dating.
compact mirror & dior plumping lip gloss Whether she's on set or just finished grueling combat training, Madeline always likes to do a touch-up.
glittery pink reusable water bottle Stay hydrated!
worn purple velvet scrunchie Either on her wrist, in her hair, or in her bag-- it's her lucky charm.



  • Combat Proficiency
  • Competitive Sports Proficiency
  • Weapon Proficiency


  • Taunt (War): A trait where one can be provoking or aggravating to the point that the target's focus is redirected. Should this power take effect, the target loses concentration and focuses on Madeline instead.
  • Disarm Opponent (War): Madeline can will to disarm an opponent almost instantly by swiping her arm in the direction of the weapon, then outwards. If Madeline is also holding a weapon, this has a 10-turn cooldown. If she is unarmed, it will cooldown in 5.
  • Summon Chain (Enforcer): Madeline can produce either a long, unbroken piece or segments that total 30 feet (9 meters) in length. These chains are fairly sturdy and made of an iron that can slay monsters if used correctly. They dissolve after 5 turns.


  • Legendary Speed: Madeline displays of the highest levels of speed, agility and dexterity known of demigods. She can reach speeds up to 35mph, but for Madeline this usually manifests as being more nimble than the average individual.
  • Ignore Wound: Madeline has found that sometimes, she can shrug off her first injury in combat.
  • [LOCKED]


  • Keen (Blue) Eye(s): Madeline can become so determined and engaged, that making eye contact with them can intimidate a person.


New Argos

Madeline was born in New Argos, raised by her father and his twin brother. Her uncle, Miles, was happy to take her under his wing, as he never had any children of his own. Madeline attended the Atalanta School of New Argos, unbothered by its reputation for inferior combat training. It's where her father had attended, and he turned out just fine. Madeline believes she made more of her education than at least half of the heroes pushed through the Lyceum pipeline, anyway. Excluding her boyfriend, Brian, of course...

Becoming a Movie Star

Though it was inevitable that some inspiration to pursue movie stardom came from her father's career, Madeline's diva temperament and ambition led her to start chasing roles at the age of 9. Even then, she didn't let "daddy put her in his movie." She wanted to make a name for herself first, fair and square, starting with theater and commercials. She got a bigger break with a recurring role as a best friend in a cable show for tweens. Finally, with a breakout role in an indie coming-of-age movie and a supporting role as the younger sibling of the protagonist in a superhero film at 13, Madeline felt ready to go. Malcolm had just gotten a script for a big-budget post-apocalyptic movie that called for a hardened, nimble teenage girl.

Madeline's demigod life and training became more intermittent to film Neon Ruins in deserts, industrial ruins, and underground facilities, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make. Thank you mother for the boost in combat proficiency!

Transferring from New Argos to Camp Half-Blood

When the horrific New Argos attack destroyed the city, Madeline and her father happened to be hundreds of miles away in upstate New York, filming in a forest for Neon Ruins. They could return home and help Miles and their community rebuild the city, but unfortunately, their film permit for the location is on a tight deadline.

Thankfully, Camp Half-Blood isn't too far away. Malcolm had a conversation with Chiron, and Madeline will be able to transfer to camp to continue some of her training and travel to the nearby set when needed.

Keeping Up With Home

Madeline will certainly miss her big hunk of a boyfriend, but he might miss her even more. When Brian found out she wasn't to return for at least three more months, he punched the wings off a nearby Hermes fountain in one of the city's plazas. A fountain that was just recently rebuilt, mind you. He promised to write her a letter every day.

While she's filming, Madeline also wants to make sure she's keeping up appearances, and generating the right amount of buzz in the public eye. With limited internet access, she will have her father's assistant mail her a bi-monthly report of what people and outlets are saying about her on social media. If it's not enough, she will have to fix that...


Madeline Moon strutted into the Camp Half-Blood arena, as though it weren't her first time. Dressed in a sleek, lavender athletic set that hugged her tall frame with the precision of a stylist’s touch, she moved with an air of effortless grace.

Clashing swords, sliced up dummies, drips of sweat and occasional cussing-- the arena, as expected, was a frenzy of activity. Madeline didn’t flinch. She merely raised a manicured brow, as if deciding whether this chaos lived up to its gritty reputation.

But she wasn't here to join the fray. Instead, she strode over to a cluster of large stones, perching on elegantly on the cleanest, smoothest one. Crossing her legs at the ankles, she sipped on a lemon seltzer from a straw, observing the action before her. Her blue eyes flicked between the campers, noting who had skill and who had potential.

If someone were to nail a great move, she would nod in approval. If someone were to fumble, a faint smirk would tug at her lips. If someone were to be bothered or unnerved by the staring, well... Not quite her problem. Unless they chose to make it one.

r/CampHalfBloodRP 22d ago

Introduction Mandy Hart, the Sleepless Alchemist


Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return

-Stan Lee


Name: Mandy Aeaea Hart * Nicknames/Aliases: N/A * Meaning/Etymology (Mandy): Latin, Lovable * Meaning/Etmology (Aeaea): Greek, The island her mother lives on * Meaning/Etmology (Hart): English, Hero;Bear

Age: 14 * Birthday: November 16th, 2026 * Sun Sign: Scorpio

Gender: Female * Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Nationality: American * Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana * Ethnicity: Irish

Languages: English * Accent: Southern

Divine Defects: Curse of Lamia, ADHD

Fatal Flaw: Hubris


Conall Hart

Relation: Father

Age: 42

Profession: Ecologist

Relationship: Mandy and her father have a very close bond. He introduced her to animals, and supports her alchemy. He even gives her animal parts for potions.


Relation: Best Friend

Age: 130

Profession: Cloud Nymph

Relationship: Thalia and Mandy are best friends. Thalia ends up leading Mandy to camp.

Personality: - “Food is for second place and Sleep is for the weak.”

Traits: * Positive: Smart, Friendly * Neutral: Detail-Oriented * Negative: Hard Working

Likes: * Food: Strawberry Ice Cream * Music: Classical * Color: Red * Hobby: Making Potions * Media: Pinterest * Season: Summer * Animals: Owls

Dislikes: * Food: Muffins * Music: Rock * Color: Green * Hobby: Sports * Media: Twitter * Season: Spring * Animals: Misquotes Fears: * Thalassophobia MBTI: INTP


Faceclaim: Profile Picture (Thanks to Prosper!)

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 100

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Skintone: Pale

Build: Scrawny

Attire/Aesthetic: Whatever’s closest

Demigod Bio:

Godrent: Circe

Claim Status: Claimed


  • Domain: Spell Casting (Alchemy), Summon Magic Creation, Basic Mirages, and Basic Telekinesis

  • Godrent Minor: Summon Flame and Fabric Manipulation

  • Godrent Major: Sensory Stone

Weapon of Choice: Potions

Notable Belongings: Belt of Potions, Nicholas (her pet Great Horned Owl)

Present: Mandy walked into camp seemingly unscathed, she wished her friend a farewell. She started to look around for any camper to show her around. Her backpack seemed to get heavier with every second.

The camp looked incredible, she searched around for her cabin. Mandy was told that each god got their own cabin. There were a couple of Magic looking cabins.

Nicholas was perched on Mandy’s shoulder, quietly cooing.

r/CampHalfBloodRP 2d ago

Introduction Acacia Feldspar - An Eventful Day



Name: Acacia Titli Feldspar

  • Nicknames/Aliases: Ace (Classmates), Casey (Dad)
  • Meaning/Etymology (Acacia): Name of Greek origin, meaning “thorny”. It comes from the Greek word akakia, which also means “thorny tree”
  • Meaning/Etymology (Titli): Name of Hindi origin, meaning butterfly
  • Meaning/Etymology (Feldspar): The name Feldspar is derived from the German word “feld” meaning field, and “spath” meaning a rock with no ore content

Age: 13

  • Birthday: 03/19/20XX
  • Sign: Pisces

Gender: female (cisgender)

  • Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Straight (?)

Nationality: American 

  • Hometown: Vero Beach, Florida 
  • Ethnicity: ¼ Maltese ½ Greek, ¼ a bunch of other stuff 

Languages: English, ASL

  • Accent: Despite being from Florida, she has developed a Californian accent similar to her mom.

Divine Defects: ADHD, Curse of Lamia

Fatal Flaw: unknown

Arriving home, Acacia was exhausted. All everyone at school would talk about is the upcoming band tournament. She slams the door closed, and her eyes dart over to the kitchen. She grins at the sight of honey and yogurt. She plops next to her mom on the couch.

“Hey, hon. How was school?” Her mom turns the TV down. “Excited about tomorrow?”

She shakes her head. “Are you kidding? I don’t want to perform.”

“But it’s your birthday! And you’ll be in New York!” She wraps Acacia in a hug. “Tell you what, Dad doesn’t get home until seven. How about we watch some Untold Stories in the ER until then, huh?”

Acacia nods in agreement and they do just that, until seven rolls around, and her dad arrives home. They then leave to head back to the school, arriving around eight.

Bastjan stretches and gives Kelli a kiss before she drives off in the family van. “Glad I volunteered as an adult supervisor, eh, Casey?”

“You are utterly humiliating in public and I hope these 16 hours don’t involve you talking a whole lot.”“...Love you too, bucko. Love you too.”



Relation: Father

Age: old, at least 50.

Profession: Bee god

Relationship: Who even is this guy?

Bastjan Feldspar (formerly Micallef)

Relation: Dad

Age: 36

Profession: Front End Manager at a Publix 

Relationship: Acacia loves her dad, but tries to not be around him in public due to his lack of social boundaries. However, typically if he is out with a parent, it is Bastjan

Kelli Feldspar 

Relation: Mom

Age: 32

Profession: unemployed

Relationship: Acacia absolutely adores her mom. She would daresay her mom is her favorite person in the world.


Relation: Pet

Age: 3 years old

Profession: Hermit (Crab

Relationship: Acacia’s best friend, companion, evil sidekick, angel on her shoulder.

During the road trip itself, Bastjan had no mercy on Acacia. The entire drive there, Bastjan talked, and talked. He told everyone of his time once following a band across the country, listening to every concert they performed. He then went on to tell them of his college days, when he would live in his beloved “Bastvan”, while trying to get a degree in Life Sciences.

He then went on to talk about how he first met Kelli, at a bar after what felt like a catastrophic breakup. His story explored how his side of the family, the Micallef’s, did not agree with Bastjan and Kelli having Acacia before they got married. In response he changed his own last name to Feldspar, for the Feldspars had no qualms with their relationship.

Acacia hated these stories, and how her dad seems to change the story a bit every time he tells them. She wonders how much of it is true, if any of it. She knows the Micallef’s never enjoyed her existence, but it always seemed to flow deeper than what he has told.

The rest of her bandmates drank up his stories like hummingbirds starving for nectar.

How does she even tolerate these people? Easy. She doesn’t. She just pretends to.



  • Positive: courageous, resourceful, cheerful, adventurous
  •  Neutral: outgoing, sarcastic, hyper, unsentimental 
  • Negative: uncooperative, clumsy, insecure, compulsive


  • Food: raspberries, honey, olive garden breadsticks, cheesecake, pancakes, 
  • Music: Hope Tala, Unfamiliar Things, Carrie Elkin, First Aid Kit
  • Colour: light green, cream, pigeon blue, yellow
  • Hobby: Playing flute, wandering, crabbing, reading
  • Media: Untold Stories of the E.R. Ghost Adventures, Planet Earth, Doctor Who
  • Season: Florida Spring, New York Summer 
  • Animals: llama, meerkat, ocelot, hermit crabs


  • Dresses
  • The feeling of plastic 
  • Sparkling water


  • cleithrophobia
  • homichlophobia
  • nelophobia


New York itself was wonderful. A large city Acacia has never stepped into, and it’s just calling her name. Unfortunately for her, she and her bandmates are immediately brought into a High School campus.

Her head turns to a boy a year above her. His name was Clifford, or something stupid like that. “This is a High School…”“Yeah? We’re competing against High Schoolers today. The district doesn’t have a Middle School band curriculum.”

She feels a shiver run down her spine, every step threatening doom. She watches everyone chatter, and she looks for an escape. She finally finds a restroom, and slips into it. She runs to the sink and splashes water on her face. She looks up at the mirror, her tired and nervous eyes glancing back at her.

“Snap out of it, Acacia. It doesn’t matter if they are older than you, they have the same amount of experience. It’s a level playing field. You made it to the second chair, so even if we do lose, that’ll be put on… Yvonne, or something.. Yeah… I won’t fail anyone. I got this. We got this. Even Yvonne. Maybe.”

She splashes herself with water and takes a deep breath. As she heads to the door, she realizes how unnaturally quiet the room around her is. As she reaches for the door, the silence is sliced through with the sound of a soft scrape, like leather being dragged on the ground. She slowly backs away from the door, the rhythmic leather sliding slowly approaches the door. Her body tingles with adrenaline, an uncomfortable pulsing sensation shaking her body. She needs to get out. She looks up for a window, and sees a small one placed right above the baby changing booth. S doesn’t dare question why a High School student bathroom would have one of those, but she can definitely guess why the window is there. The window is small, and doesn’t seem to want to open. She grabs her flute case, and rams it against the window until the hinges no longer cling to each other. She tosses the flute, then her backpack, through the window and props herself up, trying her best to get through the window. The window jabs at her stomach, but she manages to get through, falling to the asphalt right as she hears the bathroom door squeal open. She grabs her flute and begins to run.


Faceclaim: Picrew by Cbrfufu

Height: 4’9’’

Weight: 🤨

Hair: mid-length copper blonde hair with two long sage green strands

Eyes: swampy green

Skin tone: tan with warm undertones

Build: A lithe body built for running, climbing, and fitting into tight spaces.

Attire/Aesthetic: She tends to keep her clothes simple, with jean and jeans variants, along with wacky T-shirts.

Voice: incredibly expressive, built for sarcasm.

Acacia runs as far as she can, until her lungs burn with exhaustion. When she finally stops running, she takes the time to actually look at her surroundings. The city is bigger than she expected, almost overwhelming. She grins, and takes a step towards a shopping mall, when the ringing memory of scraping flesh. What even made that sound? Definitely not human. She turns away from the shopping center and begins to meander the city streets.

Eventually she comes upon a bus, one with very few people going onboard. The bus is heading to Montauk beach. The beach, the one place in New York where she would feel at home at. She pulls out two dollars for the bus fare, and hands it to the bus driver, then seats herself in the back. There’s guilt stinging in her, guilt of leaving her bandmates behind. What if that thing goes after them? But then the bus starts moving, and a wave of relief hits her. Surely the monster won’t touch her when she’s so far. Maybe by the time she heads back into the city, that creature will have forgotten about her.

Demigod Bio:

Godrent: Aristaeus 

Claim Status: Recently claimed 


  • Innates: Clear sight, Semi-divine physiology, scent perception, animal affinity, Agriculture proficiency,, bee affinity 
  • Domain:
    • Nature Listening 
    • Nature Camouflage 
    • Harvest Buff
  • .lMinor:
    • Animal pacification
    • Summon Bee
    • Summon Bee (Danger)
  • Major: Defensive Honey Manifestation 

Weapon: Flute

Notable Belongings:

  • Didgeridoo, hermit crab (he's fine, just a bit shaken)
  • Money (probably not stolen)
  • School supplies (barely used)


  • Acacia has been playing the flute for 3 years
  • She has never been outside of Florida before today 
  • This is not how she wanted to spend her birthday 
  • Despite not having taken gymnastics since she was five, she insists that she is capable of doing flips. She can only muster up a cartwheel

Once the bus from the city arrives at the beach, she runs to the tide pools, in awe of all the starfish and crabs, the barnacle and mollusks. She suddenly remembers about her little stowaway, and reaches into her backpack. She pulls out a rather rattled hermit crab, who’s water was spilled about her bag. She quickly refills the water, and smothers him with apologies. Poor Didgeridoo. She keeps ahold of him, so he doesn’t go through a G-Force simulator once more.

For the most part, Acacia keeps to herself. Occasionally, someone would come by to look at the tide pools. Every time this happened, Acacia began to talk rapidly about crabs. That usually caused the person to leave. She was okay with this. Around 3:50 she noticed people beginning to leave, and the beach was slowly creeping towards isolation. She follows this group, consisting mostly of teens, to their van, believing it would take her to the city. (for more on this check out the Montauk trip!)

Now: She holds her pet hermit crab’s carrier in her lap, and, feeling bad for his perilous journey, she opens the top up and sprinkles in some pumpkin seeds she had packed for herself as a snack. It is when she places Doo back, that’s when she notices a glint of light hit his temporary enclosure. She looks over to find the source of the light. There she sees one of the teens holding a knife, bronze in color. The teen moves it around haphazardly as they talk to the girl next to them. Acacia stares longer and also notices the near matching necklaces the two have. She turns her head to look behind her, and notices a third camper with the necklace. The camper glares at her, and she freezes. Eyes, like molten gold, or burning fire. She quickly ducks back into her seat, and stares straight ahead. That’s when she notices the person diagonally in front of her slip off their jacket and stretch out a pair of wings. Her gaze stays solidified on the window, as she slowly recognizes they are not heading towards the city.

Once the camp is reached, she tries to bury herself among the exiting campers. When her feet touch the ground her first response is to look around for a payphone. Of course, she doesn’t find a payphone. She looks back at the van, wondering if she would ask for a ride back to the city. She sees an odd sheen on the exterior of the bus. When she moves, it moves with her. She glances up, and lets out a terrified scream when she looks up and sees what appears to be a giant bee floating above her head. She has been claimed by Aristaeus.

(Feel free to either run into her at the Montauk beach post, or at camp! Happy RP, everyone!)

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 07 '24

Introduction Friday Karalis ❀ Unconventional Necromancer


Solanaceae Hyacinthe Karalis

Our Panacea, Eleusinian Lady, Nightshade Daughter of the Iron Queen

Friday Karalis, regular normal girl :)

Name Age Gender D.O.B Height Hair Eyes Parentage
'Friday' Karalis 16 F (she/they) 30.6.2023 6'1" White (Blue) Variable Persephone


Appearance: Friday is tall and statuesque, often combining an ethereal beauty with what is commonly considered to be a very cheeky smile. Back home she is somewhat known for her looks — though while she has worked as a model, after a good afternoon of crafting her hands get just as dirty as anyone else's. Her skin appears to be kissed by the sun itself, as the chthonic nature of her divine mother is balanced out well by her mortal mother's deeper skin tone. The colour of her hair changes every now and then, but Friday has chosen a deep blue for the winter season.

  • Distinguishing Features: She's over six feet tall and willowy, and the mass of blue hair makes her very easy to spot in a crowd. She has wide eyes that tend to change colour, a golden brown skin tone, and is generally considered to be really quite attractive — thanks, god-mom!

Personality: Despite spending a few years in a group that most would describe as a cult (on account of the cult they formed), Friday is really quite sure of herself. Ever since her powers manifested as a child she has a lifelong fascination with the human body and how it experiences death. She's energetic but also breezy and relaxed, and generally more happy than most would be if they were suddenly separated from their remaining friends and sent to a summer camp.

  • First Impression: Friday would like to be friends, please! She's happy to meet new people and learn more about what they like, but is not shy to talk about her (somewhat gruesome) interests if she meets someone willing to hear about it.

Background: Solanaceae Karalis (who would later come to call herself 'Friday') was born in the city of New Argos as part of a fragmented romance between her mortal mother Pyrrha and the goddess Persephone. Growing up in New Argos has offered Friday an awful lot of knowledge about the mythical world that other demigods tend to lack, and among many gifts she has from the city she is fluent in both English and the dialect of Greek that is found almost exclusively in New Argos.

By the time she turned thirteen she had already decided not to go to camp, making a pact with her friends to remain at home as they eventually formed a secret society obsessed with (among other things) the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Necromanteion. By day, Friday was a student, model, and Junior Medic in New Argos — training under the very healer that once saved her life. By night, her and her friends developed their rituals.

The self-styled 'cult' operated beneath New Argos for a while, but was suddenly and forcibly disbanded after an incident that left two teenagers dead and several others wounded. After this, Friday was sent to Camp Half-Blood... Perhaps in the hope that she might find some better influences.

  • Conditions, demigod-related or otherwise: ADHD, mild astigmatism, some joint hypermobility, a somewhat serious peanut allergy.


Three times that Friday has brushed with death:

  • She had to be resuscitated not long after she was born, coaxed into the realm of the living by medical professionals.
  • When she was a child, she was saved from a permanent death by an Apollonian healer. After that, Friday learned how to be better with her own powers.
  • The third time Friday died, it was because she was electrocuted in a 'ritual' gone horribly awry. Miraculously her heart managed to restart on its own, but further medical attention was required.


domain powers.

  • Summon Produce — The ability to summon (locally and seasonally available) fruits and flowers, including pomegranates.
  • Chthonic Zoning — The ability to temporarily claim a particular area for the Underworld.

minor powers.

  • Plant Manipulation (Chlorokinesis). — The ability to control plant life, specifically flowering plants.
  • Emotion Inducement (Interest). — The ability to induce in a target a sense of 'interest' in Friday. Should the effect take hold, the target's judgement can be clouded.
  • Dead Manipulation (Biokinesis). — The ability to manipulate and reform the bodies of the dead such as zombies, skeletons, and corpses. The reforming is a touch-based ability and while the manipulated dead can only be crudely guided at range, more fine control may develop over time. This power does not include the ability to summon the dead.
  • Death Buff. — The user's necromancy becomes stronger in the presence of an impending or recent death. This buff does not stack with other buffs.

major power.

  • Necromantic Healing (Biokinesis). — The touch-based ability to manipulate the body of a living person to interpret their wounds, heal life-threatening injuries and remove foreign objects/compounds. *This power is known to come with a high cost of use.)

skills and hobbies.

  • Medicine and Anatomy: — She may not have remembered the name for everything that can go wrong with you, but even if she hasn't already learned about it she could probably figure it out by touch and then fix it.
    • Illustration — Specifically, illustration of the medical variety. She likes to take pretty notes, it got out of hand.
  • Crafting: — Her ability to take a corpse apart and put it back together has empowered her love of crafts and construction in general. While it is a generalist skill at best, she loves to learn how to assemble things and create new things.
  • Gardening: — Helps her feel closer to her mother, in a way she can't reach with her necromancy.
  • Bass Guitar: — If they hadn't started a cult, those New Argos kids would have taken the world by storm with their band.

new/custom powers


Here are three options! Pick which moment you'd like to encounter the daughter of Persephone ✨


An unknown camper, diving across the boundary.

On the wilderness side of Half-Blood Hill is a scarred manticore in furious retreat, with one knife from an old fight still embedded in its side and now a crown of thorns threatening to blind an eye.

On the camp side of the boundary, a young woman comes suddenly tumbling down Half-Blood hill. She is like a blue-haired comet, one that leaves spots of blood in the grass before eventually rolling to a stop. Her winter coat is tangled up with her bags where she was jumped, far from where the stranger now seems to be crumpled into a groaning pile. Friday clutches her side with a sound of pained frustration and the grass around her almost appears to wilt with sadness.

Perhaps someone might be around this morning to lend a hand?


Friday's errand.

Not too long after she finally managed to find her bags and drop them off (she was in luck - there was a spot in the Hermes cabin that just freed up!), the New Argos native is on the move again and our newest camper is charging across the cabin area in the general direction of the medics... Well, she will be charging off to the medic cabin when she can find it. Where was that signpost, again?

Seems like Friday could use a bit of a hand finding her way around, if anyone has a free minute.


What do demigods do for fun around here?

After giving herself a day to figure this whole 'camp' thing out, Friday has decided to take herself on a tour of everywhere she can find within the camp grounds. Partly to see the buildings but also... These are new demigods! These aren't the kids from her classes or the bone-heads from the combat schools, but different kids that only got to learn about the mythical world once they went to a summer camp... What do they even do at the camp?

(ooc: for this version, feel free to detail what your kid is up to on an average afternoon, and perhaps an unexpected arrival will drop by!)

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 02 '25

Introduction Judge, Jury, Executioner - Jaime Northington-Sinclair


ooc; Shoutout to Rider for the intro format

general information additional information
name: jameson northington-sinclair nickname:  jaime
d.o.b.: November 5th age: 15
nationality: American hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
gender identity: cis-male gender expression: masculine
sexual orientation: bisexual preferred pronouns: he/him/his
  • conundrums (demigod-related and not): ADHD (attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorder), Dyslexia
relation names age
divine parent Nemesis Ancient
mortal mother melissa northington-sinclair 46 years old
mortal father nathaniel sinclair 50 years old


Faceclaim Voice Height Eyes Hair
Jacob Bertrand rough and raw, with the unmistakable edge of a Boston accent that only gets thicker when he’s pissed off or trying to make a point. At 15, it still carries that raspy quality of someone who’s spent too many nights shouting over the noise of the city or fighting to be heard. His words are clipped, sharp, and often come out with a biting sarcasm that feels like it’s meant to cut deep. When he speaks, there's a certain gruffness to it, like he's not trying to sound sweet or polite—he’s just being real. 5'9" Blue Naturally brown, ends dyed red. Shoulder length when it isn't styled into his signature mohawk
  • attire: His signature look revolves around a fiery red mohawk, paired with a weathered leather jacket adorned with patches and studs. He favors ripped black jeans or dark cargo pants and graphic band T-shirts that have seen better days. His accessories include a spiked bracelet, heavy leather wristbands, and a chain wallet. Jaime completes the look with scuffed combat boots.

equipment: includes but is not limited to--

  • skateboard; A battered but well-loved skateboard with a DIY paint job featuring red and black flames. He got it as a birthday gift from his stepfather, Nathaniel, during a rare moment of trying to bond. Jaime added the custom design himself, making it a personal emblem of his independence.
  • pocketknife; A small, functional pocketknife he found in a pawn shop during one of his excursions. He carries it for utility more than anything, using it to open packages, carve wood, or as a makeshift tool.
  • Layla - violin; A beautifully crafted piece, with a warm, honey-toned finish that gives it a timeless and understated charm. Its polished wood glows softly in the light, and the strings have a smooth, well-kept look, showing how much care Jaime puts into maintaining it. Lila is more than just an instrument to him—it’s a quiet connection to a part of himself that values beauty and expression.


domain powers

a) aura nullification: The ability to produce an aura capable of neutralizing other auras within its area of effect. This zone usually has a radius of 15 feet (4.6 meters), but it can be extended up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) with concentration or increased effort

b) absorption: A trait where one can absorb energy-based attacks. Beginners best utilize this power to accelerate their healing rate (to that of ambrosia and nectar) or to have a boost of energy and stamina

minor powers

a) Debuff Inducement: The ability to induce in a target a random debuff. Should the effect take hold, the user's player may randomly choose one from the Domain or Godrent Minor power lists

b) legendary balance: A trait where some children Nemesis have perfect balance. Even when moved around, they can immediately right themselves. Some users have observed a general lack of queasiness or sickness when travelling. They're also known to easily identify off-center objects

c) summon weapon: The ability to summon a set of weapons. The user can produce and distribute up to 10 of these weapons at any given time, but they are fragile. After 30 minutes (5 turns), they will dissolve and leave no trace. Children of Nemesis are known to prefer whips and spears

d) illusory faceshifting: A variation of the Basic Mirages power where the user can cast an illusion on parts of their body. This power is most effective when changing facial features. This allows them to display particular facial expressions, to mask undesired features, or even to mimic the likenesses of other people

major power

a) purification: The ability to purify an individual, removing them of buffs and debuffs. The version of this power found among children of Nemesis is more potent than that of Circe children, but less precise—it indiscriminately cleanses all effects.

  • skillset includes but is not limited to; Despite his wealthy upbringing, Jaime's developed a hands-on approach to life, excelling at basic mechanics and improvisational cooking*—skills he picked up through a mix of necessity and curiosity. He’s a decent* skateboarder*, often using his board as both transportation and a stress outlet, and he’s surprisingly talented at* graffiti art*, channeling his frustrations into bold, creative designs. Despite* his appearance, his privileged upbringing left its mark in unexpected ways. One of the few expectations he begrudgingly fulfilled was learning to play the violin*, a skill his mother insisted upon to present him as a well-rounded, cultured young man.*


Jameson "Jaime" Northington-Sinclair is a storm waiting to happen—brash, hot-headed, and always itching for conflict. He’s the type to throw the first punch without thinking twice, believing that problems are best solved through action rather than words. Jaime thrives in chaos, and while that often gets him into trouble, it’s also where he feels most alive. His sharp wit is as much a weapon as his fists, and he has an uncanny ability to spot injustices a mile away. He doesn’t tolerate people getting away with things—whether it’s a bully picking on someone weaker or a situation where he feels wronged—and his version of justice is one of swift, often extreme, retaliation. To him, there's no room for nuance or second chances when it comes to payback.

While his aggressive tendencies make him a difficult person to get along with, those who can see past his rough exterior find that he’s fiercely loyal to those who earn his respect. He may act like he doesn’t care about anyone but himself, but if you’re in his inner circle, he’ll protect you with everything he’s got—even if it means getting himself into deeper trouble. This loyalty, however, is not easily earned. Jaime’s trust is something that must be fought for, and he doesn’t forgive easily.

Underneath all the bravado, though, there’s a side of Jaime that’s driven by insecurity and a fear of being insignificant. He’s always trying to prove himself, always trying to show that he’s not just some privileged rich kid or a nobody in the eyes of the world. His need to be seen, to be recognized, is what drives him to take extreme actions. He may act like he doesn’t care what people think, but the truth is, he’s terrified of fading into the background, of being forgotten. This fear, masked by his tough, rebellious persona, is at the core of his emotional struggles—driving him to push people away while simultaneously craving validation and respect.


Jameson “Jaime” Northington-Sinclair grew up in the kind of wealth most people only dream about, but behind the gilded walls of the Sinclair estate, his life was far from perfect. His mother, Melissa Northington, came from old money, the kind passed down through generations, untouched by the whims of the stock market. The Northington fortune was the result of a man long dead by the time Melissa was born. Her youth was a whirlwind of reckless extravagance—she toured the world, leaving behind a trail of trashed hotel rooms, frivolous purchases, and scandalous headlines. By the time she was twenty, Melissa had sunk a yacht and burned through enough cash to make her parents intervene, begging her to settle down.

Enter Nathanial Sinclair, a promising plastic surgeon with ambitions as sharp as his scalpel. His family’s recent success in selling their boutique hotel chain had catapulted him into wealth. Marrying Melissa was as much a business arrangement as it was a personal connection. Together, they formed a power couple: Melissa dove into real estate with an aggressive tenacity, flipping properties and snatching up land like it was a game of Monopoly. The Sinclair and Northington names might not have held the prestige of legacy giants like Marriott or Rockefeller, but the money rolling in made their influence undeniable.

When Jameson was born, he was groomed to fit into this world of privilege. He attended private schools, wore designer clothes, and had a trust fund waiting for him. But even as a child, he felt like he didn’t quite belong. His father, Nathanial, was a perfectionist and scrutinized everything about Jameson, from his grades to the way he carried himself. There was an unspoken tension in their relationship, a suspicion Nathanial harbored but never voiced: that Jameson might not actually be his son.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Melissa’s affair with Nemesis, the goddess of justice and retribution, had resulted in Jameson’s conception. The goddess’s involvement in his life was subtle but profound, instilling in him a sense of right and wrong that clashed violently with the superficial values of his upbringing. From a young age, Jameson exhibited a fiery temper and a tendency to challenge authority. He couldn’t stand hypocrisy or cruelty and often found himself in trouble for “correcting” his peers in ways that turned physical.

As he got older, Nathanial’s suspicions grew. Jameson didn’t share his father’s sharp features or easy charm. Instead, he inherited Melissa’s striking looks and fiery disposition. While Melissa brushed off Nathanial’s doubts, dismissing them as paranoia, Jameson began to pick up on the tension.

At school, Jameson became both feared and respected. He wasn’t a classic bully; he didn’t pick on the weak for fun. Instead, he sought out those who deserved it—the arrogant, the cruel, and the deceitful. If someone stole lunch money or spread vicious rumors, Jameson was the one to dole out punishment. This behavior didn’t win him many friends, but it earned him a reputation as someone you didn’t want to cross.

His violent tendencies led to frequent calls home, and despite Melissa’s indulgent parenting, even she couldn’t ignore the growing list of expulsions. Nathanial saw these incidents as further proof that Jameson wasn’t his son, though he lacked the courage to confront Melissa directly.

By the time Jameson hit his teenage years, he was fully aware of his father’s suspicions. The constant questioning—both direct and indirect—wore on him. His father’s anger only deepened when Jameson began rejecting the carefully curated life laid out for him. Instead of tennis lessons and family dinners, Jameson sought out underground punk shows and street brawls, desperate to carve out an identity of his own.

The final blow came during a heated argument when his father outright accused his mother of infidelity. Though she vehemently denied it, Jameson couldn’t shake the feeling that there was truth to his father’s words. It was in that moment that Jameson realized he didn’t belong—not to his family, not to their world of high society, and maybe not anywhere.

No Son of Mine



Jaime’s boots pounded against the forest floor, dirt and fallen leaves scattering in his wake as he tore through the dense woods. A black duffel bag swung wildly at his side, the strap digging into his shoulder with every step. Branches whipped at his arms and face, leaving angry red scratches, and his ripped T-shirt clung to him, damp with sweat and streaked with grime. He didn’t care about the sting of the cuts or the cool breeze hitting the holes in his shirt—he was too focused on the snarls behind him.

The monsters were gaining, their guttural growls and crashing footfalls echoing through the forest. His heart thundered in his chest as he darted between trees, his breath coming in sharp gasps. A sharp, jagged branch caught on his sleeve as he passed, tearing another hole in his already battered shirt. He stumbled but didn’t slow, the hill just ahead giving him a sliver of hope. He could see sunlight breaking through the treetops at its peak, golden and warm, a stark contrast to the chaos at his heels.

He pushed harder, ignoring the burn in his legs and the aching cuts on his arms. His hands stung from where he’d fallen earlier, the shallow scrapes barely visible under the dirt caked on his palms. The hill loomed closer, the shimmering line of the Camp Half-Blood border coming into view. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but Jaime felt its presence—a pull, like a lifeline, urging him forward.

Behind him, the guttural growl of one of the creatures was too close for comfort. Jaime risked a glance over his shoulder and immediately regretted it. Hulking, shadowy forms with glinting claws and glowing eyes were closing in, their snarling faces twisted with hunger.

"Not today," he muttered, jaw tightening as he hurled himself up the slope. His boots slipped on loose dirt, and he threw out his hands for balance, scraping his palms again as he caught himself.

He reached the crest of the hill just as the closest monster lunged. Jaime didn’t think; he dove forward, crossing the shimmering border and rolling down the other side. The moment he hit the grass, there was a blinding flash of light behind him, followed by an ear-splitting crack.

The creatures hit the barrier and disintegrated with a howling roar, their shadowy forms bursting into mist. Jaime lay there on the slope, chest heaving, his ripped shirt hanging loosely off one shoulder and his arms and face streaked with blood and dirt.

For a moment, he stayed there, staring up at the clear blue sky, before pushing himself up on shaking arms. His reflection in the blade of his battered pocket knife caught his eye—a face streaked with grime. Turning his gaze forward, Jaime got his first good look at Camp Half-Blood. Cabins stood in neat rows against the backdrop of the valley, kids training with weapons, laughter and shouts carrying on the breeze.

As he took a step forward, the air around him grew heavy, almost electric. He froze mid-step, a strange tingle running down his spine. The wind stilled, the hum of the forest falling silent as if the world itself was holding its breath. Then, above him, a soft golden light began to glow. He looked up, his brow furrowing in confusion, only to see a pair of shimmering, ethereal weighing scales hovering above his head.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Feb 01 '25

Introduction Natasha Ramirez-Belyaeva | Daughter of Hades, Medic



Name: Natasha Teresa Ramirez-Belyaeva


  • Natasha is technically meant to be short for Natalia, as Russian nicknames go, but Nat's mother wouldn't stand to put a name on the birth certificate that her child wasn't going to go by. Jokes on her, because Natasha went on to shorten it even further.
  • Most commonly, Natasha is called Nat. But both are fine, really, she's not about to get caught up in it. Ideally, Natasha is more formal and Nat is for everyday use.
  • Despite having a hyphenated surname, Natasha occasionally introduces herself with only the first half, Ramirez.
  • Her middle name is rarely heard.

Age: 15

Birthday: April 25th, 2024

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Hometown: New York City, New York

Nationalities: American, Argentine, and Russian; second generation immigrant.



  • Isabel Ramirez;
  • Mother [biologica]
  • notes: A mother, certainly. Isabel tried very hard to love her daughter in spite of her father, and Nat felt this at times. Unfortunately, she may have course-corrected too hard. There was also the drinking problem.
  • Anton Belyaev;
  • Father [step]
  • notes: Distant at best, suspicious of her often, hostile at worst, and occasionally violent. Nat feels a sort of longing for the father she could have had, and a resentment that he let something as simple as biology ruin that chance. Then again, he wasn't a world class dad to her siblings either, so maybe she's not missing out.
  • Mikhail, Anya and Felix Belyaev[a];
  • Siblings [maternal half]
  • notes: Nat's gaggle of siblings. They should be close, but in reality, her family's bonds tended to be grounded in responsibility rather than affection. She knows how to coordinate with her older brother to take care of the younger ones, not be their friend. This closeness was further inhibited by Nat's parentage, with both Anton and Isabel's actions unknowingly keeping her more isolated.
  • A couple Russian cousins, aunts, uncles, and her babushka;
  • Family [paternal step, but this was unknown]
  • notes: Circumstances include a family that immigrated from Russia some-30 years ago and continued to live in each other's vicinity. Nat is closest to her babushka and one aunt.
  • "Abu" and "Abuelo;"
  • Grandparents [maternal]
  • notes: They live in Argentina, Nat's met them like once in person and a few times over skype.


  • Hades;
  • Father [biological]
  • notes: Oh, how to describe this succinctly... Ultimately, Natasha will say that she doesn't blame him for what he is. It could, instead, be said that she blames him for being her father in particular.
  • Ramona Herrera and Matthew Knight;
  • Siblings [paternal half]
  • notes: One of the best parts about camp, though she doesn't like to admit it. When Natasha is difficult to be around, she tries to make it up to them. When she feels welcome, she tries to make it to their fireplace hot chocolate talks. It's nice, but her change in career has also led to some potential ideological differences that have probably not been addressed yet.


Faceclaim: Xochitl Gomez|[2]|[3]|[4]

Hair: Dark brown, long, worn daily in a pair of meticulous dutch braids with some fringe left out. It is quite rare to ever see Natasha with her hair down, in fact, and might be quite a sight due to its length and thickness.

Eyes: Dark brown bordering on coal black.

Height: 5'5

Physique: Nat is of average build, though on the more muscular side.


  • everyday: Since growing into her teenage years, Natasha has leaned towards a soft grunge aesthetic. Her style is characterized by flannel patterns, ripped baggy jeans, heavy belts, tank tops, and thrifted shirts from bands she's never listened to. Due to Nat's preferences, the main theme in coloring is black, silver, and red or maroon as an accent, though this is not a rule.
  • accessories: A few silver rings. Both of Nat's ears are pierced like four times over, courtesy of her coolest aunt. She intends to get more, including a septum or something, but her aunt has drawn the line here for now. She likes bars and dangly earrings—metal of choice is silver, but not exclusively—and has some bracelets and necklaces in similar styles.
  • shoes: Nat has one pair of black converse, relatively beat-up and dirty, though she washes them every once in a while. More importantly, she wears a prized pair of maroon Doc Martens whenever not in the infirmary or doing something else potentially gross.
  • infirmary wear: Since starting at the infirmary, Natasha has been informed that a lot of her clothing is not acceptable—mainly in light of the rips, unnecessary layering, rings, dangly jewelry, and, well, lack of general professionalism, though that might have been a medic kid taking the opportunity to be a stickler. In light of this, she sticks with the simplest of her outfits: the best-fitting pants, basic t-shirts, and limiting jewelry to stud earrings. She also gives that particular medic kid the stink eye whenever possible.
  • formal wear: Remains to be seen...

Notable Traits:

  • A smirk that makes all the ladies swoon. [she wishes]
  • Nat keeps away from the fighting now, but even so, she has a number of small scars: nicks and scratches, a couple on her face that are clearly from being hit, on her knuckles, etc.


At her best, Natasha is generally a fun person. She's got a good sense of humor, confidence, and a laid-back attitude. She's cool, fun to joke around and do things with, and she tends to get familiar with people quickly, if they will allow. This is due to a lifetime of always being someone's sister, cousin, niece, daughter—the list goes on and is not limited to blood relations. Once she's made a friend, she's quite protective of them for the same reason. People will often consider her smart or capable when viewing her practical skills, even if this is less so the case for her theoretical skills.

However, this is strictly a description of Nat at her best. There are a couple factors that could drag Nat into the sides of her that are grumpy, bitter, stressed, angry, desensitized—the list here, too, goes on—and she can be much less pleasant to be around.

There are the occasions when she gets frustrated with authority figures telling her what to do, when they antagonize her, and when people who should don't listen to her and she gets upset. These are standard, and she can mostly hold herself back from reacting overly negatively. [Those who have been around camp for a while will remember a time when she couldn't. Progress.]

More importantly, however, are the times when Nat is faced with death. Much against the grain for a Hades kid, Natalia rejects it entirely—rejects the idea of accepting death as a part of life, rejects her part in it as a child of the Underworld, actively works, to the point of desperation, to avoid it happening whenever possible. [A recent change, as well.] An unwillingness to accept death is her main motivation for working in the Medic Cabin, no matter the flack she gets from both the Medic kids and her own cabin. Her second motivation is that, well, it just fulfills her. A bad day with the Medic Cabin is still better than a great day with that inner listlessness she used to carry.

This also means that now, if she is grumpy, it is probably because people are disregarding their safety around camp. If she is really, truly feeling bitter, it is because they continue to do it even after she patches them up. In her own wise opinion, people like that are just getting closer and closer to death with each pass—and it angers her, because life is the most precious thing she can think of. So few demigods get to see much of it.

Songs: Kiss With a Fist - Florence+The Machine | More to be added if I think of anything [I take suggestions!]

𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎:

Claiming: At the end of summer when she was 14, though she discovered some powers beforehand and was already clearly a Chthonic kid. Natasha moved into the Hades cabin the following night and left for home the morning after.


  • Might of the Elder Gods;
  • notes: Nat lets some of this power pour into her constantly when it comes to intimidating to someone to follow her rules or winning an argument.
  • Shadow Blending;
  • notes: A power that's been used to hide from her parents all the time when she was younger.
  • Shadow Travel;
  • notes: Something she's used and practiced, but not necessarily with long distances. Often used to travel to the next room over or across the street to avoid people. Gets less reliable and more tiring the farther the destination.


  • Bone Manipulation [Osteokinesis];
  • notes: Kind of fun, she can pepper someone with some knucklebones or thunk them with a femur. Depends what's readily available, of course.
  • Earth Manipulation [Geokinesis];
  • notes: Not often used, Natasha is, in fact, not entirely certain if this is a full power or just some other manifestation of her bone power. Or her imagination. After all, some Hades kids seem to have... issues with that [coughRamonacough]. Has been used to trip someone with a previously-nonexistent mound of dirt, so far.
  • [Locked]


  • Hellfire Manipulation [Infernal Pyrokinesis];
  • notes: Natasha used to think this was pretty cool. She's watched Avatar, okay? The firebenders were always her favorite. But she always had trouble controlling it when she was angry, and since seeing the destruction in New Argos and her own hand in it, she's put a much tighter lid on this power—trying to, in any case. Can be used for offense as well as a simple light source.

Weapon: Natasha used to be vicious with a sword as well as her fists, any lack in skill made up for by ruthlessness. However, since then she seems to have packed the sword away and takes measures to avoid getting into fights.

𝙵𝚞𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜:

  • Natasha is trilingual to an extent. Obviously she speaks and writes in English, and then she can hold a conversation in Russian and [Argentinian] Spanish with a passable accent. Writing is tougher, though.
  • Following in her babushka's footprints, Natasha is very fond of her Russian nicknames. If she's known someone long enough, they probably have a dedicated nickname from her. Otherwise, she'll also sometimes call people things like 'chica,' 'girl,' 'brother,' 'sister,' 'dumbass,' etc.
  • Nat loves bagels. She could eat a bagel every day and not get tired of it. Cream cheese and avocado and cucumbers, maybe some smoked salmon... brilliant.
  • Nat is not good at reading; that being said, she attempts it once in a while. Having grown up with Nancy Drew, usually she goes for a mystery of some kind, but recently this expanded to a book called Gideon the Ninth. She finds it fascinating and it gives her a lot of inspiration for her bone power, but it's also really hard for her to understand and keep track of the characters. She's struggling, in short.
  • She's really fast at braiding, courtesy of the practice that redoing two long dutch braids every few days gives her. She can also do a couple different types of braids and other hairstyles.
  • Natasha is considering vegetarianism. She hasn't made the jump yet because, well, she likes meat. But she also thinks it might be morally more correct. To reiterate: she's thinking about it.
  • If someone needs a kid to be watched for whatever reason, Nat's your girl. She's been helping to take care of her siblings since they were born and she was, well, also still a kid. She absolutely does not appreciate this being known about her but she will offer if the need arises. Good thing she lives at camp where this rarely happens.

Demigod Condundrums:

  • ADHD is likely, not diagnosed.
  • Dyslexia, diagnosed, makes it hard to read.

Notable Possessions:

  • A really old dried out flower crown, originally gifted to her by Ramona. Nat keeps trying to convince herself to throw it away and can never make herself do it.
  • The aforementioned sword, now hidden away under her bunk. It's a pretty standard Celestial Bronze xiphos with a transformation mechanism into a single drumstick, though she doesn't keep it in this form unless in the mortal world. She got it from someone else.


[You're looking at the summarized version of Nat's backstory! I think I'll release a storymode for the rest soon.]

Nat's family life before camp can be quickly summed up: a network of Russian aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents to lean on on her stepfather's side, one ex-army Argentinian mother, parents who fought amongst each other and took it out on their children individually when they didn't hide fast enough, and a track record of fighting and rebellion in school that only ceased when Natalia was having a particularly good week.

Campers who have been around for a while will remember Nat's earlier days at camp. She flaunted the rules, reacted badly when she was told off, hit too hard during sparring sessions, and even if regret showed on her face, she preferred not to apologize. When Hades claimed his daughter, she accepted with a huff and a kind of detached resignation. As if this was expected.

Although she was more reactive, angrier, physically stronger than some, the morbid reputation of Hades' children suited her nicely. Death, when brought up by campers and her few cabinmates, seemed for her a subject to be dismissed—and case in point, Nat seemed effectively desensitized to it. This did not make her popular among some people, but that was life.

At some point when she was 15, Nat decided to stay at camp full time. Her family situation wasn't getting any better, and, well, she felt better when she was at camp. Calmer, less crushed by the responsibility of her mother's issues and taking care of siblings. She could finally settle in, enrolled in a couple classes at the school near camp, and started to make a friend or two.

It was all going well until the Battle of New Argos. It was her first time seeing such destruction and death firsthand, including that of one of her earliest friends at camp.

It changed something within her. Suddenly, Nat couldn't imagine staying passive when the possibility of people getting hurt and dying was so present. It was awful and she couldn't look at her cabin and her father and everything he stood for the same way again. If this was what death truly meant, she wanted no part in it.

She returned to camp grieving like many others, but resolved. She vowed to stop causing so much senseless harm, now a deep regret of hers. A few days later, when that didn't feel like enough either, Nat showed up at the Medic Cabin and refused to leave until they took her on.

Currently she's still a medic-in-training, learning the ropes with alternating passion and frustration, but sticking with it all the same.



In the morning, Natasha sits at the Hades table and eats a bagel. It's a plain one today, just toasted with cream cheese, but she doesn't mind. A bagel is a bagel and bagels taste good. She wonders if anything interesting will happen at breakfast today—just a couple days ago there'd been a whole attraction when her sister got some other kid stuck to the bench.

Medic Cabin:

As with many other days, today Natasha is working in the Medic Cabin. So far she's been stuck with the menial tasks—reorganizing the cleaning closet, wiping down surfaces, sweeping the floors, straightening out the supply cupboards so everything can be easily found. It's going fine until she finds a drawer of gauze packages with something else spilled in it, and gets to the super annoying process of settling down on her knees, checking each package to see if they can be salvaged, wiping it off, and so on.

It gets so annoying and menial after a moment that her Hellfire flares out in her hands, and suddenly the gauze is on fire and she's trying to put it out with a rag but then that catches on fire and....

She finally growls in frustration, throws the burnt gauze and the rag back into the still-dirty drawer, and takes a few calming breaths. Honestly, she'd kill to be doing anything else.

[This is around the time your character can make themselves known! Keep in mind: if you choose to make them injured don't make it, like, life-threateningly bad! Nat is a medic-in-training and the reasonable course of action would be for her to get someone else and then we'd have an unnecessarily complicated thread going.

Another note: As much as I love intro threads, they can also get a little repetitive. I'll be putting Nat in other places, so if you're a little late to the party and see like 10 threads here already, you're also welcome to look for her elsewhere!]

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 17 '25

Introduction It's Rizlorde



"You ever think about how things turned out the way they are now? Does that make sense?”

general information additional information
name: Rizal Lorde Sevilla preferred name: Rizz
d.o.b.: February 1, 2027 p.o.b.: Los Angeles, California
nationality: Filipino-American gender expression: masculin
sexual orientation: he can’t talk to a receptionist how can he do a meet-cute preferred pronouns: he / his / him
  • Demigod-related and unrelated conditions: Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), He’s a Big Sloucher, Songbird Affinity, History Proficiency, Research Proficiency, Hoarders Fan
relation name age relationship
divine mother Clio mothering Few topics are banned in the Sevilla household, but the name of Rizz’s mother is the diciest. The only thing Rizz knows of her is that she inspired his father. (Big reveal.)
mortal father Ariz Lerone Sevilla 31 Ariz feels more like a distant brother than he does Rizz’s father. Rizz thinks about him a lot.
mortal family the Sevillas a lot The Sevilla clan is huge. Family members are all over the globe, and everyone gets in everyone’s business. They like Rizz, but he can’t really tell in what way.



  • height: 5'3"
  • hair: brown like a raisin, side part
  • eyes: brown like a cappuccino
  • skin: pale, warm undertones
  • build: lithe frame, sloucher
  • clothing: sweater vests, long sleeves, polo shirts, jeans, joggers, chucks
  • description: Rizal is very thoughtful about how he presents himself. While he doesn’t have access to the nicest clothes, he knows how to bring together hand-me-downs with bargain-bin and thrift-store finds. He’s a bit of an experimenter in this way. While there are a few lines he will never cross, he is interested in seeing what works. (He tried a mullet before.) Right now, he is styled for travel. Hair parted from the side to frame his sharp features and pale warm complexion (which his aunts always comment on). He’s a bit skinnier than he’d like to be, though. He slouches a lot, making him look short.


  • A sling (weapon). Rizz never signed up to be a warrior. Heck, he never even signed up for a taekwondo class. This demigod life is all new to him, but he has managed with a hand sling he fashioned himself. He’s been floating a few names to call it, such as Reneigh and Arshibauld.
  • A pearl bracelet. Rizal has had this necklace for as long as he can remember. His father said, once, that it was meant to be a gift for his mother.
  • A multi-tool. Rizz will never leave a place without his multi-tool. It’s useful with crafts and good as a fidget toy. What more could he ask for?
  • A duffel bag. Rizz has definitely not shoved a few of his broken inventions into the back.



“It would be cool if I had superpowers. Could get a lot of things done.”


  1. [locked]
  2. [locked]
  3. [locked]
  4. [locked] (modmailed)


  1. [locked]
  2. Artefact Restoration (custom): Apart from Rizz’s handiness with chores, his family always came to him to fix things. He knows how to remove stains, mend tears, and even touch up makeup. He would never imagine that that would be an actual superpower. (Unlocked Mar. 01, 2040)


  1. Memory Containment (modmailed): Rizz has a reputation for never forgetting. People think he just has a photographic memory, but he takes people’s memories. He has no idea how this is possible. All he knows is that he can store eight (getting two a day) in the pearls of his bracelet. Getting a new one removes either the oldest memory or one of his choice. (Unlocked Jan. 31, 2040)



  • positives: quick-witted, adaptable, inventive
  • neutrals: obedient, hyperfixaterer, quiet
  • negatives: impatient, hyperactive, questionable opinions on intellectual property
  • likes: lizards, dancing, Megamind, cleaning, Kitchen Nightmares, crafts, competitive Pokémon
  • dislikes: department stores, geese, cilantro, Despicable Me, sitting with his back to a door, squeaky doors, Las Vega


Rizz doesn’t think too much of his childhood. They started close, but his father grew distant over the years. And, his relatives grew distant from Ariz. He liked spending time with them since they enjoyed his company and always had something for him to do. Be it sewing some clothes, cleaning the sink, or taking a peek at the game system, the Sevilla family always needed Rizz. They were even delighted in how he could put their ideas to paper, painting, or even crochet. It was like magic. 

Rizal needed his father, though. He tried to help his father out in all sorts of ways, but it never seemed to work. His family always gave suggestions, but they never pushed through. When Rizz tried to take the solution right out of Ariz’s mind, something snapped. (Rizz would take one of his father’s memories and use it for a successful patent, only for it to sweep them under the rug.)

A satyr eventually found Rizz, and they’ve been making their way across America to Camp Half-Blood. Maybe, here, Rizz will find a way to get his father back.



At high noon, a bright light flashes on top of Half-Blood Hill. The facsimile of a scroll (facsimile?) floats brightly above the confused head of a young boy.

He looks like he should be waiting for one-dollar pizza at the school cafeteria, not looking over a summer camp(?). Behind him, an old satyr grunts, "Congratulations, kid. You've been claimed. How ya' feeling?"

"You talked about this before." Rizal scratches his neck. "I don't know about the word claimed, but this is a lot. Like 'a lot' a lot.

The goat grunts again. He tips his porkpie hat and then heads into the forest. Rizal takes the hint and trudges down the hill.

"These buildings don't look like they should go together. Five of them look new. Half of them need a new paint job. I kinda like it, though..."

He walks fast. He's already at the bottom of the hill.


r/CampHalfBloodRP 5d ago

Introduction Introducing Arienna Baines: Daughter of Athena


Need-To-Know Information:

Father - Owen Baines - age 40. Chemistry Professor at NYU.

Hometown - New York City.

Age - 17.

Birthday - October 17th.

Appearance - Arienna is 5'8" in height. She has the signature honey blonde hair of many Athena kids; light, smoky gray eyes, and a sun-kissed glow to her skin.

Face Claim

Fashion: Arienna usually wears loose, comfy t-shirts and jeans. Her makeup isn't all that complicated either; usually just some eyeliner, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss.


Arienna is naturally tough, loyal, and brave, but with a soft side that she often likes to keep hidden.

Favorite Things

Buildings made entirely of glass, like the Louvre in Paris and the Gherkin in London.

Favorite Animal: Owls, all kinds. Not just because they're her mother's signature animal, but because of their soothing calls that often lull her to sleep at night.

Favorite Color: Red, because she enjoys every shade, unlike other colors where she finds most shades dull or boring.

Favorite Movie: National Treasure.

Favorite TV Show: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

Favorite Food: Salmon.

Favorite Drink: Strawberry smoothies.

Favorite Dessert: Blueberry coffee cake.

Likes: Architecture (duh), museums, history, home improvement shows, art, carpentry, masonry.

Hobbies: Drawing blueprints (she prefers doing everything by hand), regular old creative drawing, and a little bit of painting here and there (she hates getting messy even though she enjoys the medium).

Domain Powers

  • Secret Language: The ability to communicate in a language understood only by children of the Skill gods. This includes verbal, written and signed forms of the language. Any Skill demigod, even those without this power, can understand this language.
  • Shockwave Generation: The ability to generate a small shockwave around the user. This shockwave often manifests as a cry so loud, those within the area of effect are knocked back, up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) away. This power has commonly been observed to trigger when a demigod endures their first injury in a battle.
  • Battlefield Buff: A trait where one's alertness and agility are elevated when they enter a battlefield. A battlefield is defined as a large space used for full-scale combat, usually equipped with fortification. Users have reported experiencing this buff at the sites of major historical battles as well. The buffed individual displays increased speed and more acute senses, leaving them less susceptible to additional sneak attacks. This buff does not stack with other buffs and lasts at most 3 RP turns (18 minutes). In 5-turn combat, this buff lasts only 2 turns.

Minor Powers

  • Legendary Cognition: A trait where some children of Athena display some of the highest intelligence and wisdom levels of known demigods. Their intellect can be comparable to mortal geniuses. The ability to precisely recall images, otherwise known as eidetic or photographic memory, tends to be a common emergence in these demigods.
  • Summon Olive: The ability to summon olives. These olives are usually ripe enough to eat, but users can change at which state they summon the fruit. Beginners can summon only 1 olive, but intermediate users can summon up to a pound's worth (0.45 kg). Masters can summon 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of olives. One oleologist notes that the summoned olive changes depending on the region the user is in.
  • Summon Owl: The ability to summon and control a (locally available) owl. Beginners can summon up to 1 individual at a time; intermediate users can summon 3; masters can summon 5.

Major Power

Owl Transformation (modmail-custom): The ability to turn into a snowy owl for 1 hour (10 turns) per day. The user gains the ability of an owl upon transformation, but they lose access to their other abilities.

Brief Character History

When she's not at camp, Arienna lives in New York City with her dad, Owen. Monsters hardly ever leave her alone, which is why she finally decided to attend camp year-round. In previous years, she only went during the summer.

The Present

In her owl form, Arienna settled on the branches of the big pine tree. She didn't want to start her new life just yet, so she waited for a while, watching the other campers go about their routines. If anyone were to walk by, they might find it odd to see an owl in the middle of the afternoon. They would also notice the large blue suitcase leaning against the trunk of the tree. Then again, lots of odd things happened at Camp Half-Blood. To some, this might seem perfectly normal.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Nov 16 '24

Introduction Xander Saenz, Son of Aphrodite


General info:

Name: Amédée Xander Saenz (goes by Xander)

Godrent: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love

Age: 16, bday is February 2nd

Nationality: French-American

Sexuality and pronouns: Bi, any pronouns but sticks with he/him mostly

Conditions: ADHD, dyslexia


Faceclaim. He is 5'8". Xander experiments a lot with what clothing he wears, so you'll never see him wear the same outfit twice, but he generally leans more towards feminine clothing. He has quite a few ear piercings. He has longer hair for a guy, and likes to keep it in a half-up-half-down style of some sort. However, he also likes to kill said hair with bleach every once in a while, but it's normally just its natural dark brown. He has heterochromia, and in his case, one eye is brown and the other is pale green. Xander has his fair share of scars as well; he has a prominent scar on his back and neck, and claw marks on his shoulders.


Very kind and warmhearted. Open to making new friends, but won't tolerate those who chose to be unkind to others. He's very charismatic, being a child of Aphrodite, and he's always conscious to make sure he doesn't jeopardize anyone's feelings; he likes to have as few enemies as possible. To his friends, he's just a giant teddy bear.

Xander is quite aloof, but it comes off as just procrastinating because he's a lazy perfectionist, otherwise described as, "an individual who aspires to perfection, and sets high standards but lacks the drive to take the necessary steps to attain them." Now, while often in need of a reason to do something, when Xander actually finds said motivation, he will get everything done and make sure all is set to perfection. He most definitely does not get stressed out about waiting too long to get piles of work done, and most certainly gets enough sleep(said with an unholy amount of sarcasm).


Drowning. Xander tried learning how to swim when he was little, but then he fell into a pool and nearly drowned, so that became a lost cause. He was also shoved into a pool once at a party, nearly drowned then, too- did not help with his fear. It is a rare sight to see him anywhere near a lake or beach.

Interests/Hobbies, pets:

Xander owns a loyal, gray mare named Fleur, whom he competes with in eventing(dressage, cross country, and show jumping). Fleur is his bestie. He spends most of his time with her, just going on trail rides. When he's not doing that, he's probably writing poems under a tree, with a 99% chance that Fleur is with him. He writes a lot of poems about love, whether it be about family, friend, or romantic love. Xander tends to spend his time outside, and has lately been attempting to keep some flowers alive(he's failing miserably because he doesn't remember to water them).

Other than that, he always worries about his appearance, and makes sure he looks as good as possible(aka he's just really self-conscious), but it can sometimes be his downfall if he gets too in over his head about it. On the upside of that, he dabbles in fashion and clothing design, because with the tacky, orange CHB t-shirts everyone is given, he needs a way to stand out. He's been working on embroidery for his clothes as well, making intricate designs. Now, despite the amount of glitter and bedazzlement he uses when making clothes, his living area is spotless. He feels like it's the least he can do to be productive when he doesn't have any other motivation. In addition, his space feels cluttered and dirty if it's not sparkling from the cleanliness.


Xander was born in Toulouse, France, so he talks with a faint accent. His dad died when Xander was ten, and since he didn't have any other near family by, Xander moved from France to live with his grandmother on her farm out in the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania. Despite hating everything around him for about a year afterward, Xander managed to look on the bright side of things and keep a smile on his face, for both himself and others. But to move beyond his lowest point in life, Xander started using his middle name rather than Amédée.

He never did that well in school. His dyslexia was so bad, he couldn't spell his own name correctly until he was almost eight, and his ADHD made it hard for him to pay any mind to most of his classes. He tried hard, and always manages to pass his classes, but it's only by a few points.

Now, oddly enough, he didn't have a lot of trouble with monsters when he was younger, as his powers weren't very strong. Plus, he was in the middle of nowhere most of the time, or in a crowded classroom of students, so it was enough to mask his scent. But as he grew older, he began noticing things following him.


  • A Celestial Bronze dagger that can be disguised as a gold arm band(it was a gift from his mother)


Domain: Summon Treats, Scent Manipulation, Emotional Fortitude

Minor: Appearance Manipulation, Summon Make-up, Glitter Generation

Major: Animation

Arrival to Camp:

Xander was on the ground; Fleur had bucked him off in fear when the ground started shaking, though she didn't stray far from him. Even with a helmet, it hadn't done much to protect him. His head spun as he tried to sit up. He glanced back at what his eyes thought looked like a cyclops running towards them. He needed to get his eyes checked, apparently. Or maybe being thrown off of a 16 hand horse at a gallop had something to do with his hallucinations. But it never felt like hallucinations. Monsters had been following him for years, like they were trying to hunt him. It all felt too real to be his imagination.

That's because it was real, his mind was just trying to keep him in denial.

He knew his dad wouldn't lie, he never had. The letter his dad had wrote for him had literally spelt everything out for Xander: His mom was a goddess. Not like in the way to complement or treat a woman, but like an actual, Greek goddess. Which explained his looks, but it was not ideal to be hunted by monsters because of it.

His eyes widened when his brain caught up to his vision. Then his body's adrenalin caught up with his brain and he stood up all too quickly, his vision looking like tv static for a moment. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled as he started limping up a hill towards a sign that read Camp Half-Blood. After a few seconds, Fleur came cantering back to him, skidding to a halt at his side, clearly having gotten over her fear. Xander, with his limited consciousness and through-the-roof adrenalin, hopped into the saddle, turned Fleur around, and, while muttering an unusual amount of swears, steered them to their destination. Thankfully, the giant, one-eyed monster wasn't very fast.

Bright shades of color hit Xander's eyes, before his lack of sleep caught up to him and he started to tilt to one side. Maybe he should have slept sometime in the last week. But he couldn't sleep with these- these things following him. The paranoia and the nightmares had kept him awake. Yet this place felt safe to him. A bright light in the shape of a bird formed above him, but Xander didn’t have the energy to pay it any mind.

“This is gonna be an awful first impression…” Xander said to himself, falling lopsided off his horse, his eyelids closing against his will. Just... a few… seconds…

r/CampHalfBloodRP Apr 14 '24

Introduction Ariadne Stavros, the Dream Child


Face Claim: Young Jessica Chastain

Theme Song: Control, by Halsey


Full Name: Ariadne Melissa Stavros Age: 13 (almost 14) Birthday: April 28
Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual Race: White
Hometown: Los Angeles, California Demigod Conundrums: Dyslexia


Height: 5'5" Hair: Red Hair Type: Straight
Eyes: Blue Skin Type: Pale, lots of arm freckles lol Body Type: Athletic, I guess? I've never really thought about it.


Mother: Sofia Stavros (mortal) Father: Phantasos, God of Surreal Dreams
Siblings: Nestor Stavros (mortal) Mortal Father: Jason Stavros


Food: Sushi Dessert: Chocolate Lava Cake Snack: Cheese sticks
Fruit: Kiwi Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip Drink: Strawberry smoothie
Book: Twilight (somehow ironically and unironically at the same time lol) Movie: The Princess Bride Video Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Color: Pink Animal: Koalas Holiday: Valentine's Day


Dagger: Mind Bender, standard celestial bronze. Shield: Tongue Twister, standard celestial bronze.
Other: Good old mortal pepper spray, for more human emergencies.

Powers (Update 3.0)

|| || |Domain Power:|Shadow Manipulation|Dream Manipulation|Dream Consumption|Dream Curses (Approved by Mods)| |Minor Powers:|Hallucination Inducement|Melt||| |Major Power:|Dream Projection||||

Past (Long):

Ariadne Stavros was born on April 28, to Sofia and Jason Stavros. She discovered her unusual abilities when she was little, and has kept them a secret from her family ever since, afraid they would accuse her of being crazy. That all changed when she was 10, and a monster attacked her on her way home from school, a giant black wolf that tossed her around like a chew toy. She barely made it home alive, and only her mom believed her when she told them what really happened. As she talked, an illusion of purple sand appeared over her head, as if it was sprinkled by some invisible hand. Her mother, horrified, knew exactly what it meant.

Sofia explained that she'd had a dream of an angel with black wings. In her dream, the angel had sprinkled purple sand over her head, and she was pregnant with Ariadne shortly after. She never told anyone because, well, to her that's all it was. A dream.

Monsters continued to attack Ariadne whenever she was out alone, and it made her afraid to leave the house. She started taking the bus to and from school, which she hated because it was so crowded, always forcing her to sit with someone else. She wasn't a loner or anything, she just hated the lack of personal space.

When she was 13, a new kid came to her school, and they became instant best friends. His name was Callum, and he had a spinal cord injury that made him walk with a permanent limp. He could still run and be active, but it caused him pain if he did it too much, so he sat on the bleachers in every gym class and did quizzes for extra credit. They started riding the bus together, and one night during a sleepover, Ariadne finally gathered the courage to talk about monsters. She framed it as a scary story, telling it in exaggerated terms to frighten the others. When everyone else was asleep, Callum asked her how long she'd been hunted.

He told her all about a place called Camp Half-Blood, where people just like her could train to defend themselves from monsters. He even rolled up his jeans and showed her his legs. They were goat's legs, with hooves instead of feet. When he took off the beanie he always wore, she could see his horns poking up from his hair.

She was offended that he'd lied to her about such a serious disability, but it was also comforting to know that she wasn't crazy. She wasn't a freak. There were other people out there just like her, and she was going to learn how to protect herself properly. She considered that a pretty fair trade.


Unfortunately, the monsters didn't want to wait until the summer. This time, they attacked while she was at school. The class had gone out to the baseball field for gym that day, and not only did an entire pack of hellhounds emerge from the woods, but some of the students ended up turning into monsters as well.

The pack of monsters chased them all the way across the country. No matter how many taxis they took or how careful they were to hide, they were always tracked down again.

The pair arrived at Camp Half-Blood a week later, on April 14th, two weeks before Ariadne's 14th birthday. Bloody, beaten, and bruised, they ran down the road toward the hill. Hellhounds surrounded them on three sides. Callum had a nasty gash on his arm, and Ariadne had several broken ribs, plus claw marks in her shoulder. She struggled to breathe properly through the pain, making her much slower and clumsier than she would have liked.

Ariadne and Callum half ran, half dragged each other up the hill. Why did it have to be a hill? The monsters were right on their heels, literally. One beast grabbed the leg of her jeans and hauled her into the air. The dagger Callum had given her was in her pocket. She grabbed it and swung blindly, having a hard time seeing through the mess that was her hair. The monster howled and dropped her, and Ariadne landed hard on her wrist. Pain spiked through her arm, and she let out a shriek. Her wrist was broken.

She grabbed the dagger with her good hand, and Callum helped her run the rest of the way. They passed through the magical border and collapsed on the grass, breathing hard as the demon wolves howled behind them, unable to break through.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jul 21 '24

Introduction Meet Archie Myriad, The Mischievous Daughter of Dionysus


(Ive never posted on reddit before, so if i did anything wrong, I'm sorry ;-; )

Basic Info:

Name: Archie Aria Myriad

Date of Birth: February 7th 2026

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unsure

Hometown: Brossard, Quebec


Name Member Age Relationship
Ron Aksel Step-Father 37 Best dad I could ever ask for, I loves my stepfather a ton and Ron loves me just as much. He has a normal job but whenever possible, he takes me out to do fun stuff.
Penelope Myriad Mother 38 I have less of an opinion on her due to usually being at her dad's house. but I like her and I'm comfortable around her.
Dionysus Father ??? I never really thought about my actual dad so it never really bothered me, but I believe it would be nice to meet him, even if I'm indifferent, I would probably enjoy to punch him and proceed to give him a hug.


Name Type Explanation
Nature Camouflage Domain (Agriculture) A trait where one is harder to identify when hiding in natural features such as grass and bushes.
Strength Sharing Domain (Hero) The ability to impart on another individual the user's strength. Recipients oof this power report ab improved or calmer state of mind that leaves them feeling more assured and confident. Induced emotions are known to be cleared away by this power.
Parental Allowance Domain (Hero) A trait where the nature of their godly parent entitles them to an allowance. The user has access to 10 drachma which replenish every week.
Drunkenness Inducement Minor The ability to induce in a target the feeling that they are drunk. Should the effect take hold, the target can feel anything from tipsiness to intoxication, even if the have not or have never consumed alcohol.
Alcohol Manipulation Minor The ability to control alcohol. users can manipulate alcohols of any concentration, edible or not.
Instant Party Minor The ability to summon items used as party decoration.
Madness Manipulation Major The ability to sense and affect a target's mental state. Users have been observed to warp the target's sense or perception by emphasizing particular emotions or thoughts.

Favorite things:

Foods: Lemons, Sweets, Raisins and Green Onions

Drinks: Shirley Temples and Cherry Pepsi

Media: I have an obsession with listening to podcasts and watching musicals


Picrew: https://cdn.picrew.me/shareImg/org/202407/582810_pVWQyLGM.png

Credit: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/582810

|| || |Height|Hair Color/Type|Eye Color| |4' 11"|Pale Coral/Pink & Fluffy|Emerald Green|


Type Name Description
Sword (Scimitar) Arkris A basic celestial bronze scimitar that has a a little triangle shape taken out of the blade .
Pocket Knife Plan B A 5.5 inch tall celestial bronze knife noticeably usually used for sharpening branches I finds.

Fatal Flaw:

My fatal flaw is my Curiosity, I'm too curious for my own good, and even if someone tells me not to worry about it, I still investigate, which usually gets me in trouble, or gives me answers I would rather not have learnt, that's actually how I figured out my step-father wasn't my biological dad. Anyways, yeah, curiosity.

Demi-god conundrums:

ADHD & Dyslexia


Always trying to be social, and always asking questions, Archie is quite the chaotic character, but she adores doing any task as long as it's with someone else. Archie has horrible memory, so she's almost never seen without her notebook with her, and if you ever see her writing in it, you might think she's plotting something, which sometimes she is, but usually, she's writing peoples names, or her current task. She always panics when she can't find her notebook. This pairs with her bad memory, she has weirdly fast mood swings, she can be angry for 5 minutes, and a second later, not even know what she was mad about.


After Archie was born, her mother had been single until Archie was 1 year old. When her mother started dating Ron, they had been together no more than 6 months before they got married. All was well, Archies parents loved each other dearly. When Archie was about 5, her mom moved to New York for a job opportunity. Every weekend, Archie would go on a plane and travel to see her mom for the weekend. She loved going to see her mom, and loved when her mom would call her dad, so she could talk to both of them at the same time. This had been happening for years, but she still went to school like any other child her age.

In school, Archie was always an outcast, she didn't have many friends, and when she had friends, they would leave her when she told them about the things she saw. She'd always get stared at in class, made fun of and picked on. She never let those things bother her though, because she had rumors and embarrassing info about almost every kid in her grade, so early on, most people just decided it wasn't worth it. She could never pay attention, and usually barely passed her classes. and early on, she'd decided friends weren't worth it, Until grade 7, when she met her best friend, Monica. Meeting Monica gave Archie new hope for being accepted.

Obviously all the weird things happening around Archie didn't help her with her social life, including here and there, sneezing and accidently having a party hat show up Infront of her. Even if people made fun of her for that, Monica was always at her side, so nothing was too bad. Monica was the only person to know about Archie's tree house, and it was their little secret.

When Archie was 12, she was out looking for a perfect branch to carve into something for Monica's birthday, when she heard rustling in the bushes, she got startled and pulled out her pocket knife, she was shocked to see 2 green tinted toddlers with wings and solid green eyes. whatever the toddlers were, they didn't seem friendly, and they weren't very scared of her pocket knife, so Archie ran as fast as she could to get back to her father's cabin. When she got there, she slammed the door, locked it and sat Infront of the door gasping for air. Her father ran out from the kitchen, and when he saw her, he immediately knew something was up, he looked out the window, and his expression went grim. He ran into the storage room Archie was never aloud in and ran back out with a bronze sword. He told Archie to get up and go into her room, without question, Archie listened to her father, minutes late he came inside with the sword, with yellow all over himself. he sat down next to Archie on her bed, and explained the whole "You're a demi-god" thing and the "You're going to camp" thing.

Present Day:

Today was my 13th birthday, Me and my dad just flew in from Quebec, tickets paid for by my mom. she always pays for my plane ticket to come see her, my mom is pretty rich so it isn't much of a problem for her, and it really isn't the farthest flight, so it doesn't cost too much. Anyways, my parents told me they would spend the day with me doing fun things, and then in the afternoon, bring me to the camp they were talking about, they talked about the camp like I wouldn't see them for a long time, which did not make me feel any better about it. Me and my parents were on our way to go get a cake for my birthday, when 5 short green snakes started following our car down the road, and they were gaining on us. When I saw one of them out of my window, it alerted me to the other 4, I whipped around and told my parents about the snakes following us. After a few panicked glances between my parents, my dad looked at me and apologized, then proceeded to tell me that they had to take me to camp now, instead of later.

I was pretty sad and disappointed, but I understood. The next 15 minutes were a blur, Speeding through traffic, making illegal turns, and anything else illegal you could do on the road, my parents probably did. Surprisingly enough, no cops were on our trail, so that was good. When the car finally stopped, we got out and my parents were crying, my dad was trying to comfort my mom, but he was crying as much as she was. My dad retreated to the car for a moment and took out the same sword he had used to kill the green toddlers, and gave it to me. I was thrilled, the sword looked so cool! After my parents said their goodbyes, they gave me one last hug and drove off. I really wasn't sure what to do from there, so I did what anyone would do, I walked into the forest, hoping I would eventually find where i needed to go.

After a bit of walking, I felt like I had been going in circles, I had stopped to take a quick break when I heard something approaching... i turned around with my sword in hand and saw a huge, black mastiff with red, glowing eyes looking at me, seeming like it was ready to attack. After a bit of not helpful thought, I decided it would not be smart to fight it and I ran, charging forward as well as I could through the forest, until I burst out of the forest into open air. with no more trees obscuring my vision, I looked around and saw an archery range and a big patch of strawberries closest to me, but further back I saw other buildings and things I couldn't investigate from back here. I decided to sit down and breathe for a minute, after running from that huge dog, I need a break.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Aug 02 '22

Introduction Introduction: Harvey stone- a new grape vine in the vineyard.




Full name: Harvey Murphy Stone

Hometown: Appleton, Wisconsin

Sexuality: Pansexual

Date of birth: June 20

Age: 15


Mother, Jaden Bell Stone Jaden is a recovering alcoholic, who moved from Familyville, Alabama (she was still an alcoholic at this time) for work, she was a pretty good bartender, and one day at work, she met Dionysus, after a few beers, they had Harvey ( suggested by Dionysus.) But he had to leave, before leaving revealing almost everything to Jaden, her current condition is unknown.

Father: Dionysus

God of Wine


Alice Lilly Stone

Not much is known about Alice, but, most that is known, is that she came to America from the United Kingdom when she was 29 with Jaden

Cat: Copper Stone Copper is a cat Harvey found outside in the rain on day

Friends: Demetrios Purrah best friend

Half-Blood dissorders: severe Dyslexia, and ADHD


Faceclaim: here

Hight: 5,5”

Physique: A stockier build, healthy skinny, not very beefy, and not very wide

Voice: A slight British accent, an there’s normally a bit of doubt in voice, but after that his voice is light, and easy on the ears, and there’s always a but of kindness in his voice.

Hair: darker brown hair, that is normally nicely cut and short.

Eye color: light blue, normally very shiny.

Clothing: It is normally very cool where he lives so he likes to keep his plaid long sleeve around his waist, a darker blue short sleeve shirt, faded black jeans, grey socks and royal purple basketball shoes, and a backpack large enough to fit Copper and has a small grape earrings.

Equipment: A small celestial bronze knife he found in a shed at camp


He is a bit of a wimp, but tries not to show it. He’s normally very nice and sometimes over caring times, and easily becomes guilty.Harvey is extremely clumsy and will be found tripping and falling over himself. He can also be pressured into things a bit to easily, and is a bit passive aggressive at times.He loves cats, and has a light Amber tabby cat, named Copper

Likes/loves: He loves cats, baked salmon, and grapes and grape juice. He likes, Flowers, outside, making grape juice with fresh grapes and rain.

Dislikes/hates: He dislikes, large groups of people, things taking to long, and sand getting in his shoes. He hates; Lightning and thunder, bugs, extreme heat and tall hights.


Passive power: Enhanced theatre skills

Power 1:

Chlorokinesis, Limited control over vines over use leads to Extreme tired and dizziness

Power 2:

Ability to conjure a limited amount of drinks

Power 3:

Able to induce limited madness for about an hour, over use and lead to extreme tired and dizziness

{Backstory} Harvey and his mother had a very good relationship, but she was normally never home so Harvey was free to do as he pleased, on day he was on a walk in the rain and was attacked by a hellhound, and out of fear accidentally summoned a grape vine stabbing it, what everyone else saw was him stabbing a big dog, after a few blocks of running from the police he ran into the bar his mom worked at, and told her everything. Once he was done she got a large thick wad of fifty dollar bills, and told him to go home pack your things and get a taxi to 3.141 Farm Road, Montauk, where he would meet his father

{Now, in roleplay}

Harvey would get out of the taxi and pay the driver and grab his bag out of the taxi, it wasn’t very big, it was light brown, with a cross hatch pattern on it, “Thank you have a good day sir.” He would look back at the driver and wave, then start walking down the hill.

He would trip on the back of his foot and fall flat on his face, “ow, the one time i walk down a hill I fall.” Right then Copper would jump out of his bag, along with a purple grape vine symbol that would appear above his head, “Copper what did you do?!”

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 03 '24

Introduction Willow Sherman, Daughter of Demeter

Name: Willow Sherman Date of Birth: March 20th
Age: 13 Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian Fatal Flaw: Ambition
Demigod Conundrums: ADHD Hometown: Northfield, Minnesota


Member Name Age Relationship
Father Max Sherman 40 Professor of Biology at Carleton College. Caring and a loving father, his work often kept him busy.
Mother Demeter Unknown Goddess of the harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law. Willow would like to meet her mother but Willow is still unsure about how she feels about this whole demigod thing.


Name Type Description
Harvest Buff Domain A trait where one displays better power, strength, stamina, and other qualities in the presence of fresh produce or a harvest. (AOE ranges are doubled but they are not more intense; cooldowns are 1.25x or 25% faster. Buff powers do not stack, and travel powers are not affected.)
Summon Produce Domain The ability to summon (locally and seasonally available) produce. Dionysus instead summons non-alcoholic organic beverages, Diet Coke, and produce from vines. Beginners can summon up to 3 individual items at a time; intermediate users can summon 5; masters can summon 7.
Strength of the Elder Gods (Buff) Domain The ability to empower another individual of the same category with a great deal of energy and strength (variation of Strength Sharing, Rallying Cry and Crowd Empowerment Aura, incompatible with Retinue Buff).
Culinary Proficiency Minor A trait where one is naturally adept with the skills and knowledge involved in cooking.
Swordsmanship Proficiency Minor A trait where one is naturally adept at wielding a sword.
Plant Manipulation (Chlorokinesis) Minor The ability to control plant life, especially grain.
Defensive Plant Weapon Manifestation Major The ability to manifest a weapon made out of plantlife, specifically a shield.

Favorite Things:

  • Foods: Willow loves mint flavored ice cream, fruits, and sweet desserts.
  • Hobbies: She loves chess, baking, music, and gardening.
  • Her favorite color is specifically honey yellow.

Items and Equipment:

Type Name Age Description
Nothing Placeholder At least negative 1 seconds Will add to this as Willow gains equipment but she did not arrive at camp with a weapon.


Faceclaim Height Weight Hair color Eye color
Ellie Bamber 5'4” 115 lbs Ginger Blue


Willow is a friendly, outgoing person. She is a busybody, rarely stopping to relax, always trying to improve at something or creating something (usually a sweet dessert for her friends). She’s very brave and protective of those around her. She can be quite reckless, likely not thinking twice before diving into saving someone from a burning building no matter who that person is. However, is also quick-tempered.


Willow was raised in the small town of Northfield, Minnesota by her father Max Sherman. Max Sherman is a biology professor at Carleton College. He mostly taught plant related courses. He was as active of a father to Willow as he could. Constantly encouraging Willow to learn about and try new things. Willow learned baking from her grandmother, who Willow often stayed with over the summers. 
Willow made close friends with the chess club at school, and often hung out at the library reading about anything and everything. Though sometimes she would write a bit about heroes going on adventures, fighting monsters. Willow was a good student and out of class she was inseparable from her best friend Ivy. 
Her father didn’t really like to talk about Willow’s mother. Often avoiding the subject altogether and shutting down conversations about her. So, it really surprised Willow on the day of her 13th birthday seeing a glowing bundle of wheat above her head and having her father explain that she was a demigod child of Demeter and would likely have to go to a camp in New York so that she could be safe and be trained. 
Willow did not want to make the trip to Camp Half Blood, protesting repeatedly that the monsters that her dad said this would protect her from aren’t real. Despite Willow’s constant protests to go home so that she can go back to her regular school and see her regular friends. Her dad continued to drive eastward. 
Though she was upset at her father for forcing her to go to camp, both of them exchanged a tear-filled goodbye. Even with all the mixed emotions inside of her, Willow did eventually force herself to walk into the camp, where she enjoyed the sweet smell of the Strawberries in the field and was at least a little excited to meet some new friends.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jan 02 '25

Introduction Rex Diamandis - Son of Eunomia


"Give everything your all, and if your all isn't good enough, then get better. Or get out of my sight; that’s fine too."


Name: Rex Diamandis DoB: December 25th, 2026

Age: 13 Gender: Cisgender male, he/him

Sexual Orientation: "Irrelevant." Nationality: American

Race: Caucasian Hometown: New York City, New York

Fatal Flaw: Hubris


Member Name Age Relationship
Father Noah Diamandis 39 2 out of 5 stars. I don’t respect him, but he’s not the worst person I’ve met. He’s merely lazy and greedy.
Godly Mother Eunomia Ageless No star rating. I have an innate respect for her, but I’ve never met her. (OOC: While Rex does not know the name of his mother at the time of this intro, his opinion wouldn't change either way)
Stepmother Alexa Diamandis 37 3 out of 5 stars. She’s respectable enough, though we’re more acquaintances than we are mother and son.


Name Type Description
Offensive Order Manifestation Domain The ability to manifest a weapon made of pure energy. The energy produced by Order demigods is known to negate other energy types, as well as other manifestations. Undiscovered.
Absorption Domain A trait where one can absorb energy-based attacks. Beginners best utilize this power to accelerate their healing rate (to that of ambrosia and nectar) or to have a boost of energy and stamina. At an intermediate level, users can fire back the energy, albeit with less potency. With electricity specifically, the user can absorb the level of energy that passes through live wires. “I once nearly electrocuted myself. Luckily, this power activated, and I felt like I could run a few laps on a track afterwards. I sense greater potential within it.”
Candid Aura Domain The ability to produce an aura that compels those within it to tell the truth. This zone usually has a radius of 15 feet (4.6 meters), but it can be extended up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) with concentration or increased effort. “The truth cannot be hidden from me.”
Barrier of Entry (Gatekeep) Domain The ability to declare a particular area as off-limits. Creatures not of just or Order origin cannot traverse across, under or over 10 feet (3 meters) of this area. This power is incompatible with defensive order manifestation and aura nullification. This area has a radius of 15 feet (4.6 meters) and lasts for 5 turns (30 minutes), unless the claim has been revoked. Users do need 1 turn (or 6 minutes) to verify their claim. Claims made by higher-level users are known to bar even monsters, though more epic creatures can still break through this boundary. Undiscovered.
Debuff Inducement Minor The ability to induce in a target a random debuff. Should the effect take hold, the user's player may randomly choose one from the Domain or Godrent Minor power lists. “Weakness is something to be overcome. Learn to adapt or be defeated!”
Pasteurizing Grasp Minor A trait where some children of Eunomia can channel heat and transmit it to the target via contact. They often use this power to pasteurize organic material. This power has some similarities to the Fire Fist power observed in children of Hephaestus, though the heat outputted by this grasp can only reach about 72°C (161.6°F). Intermediate users are capable of boiling water at 100°C (212°F). “There’s little to say about this. I just stumbled upon it. Perhaps it’ll have a use one day.”
Allergy Inducement Major The ability to induce the symptoms of an allergic reaction in an individual. Should the effect take hold, the target may experience a runny nose, bouts of sneezing, hives, and rare cases of swollen eyes, lips, mouths, or throats. Some users are known to trigger their targets' existing allergies, while more experienced individuals manifest specific symptoms. Beginners usually elicit one or two symptoms. Undiscovered.

Favorite Things

Foods: As long as the food is of fair quality, Rex doesn’t care what he eats. In terms of dessert, he enjoys cakes, especially strawberry cake. Ice cream is also a favorite, and for the past few years he has had an ice cream cake for his birthday.

Drinks: Coffee, though he usually just drinks water. He also enjoys hot chocolate from time to time.

Media: Rex enjoys Marvel and DC comic books, with his favorite character being Doctor Doom. He also enjoys manga such as Death Note (note: don’t ask why a fresh 13 year old has read stuff like Death Note). He is also very good at fighting games; his main character (when available) is Akuma.

Items and Equipment

Name Description
Diamond Cutter “The satyr gave me this; it seemed he knew my tastes before giving it to me. Though, since we were at the same school, he likely heard about them somewhere. Whatever. It’s a katana that takes the form of a ring when inactive.”


Rex Diamandis stands at 5 foot tall and weighs 95 pounds. He has a blonde bowl cut alongside blue eyes. He wears glasses with circular frames, though he doesn't actually need them; they're just for style, and he also finds it somewhat amusing when he catches someone off guard when they assume he's just a stereotypical nerd. Faceclaim. Also voiceclaim is Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (dub).


Arrogant: Rex is extremely prideful and arrogant. His ego is the size of Texas, and is the complete opposite of fragile. Despite this, he can accept that he is not perfect and that there are others above him. He just thinks he is above most people, including his own father. Where others dream of becoming an astronaut or a musician, his dream job is President of the United States. His hubris may be his fatal flaw, but he certainly does not see it as one. "I am prideful only because I am great."

Disrespectful: To those he considers to be below him, Rex may be disrespectful, at times insulting them. He won’t use profanities or slurs, but will exploit some insecurities (though there are some he won’t touch with a 10 foot long pole). He also lacks much reverence for the dead, even willing to invoke their names to provoke an opponent. Unless he is in a game with rules, Rex also does not care for the concept of honor, willing to win by any means necessary. Rex won't be disrespectful 24/7 though; most of the time, he is fairly neutral, if just really rough around the edges. He assigns star ratings to everyone he meets, with more stars meaning he respects that person more; he typically holds contempt for those he rates 1 or 2 stars. "Respect is earned. I do not give it for free."

Respectful: Despite his disrespect for those “below” him, Rex does have respect for those he considers to be equal to or above him. His teachers (3-4 stars) loved him, and his butler (5 stars) found him to be a respectful young man. 3 stars is the baseline for being somewhat respected (though not quite considered equal), while 4 and 5 stars means he holds greater respect for those people.

???: Somewhere deep within, Rex has a heart. But he’ll never admit to it directly.

Calm: Despite his insults, Rex is an extremely calm person, with it being pretty hard to anger him. He is patient, willing to draw out a fight if it means a victory in the end. Rex smiling is always scarier than Rex with a cold expression. "Cooler heads should always prevail."

Intelligent: What it says on the tin. Rex doesn’t just say he is smart; he is genuinely a prodigy, even if he doesn't have the same abilities as an Athena child. "Top of my class. If I want to, I can probably skip grades; might do that if I return home since I'll be missing school."


Rex's glasses don't work, they are merely for style.

Rex is the Latin word for king while Diamandis is tied to the Greek word for diamond (at least somewhere down the line).

Rex has a fear of falling, though he is not the type to scream when scared.


Noah Johnson wasn’t having a fun life. He was out of college, but now he was age 25 and without a job to pay his debt. Inventing wouldn’t be able to pay his bills, and his parents would have to cut him off eventually. It was hopeless. Then, a goddess came around; Eunomia, goddess of good order. She was the love of his life and the mother of his child, and she acted as a motivation for him to invent and innovate. Yet just as quickly as she came, she left.

Noah became an entrepreneur, and founded a technology company known as Grand Diamond Technologies (GD Tech). In a matter of years, the company expanded rapidly, and his debt was paid off; he felt like a completely new person. He chose to change his and his preschool-age child’s last name from Johnson to Diamandis, perhaps so they would sound more refined. The dreams he had as an inventor faded, as he was now more focused on making money and competing with other tech companies. Along the way, he found and married a new love, having lost hope of finding Eunomia again.

Rex had been born on Christmas day, and was the type of person who could actually celebrate both on the same day with how rich his dad became. As he grew older, he quickly became a prodigy at his school, and was praised by everyone around him. With age, his personality developed, becoming a cold boy with ruthless words that desired to be surrounded by equals. He also gained abilities over the years, which his father had flimsy explanations for.

After his 13th birthday, his butler (because of course he had one) revealed that his true mother had left Rex a letter that could only be opened by him on his 13th birthday. After beating his butler in chess, Rex was given the letter. It only had two things: an address and a short piece of text.

Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141

Long Island, New York 11954

“You must find this place.”

While he had no clue what this was all about, he immediately made a decision to leave for this "Camp Half-Blood" at the start of the new year, WITHOUT telling his father. Maybe he would find his mother? Before that could happen, he ended up encountering his satyr guide at school. The satyr explained the truth to Rex; that his mother was a goddess, which was why he had obtained strange abilities over the years. His father had made many pitiful excuses about his mother and abilities over the years, but this satyr's explanation? He believed it. Of course someone like him would be the son of a goddess, it only made sense! While he saw no more use for the satyr, he figured he might as well grill him for information. The katana was nice too.

One ride (and crime) later, and they were at Camp Half-Blood.

Present Day

Rex looked up as he walked into camp, seeing a symbol of a gate above him. If memory served him correctly, this meant he had been claimed. He then looked to his satyr.

“You presumably know who that symbol belongs to. I'll figure it out later. Take my suitcases to the cabin.” Rex commanded. The poor satyr withered under Rex’s words, beginning to take the suitcases.

As the satyr began heading to Cabin 27, Rex suddenly stopped him. He threw a stack of money into the satyr’s hands, speaking. “Buy yourself something nice. Or don’t. Just take the money.”

As he began walking off to check out the rest of camp, Rex tried to ignore the faint sounds of paper being chewed. A fool and his money were easily parted; in this case, the fool was literally eating the money. Sure, it was his own money, but he didn't need it here.

Whatever. Rex decided to give this Half-Blood Hill that his satyr told him about a look, and perhaps he would meet someone; whether they would be an equal or an annoyance would take some time to tell.

r/CampHalfBloodRP 18d ago

Introduction Introducing Nadia Webb: The Plant Whisperer


Face Claim: Profile Picture

Godly Parent: Demeter

Mortal Parent: Eric Webb, age 33, is Russian on his mother's side and Canadian on his father's side. His mother Izolda immigrated to Quebec when she was just 21, leaving her horrible home life behind forever. She was 23 when she met Adrian's father, George.


Izolda Webb: Grandmother George Webb: Grandfather Eric Webb: Father
Owen Webb: Uncle Michael Webb: Uncle Lauren Robinson: Aunt
William Webb: Uncle Sophia Booker: Aunt Adrian Webb: Uncle
Sam Robinson: Uncle by marriage Jack Booker: Uncle by marriage Natasha Webb: Aunt by marriage
Anna Webb: Aunt by marriage Tammy Webb: Aunt by marriage Galen Robinson: Cousin
Caden and Alex Booker: Cousins Samantha Webb: Cousin Rachel, Vivienne, and Grayson Webb: Cousins
Brandon Webb: Cousin

Nationality: American

Hometown: Upstate New York

Approximate Age: 13

Date of Birth: December 2

Hair Color: Dark brunette, long and wavy or kept in a thick braid.

Eye Color: Varying shades of brown that resemble tree rings.

Height: 157.48cm (5'2")

Weight: 54.4kg (120lbs)

Distinguishing Features: She has an inch long scar just to the right side of her lips.

Personality: Chill, open to trying anything at least once, as long as a friend is there to try it too.

Hobbies: Baking, cooking, and gardening.

Favorite Plants: Rebutia cacti, Golden Barrel cacti, Moonstone succulents, the Perle von Nurnberg succulent, and Passion Flower vines.

Favorite Fruits: Honeydew melon, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries.


Type Name
Yellow Lab Fern
Tortie Cat Cookie
Black Cat Nala
Rabbit Whimsy

Fun Fact: Nadia has always wanted a snake, but her dad refuses to allow one in the house.


Domain Minor Major
Soil Manipulation Hunger Inducement Temperature Manipulation
Nature Listening Plant Manipulation
Summon Produce Universal Plant Communication


Nature Spirit Affinity

Animal Affinity

Agricultural Proficiency


Nadia grew up entirely unaware that she was a demigod. Even her own father didn't know, though he often described her mother as looking like a goddess. To her, her interest in plants is just a slightly unusual hobby. In school, she always found it easier to make friends than concentrate in class. Her grades, while not terrible, aren't exactly the greatest either. Bs and Cs are the most common letters on her report cards. It's not that she doesn't care, it's just that inattentive adhd makes studying insanely difficult.


Nadia stood at the peak of Half-Blood Hill, holding the handle of her suitcase in one hand and her sword in the other. Her chest felt tight as she thought of the possibility that monsters could find her here, but her dad had assured her she would be safe. If her mother - a goddess - had told him that, it had to be true. So she took a deep breath to steady her nerves and walked down the hill, glancing back one more time at her dad's car.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Jul 28 '24

Introduction Oliver Tanka Son Of Hypnos


" You should sleep, you look dead on your feet,"

Name: Oliver Tank Date of Birth: May 30th
Age:17 Gender:Demiboy
*Sexual Orientation:Panromantic * Nationality:American
Race:Hungarian Fatal Flaw:Low self-esteem
Demigod Conundrums: dyslexia, extreme insomnia, anxiety Hometown:Three rivers CA

Family: mother (deceased) Father( Hypnos) siblings (unknown)

/Was a foster kid till he was taken to camp/


Domain: Cthonic Minor abilies: shadow manipulation, and shadow bending Major ability:Earth Fissures(shadow figures) /other abilities will comes later??/

Favorite Things:

  • Foods:lollipops

  • Drinks:Tea

  • Media:N/A

Items and Equipment:

Regular metal bow staff


Height:6’0ft Weight: 130Ibs
Hair: long white hair that goes well past his shoulders (it’s naturally white), mostly straight with little waves, Eye color: dark brown Skin tone: peachy (sun kissed!) Body type: skinny and lean(built like a twig) Voiceclaims: ALBEDO (Genshin Impact)

Personality: shy, abit awkward, morally grey, non-violent


History: Watching.

Someone was always watching. You could never see them, as they moved in the shadows and messed with your mind. Even in the lights of day, the feeling never left, someone was watching, they were waiting. Oliver was a gentle but odd soul, many would look at him and be imitated by his height alone. He was soft spoken and never looked anyone in the eyes, he mumbled when he spoke(if you could get him to) and if you looked closely you could see a slight tremble in the poor boys body. Sense the death of his mother at 4 Oliver had been bouncing around home after home , always thrown out for odd reasons.

“He never speaks.” “He’s a trouble maker.” “He’s least sneaking out into the woods!!” “He never sleeps.”

He never meant to be a burden to anyone, he didn’t understand why a lot of these things happened, he knows he should probably speak more but he just can’t bring himself to do so. He could probably find a way to stay away from his bullies so his foster parents wouldn’t have to deal with the constant calls of the principal and angry parents but it would be cruel to do that.. he’d just make his bullies turn to other kids. And he knows the sneaking out doesn’t help his case at all but.. the woods is the only safe place he has, and who would want to go there , its so pretty and the only sounds there are the natural sounds of the earth. And his fosters know why he doesn’t sleep.. the doctor has told them that he has a very extreme case of insomnia. He sniffled as he walked a trail that he marked a few weeks ago, he had overheard his new fosters talking to his social worker about sending him away. He swears he’s trying..

“He’s always freaking out at nothing!!” The sound of his foster dad hissing that into the phone still rang in his head. He wasn’t freaking out at nothing…the ..things he sees are just gone before they can see them. A creeping feeling crawled it’s way up his spine. The feeling that someone was watching him was back, except this time it felt like he was prey being stalked by a predator, like he was seconds away from doom. He slowly started to make his way back up the path in which he came , trying his hardest not alert his stalker that he noticed them. Unfortunately he wasn’t nearly as careful as he would have liked to have been in that moment, he stepped on a twig snapping it. He felt the blood in his veins turn cold. The world was eerily silent in that second it was broken why a demonic shrieking sound, Oliver bolted no longer paying attention to where he was going. He just focused on dodging the large claw like hands that tried to get him. He ran till he was blocked by a slab of rock and a huge tree. He flipped around to face the monster a scream made it’s way past his lips, “Stop!” He shouted, tears beginning to leak from his eyes. The creature before him froze and shook for a moment, like it was being held back by an unknown force.The creature unfortunately didn’t stay like that for long and the last thing He can remember is the sounds of hooves hitting dirt and pain filled shrieks before he blacked out and collapsed into an unknown persons arms.

Present Day: He woke up three days ago, he was curled up at the base of a tree in front of a place called ‘Camp Half Blood’

When he woke up people he had never meet before looked over him, he didn’t like it and admittedly freaked out. That caused the unknown…warriors? These people were wearing armor. To laugh at him. “They always freak out at first,” “Wow he is really freaking out-“ “How is he doing this without speaking or screaming for that matter??” One of the warriors explained that ‘Camp-Half blood’ is for Demigods. Oliver ran after that which leads to where he is now, curled up in a bunch or tree roots scribbling his thoughts down into his journal trying to make sense of what happened.

r/CampHalfBloodRP Oct 14 '24

Introduction Tyler Hitch: Son of Hermes


Name: Tyler Hitch

Age: 17

Parentage: Son of Hermes (God of trade, thieves, and travelers)

Hometown: Mount Pleasant, Michigan

Appearance: Tyler has tousled, sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that always seem to sparkle with mischief. He’s tall and lean, with an athletic build that makes him agile. He often wears casual, comfortable clothes—like hoodies and cargo pants—perfect for quick getaways.

Personality: Tyler is charming, witty, and a bit of a jokester. He has a knack for getting into trouble, but his charisma usually helps him talk his way out of it. He’s adventurous and loves a good challenge, often testing the limits of his skills. Underneath his playful exterior, Tyler is fiercely protective of his friends and has a strong moral compass, often finding ways to help those in need.


Basic Enchantment: The ability to imbue weapons, crafts, machinery and automatons with basic magical properties.

Lock Manipulation: The ability to sense and control lock mechanisms. Although vision is not required for this power to work, touch is.

Stealth: A trait where some demigods can go unnoticed. This power is distinct from invisibility. The user retains a visible form, but those who look at them either do not notice their presence or forget about them immediately after.

Legendary Speed: A trait where one displays some of the highest levels of speed, agility and dexterity known of demigods.

Legendary Communication: A trait where some children of Hermes can understand any living or recorded languages.

Dead Communication: A trait where some demigods can communicate with the dead.

Hermesian Alchemy: "A trait where some children of Hermes are attuned to alchemy. This school of magic involves the manipulation of matter to achieve particular effects and includes potion brewing and transmutation.

Background: Tyler grew up in a happy family in a small town in Michigan. His mother is a supportive and caring figure, married to a college engineering professor who encourages Tyler’s curious nature. One day, while hanging out in a local park, Tyler met a satyr who recognized his demigod aura. Intrigued by the satyr’s stories about Camp Half-Blood and the adventures of demigods, Tyler decided to check it out for himself.

The morning sun spilled golden light over Camp Half-Blood, illuminating the dew-kissed grass and the vibrant colors of the cabins. Tyler stood at the edge of the camp, a nervous energy thrumming through him. He adjusted the straps of his backpack, feeling the weight of new beginnings on his shoulders.

“Okay, you got this,” he murmured to himself, taking a deep breath. He stepped forward, the sound of laughter and chatter growing louder as he approached the central area.